St. Valentine

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Basic Info:
Valentine of Terni
Saint Valentine
Born- 226 AD
Died- February 14, 269 AD
Patron saint of beekeepers, epileptics, and lovers

There is a lot of confusion about his life and who he really was. One account describes him as being a priest who was beheaded by emperor Claudius II for helping Christian couples wed. A similar account stated that St. Valentine was Bishop of Terni, also executed by Claudius II. It's unclear if these are two separate people, or if they're the same person.

There were about a dozen St. Valentine's in Italy, and even a pope.

Because of this confusions and his uncertain identity, he was removed from the General Roman Calendar in 1969.

Basic History of What Happened (because little is known about him):
He was supposedly a temple priest (or a bishop) who was executed (beaten by clubs and beheaded) by the anti-Christian priest, Claudius II Gothicus. His crime was marrying Christian couples in secret in a place and time where being a Christian was forbidden.

Pope Gelasius dedicated February 14th to the martyr, St. Valentine. He chose this date because it was the date of a traditional Roman and pagan festival called Lupercalia.

Cool facts:
• he's the reason we have Valentine's Day
• his exact identity is unknown and it's unclear if he was one person or two (some even argue he was three)
• legend says he wrote a letter to his jailer's daughter signed, "from your Valentine" because he'd befriended her and healed her blindness

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