Vaas Montenergro X Pirate Reader | One Shot (I Rule This Fucking Kingdom)

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Quick Important YummyGhost (A-N)

I don't normally do warnings in my books because there has never been a need. It's not common I write about dark subjects, but for some reason I feel like gore, death, abuse, etc would be fitting for this story. Anyways I suggest if you're sensitive about some of the above I've just mentioned a long with other negative disturbing things that occur in life, then I'd come back another time when your mind is a bit stronger. Only reason why I'm saying this is because I don't want to upset any people that have mental health problems or problems at home with their families/relationships and put them in a deeper and more sadder mind.

As you may already know a lot of viloance is in this book along with drug and alcohol abuse, so please be a ware of that if it's a touchy subject to you.

I should also mention that this story was suggested by -AlcatrazMoonLight- so thank you for the suggestion and ideas. This person commented on my other FarCry 3 story which is a Vaas Montenegro X Daughter Reader book.

If any of you guys fancy checking it out you'll be able to find it on my story lists, if you want to give it a read. And now I shall let you read and hope you enjoy this story :)

Ever since you were a baby you knew nothing about the world, all you did was cry, eat, sleep and smell like all babies do. When you were a baby your mother died from giving birth to you so you never knew her. Your father on the other hand was a nut case, whenever he got the chance he would do scaring things to you such as: kicking, punching, scratching and many other types of abuse. For this behaviour to come from your father was unknown. You remember one night when he had you by your hair and continuously hit you in the gut, you asked him why he did this to you, but that just made it worse for you with no answer. You just thought it was revenge because your mother died as she had you.

But life wasn't THAT bad, sure you're pretty close to your turning point and stabbing your father to death in his sleep, but you did have an education and quite a bit of freedom. Basically, from seven in the morning, you'd leave as your dad would still be asleep at that time and go to do your everyday job which was tattooing. You didn't make much from inking people but it was enough to keep you AND only you alive at home. Some days your little tattooing shack would have no one in, but it was better than being beaten twenty-four seven. Then after you finished work, it came to nights, you did your best into sneaking back into your house without making your evil dad aware of your presence. If he caught you sneaking back inside, you were going to get dragged about the house till you struggled to stand. You took moving out into consideration, but the village you live in is super small and there are no houses or huts that are cheap enough to purchase or rent; so your birth home was what stopped you from being tiger food.

"(Y-N)!? (Y-N)!?" Your dad yelled your name out twice as you literally just sat on your bed and shut the window you just snook though.

"(Y-N), ANSWER ME, YOU SILLY BITCH!" Your dad called out again and bashed on your door.

Then at that moment you opened your window again and started climbing out of it

"OI! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!?" You Dad then broke the door down in frustration. "Away from you." You bravely answered, dropped out of the window and stood up as quickly as possible. "HEY, GET BACK HERE!" Your dad punched his fist through the window and attempted to grab you, but you were already running.

Now that you had just made a rare escape from one of your dad's attacks, all you could do was wait out his anger, because there was no way he'd chase after you. He was too lazy and unfit to run after a fast, energised woman like you. Your best bet was waiting till it was nine o'clock which was two hours from now. Reason being is because you knew that your dad would be slobbed out on the couch with a beer in his hand; and then the plan that you had in your head was absolutely crazy and twisted. But you had your limits and your patience had ran out. It was time to snap back in your eyes.

So before you went back to your little house in Amaniki Village you searched around the area for anything useful like: food, water, sharp objects, lighters and other survival things you'd possibly need in the wild. Soon after you've killed your father, you planned on doing a runner and hiding for as long as possible. So preparing for living in the jungle would be very helpful.

Then when it came to the point when you had to head home, things were going to get more intense. You found some old lighters, matches, a water flask, duck tape and surprisingly a machete on your search, so you dropped those through your bedroom window, then climbed in yourself. At first you were completely clueless on how to kill a man, but you weren't for long. All you had to do was, pick up your machete, think of the Hell your dad gave you most of your life and just stab him till there was a red pool around his his corpse.

Now that you were prepped for the murder, you just went for it and hoped for the best. As you snook out of your bedroom door with the sharp weapon at the ready, you peeked around the corner to see if the fat ass was awake and he wasn't; which would make this way easier for you. So to do the deed, you got your machete and slit the man's throat with pleasure in your eyes that went from sweet to pure evil.

Your dad's eyes widely opened the second blood squirted out of his neck with it going everywhere, but that wasn't enough for you. To make the pain equal to what you had, you began to cut and stab him constantly in the arms and legs so he lived to experience the agonising pain. Then after two minutes, your father's body caved in and couldn't take any more blood loss making him die where he laid.

After your accomplishment, you felt so alive, you had the best feeling ever of being free and didn't know how to take it in. All you did was crazily laugh out loud as you dropped the machete and calmed down to only notice the mess. You were not going to clean it up because you were never returning, but it would probably be the wisest idea to pack a bag or two, clean your machete and have a shower so the smell of human blood didn't attract dingos or rabid dogs while you were living a new lifestyle for as long as possible.

After you did the rest of your plan, which was washing yourself, your machete, getting some bags together and then heading out. It was a rather warm night out so temperature wouldn't be much of a problem. However, you would need to find somewhere to sleep for the next couple of hours.

An hour had passed and you must have walked a mile or two by now, your feet were aching like mad and you could feel your eyes getting tired. But there was nowhere to sleep and it was almost pitch black. Your best idea was hiding up in a tree and sleeping up there. You just hoped that you didn't fall out and hoped that a snake wouldn't bite you, because both of those things could badly injury you, if not that, possibly kill you since no one would be around to help you. So for the rest of the night you found a tree that was climbable and rather stable. Branches were twisted together making it straight and rather strong, so you camped there for the night till it was morning.

When it was morning you woke up at roughly ten or eleven judging from where the sun was and you recognised that you were still safely high up in the tree you just slept in for many hours. Gradually, you climbed down and stretched your limbs so you could start walking around the island some more. But walking was getting tiring and boring, then the heat made things much harder for you. So you decided to do a bit of car theft other than murder in the same week and you had the best set up for it too. You'd wait till a car would come past you so you could get the drivers attention, then when it pulled up, you'd go to their window, stab them dead and drive off with the body out on the road.

