Chapter Eleven | Hall Of Fame

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Hall Of Fame, by The Script

ย ย  Walking among the other Slytherins on the Slytherin team, Draco glanced through the crowd. Streaks of color flashed by. Red and green, silver and gold. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and there wasn't a storm cloud in sight. It was the perfect day for quidditch. But this was no ordinary game. It was Gryffindor against Slytherin and the final game of the season. This game would determine who would win the Quidditch Hogwarts Cup. The crowd roared. Wizards and witches gathered from near and far to watch the last game and see what house would win the Quidditch Hogwarts Cup. It was always a big deal when Gryffindor and Slytherin were in the finals together.

ย ย  Draco scanned the crowd, searching for her, but with disappointment, he realized that Hermione was not there yet. And had she been, she would be cheering for Gryffindor, no doubt. It was her own house after all. Draco sighed. He couldn't exactly expect her to cheer him on. Especially in front of all those people. There were times when Draco wished they didn't have to be so secretive. When he wished he could tell everyone about their friendship, about his feelings for her. But who was he kidding, he couldn't even tell her that. Besides, it was safer for both of them his way.

ย ย  Noticing Draco's distracted expression, Graham Montague, the teams best Chaser, elbowed him. "No distractions today, Malfoy. We can't affort to lose. Especially against Gryffindor. You best not let Potter get the best of you again." Draco sneered. He couldn't imagine Montague becoming their new team captain after Flint left the school. Marcus Flint was bad enough, always giving Malfoy crap about losing to his own enemy and how it should be humiliating enough for him to try harder. He was a horrible captain but Montague would be ten times worse.

ย ย  If he became the Slytherins teams captain they would be doomed. Montague would be able to improve their tactics and fill in the grey areas Flint had missed but his players would not be able to work as a team under him. He was cruel and would take advantage of that power. And it just so happened that he targeted Malfoy directly. Draco was very respected and high in authority among almost all the Slytherins. All except Montague. He hated Malfoy and would gladly be rid of him, off the quidditch team. Draco shook his head. Being under Montague's thumb would be a living nightmare, even if it was only for quidditch.ย 

ย ย  Draco sighed. It was true that it was humiliating to lose to Potter but he was sick of everyone reminding him of his failures. He got that enough from his father. Draco winced and looked to the crowd. Sure enough, in the same box as Snape and Rita Skeeter, sat Lucius Malfoy. Of course his father would come today to redicule and criticize his sons performance on the quidditch field. It was him who had brought Draco's way onto the team, after all. His father probably wanted to check on Draco's performance. Make sure he was living up to Slytherin Seeker standards.

ย ย  When the whistle blew, Draco took a deep breath and mounted his broom. Across the field, Potter did the same and with the last blow of Madam Hooch's whistle they rose into the air. The Seekers were always last to take flight, right after the Keepers and they flew higher than any other player. Keeping a steady eye on Potter, Draco postitioned himself to face the Gryffindor stadiums. The other players positioned themselves in a circle and Draco and Potter hovered above the circle, facing each other.

ย ย  Madam Hooch stood on the ground below the circle of players. "Now I want a nice clean game." She repeated, like every time she did when there was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. "Play fair, and play nice! Now, ready, go!" She opened the box containing the balls and the bludgers zoomed out violently. Then came the quaffle that Madam Hooch threw into the air, and last, the snitch. Draco saw it first, but Potter was quicker. He aimed the front of his broom downward then veered right, following the snitch towards the rafters of the stadiums.

ย ย  Draco knew better, and stayed above the rafters, making his way around to where the Snitch would exit. He could see Potter dodging the wooden beams, trying to avoid being knocked off his broom and in the process being slowed down. But Draco didn't pay attention to Potter for long, for the snitch would be coming out soon. Sure enough, a few moments later, he saw a glint of gold and the small round ball came flying out of the rafters. Rearing his broom upwards, Draco took off, just feet away from the snitch. He reached out, his fingers inching closer when he was knocked off his broom by... Angelina Johnson?

The Gryffindor Chaser sped by, knocking Draco's broom out of balance and it tipped. Draco was jolted forward, over the front. He had little time to react. With on hand, he grasped the end of the broom handle before he could fall to the ground and with the other, he reached to grab the footrest. Struggling to keep ahold, Draco pulled himself up towards the broom but it remained stubborn and wouldn't budge, hovering in a vertical position. "This cursed broom!" He grunted, his hand slipping. Why did the stupid thing have to have a mind of its own?! He would surely fall to his death if he couldn't manage to get in a horizontal position.

