Chapter 17: The Wolf Den

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I held onto Wyatt's arm as we all searched for Addison. I was slowly starting to get comfortable with them, but I think it was only because Wyatt didn't allow them near me.

"Which house is she in?" Willa asked as we entered Seabrook.

I spotted her house and pointed. "That one."

We all got there and Willa told us to wait. She went up to the door and scratched it with her claws, leaving marks there.

We hid until she came out. Addison noticed the marks and I could see the panic on her face as she set her mug down.

We all came into sight just as she looked up.

"Come with us." Willa ordered.

"What's so important?" Addison asked.

"You are." Wyatt replied.

Addison took a deep breath before looking at me. "Roni? Why are you-"

"I found my mate." I told her as Wyatt squeezed my hand.

"But-." she started.

"You're their only hope, Addi. Just please come with us." I told her.

Addison sighed before nodding hesitantly and walking to us.

She immediately stayed at my side as we all began walking to the Forbidden Forest.


I noticed we were getting close to a cave of some sort. What is this place?

"Where are we going?" Addison asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little curious too." I added.

"It's a wolf secret. If we told you, we'd have to kill you." Wynter told us.

Willa and Wyatt sent her looks before she realized what she said.

"Too much? Too much, I knew it! Sorry!" she apologized, placing her fists on either side of her face. She extended her arms with a big smile. "Welcome!"

I could tell the alpha and beta weren't having it.

"But, not too welcome!" Wynter corrected herself.

Her eyes flashed as she snarled, but coughed as her necklace turned a sickly green. This is just like what happened at cheer practice earlier.

"Are you okay?" Addison asked her, placing a hand on her back.

"My necklace is losing its charge." the werewolf told us sadly.

"Every day, more and more of our pack become sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leav-"

"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me." Willa cut him off.

I gave her a look of sympathy. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you guys."

She gave a half smile before going to Wynter. "You'll be fine, Wynter. I promise. You better be right about this."

Willa looked at her brother.  "We need to find the moonstone soon." She began walking Wynter to wherever we were going.

"Follow us, Addison. Please." Wyatt said, not letting go of my hand.


Me and Addison followed the wolves before we got inside and I was blown away by the sight in front of me.

"The wolf den!" Wynter introduced us.

"Wow." Addison said. "It's so beautiful." I added.

"It's okay to be impressed." Wynter told us.

"Our language." Wyatt started before howling to his pack, saying our names after. "That means welcome."

"Awoo." Addison howled, followed by the werewolves laughing.

"Ostrich boots?" Wynter asked.

"No, I think Addison meant 'Awoo!'" Wyatt explained.

"Awoo." Addison tried again. The werewolves continued laughing.

"Polka-dot unicorn?" Wyatt asked.

"Cool! Where?" Wynter asked.

Wyatt looked at me. "You try."

I kept my hand in his before taking a deep breath. "Awoo!"

The wolves all howled after I did, which surprised me.

Willa looked at me impressed. "You said that perfectly."

Wyatt kissed my temple as I fought the blush on my cheeks, which caused most of the female wolves to go 'Aww'.

"Sorry, uh." Addison cleared her throat and howled briefly, which caused the other wolves to gasp.

"Whoa. Language, there are were-pups around." Wyatt told my favorite white-haired best friend.

"She needs to put a pebble in the swear-wolf jar." Wynter said.

All the wolves howled as if scolding her and I chuckled. "Smooth, Addi." I said.

"I am so sorry." Addison apologized.

"You're pretty! Can I do your hair?" one of the werepups asked. I smiled at her cuteness and nodded. "Sure you can."

She howled before getting on a boulder and running her fingers through my hair. I saw Wyatt looking at us with admiration in his eyes.

"Enough. This is not why we brought her here." Willa interrupted.

"Why am I here?" Addison asked.

Wyatt let go of my hand for a second before grabbing some sort of crystal and holding it up. A blue beam shined and we all looked to see a hologram of a girl with white hair, howling and dancing.

So, that's the Great Alpha?

"I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe you're the Great Alpha. I believe you're a werewolf!" Wyatt told her.

"What?!" Addison said.

I smiled as I felt a bit of hope rise up in me. My best friend has possibly found where she truly belongs!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Veronica sings every other line Addison sings.

