Chapter Twenty-Four | Titanium

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Titanium, by Madilyn Bailey

ย ย  It had had been a week since Black's break in and the professors still weren't sure if he had left the castle or if he was still roaming the grounds. The students had had been advised to travel in groups and never wander the halls alone. Hermione stood at the enterance to the Gryffindor Tower, waiting to meet up with Draco before going to breakfast. A shadow passed by the window and she shuddered. Dementors had been circling the building every hour searching for Black. Hermione didn't understand how he had gotten past them twice. First when he escaped from Azkaban and a second time when he broke into the castle. There had to be about fifty along the perimeter of the castle at least, and Azkaban was their permanent residence. There had to be a thousand at least. So how did he manage to get past them?

ย ย  Hermione bit her lip in contemplation. It was very odd how he managed to escape every time. Surely he couldn't be that skilled in the ways of magic. Unless he was using dark magic. Hermione groaned. What she wanted to know or... what she couldn't figure out, was how Sirius Black got by first the dementors, then managed to slip by more than a dozen skilled witches and wizards. To this moment the professors were still searching for him and couldn't even find a trace. The only evidence were three long slashes across the fat lady's portrait. How was that even possible? Hermione let out an exasperated sigh. She did know one thing, the restrictions they were put through because of Black's unknown whereabouts were getting extremely annoying.

ย  Since the incident, Draco wouldn't let Hermione walk the halls alone. She knew that Black's break in had made him nervous, but he had been acting rather strange recently. It made Hermione nervous herself. Draco insisted on escorting her to classes and meals to make sure she made it safely. It was touching to know that he cared but it was a bit annoying having to wait around until he came. Not that she didn't like spending time with him, but they often had separate classes and when he walked her to her class it made him late for his. Hermione didn't want Draco to have to go out of his way to satisfy her needs. And being escorted to class wasn't really a need.

ย ย  Besides, if she had needed someone to walk with, she could just walk to class with Ginny or Harry and Ron. There was no need for Draco to take time away from his schedule. But he wouldn't allow her and Ginny to go alone, as he often had Ginny walk with them, and he didn't think Harry and Ron were cabable if defending themselves, or her, against a mass murderer. Hermione crossed her arms. It wasn't like they hadn't defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named two years in a row already. She rolled her eyes. Draco had insisted she call the "Dark Lord" that and not use his real name. She tried to convince him that fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself but Draco said that the Dark Lord was something to be feared. Hermione sighed. What hurt her the most was that he didn't think she was capable of defending herself. He told her how intelligent she was and how she was the "brightest witch of their age" but he didn't seem to believe it himself.

ย ย  Hermione checked her watch. Where was he? Draco wasn't usually this late, in fact, he was never late at all. That was one of the things Hermione loved about him. He was always so organized and precise. He didn't like anything out of place or uneven. That's why it concerned Hermione that Draco was so willing to make himself late to class just to ensure she made it to her class. Hermione bit her lip and tapped her foot anxiously. It was odd that he hadn't arrived yet. It wasn't like him. Something must be keeping him. She waited a bit longer, tapping her foot rhythmically. After fifteen more minutes Hermione sighed. She couldn't wait any longer. She had Charms soon and was going to have to skip breakfast to make it in time. Professor Flitwick didn't like to be kept waiting. Besides, if Draco came, he'd make her go to breakfast. Then she'd really be late.

ย ย  Slinging her pack over her shoulder, Hermione began to make her way down the hall. It wasn't recommended to wander the halls alone while Black was on the loose, in fact the teachers had advised against it, but Hermione had to get to her class. So, as quickly as possible, Hermione made her way to the Charms classroom. As she walked, her hair bounced and fell before her eyes. She tried to blow the bushy strands out of her face and when that failed she quickly brushed it behind one ear and quickened her pace. The halls weren't quite as bare as they would have been had she waited any longer, so Hermione assumed it was relatively safe.

ย ย  When her hair fell back in front of her eyes, Hermione groaned and paused to grab a hairband from her bag. Stepping to the side so that other students could get by, Hermione bent over and set her bag on the ground. Then pulling out a brush and brown hairband, she began to brush out the tangled. After yanking her fingers through the knots and making sure it was detangled-ish, Hermione pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail. Two loose strands escaped the ponytail and hung in front of her face. They weren't in her view so she allowed them to hang. Hopefully they framed her face a bit and didn't look ridiculous.

