Chapter Nine | Shallow

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Shallow, by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper

Draco marched down the hall to the spot where they had met before. Sure enough, there stood Granger, her nose stuck in a book as she made her way to the library. Or at least, thats where he assumed she was headed. Where else could she be going this early in the morning? Besides, the library was her favorite place to be. He walked faster in order to catch her then hesitated. He knew she didn't want to talk to him. Draco knew she was probably still furious with him since their last encounter but he needed to talk to her. He wanted to make things right and he needed her forgiveness. But he also needed answers and he needed them now.

Draco shook his head then hurried after her. "Granger!" When she did not stop he called louder. "Granger!"

Without looking back she called over her shoulder. "Go away, Malfoy!" And her pace quickened.

Draco stopped in his tracks, aghast. The hatred in her voice startled him. "No!" He said, changing the tone of his voice halfway through the word.

She kept walking. "Granger!" He called even louder.

She turned around, her eyes wide. "What?!" She asked impatiently.

Draco smirked slightly then became solemn and his tone became urgent. "Where did you get this?" He demanded, swinging the book in her face.

Granger smiled mockingly. "Oh, so you liked it?" She met his eyes with scorn. "I thought a pureblood such as yourself wouldn't be caught dead reading a muggle fairy tale!"

"Don't be coy with me!" He growled, annoyed with her bold and triumphant attitude.

She looked at him seriously, obviously annoyed. "Malfoy, I haven't the slightest idea of what your talking about!!"

Voices began to carry down the hall and Draco looked up as shadows approached around the corner. Draco growled and grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her around the corner then pinned her against the wall. Guilt ripped his consciousness for his harsh demeanor but he needed answers and she wasn't going to listen if he didn't make her. Draco held her arms with a firm grip and he looked her dead in the eye. "Where did you get that book?"

"I already told you! It's a muggle fairytale." She struggled against his grip then grunted. "Just an old fantasy."

"It's no fantasy. It's an old wizard's tale, and it's only been known among pureblood families. So what I want to know is, how did you get that book and where did it come from?"

Granger stopped struggling. She looked unwillingly frightened by his harsh demeanor but slight awe entered her gaze. "You mean... it's real?"

"Is that not what I just said? Now answer me." His voice became softer and he tried to calm himself.

"I already told you." She spoke the words slowly, mockingly. "It's a famous book among muggles, it was written by C.S. Lewis, a British author, and it's sold worldwide. Now let me go, Malfoy!" She looked him in the eye and Draco's grip loosened and Hermione jerked from his grasp. The spite in her eyes made him flinch and Draco shook his head and released her. She looked at him with contempt and anger crossed her features. Their eyes met for a few brief seconds and he could see the pain and loathing in her eyes.

Draco looked away and paced in a circle, rubbing his forehead. How was he going to go through with this? Granger stood there watching him with faux disgust but amid her anger was curiosity. Draco sighed, he knew what he had to do, but he didn't know exactly how to do it. Then, deciding to come right out and just say the words, he turned and faced her. "Listen, Granger. I... I'm sorry. I never should have called you that." She looked at him with amazement but then her expression softened.

Draco hesitated but when he saw the hurt and forgiveness in her eyes he continued. "I know you have no reason to forgive me and that I have to right to ask your forgiveness..." he sighed. "It's just that when I saw you and that weasel..." Draco saw the warning she flashed him but continued anyway. "The weasel tends to bring out the worst in me... and when I saw you two together..." He swallowed. Why couldn't he just say it already? "...the way he treated you... and the way you act around him..." He stuttered, beginning to sweat.

Granger stared at him in complete and utter shock. He could see the confusion in her eyes as she stared at him questioningly. He knew what she was thinking. Had Draco Malfoy, the pureblood Slytherin, apologized to her, a muggleborn? Draco's chest heaved and he wiped his hair back from his brow. Why was this so hard?! She looked at him expectantly and Draco knew that she understood what he was saying. She knew what he was getting at... she just wanted to hear him say the words.

Unwilling to give in, Draco avoided her anticipating glare. But when she stepped forward and placed her hand against his arm he became weak and gave in. "Fine! I was jealous!" He burst, letting out a long sigh. "Happy? Is that what you wanted to hear?" She looked at him skeptically, as if trying to hide her astonishment yet trying decide if he was telling the truth or not. But then she slid her hand down his arm and touched his hand. He flinched at her warm touch and his knees felt weak but he was able to relax when she gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Draco sighed and looked at the ground, ashamed. His hair fell over his forehead and he closed his eyes. Then licking his lips he spoke again. "I know it's no excuse..."

