52 | In Unity There Is Strength

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A/N: There's 3 chapters left guys then the book ends 😔


I was lucky to get in a cell next to Fangs', they didn't want to let us share on tho. Stupid peasants. Idiots! Morons! How the hell could they think we killed someone?!

Right now, Fangs we're getting interrogated, it had already been my turn. Fangs is breaking, I'm breaking too. We're going to jail for something we didn't even do?

"You're being held because you were in possession of a weapon on school property" Attorney McCoy tells Fangs and I rest my head against the bars.

"The switchblade's for protection" Fangs says. "Yes, they have 24 hours to make something stick. In the meantime, you two exercise your right to remain the hell silent" Attorney McCoy says. And Fangs grabs the bars once again.

"They're holding Maia for the video, the rage she showed when Jughead filmed her, they think you're either the killer or accessory to Midge Klump's murder" McCoy says turning to me and I sigh. "She didn't do it" Fangs says defending me.

"I know, but they don't and right now you two are the closest to getting the killer. Even though you two are not the real killer" Sierra says. "Has my mom been here yet?" I ask Jug.

"She's on her way, she sounded very stressed though" Jughead says concerned. Fangs and I share a knowing look.

"Yeah, can't blame her" I mumble. "What was that?" McCoy asks interested.

"It's...it's my dad. He's coming back to Riverdale, he's dangerous, and we can't escape him if he first gets into the city" I tell her and Fangs reaches through the bars to hold my hand.

"I have heard about Connor, he is dangerous, if I may ask, how will you and your mom handle this?" Sierra asks concerned and steps towards me. "I don't know, we had a plan, but that went the other way and then he got released instead. A divorce wouldn't work, he would get someone to come after us, he wouldn't let go" I say and look at Fangs.

"Maybe, I can have a chat with your mom, perhaps we can figure something out" Sierra says smirking a bit and I smile a bit hopeful.


"Just got off the phone with Betty. The Black Hood turned the town hall into his own shooting gallery while Fangs and Maia was here. So why are the Sheriffs still holding them?" Jughead snaps.

"What happened tonight and what happened to Midge are being treated as separate incidents. But if the sheriff doesn't press charges int He next hour, he has to let you go" Sierra tells us and we both breathe out in relief.

"But there are protestors outside, Jughead. Their release is going to make a lot of people in this town very unhappy" McCoy says and I look at Fangs with concern.


"Mom, I didn't do it, and Fangs certainly didn't do anything!" I tell my mom as she finally arrived. "I know, I believe you, and I know the two of you, I know you're not capable of this" she says assuringly and put a hand in both Fangs and I's cheeks.

"You're getting out of here, okay? And when you do, I'm gonna take the two of you, out of the town for a few weeks. So, everything can calm down and everything to turn back to normal" She says and I nod.

"Thank you, Mrs. Anderson" Fangs says softly. "I think after all this, you can call me Jessica" my mom says with a smile and Fangs smiles back and nods.

"When the two of you get out, I'll be there, okay? But I need to run a few things over with Sierra McCoy. I think she might be able to help us, all of us" she says with hope and a big smile.

"Then get going, I don't want to get out of jail only to walk into another cage made by Connor" I say and my mom nods before kissing my forehead through the bars.

"Take care" she tells us and squeeze Fangs' hand before she leaves.

"Babe, Whatever happens, I'll protect you, I'll get you out of this mess, you're only into this mess because of me, because I messed up" Fangs says in sorrow and I take his face in my hands. "It's not your fault" I say and kiss him.

At midnight, we started hearing people chanting outside. Please, Jughead, get here soon with the others.

Minetta comes in with Jughead, Toni and Sweet Pea and Minetta opens our cells and we're both attacked by hugs.

As we get out we see how many people there actually is, they're chanting "justice for Midge" and Fangs and I look at each other in fear.

"We can't take them out the front. Side entrance?" Jughead asks Minetta. "Crowds there, too. Pick your poison" Minetta says.

What do we do, man?" Pea asks and I look up at him as Fangs freaks out and he looks like he's about to cry. "I don't wanna die" Fangs speaks up and his voice breaks. It seems that the crowds are merely pointing fingers at Fangs instead of me.

It pains my heart to hear and see him like this. Fangs grabs my hand and holds into me tightly. "You're gonna be fine" I tell him. He has to be, I'm gonna fix this. It's my mess, I created this when I fucked up with Fangs.

"Hey. You're not going to. Look at me, okay?" Jughead says and walks to us and takes Fangs face in his hands and Fangs nods with a whimper. I didn't say the words out loud, but Fangs did, but i want to scream out the same words. "I don't want to die"

"We stand together so none of is falls. In unity there is strength" Jughead says and we pull into a circle and lean our heads together before shouting. "In unity there is strength!"

Jughead and Sweet Pea opens the doors and Fangs holds into me along with some other Serpents.

We try to get through the crowd and then FP shows up and more Serpents helps us through. Everyone is screaming, everyone tries to get a grip on Fangs and I. I feel multiple hands on me and as someone gets a grip in my hair, Sweet Pea shoves the person back and blocks anyone from getting to me and Fangs.

Then I spot someone, Reggie to be exact. My eyes widen in horror as I look further down and see a gun. He has a gun.

I let go of Fangs hand and he looks at me. I look back towards Reggie and Fangs shakes his head as he reads my mind. "No! Maia, no!" Fangs shouts but I almost can't hear him.

I duck under Sweet Pea's arm and let go of Fangs before pushing past everyone to get to the front with Jughead.

"Maia? Get back!" Jug shouts. I hastily walk towards Reggie and shout a no as Archie runs up to Reggie and the sound of a gunshot fired makes everyone break up.

I feel a quick pain in my arm and stumble to the side before I scream louder than anyone as I see Fangs. His stomach. He's shot!

I regain balance and run to Fangs and the others realise Fangs got shot. "Pea!!" I scream and he sees Fangs. I grab Fangs face and try to talk to him. "Fangs! Talk to me! Can you hear me? You're gonna be okay!" I tell him his eyes looks down at my mouth as if trying to figure out what I'm saying.

Fangs' hand moves up to the side of my face and he smiles a bit, but then he gasps and he falls down. "No!!" I scream and tears fall faster than I could process.

Jughead and Sweet Pea helps him lay down as he falls and I stand frozen on the spot. I feel all air get sucked out of me. I can't breathe. Fangs snaps out of his shock and he starts gasping violently and he starts crying.

I snap out of the shock and I fall to my knees next to his head and hold his head up and put my hand in his stomach to stop the bleeding.

"Come on! Don't leave me! You promised me!" I say to him, he looks into my eyes and I see the glint in his eyes, fade.

"Help us!!" I scream and feel the blood sew through my fingers. I sob and Sweet Pea tries to help me stop the bleeding.

"Maia!" I hear multiple people yell my name but I only focus on Fangs. "You said you one day would get me a real ring, it's gonna happen, Fangs. Just breathe, okay? You can do this! Fight for me, fight for us" I beg him and lay my head on his forehead and he tries to say something and I lean further down.

"I-I...love y-you, Maia" I squeeze my eyes shut and try not to scream out of the pain I feel along with him. I feel it all.

A/N: Sooo yeah, she got grazed by a bulletttttttt. What do you think?

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