Chapter Eight: Six Months Later

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I walked through the hallway. Ava glared at me. Somehow, she had gone to being the most popular girl in school. I walked into class with my sisters. When we got to class, we sat in our seats. About ten minutes into class, a voice on the intercom said, "Fox, Amanda, and Alyssa Long to the front office for dismissal." We looked at each other. We gathered our things, glared at Ava one last time, and walked to our lockers. We grabbed our bags and went to the office. All of our siblings were already there. "How much do you want to bet that we have a new sister?" I said. "A million bucks," said Bryan. Stella cracked up. We got into the carts and on the horses and began to ride to the hospital. It was just down the road. We had been given directions by the secretary. When we arrived, we parked the horses in a stable and walked in. Dad was in the waiting room. "Mom had the baby. Come on in," he said. We went in and saw Mom. She had two babies on her lap. "Twins," she said. "A boy and a girl." They were adorable. "What are they named?" I asked. She smiled. "Daniel and Joanne." I looked at them. "Danny and Jo," I muttered. Dad pulled out some older sibling presents. I opened mine. It was a magic wand. I inspected it. Luna Lovegood's wand. It wasn't a replica. It wad the actual wand used in the movies. Amanda rolled her eyes as Brendan and Alyssa admired it. She got a Disney jewelry set. It had earrings, a necklace, and bracelets. They all had the Disney logo on them. "Thank you," I told my parents. I held the babies for  little while, then went home. I slept in the barn so I could watch the sun rise early.                      


Today, the babies came home. I made Jo a blanket with my abundance of pink fabric. I sewed on her initials and put it on her bed. I made Danny a stuffed dog. It was blue with green polka dots. They shared a room. I pulled an old pastel-colored fuzzy rug out of the attic and put it in the middle of the room. Brendan decided to put all of our old toys in an old toy box in the room. The room looked perfect for a couple of newborn twins. I carried Jo in and set her on her bed. She slept for four hours, then we had dinner. She sat in her highchair. After we ate, Mom fed her. I went to the kitchen and made myself a giant ice-cream sundae. I dumped a lot of candy on it and covered it in chocolate sauce. I put sprinkles and cherries on it, then ate it slowly. I smiled. It was a Saturday well spent.


I woke up with a stomachache. Too much ice-cream. I walked downstairs and watched TV. I turned on Once Upon A Time and Amanda walked down. We both got under our fluffy blankets and watched the show. We got breakfast and went outside. We went for a horse ride and, when we rode past Ava's farm, spit on the garden. It was our new routine to make her crops fail. We went back home and played a few board games. After an hour, we went to the mall with our allowance. I bought a new dress for the school dance. So did she. Mine was a long, light blue dress with a pink sash. It was really pretty. Amanda got a light blue dress with white flowers. We looked amazing in them next to each other. We went to the Disney store for fun. We got Stella, Emma, and Lucy each a toy princess. When we got home, it was 10:00 P.M. We went to sleep. We had school tomorrow.

Author's Note:
Twins??? Don't forget to comment, like, and I will follow you back! Book of the day is Vintage Nerd by Ryan_B_03

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