Chapter One: Fox

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the unhappy sound of an alarm clock. I turned it off, then put on sneakers. I went outside and walked to the barn, feed in hand. The horses were getting good food today. I fed the cows, then climbed up to the loft. There was a large open window along one side. I sat on a pile of hay in front of it. I stared out the window. I heard a voice behind me. "Pretty cool. I come here often, but it gets me every time." Brendan. He's a sweet kid. Goofy, but sweet. He sat down next to me. We watched the sun rise. Then, we went to the Main House to get ready for school. I walked into my room to get dressed. I picked out a pair of jeans and a pink shirt with riding boots. I also put on a hat and braided my hair. I walked down to the kitchen and saw all of my siblings around the large table. Stella was chanting about how she wanted a banana, while everyone else tried to get her to stop. I said, "Stella, if you stop, I'll let you sit near the inside of the carriage." They aren't really carriages. More like carts. We call them carriages so the little girls will get in and out easier. Stella stopped immediately. I sat next to Amanda and Alyssa. Mom walked in with a large plate of eggs. We all ate up, then went out to the barns. I hopped on my horse. Chris and Bryan hooked up the carriage to the saddle. Stella, Lucy, and Emma climbed in and buckled up. They hooked up everyone else's carriage, too. Brendan, Tyler, and Ryan got into Amanda's. We went to school. When we arrived at the stable, we stopped and parked. We all got out and walked in to class. When us triplets got to class, we sat next to Ainsley and the rest of our friends. "What's up?" I asked. "Nothing," they replied. The teacher began to call roll. When he got to "Long, Fox", I said "Present!" Then, he said a new name. "McDonald, Ava." He called. "Here," said a tall girl with white-blonde hair in the back of the room. She looked oddly familiar. Then I realized why. The meanest girl in the grade, Jackie Malone, had been bragging about how her cousin was moving here, and showing everyone pictures of her. "Oh, god." I muttered to Alyssa, "Hope she's not like her cousin."

"Heck, no!" She replied. We stopped. Ava had sat next to us. "Hi. Can I sit here?" She asked. We all nodded. She sat down on the right of me. "What's your phone number?" She asked. I gave it to her. The bell rang, and it was time to go to our next classes. As I walked out of the room, I smiled to myself. I had a new friend.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

The horses hooves sounded on the pavement. "I see the farm!" Shouted the little girls. I rolled my eyes and suppressed a smile. "Of course you see it! We live there!" I called back to them. They giggled. We pulled up in the barn. The horses stopped, and we all got out. I gave my horse, who was named Buttercup, an apple. She whinnied. We walked inside. I followed Amanda up to her room. "That new girl? She seems nice." I said. "I dunno...she seemed a little suspicious to me, Fox." Said Amanda. She opened up her guinea pig cage. She dropped a little bit of food in and watched as they scurried around for the food. My phone beeped eith a text message from Ava: Hi. I replied: Hi. "Who're you texting?" Asked Amanda. "Ava." I said. Amanda rolled her eyes. I got another text: Want to come over to my farm? 83567 Farm Street. I texted back: Sure. "Hey, I gotta go. See you later!" I said to Amanda. "But...we were going to hang out." She said sadly. "Oh, we can hang out later." I said. I walked out to the barn and got on Buttercup. I rode quickly to Ava's farm. I saw it, and realized that it wasn't really a farm. All it had wad one barn, a house, and a garden. I came in and parked my horse. After a little while of hanging out, I rode home. When I got there, Amanda, Alyssa, and Brendan were standing outside. "Why did you leave?" Asked Brendan. Man. That kid can really make you feel bad! "I...was invited to a friend's house!" I said. "But, I can tell when I'm not wanted." I climbed the unstable ladder to the hayloft. Nobody followed me. I sat on top of many haybales, looking of into the distance.

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