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I am so so so so so! Sorry to make this note.
This is not an update, but I have bad news guys...

I'm in the middle of a bad time, I only have 2 chapters left and I can't watch Riverdale for the next 2 weeks.

Here's why:
1. I have final exams and I'm running around like a chicken with a lost head!
2. I'm in the middle of moving to another city.
3. So above this—> we lose our internet today later, and I have school the whole day and then my work.
4. Also as above—> I have my job to focus on too.
5. I am pretty sick at the moment too....
6. And I can't write any chapters without watching the show at the same time, so I'm really sorry—>


I won't be able to post for about 2 weeks. I know this is hard because I've been posting everyday and done surprise posts! But I guess you'll have to wait—if you decide not to leave this story and forget about it.

If you stay though—I'd like if you wait! That would be so perfect for me and if you want you could message me and ask questions if you have one or two about my story or about Maia if you want? That's all up to you!

I respect whatever you decide to chose and I hope you've enjoyed this story so far!

Thank you reading—(if you did) and I hope I'll be seeing you again in less than 2 weeks. <3

Cause I will be back!! And that's a promise I will keep!

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