Fantasmical Character

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Astoria ("Stori") Muir

Primary Characteristics

·         Age: 24

·         Gender: Female

·         Sexuality: Heterosexual

·         Race/Tribe: Mixed (mother dark Cajun and father white Scottish)

·         Origin/From: Born in Louisiana, USA, but grew up across the world as her father moved with his job

Physical Appearance

·         Height: 5'-5" (165 cm)

·         Weight: 115 lb (52.2 kg)

·         Build/Body Shape: Lean, willowy, attractive

·         Skin: medium tan

·         Hair: mid-shoulder length, dark brown

·         Eyes: amber, almond shaped

·         Facial: Oval face with high cheek bones, full lips

·         Distinguishing characteristics: A series of parallel scars across her chest and abdomen

·         Ethnicity: Mixed, lived across the world and influenced by many cultures


·         Introverted, tires easily with crowds or social situations

·         Compassionate, especially to the downtrodden

·         Idealistic, sometimes rigidly so

·         Analytical mind

·         Generally skeptical and cynical, sometimes critical

·         Prefers to plan ahead, rather than be spontaneous, and is uncomfortable with improvisation

·         Loyal to friends, family, and the causes she favors


·         Fluent in several languages

·         Knowledgeable in cultural beliefs and norms, especially as related to magic

·         Trained self-defense skills

·         Magical abilities:

o   Magic sense - able to detect the presence of magical power and track it to the source

o   Aura reading - able to detect the presence of living things, sense emotions, and detect lies

o   Null - able to remove spells and disrupt magic energy, or in its ultimate form, strip away the magical abilities of a user (a rare dark ability)

o   Only basic abilities in other areas of magic


·         Levelheaded in stressful situations

·         Highly intelligent, analytical, and resourceful

·         Fighting skills

·         Resistance to magical attacks


·         Can be brash and alienating to those not up to her moral standards

·         Does not play political games well

·         Prone to depression or feelings of low self-worth

·         Limited ability to cast magic spells or energy


·         Believes in a loving God, but is skeptical of organized religion

·         Power corrupts people, therefore controls and oversight are needed

·         With power or wealth comes responsibility

·         Driven to protect people who cannot protect themselves

·         Believes that she is somehow damaged or corrupted


·         Losing those she loves

·         Awkward social situations

·         Falling to dark magic, becoming corrupted and losing self-control


·         Discover what happened to her mother

·         Find acceptance in others and herself

·         Eventually have a loving family of her own


·         Born of Cajun mother with dark magic abilities and Scottish father descended from powerful druids.

·         Stori's mother disappeared without explanation when Stori was young.

·         Stori's father was an engineer who travelled extensively around the world on various projects. As a girl, Stori went with him, thus experiencing many different cultures.

·         Stori and her father have a close, loving relationship. He demonstrated and instilled most of the moral values she carries.

·         Stori's magical abilities appeared when she was a teenager, so her father arranged mentorship and training to help her control them. 

·         Because some locations were dangerous, Stori's father taught her self-defense skills.

·         Fascinated with cultures, Stori studied Anthropology and is currently a graduate student. She is known for controversial theories.

·         Stori is generally shunned in magical communities because she is a blend of magic traditions (unpure), and the dark magic Null she carries.

·         The Null within Stori, a kind of dark magic, is symbiotic and has a will of its own, sometimes trying to influence her. It sometimes causes mental anguish.

·         But because of her unique anti-magic abilities, she is sometimes called to hunt down malevolent magical entities.

Additional Information

·         Likes spicy foods.

·         Stori will drink, but rarely to excess.

·         Enjoys being outside in the wilderness, including hiking and backpacking. Has fond memories of doing these things with her father and friends.

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