ย  ย  Upon hearing a gasp above the roaring crowd Draco's head snapped up and he saw her. Hermione looked up and he locked eyes with her. Her expression was worried and her eyes were scared. Then his hand slipped and she lurched forward, almost falling from the stands. "No!" He heard her cry, before he was able to regain his grip, but only he had noticed. The rest of the Gryffindor's were focused on Potter, who almost had the snitch in hand. Draco realized he had to do something and he had to do it fast, or Potter would get the snitch. He swung his leg up and over the brooms bipod, forcing the broom to lower under his weight.

ย ย  As soon as the broom was horizontal, it allowed Draco to swing his leg up and over the handle. Once was was back on his broom, Draco looked back to Hermione who sighed with relief before her eyes became wide and she screamed. She frantically yelled inaudibly and leaned forward, pointing behind him. Suddenly, he felt a piercing wave of pain shoot through his right arm. His broom spun rapidly in rigid circles and everything became a blur. Cradling his right arm close to his chest, Draco tried to steady his broom with his uninjured arm.

Lee Jordan, the game's announcer, spoke over the crowd. "Malfoy has been hit by a rogue bludger! He seems to have lost the use of his right arm but is remaining steady! After that last accident, he lost about five minutes! Still, Potter's lost the snitch and hasn't found it yet, so maybe that time wasn't lost!" Draco hadn't heard anything but five minutes. Had it only been five minutes? It felt like he had been dangling from that broom for hours.

ย ย  Draco struggled to keep his broom steady with only one arm. It was terribly difficult, his injured arm throwing off his balance. Then, before his broom had even come to a stop, a golden glint caught his eye. Not even attempting to come to a complete stop, Draco veered left, not taking his eyes off the snitch. Jordan roared above the cheers. "He sees it! Malfoy has spotted the snitch! After that bludger attack, I thought Malfoy was finished for sure!" Jordan shouted. Draco smirked. "Or so you'd hoped, Jordan." He muttered under his breath, not waiting a second longer to pursue the round golden ball.

Potter spotted the Draco and was already in pursuit. Draco cursed under his breath, why couldn't Jordan have kept his mouth shut. Typical Gryffindor, telling everyone so that Potter would know where Draco had seen the snitch. Well not this time, Draco wouldn't let Potter get the best of him. He pushed forward, leaning all of his weight into the broom. Potter was close but Draco could almost touch the snitch. He wrapped his legs around the broom tighter so he wouldn't fall again. Heaving all of his weight to the end of his broom, Draco lunged forward and reached out. He now had no hold on his broom, with one hand he reached for the snitch and the other crippled against his side. Draco had to be careful when shifting his weight.

ย  ย  With one last glance at the stands, Draco noticed that Hermione had her hands clamped tightly against her mouth and her gaze followed him. She shook her head and her eyes begged him to pay attention. He noticed, when she pulled her hands away from her mouth they trembled and she wrapped them around her waist. Looking him in in the eye she mouthed soemthing, but he couldn't tell what she way saying. Her eyes widened and held urgency and Draco realized she was scared for him. She was mouthing the words "be careful" and "please, pay attention".ย 

ย ย  Shaking his his head, Draco looked back to the snitch. Slight temptation nagged at him to steal a glance at his father, just to see his expression. But he decided better of it and continued to stare straight ahead. He would only get a scorn if he lost this chance. Draco had to win this for them. He had to win this. As the snitch got closer to the ground, Malfoy and Potter followed. They got lower and lower until finally, Draco lunged forward. He didn't care if he fell of his broom. Draco felt his fingers close around the cold, hard, metal and clamped his closed fist to his chest.

ย ย  Draco hit the ground. Hard. He looked up to Hermione who still looked scared. The crowd went wild, and everything began to go black. Draco shook his head. No. He wouldn't lose consciousness. Not when he'd finally won them a victory. Not when he had to assure Hermione that he was okay. But as Lee Jordan announced the final scores, his heart sank. "190 for Slytherin and 200 for Gryffindor!" Even when he caught the snitch, they still lost. How could the rest of the team allow Gryffindor to get twenty goals and only score four themselves?! And Montague had berated him for being distracted today!

