Born a Toretto and O'Conner

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(3rd P.O.V.)
Somewhere around the Gulf of California in Mexico, a black yacht was peacefully sailing down stream. But what was actually inside of it was a very special car that was being transported under the watch of heavy security.

The male guard replied, "Deck clear," However, the guard noticed something in the distance, "Uh, hold on. Someone's coming." He looked from afar and saw some motorcyclists racing around the cliffside and their engines roared in the distance. The guard assured the other guards, "No, it's nothing. Just that motorcycle race on the mainland."

On the cliffside area, five motorcyclists were racing around on the road and one of them with the red helmet surpassed two competitors to gain more speed. While the rest were continuing to race, the red helmet wearing driver jumped off the cliff from his motorcycle and glided through the air using his bodysuit. The driver glided straight towards the ship at high speed, kicked the guard down, and landed on the ship.

The driver snuck past another guard and found the safe room. From there, he used the security ID that he stole from the guard and gained access to the safe room as the entrance doors opened. While no guard was looking, the driver plugged in a flash drive and took off their helmet, revealing to be a young adult male. He gained access to the computer and used it to transfer money onto his flash drive. The transfer was complete and he gained $2.7 million on the flash drive.

After the transfer was done, the thief glanced over to his right and found what he was looking for, a highly advanced, luxurious sports car.

"Deck, come in." The female guard said until she heard something. "Huh," She walked around until she saw a guard who was tied up and hanging upside down and she grunted in frustration. The guard gasped as the engine started to rev up and an explosion blew the doors open in the safe room. It alerted the guards on the ship and they ran quickly to the safe room. The guards blocked the thief in the car and one of them shouted, "Turn it off and get out! There's no place to go! We're in the middle of the ocean! Get out!"

The thief thought the guards had this all planned out, but it was too late. He clicked the detonator in his hand and the wall behind the car exploded.

The alarms went off and all the guards slipped and slid downwards towards the hole in the wall. The guards all held onto something saving themselves from drowning. However, the thief put his foot on the gas and drove the car at top speed, jumping off the sinking ship like a ramp. The car flew high in the air with the moon shining on them and landed on another boat as its escape goat. After that, the driver launched a hook from the back of the car to the ship and made sure it didn't fall. The male teen sat down on the passenger seat right next to his accomplice who was a female teenager, wore a red leather jacket, black pants, gold belt, red sneakers, had blonde hair with a ponytail, and a rainbow-colored streak on the tip of her ponytail.

The male thief informed his accomplice, "Two keys down, three to go."

"We're on a roll. There's no one that can stop us now." The accomplice said in a Southern twang accent.

As the boat continued to sink, while the thieves got away with the car and their mission was a success.

Meanwhile in the city of Los Angeles, California.

A group of teenagers were standing in front of tricked out sports and muscle cars.

One was a tall muscular boy, with short spiky brown hair and blue eyes. And he was wearing, a white sleeveless shirt, under a red sleeveless hoodie jacket, blue ripped jeans and black and white Nike Dunk Hightops. This boy was Jack Toretto- O'Conner.

The other guy was a tall, muscular Latino boy, with buzz cut brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a white short sleeved polo shirt under a green short sleeved sweater with the picture of a spark plug on it, blue jeans, a brown Fanny pack on his waist and black and white Adidas sneakers. This boy was Cisco Renaldo.

The girl was a green haired teenage girl with brown eyes, wearing a black tank top under a purple and white hoodie jacket that had white flowers on the sleeves, purple galaxy sweatpants, black boots and on her head was a white cap that had a red cactus on it.  This girl was Margaret Pearl. But everyone calls her Echo.

The fourth kid was a short African American boy with frizzy brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a white t-shirt, under a green blazer, with red pants, on his feet were white and orange Adidas Superstars, and around his neck was a gold medallion with the picture of a cat designed into it. This boy was Frostee Benson. But, don't let his age or height fool you. Frostee knows more about computers and technology than any of us ever have.

Pulling up in a black 1969 Dodge Challenger was a kid with medium length black spiky hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a white V-Neck t-shirt under a black shirt with the name "Toretto" printed on the left side of his shirt, blue jeans and black high top sneakers with red soles on the bottom. This boy was Jack's cousin and Best Friend Tony Toretto.

