Chapter Twenty | Beautiful Soul

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Beautiful Soul, by Jesse McCartney

"Please Ron! Why can't you just accept him?"

"I don't trust him!"

"Then trust me!"

"He's tricked you!"

"No he hasn't, Ron! Just listen to me!"

"No! Until you and that ferret are over we are done, Hermione!"

ย ย  Hermione ran, tears streaming down her cheeks. How could he be so insensitive?! He didn't care what she wanted or that she was happy. At least Draco was willing to try. He acted civily towards Ron and Ron responded by pulling out his wand on Draco. It was a very immature thing to do and he could have hurt somebody. But even then Draco didn't fight back. In Hermione's book, that was an act of maturity. But Ron has to be immature and a prick. He couldn't put aside his differences for a single moment and allow her to explain.

Hermione knew that Draco and Ron's rivalry ran deep. Their families were practically enemies, but she didn't understand why Ron couldn't be more open minded. Draco couldn't stand Ron but at least he was willing to try for her sake. He truly cared about her and right now, that was more than she could say for Harry or Ron. Harry needed time, and she respected that, but at least he wasn't screaming at her during the whole situation. At least he hadn't acted out of anger and almost gotten them all a weeks worth of detentions.

It was unjust of Ron to act the way he had towards her and towards Draco. Harry had tried to talk to him but he was to hot-headed. No. Hermione knew that Ron wasn't going to give Draco a chance. She also knew that that would affect their friendship. It definitely put a dent in their relationship. If her best friend couldn't accept her boyfriend then what was she to do? Ron was trying to force her to choose and that was unfair. It was unfair to her and caused her to lose her trust in him. She had really thought he was a better friend than this.

ย ย  Not looking where she was going, Hermione rounded a corner and gasped as she bumped into someone. The figure, though lanky, didn't budge when she hit him. Hermione, assuming it was Draco because of the black suit and his tall build, buried her face in his chest. She let out a sob she had been holding back for a long while. A hand patted her back hesitantly and Hermione gasped. She backed off immediately, knowing that the boy standing before her was not Draco. Draco would have enveloped her when she was close to him. It was true, the boy was dressed in all black, Draco's usual attire, but when she looked up, she was greeted by bright green eyes and a mess of black hair.

Hermione froze and studdered. "Oh, I... I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there..." She trailed off when she saw the green Slytherin emblem embroidered onto his black suit, over his chest. Not taking her eyes off the emblem she muttered. "I... I thought you were someone else."

The boy nodded, giving her a half smile. "Are you alright?"

Hermione nodded, her eyes wide.ย  Why was a Slytherin being nice to her? She had half expected him to yell at her for bumping into him. "I... I'm fine."

The boy frowned. "Why were you crying?"

"Oh, I... uh... I've just been a bit stressed recently."

ย ย  The boy nodded and smiled, then blinked. "Oh. Uh... My names Theodore Nott, I'm a friend of Draco's." He reached over and held out his hand. "My friends call me Theo."

Hermione shook his hand with a slight smile. "I'm Hermione Granger. Though, if your a friend of Draco's, I'm sure you knew that."

Theodore nodded with a smile then became solemn. "I'm sorry about what happened during dinner. The others, other Slytherins I mean, they can be quite cruel."

Hermione hesitated, scanning the boy's face. He seemed genuine. "Oh. I... It's fine. Draco and I, we expected them to take it badly. I mean, we had prepared for the worst but I hadn't expected the worst reaction from Ron. He... he was just being an idiot."

"It wasn't right, what happened, and they were wrong to call you such horrible names."

Hermione tilted her head. "They?"

He nodded. "The other Slytherins."

"Oh. Yes. It was harsh, but I'm used to such treatment."

Theodore looked down. "Where... where were you going just now?"

"I actually don't know where I was going to go. I was hoping to find Draco I suppose. He always seems to find a way to make me feel better." Theo nodded but seemed hesitant. Hermione shifted uncomfortably and looked at him, waiting for a response.