I smiled as I looked at my outfit. The werewolf girls managed to turn my outfit into a wolf one on the same spot where Addison was transformed.

It was similar to hers, only the shirt was purple and the pants were gray. My hair was down with a beautiful braid on each side of my head and not to mention the amount of rings on my fingers and the three earrings on my right ear.

They claimed I was an honorary pack member. I guess they did this just because I'm their beta's mate. Or did they really just accept me truly?

Addison howled, making all of the other wolves howl. I howled along with them, feeling a sense of...belonging?

"Addison! Veronica!"

I looked down and saw Zed running up to us. What's he doing here? How did he find us?

"Zed!" Addison said.

Zed stood in front of us protectively.

"Don't make me take this off! You don't want to see me zombie out!" he warned the wolves.

The werewolves growled and snarled at him, showing their bravery. Zed took off his Z-Band, which went flying. Red and black veins went up his body as he went full-on zombie mode.

"Zed, stop!" I yelled as I tried to go stop him, ignoring Wyatt and Willa calling me.

"Wolves!" Willa commanded.

"Stay back!" Zed roared at the wolves. He grabbed one of them and threw him.

"Addi, get the Z-band! Hurry!" I told her. She nodded and went to go find it.

"Zed, stop this!" I yelled as I got to him. I placed my arm on his and he snapped his head in my direction.

"You need to stop, Zed! Stop!" I told him.

He roared before grabbing me and throwing me.

"Veronica!" I heard Addison and Wyatt shout. I cried in pain as I landed hard on the ground, holding my side.

Addison quickly put on Zed's Z-Band as several of the other werewolves went to check on me. Wyatt was by by side in an instant and pulled me into his arms, helping me up.

Sadie ran over and gasped. "Roni, can you hear me?"

"Are you okay?" Wyatt asked.

I nodded my head before I winced. "I'll be fine."

"Roni! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that!" Zed apologized as he tried to approach me, but Wyatt and Wynter growled, standing in front of me in a protective stance with Wesley; another wolf I just became friends with.

"Zed, I want to be here! Me and Veronica!" she told him.

"What?" Zed asked.

"But, you texted help!" Bree added as Bonzo, Sadie, and Eliza came into view.

"And you just disappeared! Your parents are going crazy!" Sadie added, looking at me.

They must've tracked us.

"I wanted to be with my mate." I said.

"I needed help on the chemistry homework. Did you not see the beaker emoji?" Addison asked Bree.

Bree looked at her phone before embarrassment filled her face. "Oh. I do now. By the way, I like these new looks. New hair stylist?"

"Werewolves. They know hair." Addison complimented.

"They really do." I agreed.

"And manicures." Wynter added. All the other werewolves murmured in agreement.

"They think she might be a werewolf, too." I explained to Zed.

What? How?" he asked.

"Maybe a grandparent. My hair means something. This could be my pack!" Addison told him.

"For centuries, this has been set aside for the Great Alpha." Willa announced as she opened a box to reveal a beautiful, glowing moonstone necklace.

"A fully charged moonstone is priceless to us, Addison." Wyatt added.

"If you're truly one of us, when you put it on, you will be transformed into a werewolf." Willa explained to my best friend. "Part of our pack. Forever." she continued, smiling.

Of course, Zed had to object.

"What? No! Wait." he told her.

"Since when do you make decisions for her?" I asked him.

Addison sighed before looking at Willa. "Can I think about it?"

The alpha turned to us and Wyatt gave her a look, saying 'Let her'.

"For a day." she told Addison.

Addison smiled as she took the box holding the necklace.

"Once you've joined us, you will lead us to the hidden moonstone." Wyatt said.

"But, she doesn't know where it is." Wynter pointed out.

Suddenly, there was a rumble and it caused the den to shake. I clung to Wyatt before we went off to see where it was coming from.

We all looked and saw lights coming from Seabrook Power. Bonzo said something in zombie, which I clearly understood.

"Yeah. The explosion came from Seabrook Power." Zed agreed.

"They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." Addison added.

"Seabrook Power is the birthplace of zombies." Eliza said.

"A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy and bang!" he shouted, scaring Wynter. "Zombies."

She snarled at him and he backed off.

"Nice story, but it doesn't concern us." Willa told him.