Ten minutes later after waiting around, a car came around the corner and luckily the driver stopped when you waved your hands out to get their attention.

"Evening, miss. Can I help you?" The driver popped his head out of the window to help you out. "Yes." You answered and stabbed the tip of your machete through his throat.

"That was easier than expected." You thought to yourself, dragged the body out of the car and drove off in the driver's seat.

When day two of your life in the jungle was over, you began to find it rather enjoyable. No one told you what to do and you were basically free to do whatever. The views you had changed every hour and it opened up your eyes to how pretty the island you lived on really is. Then you had a lucky bonus, the car you stole earlier on that day had a shit load of supplies in the boot and back seats. Plenty of food and water to last you weeks. Different knives and the odd axe or two. Then there were so many guns and pistols with enough ammo to last you months if you used it wisely. With this equipment, you felt so powerful, that powerful it would take a swat team to take you down.

Time Skips Three Weeks.

Three weeks passed and you saw no sign in humanity, you saw people from long distances, but you ignored them as their business was really none of yours. You had everything you needed, so there was no need for other people. If vicious animals paid you a visit, you killed them so they were out of your way and then you'd continued as you were.

If you compared yourself from a few weeks ago to now, you wouldn't even recognise yourself. At the start of your journey, you were clean and only carried a machete with a few bags. Now your clothes were torn all over and you had weapons attached to you everywhere. At first you thought the equipment was heavy, but carrying four knives around your boots, an 44 Magnum, an STG-90, an AK-47 and the explosive RPG-7 started to weigh nothing on you. If you needed to walk somewhere because driving wouldn't be nessicary, you'd be able to do it and if you needed to hide you could lay flat on the ground without being spotted. And laying down on the floor would be nessicary right now.

You'd gone to collect some fresh water from the closet waterfall for your water flask, but for some reason a helicopter landed very close by and the people who came out looked like bad news. They were all in uniform with heavy body armour and guns, so messing with these guys could possibly get you killed, as it seemed like they were here to execute some people. There were people who seemed rather normal and innocent, but you couldn't really judge anyone here if you didn't what they did to deserve their fate. Then another man who seemed to be rather wealthy looking came out wearing a grey blazer, pink shirt under it, blue trousers and a golden chain around his neck. He must be the boss of these guys.

If you had your car, you could drive away without being spotted, but you left it uphill and you were downhill, so getting back to it could be a struggle. You didn't stay to watch what was happening with these guys, because you didn't want to know. It seemed that this boss character was going to drop people into the waterfall with cylinder blocks chained up to their feet.

As you travelled back uphill you started to hear the terrifying screams of people crying out for mercy, the bashing sound of bodies collapsing and water splashing.

"Satisfied enough yet, Hoyt?" A privateer questioned Hoyt. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Hoyt snapped back into what was going on. "What were you watching?" The same man asked. "There's a woman over there trying to climb back up the hill and it looks like she's trying to avoid being seen. It's hilarious. Look." Hoyt chuckled and puffed out some smoke from his cigarette. "Ohh yeah, shall we leave her or go after her?" The privateer quizzed as he had his weapon out ready to take orders. "Allow me. Boys stop what you're doing, I've found new entertainment down that hill." Hoyt ordered his men to stop and pointed down at you.

Hoyt took out a pistol from inside of his blazer aimed it past your right side by a few inches and fired it. It caused you to slip a bit and look behind you. Then you found out that you'd been spotted, you couldn't just let this guy shoot at you so you had to act back by taking out your handgun and shooting back at him.

"Hold your fire." Hoyt told his workers and nudged his head out of the way of your bullets.

"NICE AIM! YOU ALMOST GOT ME!" Hoyt shouted to you so he could start a conversation with you. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" You yelled back in response. "HONESTLY, I'M BORED! I JUST WANT A BIT OF FUN!" Hoyt hilariously responded to you. "IN WHAT WAY!?" You shouted back.

You heard some of Hoyt's men laugh at your remark and Hoyt didn't like it, so he went to shoot you again but purposely missed you.

"ASS HOLE, YOU ALMOST SHOT ME!" You screamed at the man and hurried up the rest of the hill. "I KNOW!" Hoyt replied and put his ciggy out on the ground.

"I have a challenge for you six, the first one to get her back to me alive gets a pay rise. Rules, no guns are allowed to be used, unless your ten feet away from her. Go." Hoyt demanded and leaned back on the metal his helicopter was made of. "I'VE SENT SOME COMPANY OVER TO YOU, SWEETHEART!" Hoyt told you and laughed away at your reaction. "Crap." You said to yourself, got in your car and started to drive out of the situation.

As you drove around the edge of the waterfall, you saw Hoyt's men in the middle of the road with their guns in the hands and aimed on you. Some bullets only just missed you and some of them hit the glass on your car smashing the windscreen. But these guys weren't that much of a worry for you much longer, you ran over four of them and got out of your car to take out the rest. The other two you didn't kill, you just badly injured them with a few bullets and kept your AK-47 on hold just in case if their boss was full of more surprises.

"You're very impressive for a woman. Carrying heavy weapons, having a very steady aim, driving like a lunatic. Why don't we make a deal?" Hoyt chucked away with a load of compliments and an offer for you. "I appreciate the compliments, but I want to know what offer you're offering." You kept your finger on the trigger and queried back. "For fuck sake! Put the gun down! You're making me uncomfortable, woman!" Hoyt snarled feeling threatened. "It's (Y-N)." You told Hoyt your name and put away your gun. "Hoyt Volker. Owner of the biggest slave company in the South Pacific, human trafficker and drug lord." Hoyt commented to you and took some steps towards you as he told you his bussiness. "Don't even think about trafficking me. If you dare try, I'll kill you." You spat at Hoyt while stepping back. "You've got too much talent I like for that. I've got something better in store for you." Hoyt evilly chuckled at what you thought. "Explain then." You demanded. "Well you know what I do for a living and some people know me as the main source of evil that happens on these islands. I've got a little one up North that needs taking care of, you'll get everything you need and will basically be my second in charge. What do you say?" Hoyt offered you and pulled the door to the chopper open. "...I suppose that could work." You thought about what Hoyt said and got closer to the chopper. "Haha, brilliant. We'll stop at my headquarters so we can get to know each other and then I'll get some people to drop you off at your new island." Hoyt pulled you into the helicopter and then told the pilots to take off.

