34 | Meeting Mom

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A/N: WE hit 14K!! Aaaand you might want to be extra prepared for this chapter....

Jughead had called the Serpents in Riverdale High in for a meeting and he told me to come too, even though I'm not wearing uniform like the others, I'm still a Serpent.

"Welcome to the inaugural meeting of the Sword and Serpents Club" Jughead says and I sit on the table behind Fangs' chair.

I made him come today, my acting worked and after a round of scattering clothes—he was good to go.

"Which is what, exactly?" Toni asks and I hold in a snort.

"Like I told Fogarty to lure him back to dear old Riverdale—""—I'm not so sure you were the one to 'lure' him back in" SP says and looks at my blushing cheeks and Fangs' wide smile.

"—we are a gaming group, sanctioned by Mr. Weatherbee, himself. Where like-minded students can meet and concoct world-building, role-playing scenarios, inhabiting fantastical heroes and dispatching mythological creatures" Jughead continued and ignored Sweet Pea's comment and I chuckled.

Toni chuckles too—"No, but really" Toni says.
"It's a club. For us" Jughead says.

"A safe haven there we can be Serpents, in school hours, under everyone's noses. We're not shedding our skins. We're lying low, in the tall grass" Jughead says.

I smirk at Jughead and I feel curious eyes in the back of my head. I look down at Fangs and lean down to whisper in his ear.

"You do look hot in that uniform" I whisper seductively and press a quick kiss to his neck.

"Are you even a real Serpent?" A guy from behind us suddenly asks me. I turn around and so does the others.

"Who? Me?" I ask and he nods. "I'm born a Serpent. I have a tattoo" I say and nod.

"Why haven't we seen you around before then?" Another Serpent asks and I turn towards her.

"Enough with the questions—Jesus" Toni says and stands up. I do feel bad about not having been closer to the Serpents. I lived in Greendale, I wasn't near the Serpents. Fangs grab my hand and squeeze it softly.

My phone starts vibrating and I curse and jump down from the table, I pull it out and see it's my mom.

"I have to take this" I tell Fangs and he nods, I hurry out in the hall and pick up.

"Honey?" My mom says. "Yeah?"

"It's done, you can come home now—we're both safe" she says happily.

"Really? How?" I ask.

"FP and Tall Boy fixed it, Clay can't hurt us now" She says and I smile.

"That's great, mom. I will be there after school" I say and bite my lip as I fight a smile.

"Okay—we will celebrate tonight—maybe I can meet your boyfriend?" She asks.

"Yeah—I'll ask him" I say and smile even wider.

"Okay, Goodbye Honey" She says and I give her a bye, before walking back into the classroom Jughead has taken over.

"Do you want to meet my mom tonight? Everything's okay, she wants to meet you?" I whisper in Fangs' ear and he smiles up at me and nods.

"Do I want to know what you just whispered to him?" Sweet Pea comments. "Do I need to remind you of that picture I have of you? It will go straight on instagram, Facebook and Twitter" I threaten SP and he holds his hands up in surrender and Fangs snorts at him.

"That sounds great, when do I have to be there?" Fangs asks as he's done laughing.

"Around 7?" I say and shrug. Fangs nods and peck my lips, before we all go to class again.


My mom and I were chatting in the dining room as we helped Mariah get the table ready for when Fangs came in 2 hours.

Then the doorbell had rung and Mariah went to open it, seconds later Mariah comes in with her eyes widened and her face pale as a sheet.

"Mrs. Anderson—I-I couldn't do anything" Mariah says with tears in her eyes and she steps out from the doorway and shows Clay behind her.

Clay walks in with a smirk plastered on his face. "Leave—get everyone out of this house, don't call the police—or I will kill these two" Clay tells Mariah.

Mariah gives me a look and I nod at her, to tell her it's okay, she hurried off and soon we hear multiple footsteps and Clay looks out to make sure everyone goes out.

I pull my phone out and dial Fangs' number. I quickly slip it back into my pocket as Clay turns to us again.

He takes a step towards my mom with a disgusting grin and I stand in front of her protectively.

"Stay away from my mom, you disgusting piece of shit!" I hiss. Hopefully Fangs can hear this and bring the Serpents or the Sheriff. Or both

"I'll take you first, then I will beat your mother to nothing—she will see you trying to crawl away from me, when I get you, she's gonna watch helplessly" Clay said and a shiver went down my spine and I prayed that Fangs was hearing this. Please help!

