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"I look so weird."

I stopped looking at the clothes on the rack and turned my head to see him patting his hair in front of the mirror.

"Stop touching it or else you will ruin it," I said sternly, slapping his arm.

Then I went back to inspecting the clothing rack, trying to find something nice for him to wear. The first hour at the mall was spent on buying clothes for the two younger boys, which they were now wearing.

I had already picked out a pair of shoes and two pairs of jeans for him. I doubt he even owned one since I had never seen him wear anything other than tracksuits.

I frowned at the long lines of sweatshirts, carefully inspecting each before pushing them to the other side if I didn't approve them. Eventually I had chosen a few outfits and chased him into the changing rooms.

Me and the two boys waited outside his room. Me on my phone and the boys playing with their dinosaurs that I had brought them earlier to keep them calm. Thankfully the shop wasn't very busy, especially in the changing rooms. Therefore I could safely take off my mask.

When I heard the door unlock, I quickly looked up to see him shyly step out. The first outfit was smart casual, with dark jeans and a button up shirt. All of a sudden, when my eyes laid on the mess on his shirt, I couldn't help but let out a snort, followed by laughters.


"Your shirt is buttoned up wrong," I managed to force out between my laughs.

He frowned down at his shirt and let out an 'oh' after realising how silly he looked.

"Aww our poor TaeTae can't do his shirt properly. How sad," I cooed like I was talking to a baby. I clasped my hands together and pouted at him, to mock him further.

He frowned at me before going back in to try on the next outfit. An hour later, we managed to get him four outfits and he was wearing one; white shirt paired with a denim jacket and black jeans.

They now pretty much blended in with the city youths, with only their accents and behaviour to differentiate them.

I bought myself a hat as disguise, which was riskier than a mask. However, I was beginning to feel stuffy with the mask so I lowered it, hanging it on the bottom of my chin.

"Come along couples, join our tombola and win yourselves a date!" exclaimed the man to a young couple walking by.

Behind him was a stall with a huge tombola and signs all around that read 'White Day Tombola'. I hadn't even realised it was White Day today, which explained the little significance it had in my life.

"Noona, we should do it!" cried out Yosub, jumping around besides me.

I looked around seeing couples curiously eye up the stall. Some even excitedly ran up to them to enter the prize draw, giggling to each other.

"Yosub, it's for couples only and you don't count," Taejun reminded him.

"Hyung and noona can do it!"

Me and Taehyung's head instantly looked down at him, showing our disapproval with a frown. He simply looked up at us innocently shrugging his shoulders.

"Let's go-"

"Come on over you two!" interrupted the man, "What are your names? We will enter it in the prize draw."

"No, we aren't-"began Taehyung, only to get interrupted.

"Oh don't worry! It's absolutely FREE, today is about spreading the love and giving!"

"This is Kim Taehyung and this is-"

My eyes widened when Yosub began saying our names. I had to think fast but Taehyung had beat me to it.

"HEE-YOUNG" he shouted, causing the man to step back from surprise.

"Oh urm okay, Hee-Young and Taehyung," repeated the man, writing our names in a piece of paper, "Well keep your eyes peeled because we will be announcing the winner via that huge TV at 3pm."

He pointed at the large screen up high in the middle of the mall. We waved each other goodbye and made our way away from the stall.

This time it was my turn to shop. I knew how crazy I could be when it came to spending clothes on me so I was strict with myself. In the end I only bought one item; a red dress, which I pretty much fell in love with the moment I laid my eyes on it. If I wanted to, I could've written a poem or even a song about it.

"I don't understand you," said Taehyung, shaking his head when I literally skipped out of the store, happy with my purchase.

I couldn't forget Taeyeon and so I also chose a dress to satisfy her very girly taste. It was such a shame that in the countryside she was surrounded by dirt and mud too much that she couldn't really wear all the nice clothes that she wanted to.

By the time we were done shopping, we had pretty much forgotten about the tombola. We were about to exit the mall to go home, if it weren't for Yosub and his sharp eyes.

"Hyung look it's your name!"

We followed his hand to see him pointing at the screen. Taehyung and Hee-Young were written in huge letters between a love heart. I laughed in disbelief at how we actually won with my fake name. Luck really was on my side, for the first time in a while.