Half an hour later you were at what was called Hoyt's headquarters and you followed him up to his office. You got many scary looks from the privateers that were guarding the place, but you knew they wouldn't harm you, they just looked slightly intimidating because it probably had to come with their job.

You sat down in Hoyt's headquarters then so did Hoyt who offered you a fancy cigar.

"I'm good thanks, I don't smoke." You declined the offer. "Trust me, you will if you decide to work for me. Give it a week and you'll be addicted." Hoyt shook his head at you lit the cig in his mouth. "Ohh really?" You raised an eyebrow. "Really. I've got someone else just like you working for me and he's a drug addict, alcoholic and I won't say the last one just to be polite." Hoyt listed this other person accept from the last part. "Sex addict I'm guessing." You guessed. "Pretty much." Hoyt nodded since you guessed correctly "Wonderful, so where is this person?" You questioned him. "Most likely at his camp with his pirates. You'll be getting the same he has, it's only fair." Hoyt kicked his feet up and enjoyed the moment he was having. "Camp? Pirates? Island? So what is my role? It sounds very important for a beginner." You queried Hoyt multiple times. "This man I speak of is called Vaas and he helps me keep my business in check with drug harvesting and capturing slaves. You, my dear, will be doing the same. You'll just be on the opposite side of the island, with your own camp which will be your new home and every pirate there that walks around your camp will. Do. As. You. Say." Hoyt grinned as things started to get more interesting for him. "So I'm sharing an island with a lunatic working for you and becoming a boss of hundreds of pirates myself?" You quizzed Hoyt. "Sounds about right, trust me it's easier and more entertaining than you think, just you watch." Hoyt continued to smile at you and put his cigar on the ash trey.

"Enough about that. I want to know where you came from, after all, this is the reason why I bought you back here." Hoyt questioned you and formally sat himself up. "For the last tewenty years I've lived with my dad who was extremely abusive towards me. My mother died when she had me so I didn't really have a choice but to live the way I was given. But I did have a small education, became a tattoo artist, snapped back at my father by killing him as revenge and the obviously ran away from my village." You shortly answered Hoyt's question. "I feel like we're going to get along, (Y-N). We're a like." Hoyt nodded his head and fully understood you. "Really?" You quizzed him. "I've experienced the same as you. My father abused me when I was a boy, so I killed him when I grew up as a way to get revenge for the pain he caused me. Then my life turned out like this. I tell my people that my father was a daimond miner, when he was actually a drug lord and slave trader in South Africa. And I've carried on with the family business my way, in an ever better way and on my own islands. It covers up the tracks of my father dying in a 'mining accident' if you see what I mean?" Hoyt admitted to you the similarities you both had with the truth that not many people knew about.

After your little chat with Hoyt he, had some privateers take you to your new camp where you'd be taking charge. Hoyt also gave you a couple of tips if you're going to become a head pirate. Make sure you're really loud and strict with people so they know that you mean business. Don't let any of them touch or take advantage of you, even though you'll be a new boss, you'll still just be seen as a woman to them at first. Let go of your old self and go crazy, there were no more rules, you were now in charge of your own life. And most importantly, "Go get a fucking shower and changed into some clean clothes" was the last tip Hoyt gave you, but you could see his point. Cleaning yourself by waterfall without any shower gels doesn't help your hygiene at all. And moving around a lot in this roasting heat would just make your smell much worse.

When the helicopter landed at your new location, you jumped straight out and was greeted by a lot of pirates. Hoyt's privateers stayed with you just incase if you needed help getting rid of the unwanted attention. These pirates were wearing red vests, camouflage styled trousers, some of them wore red balaclavas covering up to their noses, a few of them wore shades to block out the sun and of course most of them had their guns out in their hands. So you took yours out too to show that you were not intimidated... Even though you were just a bit.

"So who are you?" A pirate eventually confronted you. "Your new boss." You answered and double checked to see if your gun was loaded.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The group of pirates that surrounded the chopper all laughed at the same time.

"Seriously? We already have a boss and we're only LOYAL TO HIM! We don't take orders form girls." The same pirate responded back to you not liking what he headered.

Now that you didn't like one bit, so you simply shot them all in the feet. You carefully aimed not to kill them so you put a bullet in everyones foot that laughed at you, if they were lucky enough, they got two bullets instead of one.

"But your bosses boss is loyal to a man named Hoyt so you'll have to be loyal to him and follow his orders. SO LISTEN UP! If any of you dirty fuckers put a finger on me... I WILL. Give you a Colombian Necktie, and that's a promise, not a threat. You all do as I command, just like you would do with your other boss. And finally,.. you may continue as you were." You listed your threatening rules with a loud and clear voice so you were understood.

"I hate to admit it, but we're dealing with a bigger psychopath than Vaas." A pirate held his upper leg and whispered to another pirate. "Women are crazier than men, what do you expect?" The other guy replied to his friend and remained crouched as he wasn't injured from your rapid fire.

"You can leave now, I'm pretty sure I've got this." You turned your head over you shoulder to Hoyt's privateers telling them they could go now. "Are you sure?" A privateer questioned you. "Yep, ta ta." You gently nodded with a little wave.

Soon as you were left alone with many wounded pirates that had blank faces not knowing what to do, you decided to give yourself a home tour of the warehouse that was at the end of the camp. As you had a wander around the place, you hoped that there would be a shower lying around somewhere and there was. Now you just had to find somewhere that had clean clothing.

"Oi you?" You caught the attention of a pirate snorting cocaine off a wooden crate. "...Yeah." The pirate turned around to you and rubbed his nose after he finished. "Is this room free?" You asked the guy about the empty room that had a bed, desk, draws and a couple of chests. "Ermm, I think it's free for the new leader of this camp." He answered you then smashed his head onto the wooden crate and possibly fell un-conscience.

"We that's one way to fall asleep." You shrugged at the fact a man may have overdosed on the spot.