ย ย  Draco carefully stood, wincing at the pain that took over his entire body. Madam Hooch walked over to inspect him but Draco declined. He looked up to the stands, to where his father stood. A scowl spread across his face as he turned to descend the stadium stairs. Snape's face held disappointment but it was not directed at Draco. His house had lost the quidditch cup and it wasn't Draco's fault. Draco smirked to himself. He was sure that Montague and Flint, along with the rest of the team would hear it later for being careless. What could have been so distracting? How could they lose by so much?

If Draco hadn't caught the snitch, the score would be three hundred and fifty to forty. That was a big loss. Draco couldn't understand it. Even after everything that had happened, he had been the one to save them from humiliation. And he had been distracted by Hermione on several occasions... Oh Hermione! His hand flew to his pocket and he sighed in relief. He'd almost forgot. His eyes scanned the crowd, searching for her.

When the people began to clear away he spotted a tangle of bushy brown hair. Draco hurried and gave Madam Hooch the snitch he'd caught then handed his broom to Flint and walked off in her direction. Of course she was with Potter and Weasley. They hardly ever left her side. Careful to keep his distance, Draco followed them for quite some time. Once they reached the Gryffindor tower, Weasley and Potter told her they were going to celebrate in the common room and asked her to join them but she politely declined. They were disappointed but she congratulated them again and they said their goodbyes. Then she was finally alone.

ย ย  Hermione began to walk down the hall, in the direction of the library. Draco smiled and hurried forward, eager to catch her. "Hermione wait!" Draco called. He sped up and caught her hand in his uninjured hand and spun her around. Hermione gasped as he turned her to face him, amazement marking her features. "Hi." He said. She raised an eyebrow and muttered a soft "hi". Draco grinned. "Here." He said, placing a small golden snitch in her hands before losing his courage. It came to life, it's wings fluttering, and it circled her. Hermione spun, the Snitch playing in her hair as the tresses swirled around her face. Draco smiled, watching her face light up.

"Is this the one you caught today?"

Draco hesitated. "No..." He drew out the word. "It's actually my first snitch."

Her eyes widened. "The first snitch you caught in second year?" She asked and Draco nodded. "But you said this was your most prized possession! I can't accept this!"

"Yes you can. Now we're even."

Hermione met his gaze and frowned, "Draco this has nothing to do with getting even. I didn't give you that book so you'd owe me. It was a gift. I know how much this Snitch means to you. You don't have to give me this."

Draco smiled. "I know I don't have to, but I want to. I want you to have this." He said. "Besides, it belongs to you now. You're it's new owner. The Snitch won't respond to me anymore." It was a slight lie, and he knew Hermione would know that, but it was partially true. The Snitch did belong to her now. It would respond to her because of it's flesh memories.

The small golden snitch flew down into Hermione's open palm and she closed her fingers around it then brought it to her chest. Hermione smiled. "Thank you, Draco." She said, a slight blush rising to her cheeks.

Draco smiled and reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. "I'm glad you like it."

Hermione grinned and her eyes became wide. "Draco your bleeding!"

"It's nothing." He said gripping his arm where blood soaked through his uniform."

Worry creased her brow. "You need to go the hospital wing."

"No! I'm fine!" He objected, hastily.

She looked at him skeptically. "Why don't you want to go?"

"I'm done exaggerating. I'm not going to make this seem worse than it is. I don't have to go, so I won't." He said.

"You wouldn't be exaggerating, that looks bad!"

"No." He wasn't budging this time. She could argue all she wanted.

"Fine. But your going to at least let me doctor it up." She said it as more of a command than a question. He began to object but she gave him a look that told him he didn't have a choice.

ย ย  A few minutes later, Draco found himself being led to the kitchens by Hermione, where she requested some alcohol, cloth, and two hot meals. Once she explained that the alcohol was for Draco's wound, Dobby and the other house elves were happy to oblige. They brought her a long white cloth and a bottle of some kind of alcoholic beverage. Hermione thanked the house elves and had Draco sit down at the long oak table. "Take off your shirt." She said without looking at him and began ripping the white cloth into thin, long strips. Her expression remained rather serious, with no trace of any embarrassment or awkwardness upon her request.

"What?" Draco asked, a bit taken aback.

Hermione stopped and looked up. "I'm going to need you to take your shirt off so I can see your arm."