ย ย  Packing up her things, Hermione began to stand but froze when she saw someone's shadow. She looked up to see a stranger looming over her. Hermione blinked and swallowed then stood slowly, coming face to face with the strange boy standing before her. The stranger was tall and dark skinned, he was dressed in Slytherin's robes and wore a scowl. With a deep breath, Hermione forced a smile and ignored the urge to shudder. The boy's eyes narrowed but he made an attempt at a smile. It was a poor attempt and he still looked annoyed and almost sickened by Hermione's presence.

ย ย  Hermione began to pass him but he stepped in her way. Now he had a wide grin that played on his lips. But it wasn't a kindly, genuine smile, it was more of a malicious sneer. Hermione looked around and noticed that the halls were almost empty. Only a few students straggling about lingered. The boy was terribly close now and his breathing was heavy. There was something about the look in his eyes that terrified her. He looked to be in his fifth or sixth year and towered over Hermione. She resisted the temptation to tremble once more as chills ran down her spine.

ย ย  Raising her chin, Hermione stood as tall as she could. She didn't want to show any fear. She didn't know why this Slytherin would be targeting her but he didn't look like he had any friendly intentions. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Hermione felt for her wand and wrapped her fingers around it. She tried to keep her posture normal and not reveal how tense she truly was. Hermione smiled to the best of her ability and faced the boy with as much confidence as possible. "Can I help you?"

The boy snorted. "You can go to hell where you belong."

Hermione's eyes widened and her grip tightened around her wand. "I'm sorry. Have I done something to offend you?"

He let out a breathy laugh. "Your very existence offends me, you filthy mudblood."

ย ย  She had to admit, that stung. Even though she didn't know the boy, it was almost like a slap in the face. She hadn't heard that word used like that since... since Draco had taunted her. It wasn't as harsh when people had just called her a mudblood, but "filthy mudblood" was the same term Draco once used. Hermione winced, it pained her to think about it. Every time that memory was unearthed, it only hurt her and troubled Draco. He felt enough remorse and guilt without it being brought up. Hermione lifted her chin and quickly pushed the thought aside and gave the boy a death stare. "Then why have you waited until now to confront me? And why me? I'm not the only muggleborn in this school?"

The boy sneered and took a step closer and Hermione backed up, her back pressing against the wall. Her breath was ragged and she swallowed as her throat constricted. He was pinning her against the wall without even touching her. "Because, your coorupting and tainting our bloodline."

Hermione turned her face away from his, looking anywhere but his dark, taunting eyes. "I don't even know who you are."

ย ย  The boy growled and for a split second Hermione was afraid he was going to hit her. "You stupid girl! You are defiling the pureblood status! Draco is a pureblood, you and he could never be together! Should never be together! You shouldn't even be allowed to come to this school! You are desecrating Draco's name and honor, not to mention his pureblood status! Mudbloods are the scum of the earth. You are a mudblood and that is all you will ever be!" The boy took a step back and ran a hand through his hair. "Draco deserves better. Someone who's blood isn't impure and tainted like yours. Soon come to his senses amd come back to his own kind, where he belongs."

Hermione blinked to keep tears from falling. "Your wrong!"

The boy raised his eybrows. "Am I? Do you really think you are worth the ridicule and disdain Draco has received for being with you? The constant stares and looks of hatred? His father is furious. Has he not told you, of the letters his father sent? How he received howler after howler full of tongue lashings and beratings?"

ย ย  Hermione's eyes widened and she cowered. "Draco would have told me. Besides, how would you know about that?" She swallowed hard, fighting back tears. Had Draco received letters from his father? If so why had he been keeping them from her.

"Why would he tell you?" The boy got closer. His warm breath hit her face and it smelled fouly of onions. "I know because I could hear them. The howlers full of horrible words. Draco's father calling him unspeakable things and tormenting him for being with you." He growled on the last word. "Sooner or later Draco will realize that you aren't worth it. That a mudblood isn't worth a lifetime of misery." He smiled cruely. "Because that's all you'll ever be. A filthy, little, mudblood."

ย ย  Tears sprung in Hermione's eyes and she cowered at the boy sneered over her, smiling maliciously. He reached down and grabbed her by the wrist, yanking her off the ground and grinned. "You can't interfere with the pureblood bloodline if your dead, but I think that's a bit drastic. Well, not too drastic, but too messy." His eyes wandered down to her hand that was clutching at her wand and he slammed her against the wall. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at her throat. "However, I'm not above the Cruciatus Curse and afterwards I think a neat Obliviation will to the trick. You won't remember anything. Not me, nor Draco, and hopefully, you won't even remember your a witch."