When you went into the free room and had a loot around he place, you were proper happy with what you found. Army trousers and a red pirate vest, yeah they were in men's size, but you could find a man's fit that would suit you with no problem. There was also a pair of black boot that had a tiny bit of muck on them but that didn't bother you. Then to finish the look there was a red and white balaclava which would come in handy. After your buzzing discovery of the room that you now claimed as your own, you took yourself back to the shower that you found and got a proper wash for the first time in weeks. Finally, you would have, clean hair, skin and clothes to be comfortable in.

The moment after you finished giving yourself a long scrub in the shower, dried yourself off then, then got changed. You gave yourself a look in the mirror and thought how badass you looked. Pirate uniform that clearly illustrated to people that you were dodgy as fuck, so they should keep their distance from you; and then there was your weapons with their holders and belts. The new you just had the definition of crazy, insane, better and free spelt all over you.

But there was still something on your mind. What is this Vaas guy actually like in person? You've been told it's very unlikely you'll see him in person for a very long time, but curiosity just got the best of you. But as far as you're aware of, he's completely nuts with that being from the drugs and alcohol. You were pretty insane yourself, but that was from your abusive past that has made you this way, just imagine what you could be like if you sprinkled some drugs ontop of what you already have to deal with.

Time Skips Two Years.

It has been a rather long time since you've been doing your dirty work for Hoyt, but what could you say? You enjoyed it of course. The only person who bossed you around was Hoyt, but you let him do it because you have respect for him, if he didn't take you in under his wing years back, you could be like an animal or maybe even dead by now. Then you had the privateers and pirates. Whenever the privateers saw you around Hoyt's headquarters when he needed you, they were pretty sound with you. You also had a pretty good relationship with some of them, so you knew these guys were harmless to you.

The way you became friends with some privateers was through a conversation you joined in on and sorting it out with ink that WAS forever on thirty five year old man's skin. You oversaw what was on the guys arm when he showed his friend and you couldn't let that state be on him for much longer; so you asked him if there was anyway you could cover it up for him. He was slightly puzzled at first, but he was willing to do almost anything to get rid of what be had. It was just an aliens head with no detail, awful shape and looked like a child's drawing draw on with a biro pen. But you covered up the aliens head with a human skull that had proper detail in it. Then before you know it, you had a privateer in debt to you because he was so happy with the results. Of course some other privateers heard about your skills and kindly requested that you did little tattoos for them and you didn't mind because it entertained you and brought back good memories from ages ago. But you had to make sure you weren't stoned or pissed before you did it.

That's another thing as well, being around hundreds of privates every day, introduced you to the habit of doing drugs and drinking. You resisted for the first couple of months and then you just gave in and easily got addicted. Your crazy attitude with what you called anti-depressants made you much worse as predicted. You just got more meaner, crazier, bossier and paranoid with everything. But nobody cared, the only time someone would help you is if they thought you were going to overdose and die.

At the moment you were pretty sober, but would were a tiny bit high because you'd just had half a joint and had to pass the rest on. Only because you were driving around the island to see if you could capture anyone for new product.

"So, what's the plan?" A pirate named Ethan asked as you were coming up to a bridge to another side of the island. "All I can think of is getting new slaves for Hoyt to look at." You answered and continued to drive. "Don't forget the weed farm." A pirate from the back seat reminded you. "I know what needs doing today, Jerold. I'm not that high." You turned around to look back at Jerold as there was no mirror at the front to use. "(Y-N) the road." Ethan tapped your hand as you were going a bit too fast without looking at the road. "DON'T TOUCH ME! DO YOU WANT ME TO SLICE YOU UP, ETHAN!" You pulled out a knife from your belt and pointed it to the guy sat in the front. "No, I'd rather you crash." Ethan leaned back as it looked like you were going to crash. "What? FUCK!" You then put your eyes back on the road and smashed the breaks.

Then second you slammed the breaks, the car almost instantly stopped, but the car infront of you was still going. So instead of being safe, you flew out of the drivers seat going straight through the window and ending up on lying down with your back on the ground.

"Shit." Ethan and Jerold got out of the car to see if you were still alive.

"(Y-N), can you hear us?" Jerold gave you a nudge with his sniper rifle. "Which way are wrists suppose to bend?" You brought your hands to your view and saw your left hand bending an usual way. "Not that way, boss." Ethan shook his head and gazed at your left hand bending a way it shouldn't be bending. "And who is the driver in the truck that drove into us?" You stood up with a little limp as glass made its way into your legs. "Ohh shit, who's side do we go on here?" Jerold took a few steps as he could see that another insane being was watching the whole situation. "Well?" You popped your hand back into place asking your men. "You've never met him before, but this here is Vaas. He's a pirate leader too." Ethan explained to you and stood beside his co-worker.

For a split second you processed the name in your head and thought where have you heard that name from before. Then it suddenly rung a bell. Hoyt mentioned him saying he was addicted to drugs, booze and sleeping with woman; then a few of your pirates spoke about him too, you just never paid attention and forgot about this man's life because of the drugs you took everyday.

"I see." You nudged your head up and went over to where this Vaas guy was sat.

"ARE YOU FUCKING HEAD MENTAL?! I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED BACK THERE?!" You pulled out the same knife you used to threaten Ethan with and yelled straight up in Vaas' face. "Ohh I lost my sanity years ago. However I am sane enough to tell you to always wear your seat belt, sweetheart." Vaas calmly spoke back to you and pulled the ejection port back on his handgun. "Don't you fucking dare, sweetheart me. If I come across you again I will fucking make that scar down your head identical on the other side." You grabbed hold on the top of Vaas' gun and twisted his hand so he wasn't armed. "Ooo I'm fucking shacking." Vaas smiled with his tongue out and sarcastically shook his hands. "Should I mention that's a promise too? I rule this fucking kingdom." You shot the gun up in the air to see of it was loaded. "Sure you do. Let's go, Benjamin." Vaas nodded as he couldn't care less about you then drove away.

