10 | Red Circle

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Everyone was still shaken about that 'red circle' video. My personal opinion went on both sides—first its a childish video, I think it makes a point but it's hard to take serious when there's shirtless men in the background—which I only paid attention to.

Jughead was right, there is a serial killer in town, and a bunch of teens—are not gonna stop him. This guy is not even hesitating to shoot, he takes aim—and pulls the trigger before you can even say "serial killer".

I went to school in my usual outfit, I wore a dark red button up blouse and a black skirt.

I walked into school and everyone was talking about the video, Kevin came up to me and we talked about the video—turns out, I wasn't the only one who paid more attention to the shirtless muscular boys!

Everyone started talking louder and Archie walked in, I also see a pissed off Veronica coming Archie's way and Kevin and I hurry out before the storm hits the hall.

"So, any new guys?" Kevin asks as we walk together.

"Nah—well, one. But, I seem to have this thing with making people hate me before they know me, soooo it's gonna be hard if I decide to go for it" I say and shrug. Fangs Fogarty is so different, he actually hates me.

"Who the hell could ever hate you? Maia, you are a puppy....with sharp claws....but cute!" Kevin says and I hit his shoulder before laughing with him.

"Kev, I heard you had a thing with a Serpent not so long ago, why did it end? It's okay if you don't want to answer, I'm just curious" I say and stop by Kevin's locker.

"Well, he was involved in something bad and it caught up to him, so he had to leave Riverdale" Kevin says with a sad face. I rub his shoulder and pout.

"Noooo, don't be sad. I hate when you're sad, you're meant to be forever happy!" I whine and Kev smiles a bit. "You're a dork" Kevin says and shakes his head.

"I have to catch Betty, so I'll see you later?" Kevin says and I nod with a smile. "Of course" I say and we part up. Just before the bell rings, I stop and listen to the message.

"Mr. Archie Andrews, please report to the principals office" I look around to see if Archie does it.

Soon enough he comes out of a classroom which I head over to and see Veronica stand there defeated. "You okay?" I ask and walk in to her.

"It's just this video, Archie's going crazy with all this stuff. It's out of control" Veronica says and I hug her.

"I'm sorry, if it's any comfort—I watched the video, but I only paid attention to the shirtless boys in the background" I joke and Veronica laughs and shakes her head.

"Classic, Maia" Veronica mumbles and I pull her with me out and to class.

"I like your shirt" Veronica whispers and I giggle. "I love your skirt!" I say and wink.


Next day in school, Veronica throws a white shirt at me and I catch it.

"V, what's this?" I ask. Then I hold the shirt out and see a red circle on it.

"Please, wear it! You'll rock this v-neck!" Veronica exclaims and I shrug. "Alrighty then" I say and she squeals. I change into the shirt and helps Cheryl with giving out the other red circle shirts.


After school I went home, the housekeepers welcomed me as always and I sighed.

My mom wants housekeepers and a private chef and cleaning ladies. Not really my taste.

I go upstairs and ignore the curious eyes, and close my door. "Miss Anderson" Mariah asks and knocks on my door, I get up from my bed again and open my door.

"Please, just call me Maia. It's okay Mariah" I tell her with a polite smile.

"Thank you...Maia" Mariah says. She's a elder woman and she's doing her best to be perfect.

"I was coming to ask if you eat at home today? Or are you going out?" Mariah asks and fold her hands in front of her.

"You know what? Why don't you and Richard take a night off, make some food here, feel free to have a party here if you want. I'm gonna go out" I tell her and smile.

She smiles widely and nods thankfully. "Thank you, Thank you so much miss—Maia" she says and corrects herself. "You're very welcome, Mariah" I tell her and nod.

She goes downstairs and I change into a dress and put on my long coat before grabbing my phone and keys, then I walk down the street.

When I look up form my phone, I see a redhead walking hastily down the road. "Hey, Archie!?" I shout and he turns around. I hurry up to him as he waits.

"Hey, where are you going?" I ask and smile, I eye his bag and raise an eyebrow.

"Maia.....how well do you know the Southside?" Archie asks and turns to me fully. I raise an eyebrow and shrug.

"Good enough, I've been to some parties there. There may be gangs and all, but their parties are lit!" I exclaim and wink.

"I'm not looking for a party. I was wondering where are the most known places in the Southside?" Archie asks and I take a moment to think.

"Well, I don't remember what all the streets are called, but I could show you?" I offer.

"No, no—I'll be fine. I can't take you with me" Archie stutters and shakes his head.

"Archie, what are you really planning? No matter what it is, I can help" I tell him.

"I can't drag you into it, sorry, Maia" Archie says and I cross my arms with a hard glare.

Archie groans and sighs. "Fine, you can come with me" Archie says and grab my arm before we're on our way to the Southside.

"But, if I tell you to hide or run. You do it!" Archie tells me for the fifth time.

"Arch, I know! Besides, I can fight, my dad got me special training as a kid" I tell Archie and he stops walking and raises an eyebrow at me.