And together they're known as the Toretto Gang.

"Huh, huh? C'mon, what do you think?" Tony asked.

Frostee asked while playing his video game on his phone, "Um, what am I looking at here?"

Tony informed everyone, "What you're looking at is a ten-second car, my friend. I'm about to break Dom's record, set on this very stretch of road, and become the next great, street racer."

Echo remembered, "This sounds familiar."

"Mm-hmm." Frostee nodded while Cisco yawned.

Echo said, "As if we heard it last month."

"Mm-hmm." Frostee nodded again.

Echo added, "And the month before that."

Frostee nodded again, "Mm-hmm!"

"I think you have an unhealthy obsession of trying to become roadkill." Jack joked as everyone snickered at that very accurate remark.

"You realize all those times they're talking about, your car blew up?" Cisco reminded Tony.

Tony reassured his crew, "Well this time is going to be different. I was born to win! I'm a Toretto! This is my destiny!" Jack cleared his throat. "Uh, I mean our destiny." Tony said nervously.

Suddenly, the sound of an engine revved up and the driver in his wicked car appeared. Tony, Jack and their crew glanced at him and his car as the engines growled. He was tall, wearing a red baseball cap, denim vest, a black sleeveless shirt with a skull logo, cargo shorts, and sneakers. This guy was the biggest Newb in all of L.A., Mitch Wilkinson.

The bully greeted everyone, "What's up, kids. The King of the Road is here."

Echo commented, "More like King Butt."

Mitch started flirting with Echo, "I got room in here for a queen."

"Echo doesn't want to ride around in a car with a picture of your mom on the front." Jack told him as he and Cisco both snickered.

Echo, Frostee, Cisco, and Jack went to take a look at Mitch's car. It was a muscle car with a crown wearing skull on the hood.

Then, Echo noticed something on the back of Mitch's car and asked, "Are those rocket engines strapped back there?"

Cisco walked right up to him and asked, "Yo, what's up Mitch? You make the move from Car Thief to Jet Rustler?"

"Maybe. Don't worry about it," Mitch called out Tony and looked at him in the eye, "Hey Toretto! Let's see what that soap box racer can do. After you lose, I'll let you detail my car. The closest you'll ever get to a winner."

"Yeah, well, after you lose, you can wash my car. It's the closest you'll ever get to a shower." Tony responded back as his crew giggled.

After the trash-talking between Mitch and Tony, the two teens were in their cars and waited for the traffic light to go green. Jack and Cisco went up to Tony's car to knock some sense into him.

Cisco told him, "Tony, you can't win, bro. Your car just doesn't have enough power to beat a rocket."

"Cisco's right. Mitch is going to wipe ya right off the road, dude." Jack added.

Tony calmed them down and said, "Cisco, Jack, you know what my cousin Dom says: 'It's not about the car, it's about the driver'." Tony looked at Mitch and called him out, "Hope you brought your buff rags, Mitch!"

Mitch name called him back, "You're a buff rag!"

"The buffest!" Tony shouted.

Cisco asked, "What are you guys talking about?"

Tony had no clue and answered, "Yeah, I dunno."

Across from the two cars was Frostee standing in the middle of the road.

Tony ordered his friend, "Frostee, start it up."

"I'm on it." Frostee answered as he started remote-controlling his drone.

The drivers started their car's engines as Frostee's drone set up a tracking surveillance footage between Tony and Mitch.

Frostee said, "Ready... Set... GO!" Frostee shouted.

The two opposing cars moved forward and started to pick up speed. Mitch was gaining the lead, but Tony got a plan in motion.

"Buh-bye Mitch." Tony said as he pushed the button for boosters and shouted, "WOO! Ha ha!"

"Aw, that's sweet, Tony. But I'm about to 'rocket'." Mitch smirked as he pressed the buttons for boosters and his car went really fast. He screamed, "Whoa-ho-ho-ho!"

Mitch's car drove past Tony's car and he got a huge lead, driving one step closer to victory. While Frostee, Jack, and Echo were sitting on the bench and watched the two rivals race, Mitch drove passed them and crossed the finish line.