"Have any of you two got one of those molotovs?" You asked turning back round to Ethan and Jerold who were shaking like made. "I've got a grenade." Jerold offered and held it out to you. "Molotov and grenade don't sound the same, Jerold." You reminded him and put your arms out to the side. "Here you go." Ethan saved his friend's life and passed you what you were looking for. "Alright. Three, two, one. FIRE!" You lit the molotov then chucked it into the distance where Vaas was driving.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? Vaas screamed as he saw the shattered glass turn into flames in front of him. "I think she just threw a molotov at us." Benjamin peeked through the side mirror and saw your figure standing in the middle of the road. "WHAT!? How is her aim that good?" Vaas turned an unwanted corner to avoid the explosive fire and gazed over to Ben. "I'm not sure, but I know for a fact that Hoyt has brought another psycho onto the island." Ben then relaxed back in the passenger seat once you were out of the view. "Wait? WHAT!? What do you mean by that?" Vaas killed the breaks and then eyeballed his right-hand man. "Apparently she's been working for Hoyt for about two years now. From what I heard, Hoyt found her, saw her crazy mind and skills related to weaponary and put her in charge of some of the pirates with her own camp." Benjamin told his known boss with no hesitation. "And why am I only hearing about this now?" Vaas pulled his head together and with his question. "I'm not sure. Hoyt must have forgotten to mention it to you and from what I just experienced, she seemed to be pretty clueless about your existence too." Ben cleverly figured out on the spot. "Do you know where her camp is located?" Vaas also queried with an evil look. "I'll have to check on the map." Ben thought about it then pulled out a map from his back pocket.

A couple moments later Ben and Vaas had figured out where their current location was on their map, then finally discovered where they could find your camp that was set up a while back.

"So if we're down south near the beach and (Y-N)'s camp is all the way up north in the top right corner it'll take us roughly three maybe four hours to drive there." Ben planned out and pointed to the different locations. "That's one long ass drive. Ohh well, let's go." Vaas started up the car and followed the map on where he needed to go. "Can I ask why we need to go to (Y-N)'s camp? There is nothing interesting there, it's almost identical to yours." Benjamin mentioned and laid the map out in front of the car. "Just for a bit of fun, you should know that life can get boring at times so I think toying with this mentalist could turn out to be rather entertaining." Vaas honestly spoke his answer. "I dunno, apparently she hung someone and cut all of their toes and fingers off because they stared at her for too long and wouldn't stop." Ben described to Vaas an execution you pulled off. "So? I've pulled teeth out of people's jaws then fed them dead people, I think we're on the same level of insane." Vaas pointed out and quickly reminded Ben of things he did.

Multiple hours passed and it was only just getting dark, the sky was shading into different reds, oranges and pinks then the sun was slowly lowering. When you got back to your camp you carefully changed your clothes because of the incident you had earlier which was flying out of a car. You still wore a red vest with its balaclava, you just had to put shorts on since the glass in your legs weren't going to remove themselves.

You put all of your weapons down to your side then sat on a crate that was placed by a campfire, so you could sort your injuries out. You could still walk, it was just a bit uncomfortable since dirty car glass was gradually cutting its way into your leg muscles.

"(Y-N), it looks like you have a visitor." A pirate kicked a twig over to you so you glanced up. "Tell him to fuck off." You answered the pirate then gazed passed him to see Vaas again. "If I do that, he'll possibly feed me alive to rabid dogs." The same guy answered back to you. "I'll do it then." You shook your head and pulled out a long piece of bloody glass. "Move out of my way." Vaas pushed past the pirate who was speaking to you then stumbled over to where you were sitting.

"Hello again." Vass cheekily leered and crouched down to your head height. "Fuck. Off." You casually picked up the hand gun Vaas used on you when you encountered earlier. "Ohh thank you, I thought I'd never get that back." Vaas pulled the same move on you just like you did to him so he could get his gun back. "What do you want?" You glimpsed away from Vaas and began to take the little bits of glass out of your legs again. "Nothing, I just came over to introduce myself, say hello, annoy the crap out of you, then stay some more." Vaas told you as he sat opposite you, but on the ground. "Well you've done all of those already, so you best get going. I'm busy if you can't tell." You peeked at Vaas in the corner of your eyes and got to the point were you had to clean the dried blood away from your wounds. "No, I'm good thanks, I think I'll stay for the time being. After all, we're at the same rank, so we might as well get along." Vaas wiggled his finger at your suggetion. "Why do I feel like this is going to be Hell?" You froze in your position asking yourself.

Time Skips 2 Hours.

You'd finally sorted yourself out and was now resting your legs up in a hammock with the rest of yourself. Your pirates however were doing their usual which would be: gambling, drinking, doing drungs, fucking or actual real work. You lost complete sighting on Vaas as you'd fallen asleep from boredom.

"You can do archery right?" Vaas chugged down some booze as he questioned Benjamin who was stood next to him on a balcony. "I know a bit yes." Benjamin nodded puffing out smoke though his nose. "Fancy giving me a quick lesson? Vaas picked up a bow with some arrows that he just saw to his side. "Put the arrow agents the bow, pull the string back with the arrow, aim, then fire." Ben gave Vaas a quick tutorial and shot the arrow though a window that smashed it "If I miss that bird cage I'll give you a package of weed when we go back to my camp." Vaas betted putting his aim on a wild animal's cage. "And what happens if you hit it?" Ben thought about before he went up to the rewarding challenge. "You have to hand feed the birdies." Vaas planned and shut one eye keeping his aim on the cage. "Seriously? Those fuckers are highly dangerous, they can kill people." Benny dropped his jaw not liking the sound of the bet. "Too late. Now go say hello to drugged up Big Bird after he's finished filming an episode of Sesame Street." Vaas let go of the arrow opening the Cassowary cage with two massive man sized birds running straight out. "Fine." Ben rolled his eyes and did the deed even though he didn't agree to the task.

"Who let the Cassowarys out?!" A random pirate on the ground yelled firing his gun at the two huge birds. "My bad." Vaas yelled putting the bow down. "Ohh... Ok." The same guy accepted that it was Vaas then stood in the middle of the carnage like a fool to only then be pecked to death by giant birds. "Ooo that looks painful." Vaas cringed then reconised that he could have double the amount of pleasure out of this..