"I can't believe you're my uncle, I can't believe we're related! That's your brother's wife! And your niece!" I shout at him and he pulls a gun out at me and cocks it.

I gasp and move back into my moms chest and she grabs my shoulder and pull me further away from the gun and I gulp.

"Don't! Talk to me about my brother! Or my family! I did everything for him, this is how he's gonna repay me—with you two" Clay said in a harsh tone.

"What are you gonna do, Clay? Shoot me? I won't step out of your way" I say and chuckle coldly. Time to bring out the rich bitch from dear old Greendale.

"You think this is funny?" Clay asks angrily and points the gun at me once again.

I shoot my chest out challenging and confidently and he raises an eyebrow and my mom gasps in horror and panic.

"I think it's ironic. We're all you got left and here you are—pointing a gun to our faces" I say and laugh at him.

"Honey, Stop" my mom whispers. I push her further back behind me and take a small step forward.

"You got your dads courage, Maia. I'll give you that—but you're also just as dumb and naive as him" He says with a chuckle and I casually glance around the kitchen, there's a VERY sharp knife on the table. If I'm fast enough, I can reach it.

"I might be dumb, but at least I'm so dumb that I'll stand in front of my mom—anything to block your way" I spit and take another step forward.

"Maia, step back" Clay warns me. He didn't notice I took a step forward and a little bit towards the knife.

I smirk and laugh at him. "Why? You're gonna do it anyways aren't you? Does it matter how close I am to the gun?" I ask and tilt my head.

"Maia—""—Shut up! Jessica!" Clay yells at my mom and she flinches and gasps.

"Don't talk like that to my mom" I hiss through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Didn't you notice the gun aimed at your face?" Clay says and chuckles.

"I'll kick your goddamn ass back to New York" I mumble under my breath.

It's just like the time when I got beaten up, but this time, I'll be faster and I'll get the knife—and then what? Throw it at him? Stab him?

"What did you say?! Did you say something!?" Clay shouts at me and I fake flinch and move closer to the knife. I can reach it know—I know I can.

"Stop!! Don't hurt my daughter! Please, Clay! Don't hurt her!" My mom begs and as his attention go to my mom, I hurriedly grab the knife and Clay curses and pulls the trigger—and I throw the knife as hard as I can.

Things go into slow motion and my mom screams in horror—blood splatters on the wall behind me and on the ground from Clay.

"MAIA!!" I hear Fangs voice and I grab my stomach in shock and look down and see a pool of blood in my hands.

I look back up and see FP, Tall Boy, Jughead, Fangs, Sweet Pea, Toni and some other Serpents stand there, eyes wide as teacups, with horror written in their eyes.

I look at Clay's bloody body and see I hit him in the chest with the knife, I smile a bit at Clay's face as he gasps and glares at me.

I fall to my knees and my mom and Fangs both run towards me as everyone watches in shock and horror.

My mom lays me down on the ground and I gasp and my body starts shaking.

"Maia! Baby, can you hear me?" Fangs asks worried and hovers over me.

My mom screams and cries hysterically and Fangs looks up at the others and yells something at them, before everyone starts moving, "I don't want to die" I sob and gasp trying to breathe, Fangs grab my head and look at my mom.

My mom looks at Fangs and she grabs his hand and they both look down at me. I think I start smiling at them, but I can't tell—I feel blood run out of my mouth and then everything goes blurry.

"I love you" I tell them both. Fangs looks at me slightly shocked, his eyes are teary and he knows it was mostly to him.

We hadn't said it yet—we were both unsure if it was the right time. But, I didn't just say it in the moment of my down fall—at least I don't think so, I really meant it.

My mom kissed my forehead and Fangs leaned down after and planted a kiss to my lips. I tried to kiss back, but I couldn't move much.

"It's here! The ambulance is here!" Jughead yells and he runs up to us, his body freezes as he sees me—probably because of the amount of blood on the floor too.

I'm lifted as paramedics comes in—I keep holding Fangs hand, my mom follows me as I'm rolled into the ambulance.

Fangs let go of my hand because of the paramedics and I finally close my eyes and take a deep breath, before everything goes black.


Don't hate me......I'll make it up to you.

Aaaaaand I was at a gala last night and wooooooow there was so much drama but it was fun and entertaining😂

My friends and I were literally like this when it started😂😂😂😂😂⬇️

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