~Cows are friends too~

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"What the hell is this place?! Why do I see cows?!"

"Well geez I don't know, maybe because we are in the countryside," he deadpanned, a bored expression on his face.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Honestly. This guy wants to get hit by me.

But I wouldn't do that, especially not now judging by my unfortunate circumstances.

I wasn't prepared to have my own manager turning his back on me and go join my anti fan club, which now almost has more followers than my official fan club.

Tragic, I know.

My company had always whined about how I don't make enough headlines and now that I finally did, it was for all the wrong reasons. I was in that damned company for years going through all sorts of crap, but it only took them five seconds to cut me off and get rid of me.

On the 'bright' side at least they were paying for my temporary home in my new hideout from the public eye. So I guess we separated on good terms, kind of.

"There is hardly anything here besides those animals. Where are the people?"

If the only thing I have in contact with are a bunch of cows, then there is going to be a problem.

I didn't want to end up like them lonely people in those documentaries who live in an area with a population of only themselves and animals. I might not have been in the best position, but I was definitely not desperate enough to lose my mental state and dignity.

"There is a village you will be staying in further down," he said pointing at the path in front of us.

"Come on then." I turned on my heels, about to begin walking but was quickly stopped.

"I actually have to go back to Seoul because I have a meeting."

I turned back to face him. My brows drew closer and my mouth turned into a frown.

"No, you are going to help me take my bags to the location. And since when did you start going to meetings?"

"Since I got promoted. Ara I told you this before," he sighed. I was sure I saw him roll his eyes at me but decided not to point that out, despite him knowing fully well how much I hated it when he done that.

"Well I'm sorry I was too busy being a celebrity and working my ass off for my ex – company to realise. I had priorities."

"All you care about is yourself, no wonder so many people hate you."

Before I could reply, he got in the car and drove off. Even if he did have the courtesy to wait for my response, I wouldn't be able to respond because shock had taken my voice. It wasn't right for him to speak to me like that, only I could.

That sly son of a bitch.

Now even my own manager had left me in the dirt. And to think that I had even ranked him as my favourite out of all the many managers I've had in my career.

"You were a crap manager anyways!" I shouted at the car that had now disappeared into the horizon.

I looked at my luggage's that were lying on the road, wondering how on earth I was going to carry them. I had three hand bags and two suitcases, not an easy task for a weak girl like me.

Had I known I would be sent to this sort of place I wouldn't have been wearing platform heels and a miniskirt. To put it in the words of my anti-fans, I looked like a stripper that got teleported from her nightclub to the middle of nowhere.

As I struggled to drag my bags on the bumpy ground, I started contemplating on life. A strange feeling of regret started to grow inside me, but I stayed in denial because this new start couldn't possibly be that bad. Right?

Sure sending me to a foreign city like Paris would have been a better option, but maybe there was something good out here. Somewhere.

Right at that moment while I was trying to see the goodness in my tragic situation, my heel decided to snap off.

And due to the gravity doing an excellent job and me being a complete klutz, I crashed on the floor followed by my bags.

Luckily no one had saw because quite frankly speaking, I was a pathetic sight. I screamed in frustration and dragged myself up to continue my journey, thinking about how sad my life became so instantly.

I lost my career faster than that hoe from my high school losing her virginity.

To be honest I had lost quite a lot of things, including my friends. As if they weren't jealous enough of me, they decided to go tell the media that I'm the culprit. Those fools were only popular because of being 'friends' with me anyways. You could say I was their gateway to fame.

I had been walking for God knows how long and yet there was no sign of human life anywhere. I guess he had lied to me, knowing that if I had to walk this far, no way would I have let him leave with the car, without dropping me off to the right place.

My bare feet were sore from treading on the rough ground and my arms were aching from dragging my belongings. I had never been to such a place where there was hardly anyone. I've grown up in an environment where everyone is always looking after me and giving me too much attention.

Being surrounded by nothing but grass fields and herds of cows was a bit strange, but I couldn't deny that I kind of, sort of liked the peace.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, I saw silhouettes of roofs in the distance, I could sense that civilization was close by and I had never been happier. I walked on the little wooden bridge that lead to the village.

I stopped in the middle and leaned over to admire the clear stream, glittering as it gently bumped onto the rocks. I stayed there for a while with eyes closed, admiring the fresh air. But I was abruptly woken up by a sound of a voice shouting.


What the heck.

A/N: The picture attached to this chapter is made by the lovely CRSTNv

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