ย ย  Theodore frowned and stuffed his hands into his pockets. He rocked back and forth on his heels and seemed to be contemplating something. After a few moments, Theo looked up hesitantly and his eyes sparkled as if he had an idea. "Follow me." He whispered and began to walk down the hall.

Hermione's brow furrowed. "What?"

Theodore had already passed her and was walking down the hall. He half turned and gave her an innocent look, holding out his hand. "Are you coming?" Hermione hesitated, not really knowing where he would take her but nodded and took his hand. He pulled her around a corner and released her hand. Lifting a finger to his lips and motioning for her to be quiet, Theodore released her hand and becomes for her to follow. She obeyed and followed after him.

ย ย  The black-haired Slytherin led Hermione through halls that she had not seen before. They were cold and dark and had a certain musty smell to them. Theodore rounded a corner and began down a long spiraled staircase that she had not been down before. Hermione wondered where he was taking her then she realized something. The Slytherin's down and common room were in the dungeon. Hermione shuddered. Why anyone would choose to put the Slytherins in the dungeons she did not understand. They may be foul most of the time but that didn't mean they deserved to live in such daft conditions. Salazar Slytherin himself couldn't have wanted the students of his house to be living in the dungeons, surely.

ย ย  Hermione studied the interior of the deepest part of the castle. The walls were decorated with stone figures of mythical creatures. The creatures were carved into the walls and every few turns a gargoyle would appear. It reminded Hermione of the castle from Beauty and the Beast. Theodore noticed her awed expression and smiled slightly. "It is dark and cold but there are some perks. The castle holds many secrets. The beauty of the deepest, darkest parts is one of them." He motioned to a carving she did not recognize. "Beautiful is it not."

Hermione nodded. "Indeed."

She followed Theodore until he stopped suddenly in the middle of the hall and faced the wall. Hermione was confused. There was no portrait, not any sign of an enterance but Theo cleared his throat and spoke to the stone set of bricks. "Grindylow." He said in a firm voice and the wall began to shake. A large crease began to form between the stones as an opening doorway appeared. Theo turned to Hermione and winked then lifted a finger to his lips letting her know to keep this a secret. Hermione nodded and followed him into what she could only assume was the Slytherin Common Room.

ย ย  Immediatly, Hermione saw Draco, sitting by the fire with a mug in his hands. He was hunched over and stared absentmindedly at the flames. Theo approached him and clapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Drake. You have a visitor. I figured you both needed this."

Draco's eyebrows snapped down until he turned and saw Hermione. His eyes lit up but then he saw her red eyes and his became filled with concern. "Hermione, are you okay?"

She nodded. "Ron... He... he said he doesn't want anything to do with me until you and I have broken up."

Horror filled Dracos gaze and he stepped forward. "I... is that what you want?"

"No!" She said quickly. "I want to be with you and I don't want anything else to do with that jerk."

ย ย  Hermione collapsed and Draco rushed forward to embrace her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and waist and stroked her hair. "It's okay. It's going to be alright." Hermione buried her face in Draco's shoulder and he let her cry for she didn't know how long. He buried his nose in her neck and hummed, continuing to run his hand along her hair.

ย ย  When she pulled her face out of his shoulder, the top right side of his shirt was soaked. Hermione wiped her eyes and looked up into Draco's sympathetic ones. She found herself lost in his eyes, only looking away at the sound of someone clearing their throat. Both Hermione and Draco looked over at Theo, who looked uneasy. He shifted, uncomfortably with his hands in his pockets. "I, uh... I'm gonna head out and leave you two alone."

Draco let out a laugh and Hermione looked down with a smile. "Thanks Theo."

"Thank you, Theodore." They said at the same time then began to laugh.

ย ย  Draco pressed his forehead against hers and Hermione closed her eyes. Neither of them noticed as Theodore silently slipped out of the room. They were to caught up in each other's presence. Hermione let out a ragged sigh and Draco wrapped his arms tighter around her shoulders. "I'm going to kill him."

