Chapter Six | Alone

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Alone, originally by Heart, cover by Celine Dion

ย ย  Hermione lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to get any sleep. She felt awful about what had happened. Draco hadn't spoken to her since the incident, and Hermione didn't dare approach him. She feared he would become more distant. If she pressed him, it would only scare him further away. So as the weeks went by, they went back to ignoring each other as they had before. Hermione didn't like the situation but she didn't have much choice. Malfoy would never admit he was wrong. He was as proud as he was arrogant and would never give in. And she couldn't force him to. (No matter how much she wished she could.)

ย ย  In the nights since, Hermione had gotten little to no sleep. She was beginning to feel like an insomniac. Counting sheep did not work in the least, and sleeping tonic did nothing to help her nerves. She would have gone to Madam Pomphry but she was keen on the idea of using magic to put her to sleep. No, she'd much rather fall asleep on her own. The fact that she felt homesick at times didn't help either. Hermione missed her mother terribly most nights. She sometimes wondered if Malfoy felt the same. If he missed his mother or even had a loving mother to miss. She knew his father was terrible but perhaps he only acted that way to others. Especially muggleborns. But it made her sad to think that Malfoy did not have a loving family.

ย ย  With every passing day, Hermione spent all her spare time trying to find a way to talk to him. He would never give in unless she was discreet and they were alone. And even then, his pride got in the way of him opening up to her. He would never admit that she had been right. Although he would never admit to feeling alone either. But she knew he didn't want to act the way his father expected of him. She really did wish he had accepted her offer of friendship rather than push her away.

Hermione flinched at the memory. He had called her a mudblood again. But thinking back to that night, remembering his expression, Hermione knew that he had been scared. She could see it in his eyes. He was scared of letting her in. She sighed. Hermione knew he hadn't meant the awful things he'd said, but it still hurt. The spite in his voice and anger in his eyes. Yet, it was not directed at her. He was mad at himself... upset with himself. She just didn't know why. But she saw the hurt in his eyes as he screamed those things at her. Hermione shook her head.

No use in dwelling on it, it was only upsetting her. She had all year after all. She'd get him to warm up to her... eventually. It was quite odd actually. She found herself longing to talk to him, wanting his company. As of late, she had felt quite lonely to be honest. During her time in the library, she would catch herself watching the door and hoping he would seek her out. Hermione shook her head furiously. What was wrong with her? How could she want to spend time with Draco Malfoy? He was the reason she was insecure and felt inferior. The reason she spent most of last semester in tears over that... that... that name.

But when she thought back to their last encounter, something struck her. What she had told him was true. It was just a word, and that was all it would ever be. Draco had never meant it when he called her a mudblood. As much as it had hurt her when he said it, he had never spoken to her in anger. Then she came to a realization. He was more than just Draco Malfoy, the foul Slytherin ferret they had all believed him to be. There was so much more to him than he let anyone else see. Deep down that was not who he was. Hermione was drawn to him. She couldn't explain it, but she was.

ย ย  Hermione tossed in her bed and struggled against her restlessness. She had to stop thinking about him, she loathed him, remember? She closed her eyes but sleep would not come. Finally giving up, she stood and pulled on her satin robe, it wasn't quite cold enough for her fleece robe yet. She looked around the room to her roommate's beds. They were all sound asleep. Lavender Brown snored, snorting like a pig.

With a moment's hesitation, Hermione picked up two books from her nightstand and headed downstairs to the Gryffindor Common Room. The room was empty but the fire still blazed. Hermione sighed and made her way over to the sofa. Settling in, she waved her wand and a flame appeared, floating above her head. It's soft glow illuminated the room in a faint hue. Hermione nodded. Now she would be able to see.

ย ย  The two books she held were The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Draco's copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. With a sigh, she picked up where she left off in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and read a few chapters, then picked up Fantastic Beasts. She skipped through the pages until she found fuans. Just like the one Lucy had met in Narnia. Mr. Tumnus had always been one of Hermione's favorite characters. She remembered crying when she read Prince Caspian and realized that the faun had passed away.

