Publishing Update

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AN: Farraway Mist is the next of my works to make the jump to mainstream publishing. Yay! It is officially out there on Amazon and Goodreads RIGHT NOW. And as of now, I'm publishing it myself, so I don't have to take this, the Wattpad version, down, so yay again!

If a publisher picks me up in the future, this could change; I apologize in advance if that happens, and I'll try to give you enough advance notice so any of you in the midst of reading have a chance to finish reading it before it gets deleted.

As always, I need something from you guys, my intrepid readers, my betas, my loyal proofers: the links to Amazon, where the books will be available for sale, rating, and review, and Goodreads, where the books will be available for rating and review only, will be live and posted in the comments section of this update, to the right of these paragraphs (you know, where we talk to each other 👉🏻👉👉🏼👉🏽👉🏾👉🏿).

So, please click on these links, go to Amazon or Goodreads, and rate Farraway Mist and leave a review if you can, and even buy it if you want. It will be available for download or in paperback, though that will of course cost more. Most of you will only be able to do this on Goodreads; many of you tried to nominate me for KindleScout and were unable to do so, and you will not be able to buy, rate, or review on Amazon, unfortunately, though I'm so grateful that you tried! The more ratings and reviews I have the better it is for me, so please, if you read it, especially if you loved it, RATE IT, okay?

This is the process I'll be following for most of my books, unless I'm picked up by a publisher, so if you like me, if you like my stuff, get used to this, okay? Pete and Daisy is in a special place right now, being looked at by different people, so probably Lunch With Charlie will be next in the queue, but eventually Pete and Daisy and its sequels will get the same treatment, again, unless some wonderful publisher wants to take a chance on me!

Thanks, as ever, for all your support.


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