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I don't sleep that night.

And I also avoid Taehyung at school— which isn't that hard to do. Jungkook was by his side all the time now, growling at people who even brushed against him.

He tries to talk to me several times, but I'd pretended not to hear.

Because this was better.

"Hey, Youra!"

I turn my head tiredly over to the sound of the voice. Might as well just do what they want.

"Can you buy me this? I know you have money." Eunho smirks, pointing at a snack sold at the lunch line.

"Oh yeah, me too!"

Just don't make trouble.

Without a word, I shift my wallet towards them and walk out of the cafeteria. I wasn't hungry— not anymore.

I can hear them laughing behind me.

Quickly, I walk towards the storage outside school. No one was ever there— and I was so sleepy.

I had to go to him.

Even if he might not welcome me, I had to.

Holding back tears the entire time, I hurry inside the cool darkness of the storage room and close the door behind me.

It's silent when I collapse down onto the pile of blue mats.

Why is my life like this?

My fingertips carefully pull up the sleeve of my shirt, touching the fresh scars from yesterday.

It still hurts.

But everything else hurts so, so much more.

Eventually, I close my eyes and dream.



"Yoongi." I blink tiredly. But then my eyes go wide when he slams into me,
pulling me harshly into his chest.

He's shaking.

"Where were you last night." He whispers, fingers pressing into my back. "Why didn't you come? I thought something happened to you."

I don't know if I should feel happy.

"I was, uh— I stayed up watching my phone." I say bashfully, smiling shy. "I'm sorry."

"Don't lie."

His voice turns softer when I look up in shock.

"You don't watch anything." He whispers, the shadows deeper in his face. "Tell me the truth, Youra."

My bottom lip trembles.

"I-I thought you wouldn't want me here." I say, voice quivering. "Because I kissed you. I should've— should've  asked permission."

He sighs, a quiet breath.

"My baby."

I sniffle when he pushes my face into his chest, letting me cry. And I do, until my eyes and cheeks are red.

"Hell will freeze over before I decide I don't want you here." He murmurs, brushing his fingers down my hair.

I squeeze his waist tighter.

"Did you eat? Aren't you in school?"

My thoughts flash back to what happened in the cafeteria— where I was sleeping right now.

"I wasn't— wasn't hungry." I clasp my hands, when he blinks slowly.

"I can hear your stomach growling."

I blush.

Yoongi probably knows already. This wasn't the first time I'd gone to sleep in the PE storage room.

"What's wrong, Youra?"

You can tell me everything.

"T-Taehyung." I hiccup, curling my knees to my chest. "I have to ignore him now. He got hurt because of me the other— the other day."

"A-And I'm broke now."

He frowns. "Damn fuc—"

Then he gives me a sidelong glance, and breathes silently.

"Those losers. Are they getting at you again?"

I'm about to nod when he suddenly flinches. Then he turns to the sky, and turns back down to me.

"Someone's waking you."

"What?" I mutter, tapping at my head. "I don't feel anything. Isn't it usually supposed to hurt my head when someone's—"

"I changed that."

His slanted eyes curve a little bit with a smile. "Go now, Youra. I'll be waiting for you."

It's weird. I'm still thinking about what he said— how he changed the direction of waking pain from me to him when I come back in reality.

The first thing I see is worried brown eyes.


I instantly sit up, blinking sleepily as I try to shift past him. How long had I been in here?

"Wait— Youra! Wait!"

Quickly, I reach for the storage door and try to pull it open. But it doesn't, only pushing back into the frame with a dull noise.



"I-I really didn't mean it." He stutters, shuffling over to my side. "I think it locked by itself when I came in."

I blink.

"We're stuck?"

He nods, and I turn to him with my eyes wide. "What? But what about Jungkook? He might be looking for you!"

His face suddenly blushes.

He blushes hard.

"J-Jungkook, uh, no worries." Taehyung laughs awkwardly, completely unnatural. Like he's hiding something.

I blink again.

"But what about you?" He asks, looking over my smaller figure. "Are you okay? Why were you in here?"


I give him the same shy smile. "I was so sleepy. This is a great place to sleep— I was just napping, really."

The door's still firmly locked, but I feel better knowing Taehyung was also in here with me.

"Someone will come eventually."

"Actually—" He suddenly exclaims, before fading back down. "It's, It's dismissal time right now."

My head goes blank.


That meant we're screwed.

"Okay, okay— Jungkookie."

My eyes flash over to Taehyung. He has his face turned away, talking to someone— when there were only the two of us in here.

I tense.


"Yeah— yeah!" He shouts, turning back to me. "I'm sorry. Jungkook wanted me to..."

He suddenly catches himself, and now I'm even more confused as his cheeks flush redder.

I tilt my head. "Jungkook?"

"N-N-No, not Jungkook." He stutters, laughing really awkwardly now. "Sorry. My mistake, my fault. Ah, I'm sorry."

A thought crosses my mind.

"Is Jungkook in your head?"

Taehyung freezes. And then I nearly scream my head off when Jungkook suddenly materializes right next to him, looking half-pissed and half-annoyed at the same time.

"Tae. We need to work on your lying skills."

What in the world?

"I'm his dream." Jungkook taps Taehyung's head, and my mind goes white. "Well. Not altogether his dream, I guess."

"M-Me, too."

His dark eyes flash to me.


"I have a dream, too." I whisper, and Taehyung's eyes go wide. "His name's, um, Yoongi. But he can't be real, how can you be—"

"You have a dream?"

I nod, still shocked.

And then the truth hits me. Jungkook was talking— Jungkook was real. Did that mean, did that mean...

Could that mean Yoongi could be, too?

"I just talked to him!" I exclaim, my voice getting louder in excitement. "I can't believe— I can't believe he can actually be real!"

I quickly look back at the locked door.

"Could we— do you know a way to get out of here?" I say, tapping at the thick door. I needed to go to sleep now. This was amazing.

"Y-Yeah, Kook." Taehyung shivers, rubbing his hands against his bare forearms. "It's kinda getting cold too."

Jungkook shifts his jacket onto Taehyung, backing him away from the door. He tells me to back away as well, and I'm wondering what he'd do when he kicks the door in.

It makes me jump.

The door gives way, and Taehyung gives me an apologetic look.

"Sorry. He does this a lot."

The two insist on taking me home, and I don't put up too much of a resistance.
It felt nice to have someone to walk home with.

"We has a long talk." Taehyung huffs, lowering his voice with Jungkook trailing behind us. "He's really overprotective with me, that's why. And you even helped me!"

Jungkook sighs.

"I told him that too. So no more ignoring, 'Kay?" Taehyung wraps his pinkie finger around mine.


I laugh.


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