Hermione noticed the M.O.M classification for a faun was only two x's. That meant they were harmless and mostly domesticated. She thought back to Mr. Tumnus and how he had tried to kidnap Lucy but couldn't bring himself to take her to the white witch. She smiled to herself. When she had been younger, the idea of an evil witch seemed to frightening. Witches in general were a horrific idea and in all her stories they seemed to be evil, horrible, ugly hags. But it was absolutely ironic how Hermione had turned out to be a witch herself!

ย ย  Hermione looked back to the book and studied the page then noticed something. Scamander had left a little note on the edge of the page next to the classification. "May be timid. Approach with care. Present a peace offering then back off. Give it time to consider then allow the creature to come to you." Hermione read it aloud and something struck her. She was going to have to do the same with Malfoy. She had to give him time and allow him to warm up to her. Draco was timid and would remain so unless she let him come to her. She'd have to let him believe it was his idea. And as for a peace offering... she hadn't the slightest idea of what to give him. She wanted it to be something with meaning, but she didn't know him that well yet.

After a few minutes, Hermione was startled at the sound of creaking on the stairs. She looked up to see the young ginger Weasley descending the stairs. She yawned and rubbed her eyes and Hermione smiled at her.ย  "What are you doing up so late?"

Ginny have a shy grin. "I couldn't fall asleep."

"It looks like you just were. Did I wake you?"

Ginny shook her head furiously. "Oh no no!" She gasped and covered her mouth then hushed her voice. "I actually saw you come down and thought we could chat. I'm a bit restless." She shrugged.

ย ย  Hermione smiled gently. It was rare for the young girl to open up to her. "Of course." She swung her legs around and sat upright as Ginny took a seat on the armchair across from her. "What did you want to talk about?"

Ginny tilted her head. "Well, there was actually something I wanted to ask you."

Hermione nodded. "Yes?"

Ginny sighed then looked at Hermione squarely. "You like my brother, don't you?"

At this, Hermione startled. "Wh... what do you mean?"

"Do you like my brother?"

Hermione attempted a smile. "Which one?" She asked, trying to make light of the situation.

ย ย  Ginny gave her a serious look. "Well I don't mean Percy, he's a prat, and the twins are goons. You've never met Bill or Charlie, so that leaves..." She waved her finger at Hermione. "Although, come to think of it, Ron's an idiot, but that's besides the point. My question is do you like him?"

"Of course not..." Hermione ventured, not even convincing herself.

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "I may only be a second year but I'm not dumb." She made a sour face. "I just want to know why."

ย ย  Hermione nodded. "Okay, okay. I like him. How did you find out?"

Ginny made a weak attempt at an innocent expression. "Well... It's kinda obvious."

Hermione looked up in fear. "Does Ron know?"

Ginny shook her head. "He's oblivious to pretty much everything. Which brings me back to my original question. Why would you like him? It's definitely not for his brains." She pinched her lips and drew her eyebrows downward. "Cause he hasn't got any."

Hermione shrugged. "Well, we've been friends for years now and I've always found him funny and kind of cute..."

Ginny raised an eyebrow. "My brother? Funny?" Then she made a face. "Or cute?"

Hermione grumbled. "Ugh, I don't know why! I mean, it's just a crush, it'll probably pass."

"What if it doesn't?"

ย ย  Hermione hesitated then gave in. She needed someone to open up to. "That's what I'm worried about. Ron's only ever thought of me as a know it all muggleborn." She dropped her head and her hair fell, creating a curtain between them. "Actually, I'm pretty sure he's only friends with me because Harry and I are friends."

"Oh Hermione, I'm sure that's not true."

Hermione peeked one eye through her tangle of hair to see Ginny.ย  "Does he ever... mention me?"

Ginny hesitated. "Well... not really..." She drew out that last word and Hermione knew she wasn't saying anything because she didn't want to hurt Hermione's feelings and Ron only ever complained about her. She groaned, burying her face in her hands.