But before he could finish she placed a finger to his lips. "I forgive you." She said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you." He whispered as overwhelming relief flooding his emotions. Tears began to enter his eyes and Draco swallowed, not willing to let her see him cry.

Granger looked at him gently and her face became solemn. "But I need you to promise me something."

Draco looked at her, taken aback. What could she possibly want from him? What could he promise to her. He swallowed. "Yes?"

"Promise me, you won't use that name ever again." She met his eyes. Draco hesitated and she continued. "I can't continue to forgive you when you keep making the same mistake. If you truly are sorry... if you are truly remorseful, promise me?"

When Draco looked down again, thinking about his father. He expected Draco to use that term whenever it came to muggleborns. What would he say? What would he do, if he found out that Draco had sworn to never use it again? But when Draco looked to her and saw the pain in her eyes, he felt devastating remorse. Guilt and regret flooded him. He couldn't do that to her again. Draco looked at her and knew in his heart that he could never hurt her again. He also knew that if anyone ever dared to hurt her again, if anyone ever called her that name again, he would break them.

Granger blinked as tears appeared in her eyes. "Please." She whispered. "Promise me you'll never call me that again. I know I said it was only a word but I was wrong. And... and it hurts so much more coming from you."

Draco looked at her and his heart ached. "W...What do you mean? Why?"

"Because I care about you, and I had hoped you cared about me too." Her voice broke as she sobbed and hesitated on the sentence.

In a split second decision, Draco pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her back. "I promise." He said, deepening the hug. He didn't let go for several seconds and when he did, he felt extremely awkward.

Hermione looked up to him as he released her, feeling momentarily awkward but her smile reassured him. She wiped her eyes and took a deep breath. "I... I've got to get to the library. These books have to be returned today."

With a moment's hesitation, Granger stood on her toes and planted a brief kiss on his cheek. Draco reached up to touch his cheek and stood there, stunned and Granger bit her lip. She placed a small book in his hand, then, giving him a teasingly sweet smile, spun around. Her hair brushed his face as she flipped her head, and he watched as she began to walk away. Draco gaped at her, frozen on the spot. Had Granger just... flirted with him? He looked at the book in his hand. The Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian. He looked back up and sighed, wishing they'd had more time together.

As if on cue, Granger stopped walking and turned a fraction. Then she batted her lashes and quirked her lips in an alluring side smile. "Well? Are you coming?" Draco swallowed and nodded, not taking his eyes off of her. When she bit her lip and raised her eyebrows, Draco grinned and followed her off towards the library.

Draco and Hermione spent several hours, missing breakfast, and talking in the library. He began to read Prince Caspian and enjoyed it. Every once in a while he would stop and they would talk about it. Draco would act out scenes, using his best British accent and trying to make her smile. Granger would laugh and smile at his antics and he would grin back, knowing he'd succeeded. He read and she'd listen, telling him when he reached her favorite parts. He wanted to know the little details that she noticed and loved. He would ask her questions and she would answer them earnestly. She began to cry a bit when Lucy realized that Mr. Tumnus has passed on and Draco had teased her.

Draco enjoyed her company. She was easy to talk to and honestly listened to what he had to say. She treated him like an actually person. Like his opinion mattered, just as much as hers. Granger caught him staring at her and winked, surprising him. He winked back making her giggle. Draco sighed, satusfied. He liked spending time with her and he wanted this to continue. He wanted to see her every day. He wanted to be near her.

Draco looked up from the book and stared at her for awhile. She looked at him through the corner of his eye and caught him staring. When she looked up their eyes met and Granger smiled. "What?" She said, laughing and setting her book down. He gave her an innocent look and she rolled her eyes. "You've been looking at me like that for the past thirty minutes. What is it?"

He shook his head. "Oh nothing."

She raised an eyebrow. "No really. What were you thinking?"

Draco shook his head. "Nothing important."

"Oh really?"

He scrunched his nose in thought then nodded once more. "Yup."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't believe you."

"Fine. If you must know, I was thinking about how nice your hair could look, if you took the time to tame it."

She blushed slightly then, finding the insult in his compliment, she growled. "Your one to talk, Malfoy. One day your hair is slicked back with about ten pounds of hair gel and the next it looks as if you don't even bother. You either overdo it, or leave it disheveled and messy.

