Chapter 12: Werewolves In Seabrook

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to keep it together.

I had spent the last 15 minutes in the restroom, trying to process everything that happened. I even had to splash my face numerous times until I was calm.

I grabbed my backpack and left the building before going outside. I ended up seeing Zed walking by.

"Hey, Roni. Are you okay?" he asked as she hugged me with one arm.

"Yeah." I replied.

"You scared us. I was so worried. I had to tell them maybe you were in a rush for something." Zed added.

"Sorry, I just had to get out of there." I explained.

"I noticed you and that wolf dude looking at each other. Do you know each other? Is he the reason you ran off?" Zed asked.

I hesitated. Should I tell him? He's my best friend just like the rest.

"You can tell me, Roni. Friendship forever, remember?" he asked.

I smiled, remembering when we came up with that. It happened when Addison and I went to Zombieland to the underground party.

"We met during the summer. We hung out and I got feelings for him. However, he was in disguise as a human. He didn't tell me anything about being a wolf. I would have accepted him, but it just hurts that he didn't tell me face-to-face and I had to find out when the alpha basically stopped the other wolves from killing me and your girlfriend." I explained.

Zed placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Roni. Maybe there's a good reason. I got your back. Just stay with me if you want, so you won't be alone."

I smiled as he wrapped an arm around me and led me through the building.


We ended up meeting with Eliza and we were talking about the election.

"I can't believe you're running for president. You're so going to win." I told him.

"We need a majority of votes still." Eliza informed us.

It was then I noticed the werewolves come into the school and I saw them snarling at other humans and zombies, scaring them. I saw the alpha, who I learned was Willa claw some lockers as the pack followed her.

"Cheer fans on Bucky's camp, zombies and the football team in mine, the school's split right down the middle. Werewolves are the swing vote." Zed explained.

"Wolves are key to winning this election." Eliza said.

"But, you know winning over the wolves is gonna be hard." I reminded her.

"Trust me, I got this. We're gonna win the wolves' votes and more. We just got to teach them how to fit in like us. Easy." Zed told us.

The bell rang and the werewolves all howled as Zed and Eliza out me behind them. The wolves split into two groups before I walked off with my friends.

I heard my phone ding and I looked, seeing a message from Bree.

'Sadie and I need help with some homework. Can you help us? We're in the library.'

"Bree needs my help in the library. I'll catch you guys soon." I said.

Zed pulled me into a protective hug before we pulled away and Eliza fist-bumped me.

"Love ya, zombaes."


As I walked to the library, I kept my composure as I saw werewolves in every corner.

"Hey, sweet thing."

I groaned as I realized the voice that made me want to just vomit. I turned around and met his sketchy grin.

"What do you want, Randall?" I asked.

"Oh, come on? I can't check on my girl?" he asked.

I scoffed. "Yeah, I'm not your girl anymore. Who would want a scumbag like you as a boyfriend?"

Randall just laughed as he stalked towards me.

"Oh, come on, babe. How about we go to my house and have some fun? I'll show you what you've been missing."

At this point, I was being backed into the wall.

I clutched my fists as I got ready for whatever was going to come. "Stay the hell away from me. We're done."

"Oh, come on, do you really think that pathetic flea-bag of a werewolf so going to love and protect you? You couldn't even last with me, I highly doubt he'll ever accept you. He's just going to reject you like I did because you're just a waste of time. Plus, Jen was better in bed than you."

I growled and punched him in the face.

"We never did it anything because you would abuse me and sleep around with other girls. I didn't want to lose my virginity to some scumbag like you. Now, stay away from me."

I went to walk away when I felt my wrist being grabbed. I turned and glared at him. I kneed him in the shin, but it had no effect.

"Let me go, Randall. I mean it."

I heard a snarl and before I knew it, Randall was shoved off me and someone was in front of me.

I saw Wyatt there, canines bared, eyes flashing yellow, and moonstone glowing.

"I suggest you stay away from her or else things will end ugly." he warned.

"Please, you can't possibly waste your time on a piece of trash like her who's entire family just keeps stuff from her, even her own so-called 'best friend'. That's why I left her. She wasn't worthy enough." he sneered.

Wyatt growled as he went to lunge at him.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, making him turn to me.

"Wyatt, calm down. He's not worth it."

"She's amazing and a great person. I guarantee I would be a better guy for her than you ever were. Now, leave!" Wyatt snarled.

Randall ran away as Wyatt turned to look at me.

I felt a bit awkward with him looking at me, since the tension from earlier was still there.

"Thank you." I managed to say.

"I knew you were able to take care of him, but when he put his hand on you, I lost it." he explained. "How do you two know each other?"

My phone rang and I saw it was Bree.

Oh, no. I forgot I had to help her and Sadie out.

"Another time, Wyatt. I have to go. Thank you for helping me." I told him.

I don't know what came over me, but I hugged him quickly before walking off.

I went to the library where my friends were and found them. I joined them and we began doing homework together.


After almost an hour, I saw three wolves sit behind us. I just ignored it.

Suddenly, I saw the werewolf with the space buns, who I learned was named Wynter sneak up and eye my homework and went to grab it until I growled at her, preventing her from doing the same.

What the heck? Where did that come from?

She looked at me shocked before she had an impressed look on her face. "Wow, you could really pass for a werewolf."

"I get that a lot." I replied as I moved my hair to the side. Sadie chuckled.

Wynter ended up grabbing Bree's homework and began eating it.

"Hey! That dog just ate my homework!" she exclaimed as Addison came over.

I jumped as Willa slammed a stack of books on the table.

"Lies! These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But, they struck first and stole our moonstone!" she yelled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that." Addison apologized.

"There's a lot you don't know." Willa argued before grabbing the books, walking off.

"I know the alarm's gonna go off if you don't check out those books!" Addison said.

Willa took off her necklace and threw it at the machine, disabling it before passing through.

"That's awesome." I said.

"Our necklaces have a way with electronics." Wyatt said with a smirk before winking at me.

The wolves walked off, leaving me and my friends dumbfounded.

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