Maybe I should change my name to Hee-Young so I can get more good fortune.

Since we had nothing to lose and instead were actually getting something out of winning, we decided to go retrieve our prize.

"Our winning couple is here!" cheered the man, clapping his hand at the sight of us approaching.

"How does it feel?" asked the woman besides him.

Me and Taehyung looked at eachother blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Well, it feels great I guess," he replied to them.

"Woah, I wouldn't have guessed you were from the countryside!" commented the man.

Taehyung let out a laugh, shifting uncomfortably besides me. The woman ushered us to stand in front of a huge heart so that she could take a polaroid picture. She dismissed our refusal and so we had no choice but to follow her instructions.

"Do you have to wear that mask?" she asked me.

"You can take it off for a few seconds, I'm sure it won't be too bad. She probably won't even recognise you," whispered Taehyung.

Maybe he was right. She probably wouldn't even recognise me, plus it had been over a month since I had been on a hiatus. Also I had changed my appearance with my hair and I wasn't wearing makeup so that made me feel a little more comfortable about exposing my face.

In the end I took off my mask and hat, which Yosub held for me. The woman peered through the instant camera and we awkwardly posed. She put down the camera and frowned at us.

"Come on you two. No one will know you guys are a couple from the way you are standing."

That's cause we aren't a couple.

Taehyung shifted a bit closer to me but the woman told us to go closer. Once again we had no choice but to listen to her demands.

"Finally, you guys look wonderful together!" she complimented us, much to our embarrassment.

His arm was around my shoulders and mine were around his waist. We both had our peace sign ups and an awkward smile plastered across our faces.

The woman took her time peering into the instant camera. I was literally screaming in my head for her to hurry up and I'm sure he was too.

The more I was exposed, the more I feared that someone from the crowd would recognise me and create trouble. My eyes lost focus and began darting around the mall, looking for any suspicious eyes.

I felt a light squeeze on my shoulder and I looked up at him.

"Don't worry too much. If anything happens, I will use the basic karate skills I learnt from watching Jackie Chan."

My face loosened and the corners of my mouth tugged up into a genuine smile. It amazed me how he could tell how I was feeling without me having to open my mouth and say the words. I used to think he was unaware of his surroundings due to his childish behaviours but surprisingly he was actually quite perceptive.

That Night

"Aww, look at you two! You guys actually look like a couple," commented Jimin, which caused me to throw a pillow at his face.

Since Yosub had told Jimin and Taeyeon all about what happened today, it lead to them begging me to show them the Polaroid picture.

Now they had all gathered around Taeyeon on the bed, who was clutching the picture. Taehyung was in the kitchen, helping the older ladies with the cooking, leaving me to deal with all their embarrassing comments.

"What was the prize?"

"Dinner in the Sky Rose Garden," I replied.

"A Date? How cute!" squealed Jimin in a high-pitched voice, earning a weird look from both me and Taeyeon

"Look at the way unni is looking at him though!" exclaimed Taeyeon, "She looks like she is in love."

Her and the boys began giggling like little school girls. I was all the way on the other side of the room, lying down on the couch. I tried concentrating on my phone but couldn't.

"In case you have forgotten, I'm actually an actress. That was all an act to make it all seem believable, so that we don't get disqualified," I replied, trying to defend myself and my dignity.

"Ohhh yeahh, sure, totallyy," mocked Taeyeon sarcastically, stretching out her words.

"We won't tell anyone," added Jimin, wiggling his eyebrows.

I threw another pillow his way but he managed to dodge that one. I had to change the subject fast before it would escalate any further.

"Taeyeon, how was the concert?" I smiled, deviously.

I had succeeded very easily on diverting her attention because she quickly got up and ran towards me. She showed me all of the photographs she had taken during the concert. I had to listen to her fangirl for a good half an hour, but that was better than her teasing me.

Her endless squealing and gasping for air chased Jimin and the other two boys out of the room, leaving me alone to listen to her stories of how she was fully convinced that one of the members winked at her.

A/N: Shoutout to my homie @cheerupfham for helping me soo much. You are the real MVP.

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