ย ย  The boy raised his wand and Hermione closed her eyes, waiting for pain to come when a voice screamed. "Expelliarmus!"

Another voice followed not long after. "Densaugeo!"

ย ย  Hermione opened her her eyes and saw the boy running away, his hands clutching his face and covering his mouth as he scurried away. Hermione turned to see who had saved her and Ron and Harry hurried to her side. She breathed a sigh of relief as they approached her. Hermione recognized Harry to have been the one to disarm the boy and Ron, not long after, had cast Densaugeo. Surely the boy's teeth had grown to the size of a beavers by now. They would not stop growing either until he reached the hospital wing and Madam Pomphrey performed the Shrinking Spell. Hermione let out a sigh of relief, she shouldn't have to worry about seeing him again any time soon.

ย ย  Harry hurried to her side as Ron chased after the retreating Slytherin boy who had just been threatening her. Hermione closed her eyes and trembled. That was an experience she'd never imagined she'd have to endure. The boy acted so... so... evil and something about his eyes were just... the look he had when he looked at her was just... malicious and cruel. Hermione had tried to stand her own against the boy, but what he had said about Draco unnerved her.

Harry took Hermione's hand and helped her to her feet. "Are you alright?"

Hermione nodded and smiled as Ron approached them. "I should've known you two would be late for class. Though this time, I can't say I'm not glad."

Ron grinned and Harry nodded. "Let's get back to the tower."

"No! We have to get to class. Professor Flitwick will..."

"Professor Flitwick will understand." Harry shook his head. "Your shaken and need to sit down. Come on."

ย ย  Before long they were all sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry handed Hermione a glass of water and ordered her to drink and Ron sat down beside her. Hermione shifted slightly but didn't feel uncomfortable by Ron's closeness. It was comforting actually. Hermione drank the water slowly and closed her eyes. As much as she hated to admit it, Ron and Harry could probably offer her more comfort at the moment than Draco could. The fact that the boy who had attacked her had been Slytherin scared her. The fact that he and Draco might be friends. Would Draco even believe her if she told him what had happened?

ย ย  Hermione thought back back to the things the boy had said. Was Draco growing tired of her? Did it concern him that her blood was "tainted"? Hermione closed her eyes and tried to shut out the memory of the encounter. She could still smell his horrid breath. The smell of hot onions lingered in her nose. His words kept ringing in her ears. The Slytherin boy's merciless taunting and mocking. Every stinging word. But Hermione couldn't shake the feeling that he was right.

ย ย  That boy had said Draco received letters from his father. Was that what had been bothering him all this time? Was that the reason he had been acting so strangely? If so, why had he kept it from her? Did he truly not trust her enough to share his problems with her? Hermione sighed and downed the water and Harry took the glass. She closed her eyes. "Sooner or later Draco will realize that you aren't worth it. That a mudblood isn't worth a lifetime of misery." Hermione winced as the words echoed in her head. "Because that's all you'll ever be. A filthy, little, mudblood."

ย ย  Hermione opened her eyes with a gasp. The boy was right. Sooner or later Draco would grow tired of her, and he would leave her for someone with purer blood. Because she was nothing more than a filthy little mudblood. He was right. That was all she would ever be. She didn't deserve Draco and soon enough, he would realize that. And when that day came, Hermione knew she would break. Her heart would shatter and there would be no healing it. Because she loved him. She loved him and she was knew that he could never love her back.

ย ย  Tears sprang in her eyes and Hermione broke down in front of Harry and Ron. The two people who she cared most about in this school. The two people who had seen her at her worst and at her best and were her friends regardless. The two people she could be her complete self around. Ron wrapped a comforting arm around Hermione's back and Harry reached over and laid his hand on hers. Neither Harry not Ron spoke, yet somehow they didn't need to. Their presence alone calmed and comforted her. She was glad to have them and hoped this meant they could go back to the way things had once been. The way things used to be.

Author's Note:

So, I promised y'all drama and this is only the beginning. Sorry to say it but y'all are kinda trapped with me on this ride because we've got a lot of twists and turns coming up and y'all might want to keep your seatbelts fastened cause I've got a roller coaster planned. I hope you all enjoyed his chapter and I want you to know most of this I just made up as I went along so if it's not to your liking I do apologize. But this is the beginning of a long series of... shall we say... unfortunate events. So please stay tuned and leave me feedback! I love seeing your comments! It motivates me to get the next chapter out faster! So thank you guys and I hope you enjoyed!

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