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Ruby's POV
Two months. I thought. He's been gone two months. I sighed as the cold winter wind blew against my face. It was almost Christmas time. The ice cold snow beneath me froze my feet as I walked. I looked up. The snowflakes slowly fell onto the ground from the gray sky. I sighed as I warmed my body heat up a bit, and continued to walk around. Usually the boardwalk is busy, even in the winter, but not since Steven's been gone. They were all lost and broken.
I opened up the door and walked into the house. The wind blew the door shut behind me. "Is anybody home?" I shouted. No answer. I continued to walk. I lowed my body heat now that I was indoors. I sat down on the pink couch by the window. The snow fell. "I wonder if your making that snow fall, Steven." I said, putting my face up against the window. It felt ice cold but I didn't move, nor increase my body heat. In the winter, this is what I did to show I cared for Steven.

??? POV
I opened my eyes, my vision was a blur. I suddenly felt lightweight. I tried to stand up, but instead floated. I chuckled as I did a 360. This is fun. I thought. But I must find where I'm at. I started to fly around, looking around as well. I bumped into somebody. "Sorry!" I said. "I'll be more careful!" They chuckled a beautiful voice. I then looked up, and saw a being with beautiful curly pink hair, an adorable white layered dress, she seemed familiar. I then gasped as I realized who it was.
"I don't WANT to be dead!" I shouted. "I want to be alive!" The beautiful gem sighed. "You can't." She said. "Once your here, you can't leave." I started to get really angry. "WHY?" I shouted. "WHY CANT I LEAVE?" She seemed as she was about to cry. "This is the place for souls gone out of the world." She said, avoiding my eyes. "We have no possible way of leaving, its too dangerous." I got really angry, a type of anger I never felt before. "But I WANT to go mom!" I shouted. "I WANT to be back with the gems!"

N/A for those wondering who ??? is, its Steven. From now on it'll be in Steven's POV. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow! Bye!

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