48 | A Night To Remember

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"Due to some circumstances, Cheryl will no longer be playing Carrie White" Kevin announces and as Fangs puts his hand in Kevin's shoulder Kevin shrugs it off, Fangs take his hand back and I chuckle a bit. Rejected.

"What?" "Why?" Everyone asks. Or well, except Ethel. "Penelope Blossom isn't much of a stage mom" Kevin says and chuckles and we all nod.

"Cheryl's by the gym bleachers" Kevin whispers to Toni and she grabs her bag and leaves. "In the meantime, Cheryl's understudy will assume the role" Kevin says.

"Understudy?" Ethel says. Oh boy. "I appointed one after the sandbag incident. Midge Klump" Kevin announces and my eyes lock with Midge's, I give her an encouraging smile and we clap at her, while Fangs hesitatingly claps.


As Alice and Midge's scene are on, I sit next to Jughead who's looking at the camera. Alice starts singing and Midge and her does the scene. But I notice that Alice keeps looking at Betty. And Alice snaps at Midge and my eyes widen. Damn....

As Alice sings, she in the end—says Betty instead of Carrie and I realise that what Alice was singing, was meant for Betty. Not Carrie.

"Don't go. Don't go, don't go" Alice sings and starts crying. "Mom" Betty says and moves forward. "Don't leave me, Betty. Don't leave me like all the others" Alice sobs before leaving stage. I open my mouth but close it again.

Betty hurries after her. "Am I directing a train wreck? And where's my tea?" Kevin says. And Fangs—Who's about to take a sip of a cup, stops and looks at it, because that's Kevin's tea.


"Guys, the programs are in, and they look amazing. Make sure to get them signed on opening night" Kevin says and hands out flyers, I sit on Fangs' lap as Fangs are handed the flyer and I kiss his cheek. I miss him, but he's right here with me, I miss our alone time.

"I love you, you know that right?" I suddenly say. "I know, and I hope you know, that I love you more" Fangs says and smiles at me and I kiss him. His soft lips against mine, I never get tired of it, I love him with all my heart.

I love him like I've never loved anyone or anything before. His lips fits perfectly against mine, his hand fits in mine perfectly.

He is perfect. To me, he's the perfect man I could ever find. He's the only one I ever want to be with. "Are you okay?" Fangs asks as he notices my long stare at his face.

"Yeah, I'm just, I'm still a bit shaken up about the whole thing with my father, you, and my mom" I say and pause before locking eyes with Fangs and he nods understandingly.

"Maia, if you need it, we can get out of here, I don't just mean take the day off, I mean get out of town for a few days, say the word, and we'll be on our way. I promise" Fangs says and I nod with tear in my eyes and I hug him.

"You know it's our, 10 month anniversary, 3 days after opening night" Fangs says smugly and I shake my head at him. "I know"

"I'm surprised you've been able to bear with me for 10 months. No girl has ever been sticking around for more than a month" Fangs says.

"Well, you can't get rid of me that easily, so, you might as well deal with the fact that I'm here to stay" I say and peck his lips again.


Opening night came soon enough. Everyone started singing as they got ready. I don't sing tho....trust me, your eardrums will burst.

As everyone was done getting ready, we started running around to find each other, I did see Fangs follow Midge into her dressing room.

But I also knew why, Midge asked for my help, she got it. So, Fangs agreed to help Midge figure out what to say to Moose when she would tell him before we go on stage.

"Ten minutes to places! Where is Fangs?" Kevin asks. I start making my way towards Kevin. "I don't know"

Kevin sighs before pushing Midge's dressing room door open, and reveals Fangs and her. Jughead films it and then he turns the camera to me, I clench my jaw and push the camera out of my face. "Fangs" Kevin breathes out.

"I was giving Midge some last-minute notes" Fangs says and Jughead looks at me and so does Kevin. "Well, hurry up. It's 10 minutes to places" Kevin says before they leave and I slam the door behind me and cross my arms in front of Midge and Fangs.

"You sure you got it?" I ask Midge. "Yes, I know what I'm gonna say now, I'm really sorry for doing this to both of you, I really am. And I can't explain how thankful I am, for both of you's help" Midge says and I nod before Fangs nods at her and comes over to me and kiss the top of my head as he put his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him with a sigh.

"Well, good luck with the scenes and Alice" I say and Midge chuckles. "Thank you"


After my dancing scene I go back to backstage and spot Midge. "Hey, are you ready?" I ask her with an encouraging smile. "I told him, he's furious, I accidentally told him it was a Serpent!" Midge says panicked. "What?!"

"How?" I spit. "It just slipped! I'm so sorry! He doesn't know it was Fangs, so he should be safe" Midge says and I nod. "It's fine just get ready for your scene, okay? Don't think about it" I say and she nods. "Thank you!"

I hurry to the dressing rooms and I drop myself in the sofa and nod at one of the other dancers. Not even 20 minutes later, a lot of screaming makes me start running towards stage, but as I do a black figure knocks me on my ass and I hit my head on the wall as I'm shoved into it.

"Fuck" I curse groggily and grip my head before I blackout.

Seconds later I wake up to someone shaking me and I see Fangs and Kevin. "Maia! Get up!" Kevin says hurriedly and Fangs lifts me.

"What happened?" I ask with a groan as my head feels VERY heavy. "Someone killed Midge, What the hell happened to you?" Kevin says and looks at my head and I raise an eyebrow confused before touching my head and wince and feel something wet. Blood.

"Oh god—Kev, I saw a black figure run from the stage, the person knocked me down!" I blurt out panicked. "Jesus Christ, I'm gonna get you out of here" Fangs says and I stand on my feet and he puts an arm around my waist and helps me out and people runs out.


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