Chapter 1- Changes

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I was a small timid shy girl. Even though I was small and had the body of a child. I was actually on my way to my new school. It was in the middle of the mountains surrounded by forest. I was nervous to start out my first day. It was the only school that would except me. My uncle tried his best to prepare me. I lost my parents at a very young age and I was an only child so the only one who would take me in was my uncle. He was native Indian so he taught me how to hunt and how to survive in the wilderness. So I was more then capable. I just didn't have very good people skills. I had to take a small passenger plane just to get there. We loaded my things in the cockpit and climbing in. My Uncle climbed into the other side. After we took off I fell asleep.

"Bo raise and shine we've already landed." He said, as he shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes yawning. He chuckled jumping out. I stretched out my arms out as he chuckled running to the other side opening my door. He picked me up putting me on the ground. I rubbed my eyes looking at the snowy mountain tops. He kissed my head grabbing my bags of the cockpit. I grabbed them and walked away as he climbed into the passager plain.

"Keep me updated on how everything is going. I love you Happy Birthday. I love you pumpkin." He yelled at the window as he started the plane throwing me a box wrapped in wrapping paper. I caught it perfectly in my arms. He laughed taking off in the plane. When I reached in my pocket for my phone checking the time. It was almost midnight. When a huge gust of wind blew snow around me almost like a tornado. Suddenly making me fall to my knees. I gripped my present making sure not drop it. When I heard a thunderous howl. As everybone in my body feel like it was breaking making me scream but it sounded like a monsterous roar.

The next thing I know I couldn't see any. When I suddenly heard something digging. So I immediately try moving. Immerging from a couple of feet of snow. Weird thing was I wasn't cold at all. When my eyes opened looking directly in the eyes of a timber wolf. But for some reason I wasn't scared as if I knew it wasn't going to hurt me. I just stared when I realized its eyes were a beautiful bright emerald green. I unconsciously tilted my head as it copied me tilting it's head back at me. I chuckled as he grunted.

"Well aren't you a handsome cutie?" I smiled noticing him perking his ears up happily with a slight wag of his tail.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you could understand me? Were you trying to dig me out?" I chuckled, when he sniffed my face I stayed completely still as he examined me thoughly.

"Thank you sweetie I appreciate it but I'm fine see I'm not hurt." I say pulling off my jacket. As soon as he seen my eyes he started wagging his tail excitively, licking and whining. I laughed as he climbed all over me. Giving me a view of his back side confirming my suspicions that it was definitely a male. He pushed me down laying on top of me trying to warm me up.

"Okay big guy thanks for helping me but I need to breath." I said, as he stood up facing me and started licking me again.

"Hey you okay down there?" I heard a man yell. I looked up to see a man slightly older then me yelled. He was pretty tall, handsome, muscular, tan, short dark brown hair, and blue eyes.

"Ya does this belong to you?" I asked, gesturing towards the wolf.

"Ya he's one of the wolf dogs I raised. Hope he didn't scare you?" He asked, walking over.

"Okay Bullet you can let her up now." He commanded, Bullet just turned and barked at him. He sighed tapping his boot. Bullet just sat there till he litterally picked him up and thew him over his shoulders.

"Geez that's alot of snow no wonder he was so excited. You sure you're okay?" He asked as I got up shaking the snow off slipping my jacket back on realizing it was ripped up the back. Infact all my clothes were ripped.

"What the these fit fine yesterday?" I blurted thoughtlessly. Covering my chest with my arms realizing my chest was practically popping out. My face flustered red.

"Sorry about that I didn't know I was practically flashing you." I appoligsed. He just laughed putting Bullet down.

"Behave Bullet she's a woman so no jumping." He said.

"Luckly for you I was taking some clothes to my sister. They should fit you. I'm Nicolai." He replied as I struggled to keep my chest covered. Which had more than doubled in size.

"I'd appreciate it this is humiliating. I'm Bo I just transferred. I was supposed to arrive earlier but my uncle's plane was getting repaired. He dropped me off late last night. Sorry this this is not how I attended on introducing myself." I replied bashfully. He laughed opening his backpack pulled out brand new lace underclothes.

"It's fine dear. Why humiliating your a gorgeous you've got nothing to be ashamed of. If you arrived last night why were you buried under the snow you could have just went to your cabin?" He asked, handing them to me.

"I don't know ohnestly I think I blacked out after I landed. Are you sure you're sister wouldn't care if I wear them?" I asked.

"Not at all she just bought them so your fine she's never worn them yet. So trust me their clean. I won't hand you any c" He teased. I chuckled taking them.

"Ya that would be. I just don't like taking anything that isn't mine." I informed him.

"I'll buy her new ones she wouldn't mind." He assured me taking off his jacket and lifting it in front of me. I nodded turning around.

"Could you block me so I can put them on?" I asked.

"Was planning on it I'm the only out since I was put on patrol but I figured it'd make you feel more comfortable." He replied, turning his head.

"Thanks I appreciate it." I replied. I stripped down all my tattered clothes and put them on. The bra was a little snug but it worked.

"Nice tattoo. Cresent moon?" He asked.

