Another Silver Encounter

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Christina's P.O.V.

"What took you to so long?" Reed asked Johnny and I when we got to the trucks.

"I was writing a song," I said.

"I was exercising," Johnny said.

Reed nodded and got on the truck. Johnny winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

We all then got onto the truck and drove to Germany.

When we got there we all got out.

We then went over to Hager.

The woman soldier said, "Sir he's holding his position north of here."

"Good," Hager said.

"General give us a one mile perimeter," Reed said.

"Forget it Richards you had your shot and you blew it. This is a military operation now so jam the signal, get out of the way and let us do our job," Hager said.

I tensed up.

"You don't understand..." Reed said getting cut off.

"No you don't understand so let me make it clear for you and your pack of freaks. I'm the quarterback your on my team. Got it? But I guess you never played football in high school did you Richards," Hager said mockingly.

"No your right I didn't. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And fifteen years later I'm one of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet. My sister is one of the best singers ever. And the big jock who played quarterback in high school well he's standing right in front of me asking me for help. And I say 'he's not gonna get a damn thing unless he does exactly what I tell him and starts treating my friends, family and me with some respect'," Reed said confidently.

I was surprised Reed wasn't one to stand up so much. I remember in school I had to scare the bullies away from him and I was like in grade 1 when he was in grade 8.

"Give him what he wants," Hager said walking away still looking at Reed.

Sue walked up next to Reed seriously.

"I'm so hot for you right now," Sue said.

Johnny then walked up behind Reed and hugged him making them change powers.

"Me too," Johnny said making me laugh.

"Carful Johnny alright let's go to work," Reed said leading us into the forest.

We all had a box that was going to defeat the Surfer with a pulse.

Reed was walking in front followed by Sue and Ben. Johnny and I were a little behind. Johnny was whispering things in my ear I cannot repeat.

When we finally got to a lake Reed said,"This is it. You have your coordinates set up your post and rendezvous back here," Reed said.

We all then went our separate ways.

Johnny stopped my as I was about to leave by grabbing my arm making us switch powers.

"Stay safe," Johnny said.

"I'm never safe, I'm dating you," I said.

He smiled. We kissed making us get our powers back then we went to our posts.

When I got there I didn't feel so well my chest was in a lot of pain. I was probably going to take more time to set up the machine.

I put down the box and started to set it up.

"What's your status," Reed asked through the ear piece.

"Yeah I'm good to go," Ben said.

"Same here," Johnny said.

"Me too," Sue said.

"Almost there," I said.

As I was almost done I stopped. The trees started to bend. The Surfer emerged from the space.

I gasped.

"Guys we have a problem," I said.

"What's wrong," Reed asked casually.

"He's here," I said still freaking out that he was now floating directly in front of me.

"Get out of there right now," Reed said.

I stayed there and tried to finish the box. The Surfer moved closer to me so I couldn't.

I made a clear ice box around me so he couldn't hurt me. But he went right through it so I melted it knowing I couldn't protect myself with it.

"Why are you destroying our planet?" I asked him.

"I have no choice," he said.

"Christina!" Reed yelled as he ran over but stopped a little bit behind me.

"Wait!" I said turning back to look at the Surfer.

"What do you mean you don't have a choice? There's always a choice," I asked the Surfer.

"Not always," he said.

"Why are you trying to destroy us?" I asked again.

"I am not the destroyer," he said.

I was officially confused.

That's when the missiles started to come. They were from the army.

The Surfer 'floated' in front of me in a protective way. He then absorbed the missiles in his board. It was crazy.

More missiles started to come and the Surfer left to take care of them.

I took that time to finish up the box.

I was still in shock I couldn't...this sounds really wrong warning. I couldn't put the stick thingy in the hole. My hands were shaking.

Johnny came up from behind me and did it for me.

When it was done Reed pressed a button on his 'iPod' and the Surfer fell out of the sky.

I took a deep breath and passed out.


Sorry again guys it's really late but summer break is soon then I'll be updating almost everyday.



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