"No! No. Draco, it's okay. Don't, don't do anything to him."

Draco places his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye. "He shouldn't be able to get away with hurting you like this."

"I'll get over it. I'll be alright. Besides, I don't need him, I have you." Hermione smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

ย ย  Draco sighed and nodded, placing his hands on her cheeks and brushing her hair out of her face. Hermione smiled and he leaned forward, closing the distance. The kiss was like their many others, short but sweet. Hermione smiled into his lips and Draco pulled away with a grin. "Am I helping?"

"Helping?" Hermione questioned with a grin.

"I mean, am I making you feel better?"

Hermione bit her lip and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Hm, I don't know. I think you'll have to kiss me again for me to decide."

Draco let out a laugh and pressed his lips against her once more before raising his eyebrows. "Better?"

Hermione grinned. "Much better."

ย ย  Draco comforted her for awhile longer then offered to let her explore. Hermione looked around the Slytherin Common Room with awe. The room was truly amazing in its own dark and mysterious way. The fireplace was large with snakes carved into the woodwork of the mantle and stone archway. A portrait of a snake was hung above the fireplace with two large stained glass windows on either side. They were, of course, green, causing the room to take on a greenish hue. It was rather dreary looking. Hermione shuddered as her eyes crossed the fireplace's mantle. It was covered in the skulls of several different animals. Most of which she could not determine the species of.

Draco looked over her shoulder and noticed her gaze. "They're thestrals."

Hermione blinked. "What?"

"The animal skulls. They're the heads of thestrals."

"But, I can see them. Thestrals can only be seen by those..."

"Who have seen death." Draco finished. "But because they are dead their ability of concealment to those who have not seen death becomes nonexistent. Because they are now dead, then their bodies become visible."

"Are they... is that what is carved along the hallways leading to the dungeons? Thestrals? I didn't recognize them."

Draco smiled softly. "Yes. That's what they are."

"Can... can you see them?"

Draco swallowed. "No. But I have thought I have before. I'm not certain how that works. I think I've just seen so much that's been close to death that the creatures can't decide whether to let me see them." Draco stared blankly at the skulls and Hermione wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest. How could someone like Draco have had such a horrible life? Why did the best people have to go through the worst things? She knew his parents weren't exactly loving, but what had he experienced to allow him to see the thestrals?

ย ย  Hermione stared at the skulls in awe. It was truly amazing what secrets the dungeons of Hogwarts held. And what knowledge the Slytherin's had of the deeper kinds of magic. Dare she say it was dark magic that they were able to gain knowledge of. But it was beyond anything she'd ever known. Whether it was good or not she couldn't decide but she wanted to be able to learn more about it. The deeper kinds of magic that were kept secret all this time.

It scared her to know all this kind of magic fascinated her, but it did. Not that she wanted to learn dark magic, but that she wanted to learn how to defend herself and those she loved. But she also didn't want Draco to have to learn the Dark Arts of magic either. His family put enough bad memories in his head, he didn't need the temptation of Dark Arts lingering on his mind every time he entered this dungeon. Then she realized something. "Draco?"

"Hm?" He raised his eyebrows

"Where are all the other Slytherins?"

"Oh. They decided to throw a celebration of sorts in the boys dormitory."

"Why are you here then?"

Draco let out a snort. "I wasn't exactly invited. But who cares about them?"

Hermione place a hand on Draco's cheek and lifted his eyes to meet hers. "You do. It's my fault you weren't invited. Because you are dating a mud..."

"Don't say it like that."

"I thought we agreed it didn't mean that anymore."

"It doesn't. Not to me. But you shouldn't use it like that." Draco shuddered and Hermione smiled at him.

ย ย  Just as they were about to kiss, a young girl walked into the common room and froze when she saw the couple standing there. Hermione noticed she was very pretty, with dark brown hair, deep green eyes and lips, red as the rose. She frowned slightly upon seeing Hermione then turned to Draco and smiled sweetly with a wave. "Hi Draco." She batted her lashes and puckered her lips into a flirty rosebud smile.

