Chapter Twenty-Two | Love Someone

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Love Someone, by Lukas Graham

The halls were flooded with students, Gryffindor and non Gryffindor's alike. Professors also made their way to the scene. The halls were filled with constant chatter and even some crying and yelling. The professors tried to find the fat lady from the Gryffindor Tower's portrait as the students huddled in groups. Some were scared and hurried to get away from the tower where Black had been reportedly spotted, others were coming towards the tower, wanting to be part of the action, whatever that meant. The prefects were scurrying around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to round up the students from their houses. Most of them were failing miserably. The only students who had listened were the Hufflepuffs.

ย ย  Hermione stood beside Ginny and Lavender as McGonagall rounded all the students into one large group. Harry and Ron hurried to her side as the professors searched the Gryffindor's common room and dorms. They had found the fat lady and questioned her about the vandalism that had happened previously, then they questioned the knight, who had apparently let Black in. The professors didn't know if Black was still in the Gryffindor Tower but they did know one thing, he was still in the castle somewhere.

Dumbledore informed the students that the castle was on lockdown and that they all would be sleeping in the Great Hall for the night. The dementors were running rapid, scouring the castle, trying to find a way in. Their shadows passed by the windows rapidly and ice formed over the glass. Dumbledore assured them that the dementors could not find a way in and that they would not be allowed access to the castle. "For the time being, I want you all to remain where you are until you are escorted by a professor to your sleeping quarters for the night!" McGonagall told them.

ย ย  Hermione cradled Crookshanks in her arms, trying to calm him as students yelled and pushed their way through the crowd. Ron was complaining that Scabbers was missing and blamed Crookshanks for the bloody rats dissapearance. Ron flailed his arms and made a complete and utter fool of himself as other students whispered about his idiocy. Hermione rolled her eyes and cooed her cat so that it would stop hissing at him. It didn't help matters that Crookshanks didn't like Ron, that only added to Ron's complaints.

Harry was pacing, anger and worry marking his face. Hermione was concerned about him. She knew that Black was after Harry and he knew it too. But the worst part was, he didn't seem to care that his life was constantly on the line. No matter what the threat, it always seemed to be Harry who's life was in danger. Aside from last year when Ginny had been kidnapped, but Harry still could have very well died while in the Chamber Of Secrets fighting the basilisk. Though she and Ron had been in harms way while standing alongside Harry, it was because they stood with him that they were in danger.

ย ย  If Voldemort was behind all these attacks then he was singling Harry out, and why wouldn't he? Harry was, after all, the reason for his downfall. The one wizard who had defeated him, and as a helpless child too. But why was Black targeting Harry? Was he working for the Voldemort and under orders to kill Harry? Or did he want to finish what he'd started all those years ago when he sold Harry's parents to Voldemort.

Suddenly there was the sound of a loud crack and Hermione gasped. She recognized that sound, it meant someone had apparated. Impossible. It was impossible for anyone to apparate in or out of the castle. Hermione looked around for the wizard that had done it but realized that it could have been anyone. There was no way to tell now. A bad feeling settled in her stomach and she feared it could be Black. Hermione was about to approach a professor and inform them when she heard a worried voice calling her name. "Hermione! Hermione, where are you?!" She knew that voice.

ย ย  Though his words were laced with panic, his voice still sounded smooth and masculine. Hermione spun around. "Draco?" She saw him push through a group of students, worry creasing his brow and fear evident in his eyes. Hermione handed Crookshanks to Ginny and hurried towards him, pushing through the crowds of children and they collided. Hermione froze and looked up at him. "Draco, what's going on? What's wrong?" But he didn't reply, instead he wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Draco held on for some time before relaxing. Hermione pulled away and reached up to cradle his face. His eyes were filled with fear and relief. "Oh Draco." Hermione dropped her hands and held them close her her heart then leaned against him, resting her head on his chest. She could hear his rapid heartbeat. But as his arms tightened around her, his breathing steadied and his heart race slowed. It took several deep breaths before Draco's heartbeat was back to normal and it was several minutes before his grip loosened.

ย ย  Hermione shivered and he pulled her closer, holding her gently. She sighed, closing her eyes. The steady rise and fall of Draco's chest calmed her. Hermione noticed that she was no longer cold and realized that his embrace was keeping her warm. Draco rested his chin on her head and sighed into her hair. She could hear several noises of disgust coming from other students but she could care less. Right now, the only thing that mattered was comforting Draco. Well, he was comforting her more so than she was him. What had he been upset about to begin with?

When Draco finally pulled away he looked down at her with a smile. There was something in his gaze, something in his eyes that told her he was about to tell her something important. That he needed to tell her something. He stared at her lovingly and Hermione felt her heart swell. He'd never looked at her that way before. Or at least she'd never seen him look at her that way. "Hermione?" He asked softly and she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Yes?" She asked, timidly, afraid and also anxious to hear what he had to say.

He hesitated, looking almost scared. "I..."

ย ย  But he couldn't finish his sentence because McGonagall stood before them and raised her hands. "Students! We will now be escorting you to the Great Hall! You will not need any type of sleeping attire, everything has been arranged. Now if you all will please, form neat groups and make your way down to the Great Hall. Each group will be assigned a teacher at the front and the back of your groups. Do remember to stick with your group and follow the professor assigned to yours!"

Hermione bit her lip and looked at Draco. "Draco? What is it you were going to say?"

Draco nodded and smiled slightly. "Don't worry. It can wait. Come on." He took her hand in his and pulled her towards a group.

It bothered Hermione that he wasn't able to tell her what was on his mind. The look in his eyes... he looked so... nervous, or even... scared. The way he hesitated caused her to worry. What was he was going to say? The possibilities ran through her head and Hermione bit her lip. Did he want to break up? Hermione pressed the tips of her fingers to her lips to stifle a gasp or sob. Was he going to leave her? She closed her eyes. No. The way he looked at her just then, she was convinced he wasn't going to leave her. So what then?

ย ย  Hermione looked up at Draco, he seemed happy by her side. She didn't understand it. Was he worried or upset about something? If so, why didn't he tell her? She had noticed that something seemed a bit... off with his demanour recently, but she didn't think it would affect their relationship. Hermione shook her head and took a deep breath. Nothing had even happened. So why was she stressing? Draco hadn't given off any signs that he wanted to end their relationship. She was sure she was just stressing over nothing.

Students gathered and Draco and Hermione stood in a group of Gryffindors. Snape stood at the head of the group of students and raised his wand. He lit the tip with a simple Lumos spell and commanded them to follow him to the Great Hall. Hermione looked up at Draco, who gave her hand a squeeze and offered a slight smile. Hermione sighed. Everything was going to be just fine.

Author's Note:

Hi! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Two updates in one day?! Wow! I do hope to have the next one out tomorrow. Now I know this one is shorter but I know you all are ready to move on so the next few will be short and to the point then the drama will begin. So, my question for you guys today is...

"Should I add more of Draco's parents?"

Thank you guys for reading and please be sure to leave feedback! It's so motivating and let's me know that y'all are enjoying the story.

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