Farewell, Angel

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Are you sleeping well?
Are you at peace?

I looked for you in the stars tonight—
They seemed brighter than ever before.
Were you staring back at me?
I'd like to think I found you.
I'd like to think you were smiling down on me.

My heart aches
That you were in pain.
That nothing could help.
That no one could understand.

That shivering darkness,
Those tantalizing voices,
When did the pain grow to be too much?

Angel, when did the world become too much?

It hurts to say goodbye.

Angel, I hope you're sleeping well.
I hope you've found peace.

I hope you know that you did well,
That your music saved lives—
I know it helped me through some of my darkest times.

How hard must it have been,
To put up that persona,
To put up walls,
To fight through your daily life.

Angel, you were so, so strong.
I'm proud of you for fighting for as long as you could.

Now, I find it hard to look at your picture,
To hear your voice,
That you're gone.

But know that I'm not angry,
That we're not angry.

We just hope that you found peace.
That your suffering has ended.
That you're a shimmering star in the night sky.

Angel, know that while your name falls from our lips,
In sadness,
In pain,
Know that we love you.
That we forgive you.
That you did well.

The world may move on,
The industry will keep creating,
But your music is eternal.
Your music will keep saving.

Angel, sleep well.
Find peace.

While our hearts may ache,
Our tears may fall,
Know that you won't be forgotten,
That you'll always be with us,
And us
With you.

You did well.
Sleep now.
Be at peace.

Farewell, angel.


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