Chapter Four: Ava

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I sat on my bed, smiling. I looked out the window and saw the river. I picked up my phone and texted Fox: Want to hang out on Sunday? She replied: Can't. Family day. Ugh, I thought. I went out to the barn and sat in the loft. I looked out and realized that the world was really pretty from up there. I went down and walked to the kitchen for dinner. We ate pizza. After dinner, we went to a large playground. I had never been to a Michigan playground before. They were giant. The one we went to had multiple structures and a river. We walked on the path by the river. We went to a delicious ice-cream parlor, then went home. When I went to sleep, there were two things on my mind: Happiness and plans.

Sorry about the short chapter! It is meant to get you into Ava's mind, and also for suspense.

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