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Here's a description of the different races.

Elf: Often known as the "fair folk", these nature loving beings are unusually tall - rarely shorter than six feet. They have very pointed ears. They have a deep connection with nature and typically have their homes in forests. They pursue many interests. Most like things such as carving, singing, drawing, and the like. They are usually content where they are, but some prefer traveling. They are usually skilled with the longbow. They are flexible and strong, even in old age. Their hair color is usually some exotic color, like purple or even green. They are gentle with animals but are ferocious if they are attacked. They also tend to be contemptuous of other races, especially humans and half-elves.

Human: Ambitious and impulsive, humans are as varied as the stars. Typically between five and six feet tall with rounded ears. Humans are usually intuitive and pretty intelligent, though alcohol really gets to them. They are adaptable and can be diplomatic. They are often very passionate about their ideas and desires.

Dwarf: The shortest of the races. Dwarves are patient, kind, and understanding. They have a love for the beauty of the earth, especially gems. They are, however, very strong and firm in their beliefs. All dwarf men grow beards as soon as they can, for it is considered a mark of adulthood. Their weapon of choice is usually a battle ax, a heavy broadsword, a hammer, or the like.

Half-elf: These are half-elf, and half-human. Like humans, they are adaptable and diplomatic, as well as intuitive and intelligent. Like, elves, the are flexible and strong, though not quite as much as full-blooded elves. Their ears are slightly pointed. They are usually comfortable with weapons. Their hair color varies from the exotic colors of the elves, to the more mundane colors of humans.

Dragonborn: These creatures are part dragon, but have the basic human form: two legs, two arms, and a head. Some may also have wings. They are honorable and honest, in battle as well as anywhere else. They are covered in scales, which can be pretty much any color. They never judge you based on your race, but rather on your individual actions. It is often difficult to gain their trust, but once you have, they will keep that trust. They are usually larger than humans and more heavily built than elves, but they usually get along nicely with dwarves.

Zimtar: (I just made these up) These people live naturally in deserts. They are very curious, and like to put things together, a very useful habit. Their skin color is most often green, but some are blue and purple. They have somewhat flat noses, big eyes, and long hair. Their favorite weapons are small throwing knives, whips, and magic. They are the only creatures who use actual magic. They are true to their word and almost never break their promises, which is why they make them so rarely. They are usually named after something in nature. For example: "Sandstorm", "Hawk", "Tornado", "Oasis", and "River".

So, that's basically the outline. If you want to get cool names for your particular race, check out this site: www.fantasynamegenerators.com It's got some pretty good names, lots of choices.

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