"Who is your dad exactly?" He asks and I shake my head at him and laugh. "Maia, can you wait here? I need to get something before we move on" Archie asks and I nod.

"Sure, I have to call someone anyways" I tell him and he nods before walking away. I pull my phone out and let my finger hover over Fangs' number. Do it. No—don't do it.

I put my phone back in my pocket and shiver as I wait for Archie. He comes back after a while and he smiles at me.

"You ready?" I ask and Archie nods and start showing him places that most Southsiders go to. "This one here" I say and point at a house, Archie takes a spray can out.

"Woah—Archie? What are you doing?" I ask as he shakes it. "I have to do it. I need to show that the Red Circle is still here" Archie says and starts spraying.

"Archie! This is the Southside! Not the Black Hood!" I say and move as he almost hits me with the spray.

"Jesus, whats gotten into you? If anyone sees us they're going to slaughter us!" I hiss.

"I got that covered, if you don't want to stay, you can leave. You don't have to be here for this" Archie says and looks at me.

"No way, I'm not leaving you here you nutjob" I say and shake my head. Besides, Veronica would kill me.

"Woaaaah—Archie that's a Serpent snake. We shouldn't cross this" I say and stop walking as we walk over the snake mark on the ground.

"Maia, I want to make sure that even the Serpents know that the Red Circle is here. I'm gonna go on" Archie says and walks past me. I curse and run after him.

Archie makes circles and I stand back and follow him as he moves on. "I'm gonna get killed" I whine as Archie makes another circle.

"Why? You don't know any Serpents? They wouldn't know it was you?" Archie says confused.

"Oh Yeah, I don't know any Serpents" I mock quietly and follow Archie.

Archie stops in front of two door that were painted white, Archie takes out the spray can again and then my phone starts ringing. I curse and Archie glares at me and I hide behind the building and answer.

"What?" I hiss. "Jesus—is everyone pissed today?" Kevin says and I breathe out in relief.

"No, sorry Kev. I'm just in the middle of something" I say and peak my head out from the building and see Archie still spraying the doors.

Then a group comes out and I recognise Sweet Pea and Fangs, I hide and curse. "Alright Kev, I gotta go. I'll call you later" I say and hang up without a reply. I carefully listen to what they're saying.

"Hey!" Sweet Pea yells. Wow, I know this is bad timing, but Fangs looks damn good today. "What the hell are you doing?" Sweet Pea shouts.

"Back off. I'm not here for you" Archie says and I get nervous and scared. What if they find me? What if Fangs sees me?

"Yeah? Then who's this message for, huh?" Sweet Pea taunts and they walk up to Archie.

I hide behind the building again and I start shaking nervously. Should I walk out? Try to get them to calm the fuck down before I scream bloody murderer?!

"Oh, Hell" Sweet Pea says and chuckles. I peak again and I make eye contact with Fangs, he shakes his head slightly and gives me a hard look. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like he's trying to tell me not go out from my spot and expose myself.

I look down helplessly and hide again. Wow—boy, did I feel embarrassed about this. "Don't tell me it's for the Black Hood. You believe this guy?" Sweet Pea continues.

Why haven't Fangs said anything about seeing me? Why isn't he telling?

"And people say we're the troublemakers" Sweet Pea taunts and as Archie tries to pass them they push him back and I step out.

"Woah" Sweet Pea says at Archie. "Southside's Serpent country. You can't come here and tag our turf. So, why don't you get back to the Northside, before somebody gets hurt" Sweet Pea says and I walk up to Archie.

"Archie, lets go back" I say without meeting Fangs burning eyes and Sweet Pea's ironic smirk.

"You" Sweet Pea says and Archie turns around to me. "I told you to go" Archie hisses.

"And I'm telling you to go back with me" I repeat angrily. "Archie! Let's go!" I hiss as he turns around to Sweet Pea.

I walk up to him and grab his arm. "Go back, Maia. I have to finish this" Archie says and shove me back from him.

"Get out of my way or someone will get hurt" Archie says and I give Fangs a helpless look, showing I couldn't control Archie.

"You just made a big mistake" Sweet Pea says with a smirk and flicks a knife up and my eyes widen as the two others does the same. I take a step back and gulp as I see Sweet Pea look past Archie and look at me.

Archie looks at the knife as Sweet Pea scoffs, Archie pulls a gun out and my eyes widen and I take multiple steps back.

"Archie, what the hell!?" I shout and the Serpents back off, with a gun to Sweet Pea's face. "Who made a mistake?" Archie taunts.

"Woah" a serpent mumbles before backing up. Fangs stays next to Sweet Pea and I look back and forth between Archie and the two Serpents.

"What the hell, man" Sweet Pea says. "Who made a mistake?" Archie repeats.

"Come on, lets go" Sweet Pea says and Fangs and Sweet Pea runs away. I take steps back from Archie and start running the other way from him. He has gone insane!!'

A/N: Dramatic chapter!! Fangs and Maia huh??? Was he trying to keep Maia out of it??

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