"I won!" Mitch celebrated, but he didn't stop.

Frostee asked Jack and Echo, "Do you think he knows how to stop?"

"For a guy like him, no." Jack said.

"Whoa!" Mitch said as his car crashed after using his rocket boosters.

"Mitches get stitches!" Echo told them as the tech genius and Jack smirked.

After the race, Cisco was working on Tony's car and Tony was frustrated.

"I can't believe he beat me again." Tony whined.

Jack reminded Tony, "You should've listened to us. We knew that you were going to lose that race."

"That's true." Echo nodded.

Frostee added, "Yeah, it wasn't even close that time. I mean like, you weren't even in the same state as him. You wanna watch the replay?'

Tony replied, "No, Frostee. I don't."

Echo told him, "You're never gonna beat a rocket-powered car with an engine Cisco found from the dump."

"Hey, that engine is solid, all right? The fuel hose just got loose. Nothing a little bubblegum can't fix." Cisco replied back as he put bubblegum on the car's engine.

All of a sudden, Tony and his crew heard two familiar voices and they showed up. One's a tall adult with a tough accent and wore a white tank top with jeans and black sports shoes. The other was a slightly shorter man with dirty blonde hair, wearing a checkered flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, jeans and black boots.

"It's going to take more than bubblegum if you want to try to beat my best time."

Jack, Tony, and their crew turned to see Tony and Jack's cousin/uncle, Dominic Toretto and Jack's dad Brian O'Conner. Tony, Jack and their crew ran up to them.

Cisco shouted, "Dom and Brian are back!"

Echo shouted too, "What's up, Dom, Brian!"

Frostee said, "What up!"

Jack exclaimed, "Uncle Dom! Dad!"

"Hey, Dom." Tony greeted as he and Jack hugged him.

"Hi, dad." Jack greeted as he and Tony hugged him.

Dom then looked at Tony, "Looks like you pushed it a little too hard. Reminds me of someone I know." Dom glanced at Brian.

Tony sighed, "I thought I had it this time. I hate losing to that guy!"

"That's because you're both part Toretto and O'Conner. You're born to win. But remember, being both a Toretto and O'Conner has got nothing to do with what you do in the car. Being a Toretto and O'Conner is about what's in here." Dom reminded his cousin and nephew as he pointed his hands to Tony and Jack's chests.

"That car gonna make it home?" Brian asked Cisco.

Cisco answered, "Ay, maybe not in record time, but it'll make it."

"Alright, I'll see you later. Because we got something to talk to you about." Brian said before a black van pulled up in front of him and the thugs inside grabbed them.

"Get off us, man!" Dom yelled as the gang gasped.

The crew turned around and gasped as they saw Dom and Brian being kidnapped. They ran after him, but they were too late and the van drove off.

"C'mon, we gotta go after them!" Tony alerted.

Everyone went to their vehicles and started searching for the van.

"Who were those guys?" Cisco asked.

"I don't know, but we can't let them get away with Dom and Brian!" Tony said until he saw the van that Dom was in, "There it is!"

"Follow that van!" Jack shouted.

Just as the group was gaining on them, Frostee looked back and saw a swarm of motorcyclists.

Frostee informed everyone via communicator, "Guys, we got trouble."

Echo communicated with Tony, "Uh, Tony, Jack. I don't think they're working alone."

Cisco looked back, "What are we gonna do?"

"We need to split up and shake these bikes. Frostee, get a tracker on that van and don't lose it." Jack ordered the tech genius.

Frostee answered, "I'm on it."

The tech genius deployed his own drone and they followed the van.

Frostee informed Tony & Jack, "Stalker Drone is locked on. Wherever Dom and Brian go, he goes."

Tony ordered his crew, "Alright, let's divide and conquer, scatter!"

The group split up into three different directions to make things much easier for them.

Cisco and Frostee had a small group of pursers that were gaining fast.

"We're never gonna outrun these fools, we need to find some place we can go and they can't." Cisco suggested to Frostee.

"I got it." Frostee said as he used his laptop and directed him, "Turn left up here."