"HEY BENNY! CHANGE OF PLAN! GET THE BIRD'S ATTENTION AND LURE THEM OVER TO THAT HAMMOCK!" Vaas screamed over to Benjamin who was getting rather close the the birds that were still pecking at the man they just killed.

Ben gave Vaas a thumbs up and once he figured he was close enough, he pulled feathers out of the bird's backs and did a runner once they started chasing him. After Ben got close enough to your hammock he skidded underneither it and climbed up a tree for his own safety as these birds were now proper pissed of. The second the Cassowarys came into contact with you waking you up and knocking you out of your hammock, you rapidly rolled out of the situation and picked up a pistol shooting it at the bird's faces. But the gun you found lying down on the ground had ran out of ammo so all you could do now was run.

"Which fucker set the Cassowarys free!?" You yelled spriting away from the bird's chasing you. "Sorry." Vaas chuckled down at you as you were now underneither the balcony he was stood on. "Cunt." You mumbled and thought fast by jumping up and grabbing Vaas' leg so you could pull him down from below. "Woah, what are you doing?" Vaas stood up the second he was pulled off the balcony. "Meat sheild." You snatched Vaas by the shoulder's and pushed him in front of you.

Unfortunately, one of Cassowarys dropped dead before it got to you, but the other one was keeping itself together and headbutted Vaas in the chest once it got up to him. Eventually, Cassowary number two was shot dead and you let go of Vaas now that you didn't need a shield.

"I hope that wounded you, because it woke me up." You mentioned to Vaas not looking at him and walking away. "...Bitch." Vaas gasped for air while one hand was on the ground with the other holding his chest.

You called tonight to an end and went to your room for some proper sleep so you couldn't be interrupted but over sized birds or trouble making Vaas Montenegro.

Time Skips to the Morning.

You woke up the next day at a normal time which was eight and had a walk around your camp. The sun was just finishing rising and fires were still lit outside with some of your pirate sitting around them. Most of them on the other hand were doing work and didn't notice you were already up.

"Oi dip shit, do we have any food pre-cooked or do I have to go bring another pig back?" You questioned a man who was spit roasting a chicken. "I'll split this chicken with you if you give me a tattoo?" The guy turned around answering you. "What do you want?" You quizzed. "Just my name on my bicep." He responded turning the chicken over. "Why?" You shook your head to make sure you got a reason. "Because when ever I get pissed and high I always forget my name and it scares me." He admitted to you. "You've got a deal, I hate it when that happens. Just meet me over at the tattooing table in ten minutes." You gave him a thumbs up and went to get your tattooting gun and inks. "Ok." He nodded.

Minutes later you came back outside with the stuff you needed to ink the mans arm and put your rubber gloves on with some cleaning wipes ready to start.

"Wait. What's your name?" You asked the moment before you put the needle onto his skin. "Jagger." He told you his name. "Great, just stay still and we should be done in about half an hour." You nodded and started with the J on Jagger's bicep.

Vaas' Pov

I woke up where I fell asleep last night and that was at (Y-N)'s camp in a hammock next the Benjamin. He was still sleeping since he could sleep even if Hoyt and myself were shouting into his ear. The only reason why I woke up and decided to get out of the hammock was because there was this hugly irritating buzzing sound. It had been going on for fifteen maybe twenty minutes and it was driving me up the wall. At first I thought it was a wasps nest, but when I looked it was something else. That mentalist, (Y-N) had a fucking tattoo gun. How can someone that insanely crazy and pretty be able to use that when they're taking heavy drugs and alcohol everyday? I may have to investigate.

End of Vaas' Pov

It was fifteen minutes later when you got half way though the pirate's tattoo and was just about to do the second g until someone caught your attention in the corner of your eye. It was Vaas. You had no idea what he was doing here still, but you couldn't really ask him to leave because he was just like you and you were busy yourself. But not for long though. Vaas was making his way over to you, so you stopped your hobby before you made a mistake on Jagger's arm.

"What?" You clicked your tattoo gun off and wiped Jagger's arm with a wipe. "You can do tattoos?" Vaas peeked over and took a look. "Only when you're not arround and when I'm not on pissed or high." You negatively mentioned and stood infront of Vaas. "No need to be a bitch." Vaas commented. "No need to be a nosey prick. Now fuck off, I'm busy." You told Vaas hoping he'd just go. "Can you do cover ups?" Vaas continued to ask as you sat back down to carry on with the tattoo. "Yeah I can do cover ups with dead bodies such as yours. With fucking pleasure." You shut your eyes with a sigh mumbling the last part to yourself. "Alright then, we'll play that game." Vaas nodded and left you alone to search for some water.

Once Vaas easily went you continued inking and got the second g done, so from your prediction you had ten minutes of tattooing left. But something caused you to go wrong. When you saw Vaas go away, you wasn't expecting him to come back while you were concentrating and with a bucket of freezing cold water. You saw none of this coming and neither did Jagger as he was too busy watching you while being extremely satisfied. Then it hit you, a tone of ice cold water was poured over your head while you still had the tattooing gun in your hand and on. Jagger didn't dare say anything as he couldn't. Even though you fucked up a perfectly detailed and neat tattoo you were drawing out, Jagger didn't mind because it wasn't your fault. Plus he wouldn't dare say anything to Vaas as he almost killed him once.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" You got up and punched the chair you was sat on from behind. "I don't have one." Vaas casually shugged closing his eyes. "Fuck you!" You pushed Vaas on his chest so he stumbled backwards. "Woah, chill out." Vaas laughed holding his hand up to him. "Ha, you're telling me to chill out. You know what fuck you. FUCK YOU!" You then lost your shit with Vaas after knowing him for a few days and basically rugby tackled him to the ground and punched the crap out of him.

By this point, everyone in the camp was just staring at you kicking ten balls of shit out of Vaas who was on the ground trying to push you off him. But it didn't work, you'd squeezed your legs in between Vaas' body and just went full pelt at his face. You obviously didn't know when to quit so you just continued punching and punching till something was done about it.

Eventually, the pirates had enough of the sighting, came up to you and pulled you off Vaas. It took four of them like, but Vaas was then set free with a face of bruises, blood and a missing tooth.