"Actually it's a birthmark. Ohnestly I totally forgot about it." I informed him. I was born with a cresent moon birthmark on my back between my shoulder blades.

"Damn that's a whicked birthmark. It really does look like a tattoo." He replied.

"Everyone think it is but I promise you I was born with it." I chuckled.

"Well aren't you just full of surprises." He teased, handing me a dress. I slipped it on and he zipped up the back for me. It fit perfect but showed more cleaveage then I felt comfortable with probably because I never had any to show untill now.

"There see fits you perfectly." He assured me putting his jacket over me.

"Thank you but you need it more then I do." I said.

"Nonsense I'm used to the cold. Now come along we'll find your cabin." He replied grabbing my hand.

"Wait on second I had my suitcase with me." I said, getting back in the whole of snow that I was buried in pulling it out and retrieve my birthday present my uncle gave me luckily everything was intact. He looked at me questioningly as I pulled it out.

"It's my birthday today I'm turning eighteen. My uncle gave it to me before he left." I informed him picking it up.

"Oh well happy birthday sweetie." He smiled taking it and my suitcase for me.

"Thanks." I replied, as he lead me up the hill to the dorms which were cabins.

"I'm going to drop these off at my sister's if that's ok with you?" He asked.

"Ya that's fine by me." I replied as he led me to one of the cabins. We walked in the it was huge inside. When I heard something disturbing a girl moaning. I looked at him questioningly.

"Can you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what sweetheart?" He asked curiously.

"Never mind it's probably me." I replied bashfully.

"Hey Crystal where's my sister?" He asked.

"No she's upstairs with Bain?" Someone yelled. He lead me to the living room where another girl was sitting in the living room. She was in booty shorts and a crop top. Showing a lot of skin. She was thin, short blonde hair, green eyes, thin and kinda tall. Wait so if their upstairs how can I hear them so clearly that's weird I thought to myself.

"Again are you serious how many times do I have to tell her he's not into her he just wants an easy lay. She never listens." He said, angerly. As she looked at her phone.

"I ohnestly don't think she cares he was supposed to be with me but when she seen him she practically threw herself at him. We both know she's never going to learn." She sighed. When she looked up noticing me.

"Ahh who's the Dane I haven't seen her before?" She asked, when the moaning suddenly stopped. I could hear them even getting up off the bed.

"This is Bo she just arrived she just transferred. Be nice." He informed her. As I could hear them upstairs rushing to put on their clothes. I could hear her pleading him not to leave.

"Well you don't got to worry about me. Hey sexy I'm Crystal." She smiled walking over and shaking my hand.

"Damn girl I love your contacts." She said, I looked at her questioningly.

"I'm not wearing contacts." I replied in confusion.

"Really I thought they were contacts?" Nicolai asked, looking at my eyes.

"Sorry I always forget I was born with a genic mutation that makes my eyes gold. I've gotten so used to it I forget. This is my first time out of my tribe so no one ever mentions them." I replied they both stared at me blankly.

"Im full blooded Indian. I come from a small secluded Indian tride to the South. We never got visitors so this is my first time outside my tribe." I admitted.

"Oh really you're hairs blond I've never seen a full blooded Indian with blond hair. Your not as tan either." Crystal asked as I heard them running down the stairs.

"The genic mutation effects my skin and hair pigmentation. But both my parents were from the same tribe. Ever heard of the wolfblood tribe?" I asked, and they stared at me in disbelief.

"No shit your from that Indian tribe I heard they were whipped out a long time ago?" Crystal blurted.

"That's because there are so very few of us left. I'm the only child they've been able to produce in years. So I'm the last of the blood line that full blooded Indian of the wolf blood tribe. My tribes very strict about marrying outsider. Which is why my uncle in rolled me here there aren't any young men in my tribe and he didn't want me to be alone. But if I do they have to able to pass my tribes tests to see if he's worthy sense I'm the cheifs only soul heir. But ohnestly I just want some friends my own age." I replied.

"So your the cheifs daughter then where's your parents." He asked.

"They pasted away when I was very young I hardly remember them. I was only two so I don't even remember what they look like." I replied.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bring it up hope I didn't upset you." Crystal replied sincerely. As a fairly tall, muscular, long black hair male came down the stairs. With a girl around my higth came trailing behind him.

"Well hey Nicolai didn't expect to see you here." The man smirked amusingly. Nicolai pushed me behind him. I could tell by the man's smell he had been around the block more than a few times.

"You lucky I don't just punch you after using my sister like that and Kate we're going to have a talk about this. How many times have I told you." He said, angerly.

"Shut up Nicolai I'm old enough to know what I want." She snapped at him.

"You really should listen to your brother he's just trying to look out for you." I growled.

"And who asked for your two sense." She sneared. When I walked out and slapped her a good one.

"At least you have a brother. At least he gives a shit about you. You should be greatful to him. Not disrespectful. He's just looking out for you. You should listen to him." I growled.

"Sorry about that someone had to do it and I know you love her to much to do it yourself." I replied. Turning back to him. He smiled kissing my cheek.

"I know you were just looking out for me. But I don't want you dirtying your hands with my family problems." He replied pulling me into his strong arms.

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