Draco nodded. "Hello Astoria."

The girl looked at Hermione and pursed her lips. She scowled. "What's she doing here? Gryffindor's aren't allowed in the Slytherin's common room."

Draco remained calm but Hermione could see the veins in his neck pulsing. "Contrary, there are no rules against it, and she is here as my guest."

The girl scowled at Hermione. "I see. Well, if you ever change your mind you know where to find me. See you around Draco." She said with a false smile and waved goodbye.

ย ย  When she was gone, Hermione raised an eyebrow. "She seems nice." She said sarcastically.

"Astoria Greengrass. She's a second year. She likes to flirt with all the Slytherin boys, no matter what age they are. She gets away with it because she looks much older than she is, she could easily pass for sixteen."

Hermione sighed and felt something nagging at her. "If you ever change your mind?"

"Hermione Jean Granger. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous."

Hermione batted her eyelashes with a smile and looked up at Draco innocently. "She's very pretty."

Draco scoffed and interlocked his fingers behind her back, letting her lean against his arms. "Please. The girl standing right in front of me is much more beautiful than Astoria Greengrass could ever hope to be."

Hermione blushed and kissed Draco. "And I'm all yours." Draco smiled and kissed her back.

ย ย  When the time came for her to leave, Hermione told Draco goodbye with a hug and left for the Gryffindor Tower. When she reached the common room she froze. Sitting by the fire was Ron. He was hunched over, his arms resting on his knees and his chin propped up on his palm.

Hermione raised her chin to pass him but he stood. "'Mione?"

She froze and eyed him. With contempt in her eyes Hermione looked down on him. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to say... I'm sorry." Ron looked at the ground and fiddled with his fingers, avoiding eye contact.

Hermione's eyes narrowed. "Look at me." Ron looked up and she saw indifference in his eyes. She saw no sorrow or compassion, let alone regret. She swallowed. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I want things to go back to normal." Hermione hesitated and he continued. "I shouldn't have been so unfair to you..."

"No, you shouldn't have."

Ron tilted his head and made his eyes look innocent and begging. "I'm trying to apologize 'Mione."

"And I appreciate that but I am not the only one you owe an apology. I understand you do not trust my judgement, but you treated Draco with disrespect and I do not appreciate your poor treatment of him. Whether you like it or not he is my boyfriend and you cannot treat him the way you did today."

"I'm sorry Hermione but I can't accept him."

"Then I can't accept your apology. I appreciate the fact that you have come to me with an apology and I do not wish to jeopardize our friendship but I need some time to think."

ย ย  Ron nodded and Hermione turned to leave the common room. She hurried to leave so that she would not turn back and accept him back wholeheartedly. She wanted to, oh how she wanted to, but she just couldn't. She was tired, tired of him treating her like she was dirt then expecting her to come running back to him. Dirt. Mud. Dirty blood. Mudblood.

Hermione let out a sob. Maybe that word had meaning after all. But it was so much worse to think of it coming from Ron rather than Draco. Ron being the one she had trusted with her friendship two years ago when she knew nobody else. Though he had never called her it, he treated her as such. She entered her dorm and fell into her bed. She wanted to accept his apology but if he couldn't get along with Draco, was he truly trying? If he wasn't willing to at least try for her sake then she didn't know if things could ever go back to normal.

Author's Note:

Hello!! So I know this chapter is in Hermione P.O.V but the song is meant to be Draco's perspective of her. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! We've only got a few more chapters to go before moving on to their fourth year. I've got some big plans coming up so stay tuned. Please be sure to comment and let me know what you think of this chapter! I love feedback! It really helps and motivates me to get that next chapter out sooner. So thank you guys so much and my question to you is...

"Do you think Hermione should forgive Ron?"

"Do you think he deserves the treatment she's given him?"

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