ย ย  Several seconds went by them Ginny spoke, breaking the silence. "What about Malfoy?"

Hermione's head snapped up. "What? What about him?"

Ginny grinned shyly. "He's fond of you."

"What?! No. You must be joking. Malfoy?"

ย ย  The young redheaded witch tilted her head. "Oh come on Hermione. You must see the way he looks at you."

"The way he... What do you mean?"

"He stares at you when he thinks no one is looking and I've even caught him gaping at you before."

Hermione shook her head. "That can't be true."

Ginny nodded "It is. He's intrigued by you."


Ginny stopped her and put a hand on her chin. "In fact, the way he looks at you, I'd say he's head of heels."

"Head over...?" Hermione burst into laughter. Ginny waited patiently until Hermione's breathing slowed and she could form a sentence. "Draco Malfoy only loves his name, his blood title, and his money. Head over heels, captivated, it's not something he is capable of."

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "Suit yourself. But I will just tell you now, if you chase after my brother you are going to be disappointed."

Hermione's face became serious. "Because he doesn't like me that way?"

"No. Because he's an idiot and isn't worthy of you." Hermione's eyes became wide and she was amazed by Ginny's bluntness. The youngest Weasley shrugged. "Ron isn't exactly the most affectionate person in the world. He can be mean and quite a bit of a jerk sometimes. He's still family and unfortunately I have to love him but if he continues to remain oblivious then it's his own fault."

Hermione sighed. "What should I do?"

"If I were you I would pursue Malfoy. Ron's an idiot and if he can't see your feelings, then he's not worth it."

Hermione groaned. "All boys are idiots."

"That is true. They may not be wise in matters of the heart, but Malfoy is very... cunning. He can be very smart when he decides to use that big brain of his. His intelligence almost matches yours."

Hermione looked at her surprised. "How do you know all of this?"

She shrugged once more. "I just pay attention."

ย ย  Hermione didn't understand why she hadn't noticed it sooner. As much as she wanted to believe that he was just Malfoy, the awful, cruel, status quo Slytherin, there was more to him than that. He was misunderstood. She could see it in his eyes, he was lonely. Hermione bit her lip. If only she could get him to come out of that Slytherin shell. Ginny leaned closer, obviously curious. "Now tell me... Do you like him?"

Hermione thought back to their previous encounters. She felt giddy just thinking about the way Draco had teased her. She didn't understand why or how she could feel this way about a Slytherin, let alone Draco Malfoy, but she... liked it. He was so very different from any of the other typical boys she had been attracted to. But was she attracted to him? The dark and mysterious but misunderstood kind of guy had never really been her type. "I...I don't know." Hermione winced at the confession. She didn't want to be unsure. She wanted to be certain... that she didn't, in fact, like Draco Malfoy.

ย ย  Ginny pinched her lips together in thought. "This is more difficult than your feelings for Ron. You and he have been friends since you met, whereas you and Malfoy have been mortal enemies." She looked up. "Still... your uncertainty means there's a chance, and your confusion means that you are, most definitely, attracted to him."

"What? How do you come to that conclusion?"

Ginny raised her eyebrows. "Oh come on. Can you honestly tell me that you do not find him attractive? Even a little?"

Hermione stopped for a moment and the image of Draco Malfoy came into mind. His icy grey- blue eyes that looked almost silver in the moons light. That slick, pale blonde hair that he occasionally left messy from sleep. He was tall, dark and handsome. Everything a girl could ever want. Hermione's eyes widened and she let out a groan as she buried her head in her hands. "Oh no!"

Ginny startled. "What is it?"

"I do."

"Do what?"

Hermione spread her fingers and peaked at Ginny. "Find him attractive, like him, want to give him a chance. But why? What in the world could possess me to become attracted to Draco Malfoy?!"

Ginny shook her head. "We can't control who we fall for."

Hermione startled. "Fall for? I haven't fallen for him!"

"Alright, alright." Ginny threw her hands up in surrender.

