harry potter x bts dream lmao

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Ahoy humans
yes u heard that right

More dream

*No* more dream

Armys will understand 💅🏻✨


So i had this dream like sometime earlier this year, dont remember when

I actually remembered it when reading Icebunny11 dream book lmao

So in the dream i was reading an old harry potter ff of mine (it exists irl, written in a notebook) and i was like seeing the events happen live too, so half reading half experiencing it physically

I just remembered i texted this to my friend i forgot most of it but i can remember thanks to that thread ✨

anyways so suddenly the plot of the ff went off track bc i sure as heck didnt write this irl ☠️ so i well technically my character, was in the ministry of magic

And there was a war going on so minister was kinda crazy

The ministry was rlly empty and big, i could see it as one floor but it didnt look like how it looked in the movies, it seemed more like a one floor ministry with corridors on either end (felt like a reception area at a hotel fr-)

So yeah, and apparently the minister was tryna kill me or annoy me, i forgot and dont remember how but there was a lotta running i believe

at some point i may have yelled and insulted the minister but that's history now 😇💃

Then i called someone from another area of the ministry to help me with some walkie talkie like device?? yeah and-

that person's name was suga-
idk if this was the real suga or not, cause earlier on i had seen this character and his name started with a z or smt

But i think he magically changed cause im like 80% sure it was real suga ☠️ he had the same personality so-

i go to his office, somehow without getting lost, and we both plotting how to destroy and take down psycho minister
Im pretty sure the three of us were the only people in the entire ministry of magic building 😀

so there's a bunch of buttons in front of maybe-suga guy, and theyre like reinforcement buttons??

The office now i think of it didnt rlly look like a traditional office- it seemed like the captain's deck on a spaceship or something lmao, cause there was glass in front of the button area. Idk where it looked off to bc i was watching the interaction in 3rd person with back to window.

Ps the oc and i became the same person at some point-

ANYWAYS the reinforcement buttons let us send scary memes and photos to scare the minister, and they somehow work rlly well

But we only have 15 seconds to send as many as possible

So suga's clicking as fast as he can and im yelling and cheering and pointing at stuff he could pick

The 15 seconds ended way too fast-

Suga was like "dang i couldn't pick any more" or smt along those lines

anyways then we heard the minister scream like a girl 🤡❓👍🏻 and we both cackled

Mission accomplished, think we gave him a heart attack-

Some of those pics were jumpscare worthy and had that lord of the rings lady with long black hair ahhaaha

so yeah

that's it

Pretty short but theres more to come

this moment is yet to come~♪♪♪


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