He raised an eyebrow. "And which do you prefer Granger?"

She huffed. "Your not tricking me that easy. I could care less what you do with your hair. I won't say another word, and I'd ask you to do the same!" She said crossing her arms. Draco could tell she wasn't actually mad, but she kept up a good appearance.

"Fine!" Draco said running a hand through his hair and combing it back with a smirk.



Granger realized what he was doing and looked back to her open textbook, rolling her eyes. Draco smiled and did the same until she spoke a few seconds later. "Disheveled and messy." She said without even looking up. Malfoy grinned to himself.

They read in silence for several minutes before she spoke again. Looking up, she sighed. "What you did to Ron was wrong by the way."

Draco shrugged not even looking up. "I don't regret it."

Granger sighed. "Why'd you do it?"


She tilted her head. "Because why?"

"Because he was being a git, that's why. He treats you horribly and you are nothing but kind to him. It's obvious you care for him yet Weasley remains ignorant." Draco shook his head. "Except I don't think he is unaware, I think he notices and is ignoring your feelings purposely. Either that or he is painfully oblivious."

Granger looked on the verge of tears. "He isn't the only one."

Before Draco could put two and two together and slammed her book shut and walked out of the library. When Draco realized what she had said, he sat there, frozen. Had she just admitted that she had feelings for him? Or at least cared about him? Draco refused to get his hopes up. He wouldn't allow himself believe it could be true. Granger could never have feelings for him. He was a Slytherin. She would never allow herself to fall for him. Looking back to the door, Draco groaned. He was just going to have to chase after her and find out.

Finally coming to his senses, he closed his own book and ran after her. She had not made it far and Draco chased after her. "Hey Granger! What does that mean?"

She stopped down the hall. "I think you know exactly what that means!"

Draco let out an exasperated sigh and waved his hand. "Granger wait! Don't leave!" She did not stop and kept walking. Draco ran faster and grabbed her hand. "Please Hermione."

She froze and stared at him with wide eyes. "What did you just say?" She whispered.

Draco met her golden brown eyes. "I said, 'Please Hermione.'" He pulled her closer. "Don't leave."

She let out a small breath and looked him in the eye. "You... you called me Hermione."

"Yes." He nodded confirming her statement. "I believe I did."

"You... You've never called me that before." He laughed.

"Yes... and?" He gave her a striking smile. She opened her mouth then shut it.

They stared at each other for what seemed forever when he finally looked away and pulled her along beside him. When he did not release her hand, she tensed but when she noticed his gentle manor she relaxed as they made their way down the hall. They walked in silence, side by side. Draco smiled to himself. He wanted this more often, and he wanted it with her. He made her smile and she gave him that warmth and closeness he so longed for. She did not even have to be close for him to feel warm inside. Her very presence caused his heart to flutter.

Deciding to take a chance, Draco pulled her aside and took a deep breath. "Listen Hermione. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I... I have no excuse. I know I have no right to ask it of you but I ask your complete forgiveness. I would like to start over." He looked down. "I... I..." He sighed. "I don't want to be alone anymore."

Hermione stared into his icy grey eyes. "What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is... I want this to continue. You and me."

She couldn't stand how he was struggling and reached out, wrapping her arms around his waist. He did not flinch or resist but sighed into her hair and whispered. "Please."

Hermione nodded as she watched a tear streamed down his cheek. "I forgive you. Your not alone, Draco."

Finally completely giving in to her embrace, Draco wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. When she hugged him tighter she heard him sigh. Draco didn't care if she'd seen him at his weakest or at his most vulnerable. He just wanted to be close to her. They walked, hand in hand, back to the place where they had met before and said their goodbyes. But before she could leave, Draco reached over and took her hand and pulled her close. Her breath hitched and he smiled before looking her in the eye and becoming serious. "Meet me here again tomorrow?"

Author's Note:

I know this chapter is shorter than my usual but I feel the short sincere moments that aren't dragged out are what was needed and I don't like to add scenes just for filler, unless they mean something. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and I will upload the next soon. I will not rush so as to give you all the best quality but I want to thank you for your patience! So please give this story a like if you have not and comment below!

Now, for this chapters question, and it's a doozy... I will not say when it is happening but, without further ado...

"Who should initiate the first kiss?"

I take every and all answers into consideration and will do my best to fulfill everyone's wishes and hopes. If it does not turn out how you'd hoped I do hope you enjoy it nonetheless. And thank you for reading this story!

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