The Yew Stone

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Prompt from @Lowfantasy for Fantasmical 2023: Deep within your soul resides an insatiable desire, craving to possess the very essence of a mythical stone revealed in your slumber. Will you dare to seize it and unveil the extraordinary power it holds?

Story word count = 995

Vivid dreams haunted me. Within a vast, desolate realm, a single stone among countless others called out to me. Otherwise a nondescript, rounded gray rock, a carved rune shimmered with intense magic energy.

I recognized the rune — the Eihwaz, one of the Elder Futhark Runes used by ancient Germanic tribes. A simple design, it was a single vertical line with angled branches at both ends. The Eihwaz might represent many things — balance, enlightenment, gateway, and death.

Why would a magic-infused object call to me, the holder of anti-magic?

But most disturbing were the visions of my mother. Eyes closed, she laid on a rock bench, arms crossed on her chest and long black hair splayed beneath. My memories of her were vague, since she disappeared when I was young, yet shrouded in love. She was a dark witch of considerable power, my father had told me. Beneath his sparkling green eyes, he still grieved her as much as I did.

Somehow, the dreams are related.

Retrieving my mother's amethyst pendant from a wooden box, I fastened the silver chain around my neck. At once, a warmth flowed through me, and I sensed her life energy. Then the stone flashed into my mind.

I have to find it. But I will need help.

Dante, the handsome man who danced Zydeco with me, answered my call. Appearing in a puff of smoke within my apartment, he bent to kiss my hand. "How may I be of assistance, my dear Stori?"

"I need to find a particular stone," I answered. "One marked with the Eihwaz rune."

His dark eyebrows jumped. "You mean, the Yew Stone? Much sought, it is. By rumor, it's power unlocks the gates to the Underworld, allowing free passage. Why do you seek it?"

"Because that's where my mother is." I stepped closer. "The stone calls me."


Because of the anti-magic Null residing within me, I could not perform even the simplest spells, certainly not teleportation. But I had a keen magic-sense, enabling me to detect and track magic to its source like a bloodhound. After we dressed for a wilderness adventure, including cargo-pants and sturdy boots, Dante snapped us to an unnamed realm.

This place was as desolate as my dreams, and devoid of life, composed of only rocky hills and dusty brown skies. Chilled winds tossed my dark ponytail.

"A dreary place," I remarked.

"And dangerous," Dante cautioned. "No favor have I done you."

I closed my eyes and invoked my magic-sense. A brilliant white point appeared in the distance, as if a shining star. "Care for an afternoon hike?" I asked, grinning.

"Lead the way," he responded with a sweeping gesture and dimpled smile.

We trudged for hours across a Mars-like terrain, but fortunately with a breathable atmosphere. Desiccant air sucked moisture from us, requiring frequent water breaks until our bottles neared empty. The land trembled periodically, sending rocks skittering down the slopes and kicking up dust. The wind increased to a gusty gale, pelting us with fine grit.

"This world seems to despise our presence," Dante shouted over the wind.

"We are not far," I replied, trying not to convey my inner tension, triggered by the dark malevolent energy of this place that prickled my gut. As if to confirm my feelings, the ground shook again. Nearly toppling, I reached out to Dante to steady myself. The faster we get out of here, the better.

Finally, we came to a tumbled pile of gray rocks beneath a towering granite cliff. "It's here, somewhere," I announced.

"But which one?" he said, narrowing his eyes.

There were countless thousands of piled stones, but what better place to hide a magic stone? "Hmm..." I crawled over the pile, peering down with my magic-sense. Rough edges poked my hands and knees.

"Here, buried below!" I announced, coming to a rest above an object glowing within my mind. Beginning an arduous task, I dug down, pushing rocks aside.

"My dear, Stori," Dante huffed, hands on his hips. "Please allow me."

As I backed off, dark-blue treads of magic swirled from his lifted hands, arcing to the dig site. One by one, the stones rose to be casually tossed away. But another rumbling quake interrupted his work and teetered me. These were becoming annoyingly more frequent.

"Stori, watch out!" Dante yelled.

Tendrils of his blue magic wrapped around my waist like a lasso, and I grunted as he yanked. I ended up within his arms just as a fallen boulder pounded the place I once stood.

I sucked in a breath as my body tingled. "Sure glad I brought you along, Dante."

He drew me closer and put on his characteristic warm, charming smile. "The pleasure is all mine."

Despite my warming cheeks, I pulled out of his embrace. "Let's find the stone and get out of here."

After Dante cleared another layer of rocks, I peered down into the six-foot excavation. "There it is!" The glowing rune looked up at me.

With his help, I scrambled down and snatched up the hand sized Yew Stone. Sparks crawled up my arm. So close to such potent magic, the Null within me woke and growled. Easy, now, I urged it.

As I grasped Dante's hand to climb out, another quake hit, this one more powerful. I lost my footing in the rolling jolts, but he held firm. With thunderous cracks, a rock slab directly above separated from the cliff face.

"Dante!" I screamed as it plummeted toward us.

Then darkness, falling.

We landed in a heap — in my bedroom, on my bed. The Yew Stone bounced to the floor.

Breathing deeply to still a racing heart, I stood and brushed dust from my clothes. "Dante, I am in your debt."

"That being the case," he said, grasping my hand, "join me for a candlelight dinner and, perhaps, a moonlight dance?"

I smirked. "Are your intentions honorable, sir?"

Dante placed a wispy kiss on my fingers. "Not entirely..."

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