Cisco drove his truck to the left and headed towards the construction site. Luckily, no construction workers were on duty. He floored the gas pedal and shouted, "Hang on!"

The boys entered the construction field and the motorcyclists got hit by falling tin barrels and objects that Cisco's truck hit.

"Yeah I'm having fun." Echo laughed as she drove her car while their pursers continued to chase her.

The two motorcyclists got their taser sticks in hand as Echo glanced at them from left to right.

"Ohh, yeah. Y'all are about to get shook!" Echo told them as she pressed the button on her steering wheel and the speed of her car boosted.

Echo shrieked and she left them in the dust. Echo's car drifted under the convoy of the truck and proceeded to drive straight while her pursers were down for the count.

Echo informed tony, "I lost my bikers. Tony, Jack, you guys okay?"

"Nope, still covered." Tony answered.

Meanwhile, Tony continued driving his car with Jack by his side on the road below the bridge to find a way to put down their pursers.

"Let's see how badly they want to follow us." Tony informed Jack as he pretended to pull out a sheet of paper and started updating his will.

Tony's car headed straight towards a party full of bouncing cars in the middle of the neighborhood.

Jack didn't like where this was going and told his cousin, "I hope you know what you're doing, Tony."

Tony and Jack screamed as they went through the cars just before they hit the ground in slow motion. After they went through, their pursers pulled the brakes and got slammed by the side of the bouncing cars. The two cousins looked up at their cars mirrors and sighed in relief.

Tony and Jack's cars drifted and pulled a parallel park as the two cousins and their crew reached the location where Dom and Brian were being held. The crew ran towards the building, but Tony and Jack got there first and tried to bust the door open.

Echo shouted, "Guys... wait!"

Cisco pleaded, "Hey, you don't know what's in there."

"Our family's in there!" Jack replied as he and Tony kicked the door open and stopped until a woman used her phone to time them.

"And time."

The timer stopped at 8 seconds and everyone was confused.

Tony said, "What?"

Dom told the unknown female assailant, "See, we told you they were the best."

"Could've been a little bit faster, but we'll have time to work on it." The woman said.

Tony and his friends looked around to see a bunch of people who were working around and the motorcyclists being hauled on a stretcher as they passed by the heroes. They all realized that it was a test, set up by Dom and Brian.

Tony asked Dom, "Wait, what's happening? Who are these people? Are you guys okay?"

"You think a couple of guys could pull up and kidnap us? That takes an army." Brian introduced Tony, Jack and their friends to the lady next to him, "This is Ms. Nowhere. We've worked with her organization in the past. And now she needs your help."

"I'm sorry. What? Wha, wha, wha, what? What's your name?" Frostee asked again.

Ms. Nowhere answered, "Nowhere. Ms. Nowhere."

Echo had no clue and said, "I'm still confused. Where are you?"

"I'm here, but you know," Ms. Nowhere winked, "Wink. I'm not here. Get it?"

"Did you just say 'Wink'?" Jack and Tony asked in unison.

Dom and Brian waved their hands across their necks, saying 'Drop it'.

Ms. Nowhere got serious and informed the teens, "I'll cut to the chase. I need a crew of street racers to infiltrate a criminal organization called SH1FT3R." Ms. Nowhere saw her agent looking at a cute cat photo and shouted at him, "Gary!" Gary pulled up a file of the criminal and Ms. Nowhere informed the teens, "They're led by this man, Shashi Dar. He's a master thief and adrenaline junkie. SH1FT3R hosts race events that serve as cover for his master heists. He's recently stolen over 3 billion dollars from some of Silicon Valley's richest men."

"So why do you need us? Dom and my dad are right here." Jack questioned Ms. Nowhere,

Dom laughed, "There is no way I can show up in a race without everybody recognizing me."

"And Jack, I'm retired." Brian told his son.

"She needs a group of new agents. I recommended you. You're out in the streets racing anyway. This way you might do some good and Ms. Nowhere can watch your back." Dom explained to the teenagers.

"So, you want us to be undercover spy racers? Dope!" Echo said as she and Frostee celebrated with their secret handshake.

Tony questioned Ms. Nowhere again, "But if you know this Shashi guy is stealing the money, then why don't you just arrest him?"

