The Big and Little of Friends

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Prompt from @HighFantasy for Fantasmical 2023: After tumbling through a portal to an unknown realm, you find a dragon trapped in a strange form, desperate to return home.

Story word count = 979

The accuser rose from my soul's shadowed place and heaviness weighed my spirit — even getting out of bed took a herculean act of will. I was drowning in dark mental waters, even though I knew how to swim.

My recent poor judgment, which could have harmed many, was merely the trigger. Then the older doubts roiled the waters.

My mother disappeared years ago. Because of me?

The covens despise me. Was I truly an abomination?

My father, my rock, took consulting jobs far away. So not to be near me?

Buck up, buttercup! my rational side ranted. But my emotional side just cowered into self-made shadow.

Why did I do this to myself?

With that thought, the floor dropped from beneath my feet and I free-fell through a long tube of shimmering light. Cries erupted from my lips as I tumbled, arms flung out, until I crashed through thick green foliage.

Dazed, I rose to wobbly feet, a hand to my throbbing head. Now what?

Standing in the filtered shade of tall, sprawling trees, a lush jungle surrounded me with life. Moisture hung thick in the still air. Flowering vines crawled up the trees while vibrant orchids nestled within any available crook. Beautiful.

A small creature, no bigger than my hand, zipped around me, trailing tiny sparkles. I sensed its magic. Only when it stopped before me could I see — it looked like a tiny white-haired woman with translucent wings. A Pixie.

"You brought me here?" I said, crossing my arms.

"So sorry am I," she replied in a high-pitched voice. "I meant the portal to take me to you, not you to me. Sometimes I get the magic backwards." With a tiny bow, she continued. "I am Gwenlynn, and you are my guest in Silva, the realm of pixie and fae."

"My name is--"

"Ah, but I know of you, Astoria of Earth Realm. Tales of your great deeds have spread among the realms."

"I am not so great," I said, dipping my head. "Most shun me."

"Not I," Gwenlynn said, buzzing within a breath of my nose. "A sense of hearts have I, and yours shines good, although troubled."

Her affirmation lifted my spirit. "Thank you for that, Gwenlynn. How may I help you?"

"Not for me, but for a dear friend who lies trapped within a foul spell that I cannot breech. Much grateful I would be if you would help him."

"Show me."

Gwenlynn buzzed in meandering spirals as she led me along a faint path to the base of a tall waterfall. Sparkling water cascaded over a moss and fern laden rock ledge to a clear pool. We came to a writhing gray mass on the pebbles, not unlike a giant slug.

"Jryther!" the pixie exclaimed, flying is circles. "I found her. She shall restore you."

I gulped at her presumption of success. "I will try." The invisible spell that surrounded him like a spider's web lit up within my magic sense. But there was a malevolent aura to it. "Who did this?"

"The dark fae," Gwenlynn fumed. "Jealous of Jryther, they are."

Extending hands, I closed my eyes and willed the Null to emerge. Then, nothing.

Oh, come on! I mentally yelled. Usually, I can hardly keep it inside near such potent magic.

Finally, with something akin to a mental yawn, the Null emerged as lazy spirals of hazy mist. But upon sensing the spell, it became a turbulent tempest, eager to consume. Easy, now, I commanded. Just remove the spell.

Countless vaporous talons tore at the spell, shredding the threads as if knives cutting through a net. I sensed Jryther, but he was not human, witch, or pixie. Rather something different, something powerful.

A kinetic blast to my back knocked the air from my lungs and sent me splashing into the pool. What?

Dripping wet, I stood up to see a Fae. Dressed in black trousers and tunic, he stood tall with long white hair, classic pointed ears, and sour frowning expression.

"You shall not free the dragon," he snarled.

Um, dragon?

Gwenlynn came up to the fae's face and drew her tiny eyes narrow. "Jryther posed no threat to you. He deserves freedom like any sentient being."

Stepping from the water, I crossed my arms and put on my best defiant expression. "Gwenlynn is right! Leave now, and I shall not hurt you." The Null swirled around me, eager for battle.

The fae gritted pointed teeth, but then his eyes widened and mouth gaped. What little blush colored his cheeks faded. Turning, large wings emerged from his back and he zipped away within the trees.

I didn't know I was that intimidating. But a warm, moist breath to the back of my neck dispelled that illusion.

Spinning around, I found myself in the red slit eye glare of a green scaled dragon. Extended leathery wings shaded the entire clearing. Truly massive, the beast had to kneel to look me in the eyes. Another warm breath fluttered my hair, and I took a step back.

Gwenlyn buzzed around the dragon's snout, then landed between his eyes. "Oh, Jryther, you are back!" she exclaimed, leaning into his forehead.

The dramatic size difference between them induced a chuckle from me. They were the big and little of friends.

The pixie flew back to me. "Jryther says thank you and asks if there is any way he may repay your kindness."

A smile came to my face. "I am already repaid. Early this day, desolation shrouded my heart, but now it soars. I thank you for that." There was something about helping others that also helped me.

"Sure are you that there is not something else?" Gwenlyn asked, tilting her tiny head.

I put a hand to my chin. "Well, ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of taking a dragon ride?"

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