~Burn It~

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"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then why are we in front of a hotel?"

"I'm not sure, ma'am. I just followed the address you gave me," said my new manager.

"Stop calling me ma'am, it doesn't suit you."

I heard him chuckle as he stepped out of the car.

I let out a sigh, running my fingers through my hair. He opened my door and I stepped out, putting on my sunglasses. I walked through the revolving door, following my manager from behind.

He went right up to the reception desk whilst I lingered behind. Looking around at the place, it wasn't the fanciest hotel, at least not a place you would usually find celebrities. However, judging by her current circumstances, it made sense as to why she ended up in such an average place like this.

"How can I help you, sir?"

"Does Dahye live here?"

The receptionist's eyes widened and for a brief second, her professional demeanour that was the smile on her face slightly wavered. She gave a sideways glance to her colleague who also had an unsure expression.

"We can't disclose our customer's information," said her colleague.

I studied my surrounding and after seeing that it was pretty much empty, I took off my oversized sunglasses. I stood next to my manager and looked at the two girls.

"Look, I really need to meet- "

"OH MY GOD." Her whole face flushed as she covered her mouth with her hand.

I quickly threw on my sunglasses, taken aback by her sudden outburst. My eyes quickly darted my surrounding and after realising it was safe, I looked back at the girl.

Her eyes were still wide open and I could see a gleam in them. She looked as if she was...Star struck. Perfect!

I can use this to my advantage.

"I- oh my God- I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, looking at her colleague, "It's Choi Ara!"

I let out a composed laugh and slowly took off my shades, "Yes indeed."

"I'm such a big fan of yours! Can we take a selfie please?" She instantly got out her smartphone from her blazer pocket.

"Only if you tell me Dahye's room number." I winked.

That was how easy it was. We managed to get her information and there we were standing in front of her door.

"Aren't you going to go inside?"

"Wait! You are pressuring me." I clicked my knuckles, staring at the brown door.

"We have been standing out her for like five minutes now." He rolled his eyes, tapping his foot on the floor.

He was the first manager who would get away with rolling his eyes at me. Unlike all the other ones I have had in the past, he was my favourite manager. And I know I've said that in the past but this time, I really did mean it. He was the kindest and the least judgemental. Everything else was simply banter between the two of us.

"I'm just preparing myself."

"You've prepared enough during that whole car ride when you were practising what to say to her," he snorted, "I advise you don't say what you had practised. It will sound too rehearsed and robotic."

"Well that help a lot, thank you," I said, sarcastically.

Finally, I took in a deep breath and gathered the courage to knock on the door. However, nothing happened after that. I knocked again, this time with more strength. Still nothing happened.

"Great," he sighed, "We come all this way and she isn't even home."

We turned around, about to leave when we heard a click behind the door. It slowly creaked open and there stood Dahye. She looked at me up and down, let out a sigh and proceeded to close the door.

I quickly put my foot in to prevent the door from shutting "Dahye, wait. I need to talk to you, please."

"Save it, princess." She shoved me back.

"Woah there," my manager put a hand behind my back before I could stumble away.

"You're such a pain in the ass." I gave up trying to play nice and shoved myself into her room, followed by my manager.

She ran in front of me and threw her arms horizontally besides her.

"You can't just come in like this! I will call the police," she spoke in a rushed fashion, earning a raised brow from me.

I looked over her shoulder and I felt like I had stepped into the wrong room It didn't even look like a room, more like a dumpster yard. The place looked like a product of hurricane which had been then left alone for another ten years.

Not only was the room a mess but so was Dahye herself. It was my first time seeing her look so messy, we weren't ever close enough for me to see her morning self. The Dahye I knew was beautiful and always camera ready. Everything about her was always flawless, head to toe. I couldn't say the same about her now that she stood in front of me with bags under her eyes and hair that hadn't been looked after for days.

"Don't look at me like that."

"I'm sure my expression is giving you a good idea of what you look like because clearly you have not seen yourself in the mirror."

"Did you come here just to curse me out?"

She made her way to sit down on the dining table chair. She put her head on the table and covered herself with her arms. I joined her across, after putting the mess on her chair to the table.

"As much as I'd like to, no we didn't drive all the way out of Seoul just to curse you out."

"Then why?" her voice was a little muffled, "Don't tell me it's because of pity. That is the worst."

I pursed my lips and drummed my nails on the table. Was what I came here to tell her because of pity? I wasn't too sure myself.

"I understand how you feel, Dahye, because you put me in the same position two months ago. I know all the emotions you are going through and I know it's hard for people like us. Fame and money is all we have and without it, you feel lost and confused. But here's the thing, it's not healthy for you to be sulking and living like this," I said, pointing to the mess in her room.

She looked up at me, resting her head on her palm. "Then what do you want me to do? Dad might go to prison; I've lost my entertainment company. I've lost everything and now I'm just hanging onto every last bit of money I have that is very quickly running out."

In the past five years we have known and hated each other, I had never seen such an expression on her face. Her eyes twinkled with tears she desperately tried to hold back by rapidly blinking. She bit her bottom lip as her chin began to waver. No one would have ever guessed that such despair and defeat would be seen on the face of someone like Dahye.

"It's not going to be easy, I acknowledge that. I came here to encourage you a little and just give you some words of advice because I know how alone you are. Don't even try to deny that because you know I'm right. Anyways, more importantly than that, I came here to- "

It felt as if the words were stuck in my throat. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. At that moment I just wanted to run out of the room.

"To what?"

"Come on. Say it."

I quickly glared at my manager behind and looked back at Dahye who was now staring at me.

"It's hard for me to say but I came here to mend our relationship. There is literally no point in us hating each other especially since I've changed now. And you better change because your personality sucks ass."

"You are going off track," reminded my manager.

"I just want us to start over. This doesn't mean we have to become best friends. All we gotta do is put all that negativity in a box, lock it and then burn it,"

"Oh really? Then how does one do that?"

"Basically, here's my plan," I straightened myself, "In the next episode of the show I'm in, we are doing a friend special. Each member has to invite a friend on the show and yeah we just do stuff together. I'm not quite sure what we are doing."

"You want me to pretend to be your friend?"

"You don't have to pretend."

"You sound like you are asking her out," he laughed.

"Shut up, Kwon Sang-Min."

"I know you are only doing this for pity, so no thank you."

I leaned back on the chair and let my face fall onto my hand.

"For one second can you just swallow you damn pride and just take the offer? I'm trying as hard as I can to be a good person so at least co-operate with me."

"I could say the same to you, Ara." said Sang-Min. I made mental a note to kick his ass after this.

"So you think you can just come into my room and persuade me to be in your stupid show and then everything will be just fine?"

"That would be much preferred."

"What if it doesn't work."

"You won't know until you try it out. Also, no offence but like you have nothing to lose. You have lost everything already."

"That's true."

"So is that a yes?"

"This stupid plan better work," she crossed her arms across her chest. I bit my lip to hold back a smile.

I stood up to leave, before walking into the hallway I suddenly remembered something.

"I don't care what you think but just to let you know, I'm on your side." She blankly blinked. "What happened to your father wasn't your fault and it was unfair of you to be dragged by everyone else because of it."

A/N: Two more chapters left! The next two chapters is actually going to be a jump in terms of time period, just informing you.

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