ย ย  Once they were on to a different subject Hermione decided to go out on a limb. "I want to give Malfoy something as a gift. But I don't know what he likes." She bit her lip. "What do you think I should give him?"

Ginny thought for a second then grinned. "Give him your favorite book. That way your showing him that your giving him a chance. That your opening up to him and giving him a part of yourself."

ย ย  Hermione automatically looked to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was her favorite book. Then she looked to Fantastic Beasts and it clicked. "That's perfect!" She picked up Draco's book and handed it to Ginny then blushed. "He has already given me a copy of a book of his to hold on to. This way it'll even it out."

Ginny's eyes widened. "When did he give you that?"

"A few weeks ago."

"Before the boggart incident?"

Hermione blushed. "Yeah, you noticed that?"

Ginny raised an eyebrow and grinned. "I noticed that Malfoy was awfully eager to step in and 'save' you when you were in distress." Hermione opened her mouth but Ginny cut her off. "And it wasn't just for attention."

Hermione blushed and her cheeks became hot. "You really think so?

"I know so."

ย ย  Ginny scooted forward. "Now tell me about this book. When, where, why and how did he give it to you? What's Draco Malfoy really like?"

"Okay, okay. So many questions." Hermione thought for a moment. 'What was Draco Malfoy really like?' Hermione nodded then told Ginny about their encounter in the library. She giggled as she recalled how coy yet genuine he had been. "Ever since I have kind of been hoping he would come back." Then her face fell. "But we haven't spoken since he got mad at me for calling him out after the boggart incident."

"He's upset that you've figured him out. He's never allowed anyone to be that close to him before and the idea scares him. But the fact that he let you see the real Draco is a step in the right direction."

Hermione blinked, surprised. "You think so?"

"I know so. He'll come around. Just give him time. It is Malfoy after all. He's still got his pride to stand in the way." Ginny laughed. "All boys do."

ย ย  Hermione sighed. "I have to give him a chance. I have to reach out to him. I... I have to try at least ."

"What makes you say that?"

ย ย  "Because I can't always stick to what I'm comfortable with. Ron isn't going to return my feelings all of a sudden. I know that a relationship with him would be safe, but... Malfoy is... mysterious and confusing and... new. Maybe that's what I need."

Ginny smiled. "Then you should go for it!"

"But what about Ron?"

"Like you said, he's not going to change suddenly. You've liked him for too long. It's time you move on."

"I don't know if I'm ready to move on though."

Ginny shrugged. "No one said you had to, but he's holding you back and he has no intentions of taking you out."

ย ย  Hermione thought to herself. "I'd feel awful if I abandoned him."

"Why? Ron has no claim on you. You were never his." Ginny drew her lips to the side. "Besides, you could still remain friends."

"I suppose. I just feel so... flighty."

Ginny laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I like Ron, but now I think I like Malfoy. My feelings are all over the place. How can I like Ron and yet develop... something for Malfoy?"


"You know..." Hermione blushed. "Feelings."

Ginny laughed. "That's normal, Hermione."

"It is?"

"Yes." She said with a laugh. "You can have feelings for two people at the same time. It's natural actually. Just take it slow."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "When did you become such an expert?"

Ginny made a face of embarrassment mixed with discomfort. "Let just say I've spent too much time alone with mum."

Hermione laughed then smiled.ย  "Thanks Gin. You are a genius."

Ginny smiled. "I know I am."

Hermione looked down to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in her hands, Fantastic Beasts was lying, open, on the couch next to her. Her eyes crossed the small handwritten notes and she had an idea. It wouldn't take long and was simple enough. She quickly thanked Ginny and told her goodnight, then ran upstairs. She had to hurry if she was going to finish by morning. Hermione bit her lip. She really hoped this worked.

Author's Note:

Thank you for continuing to read my story! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded anything but I wasn't able to for awhile. But I have several chapters that I will now be able to release this week! Please give this story a like and leave in the comments what you think will happen next and I will upload the next chapter tonight!

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