"Make sure you catch me one morning and I'll do a cover up for you with jaguar and start your name again on the opposite arm." You told Jagger as he was the first pirate you saw when you got turned away from Vaas. "No problem." Jagger said and opened a bottle of beer as you walked past him.

From then on, the rest of your day was stress free. You didn't see any more from Vaas and Hoyt wasn't on your back about anything so things were looking good. Before you did anything extra with your day such as capturing people, you decided to get a wash as you haven't had shower in about three or four days. All the way though you walking away from Vaas and getting a shower to clean yourself down; you felt an uncomfortabel pain in your right hand, but ignored it as you though it was a nerve acting up due to stress. Then you realized it wasn't, when you pulled your hair back in the shower you saw blood on your hand and saw something digging into it. You picked something out and found out that it was one of Vaas' teeth. You must have hit him that hard the tooth he lost powered its way into your first and stuck there. But you didn't throw it away, you gave it a wash down and put it in your trouser pocket after you dried yourself off. If you ever came across Vaas again you now had away to annoy him since you dared to try and get your revenge.

For the rest of your day you went out with a couple of your pirates in a truck and went slave hunting as Hoyt would be visting some time soon for new stock. When you arrived back at your camp six hours later when the sun was starting to set, you planned on getting high and pissed like you did everyday, but something caught your attention before you did that. There were two pirates huddled up together with a massive stick poking something up in a corner, then there was another one with a bag underneath the other two trying to catch something soon as it dropped.

"What are you three doing?" You asked while opening a bottle of beer that was sat on it own and now with your name on it. "There's a wasp nest up there and last time we did mushrooms the buzzing sound was like ten time more annoying so we're getting rid of it, before doing shrooms again." The guy with the bag expaliend to you and pulled his balaclava up to prevent and wasps going into his face the second the nest dropped. "At least there a some smart people around here." You sipped your drink while nodding to their plan.

A few moments later the wasp nest was taken down successfully and no one was stung which was a big surprise. Harmful insects like wasps are very aggressive and huge around these areas, but your sick mind told you that someone should be harmed by these bugs... So you planned out what you could do with the nest.

"Who's willing to drive me down to Vaas' camp?" You asked as a not was tied in the bag. "For?" A pirate quizzed. "A kilogram of heroin?" You suggested. "Deal, let's go." The same pirate took your offer and walked over to you. "Bring that bag with you too." You turned him back around before you set off. "The one with the nest in it?" He raised an eyebrow questioning in shock. "No that invisible one, yes the one with the nest in it. I don't want that fucker staying here, we're re-homing it somewhere else." You sarcastically spoke making sure that the wasps got a new home. "I don't like the idea of this." The pirate picked the bag up and held his hand out infront of him that was doing the carrying. "I do, now hurry up, you pussy." You downed the rest of your drink and smashed the bottle on a rock so it shattered.

You don't know how long it took to arrive at Vaas' camp, but you knew that it was a taking forever, however you came up with a great past timer so things weren't that bad. In the time it took you to get there, you'd drank three bottles of eight percent alcohol, smoked a thick joint and taken some pills that were unlabled.

"You know when you said the buzzing got louder when you were off your face on mushrooms?" You asked after swolling some tablets. "Yeah." The pirate responded back. "Well I can feeling the buzzing on these tablets." You spoke while slouching in the passenger seat. "Lovely." The pirate inhaled some fresh air and pulled the car up into a corner.

"We're here." He told you seconds later. "Fuck." You coughed bashing your chest as it didn't feel right then got out of the vehicle. "So where are you putting this?" He questioned you holding out the bagged nest. "Where ever Vaas sleeps." You commented giving yourself a stretch. "You're brave." The same guy exhaled from your plan and went with the flow since he really wanted his heroin. "No, I just grew a set of balls before you did." You jokingly commented and walked around the place.

You stummbled into Vaas camp without much a of a problem. People knew who you were so they didn't bother shooting or questioning you. However, because you were a bit drunk and high, you almost fell over a couple of times. Eventually, you found the boss' room and you haven't seen Vaas at all yet so that was a good thing. All you had to do now was drop the nest out of the bag and try to do a runner without being stung. The wasps sounded pretty irritated and got louder with their buzzing, but that would most likely be the drugs kicking into stage two.

"Right let's go." You emptied the bag where Vaas would usually sleep and pushed your pirate company friend out of the room with you. "That was quick." He said. "All we did was dropped a bugs nest into Vaas' bed and not removed one. Now let's go." You mentioned holding onto the wall of the warehouse using it as a guaid to help you get back outside since everything was going blury. "I think we should camp here for the night, I don't think it's safe to drive when it's getting this dark and you're pretty fucked so I don't want to take any chances." The same pirate responded to you with a childish plan. "Please tell me that you're just being lazy and want to get pissed now and not that your mother is still around to tell you what time you're allowed to drive around at." You came out with the second you stepped outside of the warehouse. "The first point." The pirate told you. "I'll beliveve that." You shrugged not giving a crap and walked with a slouch in the opposite direction of where your pirate guide was going.

From then on you kept your free time to yourself and made sure that you were out of people's sights. You felt extremely down like you always did and needed to be alone. For many years you kept your feelings and emotions to yourself since there was literally no one you could talk to. Yeah you made bondes with your pirates, but they only cared about themselves and getting paid at the end of the day. You don't know how you got yourself on top of the warehouses roof without falling down, but you did it. Infact you didn't even know how you were still alive. You damaged yourself everyday with drugs and alcohol then their was doing daring things such as getting into fights, using dangerous weapons and being on high ground most of the time. Of course you were drinking the pain away, but you had no idea the booze was making you feel worse. And of course because your mind wasn't set in the correct frame, you almost did something dumb to yourself. You took out your hand gun that was equipted to your belt and pulled the ejection port back with the end of the gun facing into your mouth. All you did was laughed and cried at the same time as you pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, you'd ran out of ammo so you just groaned and threw the gun off the roof.

Time Skips to the Morning.

When you woke up the next morning you had no clue how you ended up on the ground asleep next to a fire. You must been found passed and someone moved you, or you moved yourself and not remembered. For about half an hour you laid on the ground feeling physically ill for a change. Your head was spinning, your stomach felt really tight and grouchy as if you were going to vomit everywhere and your limbs just flopped to the side of your body not wanting to move.