"But, it does concern you, Willa. Seabrook Power was fueled by a mysterious energy source. That could be your moonstone, right?" Addison explained.

"She found the moonstone! She's amazing. If she's right." Wyatt said, excited.

"She is amazing. That's why she's going to be cheer captain." I said as I side-hugged my best friend.

"We'll see you at school tomorrow, Addison." Willa told her.

"Right, tomorrow. Big day." She replied before walking off, all of our friends following her.

I went to go follow them until I felt Wyatt hold me back. The others left and it was just Sadie left.

I looked at him. "I don't want you to be alone. Especially with him around." he said, referring to Zed.

"She's got me. I can take her home." Sadie told him.

"I don't feel comfortable with you taking her home. You and her family have been putting enough stress on her shoulders." Wyatt argued.

"Listen, I don't mean for her to be stressed, but you've only been in her life for a few months. I've been in hers since birth. If you were in my shoes, you'd understand why we have kept stuff from her. To protect her." she argued back.

"You're right. I've only been in her life for a few months, but at least I don't keep stuff hidden from her and have been her only support system at this point." Wyatt argued.

"Don't you think that I hate keeping stuff from her?! Trust me, I hate it! It pains me to keep secrets from the only one I have close to a sister! If you were in my shoes, you'd understand! I would've told her a long time ago, but I couldn't because I'm ordered to!"

He growled as he flashed his eyes and I swear I heard Sadie growl back, but that was the least of my worries.

I got in between them and separated them. "Guys, stop."

I looked at Sadie. "I understand where you're coming from. But, you need to understand that this is killing me inside. All these secrets. I love you like my sister, but I need some space right now. I'll see you tomorrow."

She looked at me with guilt and she nodded as tears filled her eyes. "I love you too, Roni. Man, you have no idea how badly I want to tell you, but I'm just as stressed out as you are."

I hugged her and she hugged me back. "It's okay, Sadie. I'm not mad at you. I can never be."

We pulled away after a few minutes.

I gave her a small smile before Wyatt stepped in front of me. "It's time for you to go."

Sadie left, following the rest of our friends.

"So, what now?" Wynter asked.

I shrugged. " I have to go home. I don't want my parents going insane." I explained.

Wyatt looked at me. "I'll take you back."

I looked at him with a smile.

I said bye to the wolves and we left in the direction we came. When we got inside, Wyatt put me on his back and ran.

We got to my house and he dropped me off in the front.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"I'm going to stay here with you tonight. Remember? I'm not leaving you." he told me.

I shook my head with a smile. "Wait out here."

Wyatt nodded and I went to the door. I could see my parents, Sadie, Ethan, and Claire all there looking worried. Claire was pacing back and forth badly.

Here we go.


After getting a lecture from my everybody, I retreated to my bedroom so I could just call it a night.

I closed the door and jumped when I turned around. Wyatt was sitting on my bed with a smirk on his face.

"You really got to stop doing that." I said with a laugh.

"What can I say? It's hard to resist." he replied.

I chuckled before going to my bathroom and freshening up for bed. I changed into pajamas and walked back into my room.

Wyatt looked at me and I swear I heard him purr.


Then again, I was wearing an old over sized t-shirt (which was my dad's that got mixed with my laundry) with some gray warm ups.

I blushed as he came over and kissed me. I kissed him back and I felt all the stress and worry fade away. It was as if he was my antidote. He was my anchor. The guy I was destined to be with. I was lucky to have this handsome wolf as my soulmate.

He suddenly pulled away as he began coughing, holding his necklace, which turned green.

"Wyatt!" I placed a hand on his back. He looked at me with his eyes gold before he caught his breath.

"I'm okay." he reassured me.

He looked at me and I frowned at him, looking down. I didn't want my mate to die.

"Hey." He cupped my face. "I'll be okay. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." I said sadly.

He pulled me into his arms and I hugged him back.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm going to get through this. Why? Because I have a purpose to." he pulled away and kissed me. "You."

I half-smiled before he took my hands in his and kissed them.

He led me to my bed and we lay down. He grabbed my blanket and threw it over us. Wyatt pulled me close to him. He held me in a possessive, yet loving way, leaving no room between us. I breathed in his scent as he kissed my head.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, handsome."

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