The Siren

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He loves her. So much that he trembles and loses his mind as his lips touch hers in a tight embrace. Suddenly, he feels it again. Her muscles tighten and her body slightly convulses. She's suffering an indescribable pain that is unbearable for the man to see.

"Beast," the other sailors had called her. "Kill her!" "Kill it!" They have shouted and argued, but the man didn't. No matter how much they protested, he didn't let them have their way with his beloved enchantress. He is the captain of their ship. They had to follow his command. He wanted the siren and there was nothing that anyone could do to change his mind. For the man is convinced that it was fate that he saw her. He had heard the sea called unto him. Its waves sounded like an irresistible playing instrument, followed by the most beautiful lullaby that he had ever heard in his entire life. Then he saw her, perched on a rock in the middle of the endless waters. He had commanded his sailors to go down from the ship and capture the beautiful lady. At once, he fell in love with her. Now, she's his and his alone.

The man rests a hand on her slim shoulder. "I'm here. I'm not leaving you," he says to her. "Stay with me, always. It's alright, I will give you everything that you want." He's completely smitten. He inches closer to her to feel her jet black hair against his cheeks. He already knows her scent, had memorized it from the many times he had persuaded her to mate with him. He caresses her shoulder once more and touches her cold scaly tail, assuring her that for him she is no monster.

And she doesn't think that. The captain doesn't know that all the while the siren simply thinks that the man is among the weaker kind--the lesser kind. Another searing pain within her. She howls in pain.

The sailor knows what she needs before her body rots again.


He would not see her in that awful state anymore. He had freely given his comrades to her, but she needs more.

Despite the pain that she feels, the siren starts to sing the same song that he had heard when he first saw her before. The man is maddened with want. He needs her.

Now and forever.

He has to give her what she needs because that's the only way for them to stay together. It's fine.

Just one more.

Again, the besotted sailor gets his knife and wounds his left thigh. His other foot already cut and missing, his blood is like a carpet laid on the floor. But the man is numb from all the pain. His senses are filled with the siren's addicting music.

"Here, take this," he offered. Immediately, the siren sips the blood from the man's wound, tears his flesh, and eats it. She gives off terrific wails and cries, but the sailor, drunk in his fantasies, could only think of her beauty--an illusion made since the moment he laid eyes on her.

Ship name: The Mariners
Status: Lost at sea
Reported survivors: None

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