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Name: Billie
Age: ???
Date of birth: ???
Country of birth: ???
Planet of birth: ???
Likes: Grass, hay, helpful people, quiet people
Dislikes: dry skin, hazel eyes
Family: unknown
Personality: sheepish, usually hungry
Makeup?: none
Sexuality: bisexual
Religion: none
People they like: Arianna Telepon, Auntie Maurice
People they dislike: Giovanni Parise
Boyfriend/girlfriend?: none
Weaknesses: eyes, feet
Strengths: horns, bite
Any mental illnesses?: no
Superpowers?: none
Weapon of choice: none
Who would they sacrifice their life for?: Arianna Telepon, Auntie Maurice
If a monster, what monster are they?: goat- human hybrid
Description: Billie does not know where she was born or how old she is. She just knows that when she was young, she woke up on a grassy plain and she saw a building in the distance. She saw a house and decided to run towards it. In that house was Auntie Maurice, Who took care of Billie her whole life. Billie met Arianna 1 year ago and have developed a massive crush on her. She dislikes Giovanni Parise because he is Arianna's boyfriend.

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