Chapter 19: Flesh and Bone/True Identity

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Veronica's P.O.V.

Addison and I just sat there in the same position, her head on my shoulder with my arm wrapped around her. That was until I saw Bree running to us.

"Girls, are you okay?" she asked.

"I lost the necklace, Bree. I let the wolves down." Addison replied, her head not leaving my shoulder.

Suddenly, a loud beeping sounded, making me and my friends stand up. Why was the Z-Alarm going off?

"The Z-Alarm?" Addison asked.

"Attention, attention. Monster activity at Seabrook Power." a voice said.

Realization hit me hard. The wolves have been caught. Wyatt!

"It's the werewolves. We need to help them!" I explained.

"Bree, will you help?" Addison asked.

"I'm in. Always." Bree nodded.

"We can't do this alone. We need to rally the Z-team." Addison explained.

"Right." Bree agreed.

"No. Actually, we're gonna need everyone." I explained.

"Ay, ay, captain." Bree said with a smile.

"Let's go!" I said as we ran off.


Wyatt's P.O.V.

The werewolves and I ran through Seabrook Power as the alarm went off.

"We triggered the alarm, hurry!" Willa said as we all ran faster.

Lights came on and we were stopped by men in suits and trucks.

"Wolves! Freeze where you are!" a man told us.

Me and my packmates snarled at them as they blocked every way of escaping.

"You're trespassing, werewolves." the same man shouted.

I growled and stepped forward. "How can we be trespassing on our own land?"

"This is werewolf territory!" Wynter backed me up.

"I don't know anything about that." he replied.


"We can take them!" Willa said before we all snarled and went into werewolf mode.

Willa: Hear it getting louder, a call for revolution
Yeah, we came for what was ours, it's time for restitution
We'll protect our own, take back the stone
No, human nature cannot hold us down

Wyatt: Stranded at the bottom, but we're more than a whisper
No, we'll never be forgotten
Our blood's thicker than silver, yeah
When worlds collide, it's do or die
So tell me, is it wrong to stand your ground?

Both: Hear us howl, all or nothing
Fangs are out, we ain't running
Hear us howl, it's all or nothing

Werewolves: Oh
This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never
We're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break
We're more than flesh and bone

We snarled at them once again as we were prepared to fight them off.

"Arrest them!" the man said.

We were sprayed and I coughed as I realized it was silver. I was handcuffed and the silver form that was burning me bad.

"Colloidal silver. That'll tame those beasts."

"Demo time! Everybody clear out!" a zombie worker ordered.

No, I was not going down like this! What will happen to Veronica?

We all struggled to get free, but it was no use.

"I failed you. They'll destroy the moonstone. They'll destroy us." Willa said.

"No!" I heard someone shout.

Veronica's P.O.V.

My friends and I all ran through the plant before we stopped, seeing the werewolves being sprayed and arrested.

I felt so much anger as I saw Wyatt fighting against the silver. I wanted to just go into a rampage seeing my mate in distress. I immediately ran into sight to stop Dale, Zevon, and the other workers.

"No!" I shouted.

They all looked at me. "Veronica?!"

Veronica: The world has gone crazy
And no one seems to listen
Gotta step in, no more maybes
And stop the demolition

Addison: Is it hope or fear? Look in the mirror
Everything we built is coming down

Eliza: No more hesitation
It's time we start to realize
With all this separation
Silence is still taking sides
So use your voice, make a choice
And tell me, are you standing with the crowd?

All: Oh
This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never, we're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break
We're more than flesh and bone

We say no more bad blood
No more bad blood
No way they can stop us
No, they can't stop us
We say no more bad blood
No more bad blood
No way they can stop us
No, they can't stop us

Zed: History changes, but we lost the pages we wrote
When you lose direction
Can't see the reflection you know
We came from the bottom then became the problem
Now everything's out of control
So hey, are you with me?
Let's go!

All: Oh
This is a declaration
Of a new generation
It's now or never
We're in this together
We'll fight through the highs and the lows
No, we won't break
We're more than flesh and bone

We finished dancing and stared off the workers. It was then Zed stepped forward.

"You've got to stop the demolition, Dad. I know how hard you worked to get this job. But, if it's gonna hurt the werewolves, you need to stop it." he pleaded.

I looked back at Wyatt and sent him a smile, which he responded with. I turned my attention back to Zed and his dad.

"You're right. Shut it down. Stop the denotation. Tomorrow, when it's safe, you'll find what you're looking for, but right now, you all go home!" Zevon announced.

Everybody cheered and I saw the werewolves getting uncuffed.

I laughed as Eliza and Bonzo hugged me tightly. "We did it!"

I went to Zed and looked a him before he hugged me and we did our secret high-five.

Just as he went to Addison, I turned and saw Wyatt running to me. I ran to him and met him before he picked me up, spinning me around. I hugged him tightly, the both of us laughing.

He set me down before looking at me. "Next time, I save you, okay?"

I laughed as I placed a hand on his cheek. "Yeah, let's not let there be a next time, okay?"

A/N: We all know it was bound to happen, lol

Wyatt smiled before he cupped my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as one of his went around my waist. Our lips moved perfectly in sync as we kissed passionately in the middle of everyone's celebration. I felt him deepen the kiss and I moaned. I ran my hands through his hair before cupping his face, the kiss still going.

He pulled away and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back as I smiled against his fur. We would finally be together without having to worry about not be.

Everyone began leaving and I saw his sister and best friend walk over.

Wynter came over and hugged me tightly. I smiled as I hugged her back. "Thank you so much! I knew you were amazing!"