"Did someone have a fun night last night?" Vaas came into your view as you remained lying on your back. "I think so." You mumbled in what didn't almost sound like English. "Well I think you did. Otherwise. WHY THE FUCK, WOULD THERE BE A WASP NEST IN MY BED!? I got stung the fuck out of me last night, you piece of shit." Vaas screamed at you prestening his sore stung arms then kicked you on the floor since he could. "Please stop, I'm gonna be sick." You curled yourself up still speaking what didn't sound like English again. "Stupid bitch." Vaas put his boot on your side and rolled you over.

Another hour assed and you were still in your current position. Just laying down infront of an open fire feeling ill and weak, those pills you had must have really taken you out. Anyways, Hoyt was visiting Vaas and was going to see you afterwards, but he wasn't expecting to see you both in the same camp.

"WOAH! VAAS! You look like shit! What happened to you?!" Hoyt found Vaas and saw his face with a surprised expression on how beaten down he was. "Lets just say one of your friends is a bitch!" Vaas sharpened his voice at Hoyt giving him a blank stare. "Oh yeah? Who?" Hoyt smiled liking where this was going as he walking round the camp with Vaas. "That bitch." Vaas pointed down at you as he was back at where you were laying down. "Ahh yes, (Y-N). I should have warned you, she can be a bit of a handful." Hoyt clapped his hands together grining down at you. "You should have warned me that she was working for you, I thought she was fuckable." Vaas commented with his arms out. "Ha ha, you do make me laugh. However, I thought it would be interesting for you to find out her exsistance." Hoyt explained. "What ever... You're the boss, Hoyt." Vaas sighed which meant he was giving in since he notice Hoyt was just playing a game with you both.

Hours passed since the morning occured and you'd basically spent your day isolated from everyone. You had a little chat with Hoyt but it was nothing important as it was literally a five minute conversation. Apart from that, you were by yourself questioning life and its shitty use. You were still over at Vaas' camp because the pirate that drove you to Vaas' last night was smashed and you didn't feel like leaving just yet anyways.

There was one positive thing about your day though. You managed to find a really small cliff about a quarter of a mile from Vaas' camp and what was below you was gerourgus. There was a beach below you with shiney bright blue crystal like water, with the sun starting to set on it. There was also the sand which looked really warm, but you reckon it would be very soft to lay down on for a good twenty minutes. Then there was palm trees scattered round the area, all of them seemed rather healthy with their colourful looks and tall height.

You sat pretty close to the tiny grassy cliff with your legs crossed and head in your arms. All you wanted to do was let all of the pain you built up for years go, just by crying to yourself. No one has ever seen you cry, which made people question if you had emotions. You did, you just always expressed the wrong ones all of the time.

"Hola, Senorita." A common voice got your attention from behind. "Ohh... It's you." You scoffed cleaning away the tears so they were hidden. "Indeed. What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Vaas questioned stepping past the brushes to get a bit closer to you.

You didn't answer Vaas. All you did was hold your hand gun in your hands as you found it earlier on in the day. Next you double checked to see if the gun was loaded this time, pulled the ejection port back and held the gun up to your mouth like you did last night.

"Wow, ok. No need to over exaggerate here." Vaas commented getting bad vibes from this and slowly making his way closer to you. "Fuck it." You burst out into tears again clenching your eyes shut as you pulled the fucking trigger.

Just before you did attempt to take your own life, Vaas was able to slap the gun out of your hand so the bullet didn't go straight though you mouth and into your brain and straight up into the air instead.

"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! YOU SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Vaas yelled as he was actually scared for you and now being serious. "The first time I tried that there was no ammo. Now I've got someone preventing me. What is your problem with me?" You kept a low voice while you carried on crying. "You just attempted to kill yourself is my problem. If I didn't slap the gun out of your hand you'd be dead by now." Vaas answered you back and sat beside you. "That's the point, Jack ass." You scoffed and kept your head down. "Do you need to talk with someone?" Vaas questioned while taking note on how upset your face seemed.

"...Obviously... My whole life I haven't been able to express my true thoughts on life. My mother died while she was having me, my father was extremely abusive to me from her death to the day I killed him, Hoyt then found me, took me in and being here surrounded by aggressive pirates, drugs, weapons and alcohol all of the time has made me much worse in the head. I wasn't meant to be this way." You shortly explained your life story to Vaas finally speaking your mind for a change. "Fuck, I'm sorry to hear about your past with your parents. I didn't have a good one myself either and siblings aren't much help, but I think you've turned out alright. I know you're pretty crazy and insane like me, but I really like that in women. And it is needed around here, there isn't enough mental people on the island and it's good because you're not scared of the wildness there is and the wildness becomes scared of you." Vaas touchingly commented to you trying to make you feel a bit better and more comfortable as he put one of his arms around your shoulders.

The moment Vaas made contact with you, you tensed up not liking it, but you didn't push him off. You tried to take it in because you knew it was a way of comforting people, you'd just never experience it before.

"I also apologize for the way I was with you before... I'm not one for apologizing, but I think I have been a bit of a dick to you." Vaas also added. "Same, I only got revenge on you because I was furious and super frustrated." You came out with and put your head on Vaas' shoulder to then dry away the tears. "I don't blame you, I have a thing for people that aren't scared to act back." Vaas nodded then rested his head on yours.

"Ohh, I should also give you this. After I tackled you to the ground and pounded you in the face I got a shower and found your tooth digging into my hand." You brought up remembering that you still had Vaas' tooth in your pocket and held it out to him. "Ha ha, I was wondering where that went." Vaas chuckled holding the tooth in between his fingers. "It was in my fist." You added pointing to the mark in your hand. "Powerful, bitch." Vaas joked then flicked the tooth off the cliff since there wasn't a use for it anymore.

For another ten minutes or so, you remaind sat down with Vaas and clamed down a Hell of a lot. With Vaas being their to comfort you made you feel so much better and wanted. You haven't felt this relaxed since never really and just enjoyed the view setting with someone who would listen to you... Even though he was exactly like you.

The End.

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