"Oh." He said, embarrassed slightly.

ย ย  Hermione found his embarrassment amusing as he shyly took off his quidditch gear and finally his shirt. She hesitated then sat down beside him and reached out, delicately touching the wound on his arm. It was just above his elbow on the lower part of his bicep. Though her touch was feather soft, he flinched slightly and she apologized. As she applied the alcohol to his scraped arm he saw her grimace. "This is deep, Draco. That bludger gashed it open pretty bad. Episky isn't going to heal this wound. I can fix it normally, but it'll sting and you'll be sore. Are you sure you don't want to go to Madam Pomphrey?"

"Yes. Just do it."

"Alright." She sighed.

ย ย  Elevating his arm, Hermione began to pour the bottle of alcohol over the wound. She held a rag under his arm to catch the excess that dropped from his arm and kept it from soaking his clothes. He winced as the burning sensation in his arm deepened. It went on for several seconds and he tried to keep from grimacing. No need for Hermione to feel bad. She wasn't hurting him purposely. It wasn't until she dabbed a wet cloth at his arm that the pain began to decrease and she began to wrap the wound. Draco smirked. "Will I live?"

Hermione looked up momentarily with a slight smile. "I think the odds are in your favor." After a few minutes, Hermione spoke again. "I'm sorry you lost the game." She said without looking up as she wrapped his arm.

He sighed. "At least it wasn't my fault this time."

Hermione looked up. "It was never your fault that Slytherin lost those games in the past, Draco. I'm not trying to be mean, but it's the rest of your teams fault, truly. And the only reason you've lost to Harry in the past is because he's had more experience."

He groaned. "Just another reminder that I'll always be second best to Potter, in every aspect of my life."

She looked him in the eye. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true. He's the hero, I'm the villain..."

"You're not a villain." She said with certainty.

"That's what everyone else seems to think. Even you would choose Potter over me if it came down to it."

Her eyes narrowed. "What would the situation be that I would choose him over you?"

ย ย  Draco swallowed and felt his face become hot. He didn't dare say what he was thinking. As a boyfriend. As a love interest. As anything more than just friends. Potter would always come first. Draco almost told her that, but decided better of it and took the easy way out. "His friendship will always come before mine." He said bashfully, lowering his gaze.

Her mouth dropped slightly. "Is that what you think?"

"I don't think, Granger, I know."

ย ย  Hermione scowled and her eyes narrowed in anger. She shot him a spiteful look before tying off his dressing, a little too tight. He flinched as it pinched the tender skin on his bicep. "Ow." He said looking at her for an apology but got none. "What the..." He stopped upon seeing pain behind her angered expression. "What's wrong, Hermione?"

"Do you really have so little trust in me? That you think I favor Harry over you because of your past? I've shown you time and time again that that is not true but you continue to think so little of me!" Draco winced. He had to tell her that that was as far from the truth as she could get. That truly, deep down he trusted her with something far more precious than that little golden snitch. He had to let her know that he thought the world of her.

ย ย  Reaching over, Draco took her hand and looked her directly in the eye. "That is not true." He said, boldly and confidently so that she would hear the truth and certainty in his voice. "I trust you completely and I think far from little of you, Hermione Granger." Hermione met his eye and held her breath. Her expression was unreadable. A blank slate. Oh how he wished he knew Legilimency. To be able to read her thoughts and know what she was thinking.

ย ย  It was almost as if she was trying to decide whether or not to trust him. But then she did something unexpected. Lacing her fingers through his, Hermione leaned forward and closed her eyes. This caught him off guard. Draco froze, staring at her for a moment. She was so beautiful. He looked at her rosy pink lips and didn't hesitate a moment longer. Giving into temptation, Draco leaned in and closed his eyes. But before their lips could touch, they were interrupted by the harsh sound of an accusing voice. "Well, what do we have here?"

Author's Note:

Ahh! Cliffhanger! Yes, I did that! You'll have to wait for my next chapter to see who it was who caught them! If you liked this chapter please leave a like so you will know when I upload any new chapters! Please leave in the comments below, what you thought of this chapter! I have big plans for the next few chapters so please leave feedback and I'll get that next chapter out soon!

P.S. Sorry guys I don't have a question for you in this chapter but please comment anyways to keep this story moving!

Okay wait... I've got one...

"Who do you think caught them?"

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