"No problem, friend." I replied, making her eyes light up with glee.

I saw Willa approach me and she eyed me. "I was wrong about you. You're a great person. You've brought a different side to my brother and have a great affect on him. You proved yourself to us. To me. Therefore, you've earned my trust."

I smiled as I looked at Wyatt. He kissed my head before wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey! Don't hog her, give her to me!" Willa told her brother as if I was some newborn baby everyone wanted to hold.

We all laughed as Willa pulled me into her arms, hugging me. I hugged her back before I went back to my mate.

He grabbed my hand and we ran out, joining the others.


We were finally outside, leaving the demolition site.

"We did it! We stopped the demo!" Addison said.

Zed looked down and I could tell something wasn't right.

"What's wrong?" she asked her boyfriend.

"I'm going to lose the election. Which means I can't take you to Prawn." he explained. Addison shook her head with a smile. "That's okay, Zed. We cannot go to the Prawn together."

Zed took something out of his pocket and I looked, seeing it was Addison's moonstone necklace.

"He found it!" Addison said happily. She hugged him, but he didn't hug her back. Weird.

I smiled, holding onto Wyatt's arm, my hand still in his.

She pulled away and Zed had a look of sadness and guilt. "What?" she asked.

"I took it. I stole it when you weren't looking." he confessed. "I thought I lost it. I questioned myself." she replied.

"Addison, I'm sorry. I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf, I'd lose you." he explained.

"You don't get to make that choice for me!" Addison argued.

At this point, I could feel anger boiling up inside me. How dare he?

"But, a werewolf?" he argued back. "I finally find where I belong and you try to steal that from me?! Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?" she asked.

I stepped forward and my anger exploded. I glared at Zed.

"You're such a hypocrite, Zed. Since when were you allowed to make decisions for her? When you first came here, you didn't know where you belonged, but Addison helped you! She support you through everything to make sure you found where you belonged! Why couldn't you do the same for her? She did it for you!" I yelled.

Zed looked down as Wyatt held me back, since I wanted nothing more than to punch him. I relaxed in my mate's arms as Addison turned and put the necklace on.

I looked at Wyatt and smiled as we waited for Addison to turn around.

When she finally did, I froze.

Nothing happened to her. She wasn't a werewolf after all.

She looked at Bree. "Am I?"

Bree placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're beautiful, Addi. But, you're still the same beautiful you've always been."

Addison looked down sadly. I felt bad for her. "She's not a werewolf." Wyatt said, his voice threatening to break.

Nothing prepared me for what happened next.

"That's because she's not the Great Alpha you all are looking for."

Our heads snapped in the direction of the voice and I saw walk dad?

He looked different. There were tattoos on his arms and he had a moonstone necklace around him. He had fangs and claws.

I gasped slightly.

"Mr. Andrews?" Zed asked.

"A matter of fact..." I looked in confusion as I saw Sadie come out and stand next to my dad. "The real Great right there." She pointed at me.

She looked different as well. She has tattoos as well and a moonstone necklace. She too had fangs and claws.

My dad and best friend are werewolves?

There were murmurs as I let go of Wyatt's hand and walked to my best friend and father. "Sadie? Dad? What are you doing here?"

"You're lying. She doesn't have the white hair." Willa protested.

Sadie chuckled before stepping forward. "That may be true, but there's more to her than what you think, so back off because you won't be alpha for long."

Willa and Sadie glared at each other before my best friend turned to me.

She grabbed my hand as my father went to Addison. He looked at the necklace before holding his hand out. "May I?"

Addison nodded before taking off the necklace and handing it to my dad. He walked over to us as Sadie looked at me.

"The time has come, Roni. Everything you wanted to know, you can finally have the answers you were looking for."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"It's time that you became who you truly are."

My dad came over and held the necklace out to me. It went crazy just like it did earlier in class, where it glowed brightly.

Sadie smiled as my dad came over and put the necklace on me. Suddenly, I felt a powerful energy course through me as the necklace glowed. My bracelet shattered, the beads falling off as a glowing, blue light engulfed me, lifting me up in the air.

My nails became claws. Markings appeared on my arms. Fangs grew from my gums, and my ears became pointy. What shocked me was my chocolate brown hair transitioning into a glowing, bright white. I felt something inside me awaken, almost like an instinct and I howled at the moon.

This was my true identity. I was a werewolf. A creature of the night. The Great Alpha.

Once I was on the ground, the werewolves were looking at me with awe and joy.

"You're the Great Alpha!" Wyatt exclaimed as he came over and hugged me.

It felt so bittersweet. I was happy because I could be able to be with Wyatt and a leader. However, I was a bit down because why did my family have to hide this from me?

There had to be a reason.

Our moment was cut short by a worker running to Zed's dad. "Boss! Boss! We got a problem!"

"What?" he asked.

"The remote shorted out and now the detonation timer's running!" the worker exclaimed a she tried to turn it off.

"Oh, no!" Zed's dad said before we all ran.

We arrived to see the power plant exploding and I gasped, seeing it crumble down.

"What have they done?" Willa asked.

My breath hitched and my moonstone glowed a sickly green. I coughed, as did the rest of the werewolves.

I saw Sadie and my dad coughing as well as she clung to him.

I coughed as I fell to my knees on the ground. "Veronica! Stay awake!" Wyatt shouted as my vision began going black.

Wyatt had a look of panic as did my dad ad best friend as they came over, holding their necklaces.

"Veronica!" I heard my mate's voice before I blacked out.

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