Starting chapter

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A mortal surface, where I was born. There is a sacred bond that can cover all the anguish in which the evil can change every tranquility to be a devastating destruction. The dark sky led by the king of Byllzard's darkness slowly undermines the light of life in Zelfreays is getting more and more powerful.

One day, there was a great and terrible event. The king of Byllzard's darkness invaded Zelfreays to tear down, but he repeatedly failed to penetrate it, not until Byllzard and his followers had been tortured by seducing Zelfreays to get into it. Until finally Byllzard was able to appeal to Zelfreays's highest-level commander named Igor.

Igor, unknowingly by Zelfreays's guards and rulers, has betrayed, can easily enter the Entity's sacred space. Not as easy as Igor imagined, it was in the sacred hall standing the green nature guard named Tundra. The Tundra who could see the impairment of myself instantly stood firm to protect the entity and he said.

"You have hypocrisy in you, eliminate before you become useless".
Igor arrogantly said

"Haha ... You're hypocritical? Are not you the hypocrites? Igor the war-general will destroy the entity and reverse the Zelfreays balance!", The king replied

"You do not understand anything about the Zelfreays balance that we guarded this !!".

"go out of this room, or I'll get you out of here!", Igor answered the King's words.

"Just try if you can take me off!"

The Shah Iskandar and Igorpun fight are inevitable, they struggle with strength, until finally Igor must be thrown against the pillars of the sacred space of the entity. Shah Iskandar was kind enough to send Igor out of the holy room.

"hey you're a mighty warrior general, you have a great power, cut off from this room, I will not blame you if you go from here now and promise to obliterate your hypocrisy."

Unexpectedly the king of Byllzard's darkness has penetrated and gave Igor a very large and deadly power. Igor, who had been entrusted with the power of Byllzard's darkness, was evolving and strengthening, physically and forcefully equivalent to the Zelfreays rulers.

Igor uses his new strength to fight the green lords of Shah lskandar. Shah Iskandar, who alone was the only one Igor and the power of Byllzard, was unable to withstand the forces of darkness. And it must fall before Igor.

The chaos in the entity's holy room was heard and heard up to Zelfreays, Nuha the red queen, and Juwita the blue rage was surprised and immediately hurried to the holy room. As soon as they were at the door of the holy hall, they instantly crashed and thrown in because of the energy explosion by Igor to destroy the entity.

The sacred space of the entity is crushed, crushed like a blown ash. Nuha and Juwita are bowed to weak because of the explosion of energy can only be stunned to see Igor with the power of his darkness holding the pieces of the remaining entity from the explosion of energy.

Nuha's words

"I .. Igor is that you? What have you done?"
Juwita with emotion. "You're a traitor .. Igor, I will not forgive you!"

Igor laughed loudly

"wuahahahaha ... You fools, can not defeat me who has destroyed this entity .. Wuahahaha".

At the same time, Byllzard came and ordered Igor to return.

"Hey Igor is no good to you against them both, go back to me and we'll start talking to the world." With his evil laughter Igor went back to Byllzard.

Nuha and Juwita were badly injured, and Shah Iskandar disappeared somewhere because of the explosion, Zelfreays in a critical and darkened state.

Nuha and Juwita with the remnants of their power have made temporary shields for Zelfreays, and they are collecting light potentials against the strength of Byllzard.


Year after year passed, the light protector over time began to weaken the sky of darkness. Zelfreays are just waiting for destruction, but the spirit and struggle of light potentials have never gone out, and even the potential of light they have gained is ever greater and able to withstand the sky of Byllzard's darkness.

12 years ago, I discovered Nuha in the ruined Zelfreays ruins due to an explosive entity, he
handed me to Danial who is currently the leader of the S squad, the owner of the highest light potential found by the blue ruler of Jiwita. According to Nuha and I heard from Danial (people I had already thought of as my own) they said I could be Zelfreays's hope because of the potential light I have very high, but until now I still do not know what that potential light, do not understand what the advantages I have.

I'm currently in the squad D put the light, the squad the lowest in the light. In the squad D I learned to take out the potential I have, but it seems useless, in the least there is no progress in me, just add to my question, for what am I here? Should not I be with ordinary people living without the potential of light? What do the rulers want in fact? And much more.

Hah !! I'm always dizzy with all sorts of questions, it's better to just walk around without asking a lot .. Ha .. Ha .. Ha.This is the main task of posting Zelfreays is to collect as much fractional entity that Igor has destroyed to make it easier to restore energy from Entity.

Entities can be restored as always if the remaining entities and all natural elements are incorporated according to Nuee and Javotte. It sounds easy to just collect the pieces of the Entity, but the fact is that the fighters must fight the Byllzard's dark monsters with the average power above our normal zelfreays.

Those dark monsters have a mission to eliminate the remaining Entity fractions, so that Entity can not be restored as before. The task of finding Entity fractions is left to squad S and A, while the B and C squad are in charge of guarding the temporary defense walls created by Nuhadan Juwita, and The last place I was was the squad D where the beginners are almost doubted whether they have the potential of light or not .. Hahaha .. And once again I say, I'm in it.


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