Ms. Nowhere answered, "You don't earn the name 'Ms. Nowhere' by being a security guard for a bunch of tech nerds."

Echo asked, "You had to earn that name?"

"You're one to talk to, Echo. Or should I say... 'Margaret'?" Ms. Nowhere stated.

Echo angrily told Ms. Nowhere, "That's the first and last time you'll ever call me that." Jack nudged Echo's arm telling her to lighten up.

Ms. Nowhere informed the teens, "Look, I'm not interested in the money. SH1FT3R chatter on the dark web keeps talking about 'Gathering the keys'. Now our cryptographers haven't been able to figure out what that means yet, but we definitely know that SH1FT3R has high-level contacts in the underworld. The keys could be nuclear codes, sleeper cells..."

Echo wondered, "Piano keys."

Cisco freaked out, "Wait, they're trying to steal music? Those maniacs!"

Ms. Nowhere asked Dom, "I thought you said they were the best and brightest?"

Brian answered quickly, "We never said 'Brightest'."

Ms. Nowhere asked them all, "This is national security stuff at the highest level. Are you ready for this?"

Tony answered quickly, "Born ready."

"Me too." Jack replied.

"Born a Toretto and O'Conner. Remember, don't just follow orders, follow your gut and heart," Dom told his cousin and nephew until he and Brian glanced at Ms. Nowhere, "And you keep our family safe or this SH1FT3R gang will be the least of your worries." Dom vowed as he and Brian left the building.

"Anyway, if we're going to be racing, I guess the government's about to pay for my car's new fuel pump?" Tony suggested.

Ms. Nowhere replied, "Oh you're gonna need more upgrades than that," She shouted at Gary who's looking at the cute cat picture again, "GARY!" Ms. Nowhere directs everyone to the footage and explained the teens, "SH1FT3R Races are like nothing you've ever seen before. They're all about pushing competitive technology to the edge. Smoke cannons, flash grenades, grappling hooks, rocket engines, anything goes."

Everyone nodded while some commented.

Frostee commented, "Dope."

Cisco commented, "Respect."

Echo commented, "Awesome."

Jack commented, "Intense."

Ms. Nowhere continued, "Now there's a tryout race in L.A. hosted by this woman."

Gary changed the screen to a woman who caught Frostee's attention.

"Oho, no way!" Frostee shouted.

Frostee excitingly cheered, "Layla Gray?!"

"She's the most awesome racer around." Frostee looked at Tony and Jack, "Oh, except for you, guys. No offense."

"Layla Gray is SH1FT3R's main recruiter. You need to win her race to infiltrate SH1FT3R." Ms. Nowhere explained.

Echo asked, "And you think she's gonna just, let us tryout in a race?"

"Hardly, SH1FT3R races are tightly guarded secrets. Only a select group of people know when and where one will be. But I pulled out a list of local suppliers and car customizers, then hacked into their databases to get a client list. At least one of these people should be in the race." Ms. Nowhere explained.

"I probably should've mentioned this earlier, but I got an invitation in the mail yesterday." Jack pulled out a red envelope with the words SH1FT3R on the front.

Tony looked at his cousin shocked and slightly irritated that Jack didn't mention getting an invite to the race. Jack smiled sheepishly.

Tony smirked, "We don't need a list. We already know someone who's gonna be there."

Back in the streets of Los Angeles, Mitch ordered tacos from a taco truck.

Frostee explained in the background, "If we can get a hold of Mitch's phone just for a minute, I can clone it and we'll get all the calls he gets."

Frostee, and Tony exited from Tony's car and they walked up to Mitch.

Tony was carrying a buff rag and a bucket of soapy water.

"Alright, a bet's a bet. Let's get this over with." Tony said.

Mitch chuckled, "Heh. Well, look who it is. Soapy Toretto."

Tony pretended to laugh, "Haha, good one. Because Soapy almost sounds like Tony a little bit."

"Uh, no. 'Cause I called your car a soapbox earlier and you're carrying soap suds. Soapy doesn't sound anything like Tony. What planet are you from?" Mitch replied.

Tony sighed, "Can we just get this over with?"

Mitch wanted to accept Tony's permission, but he had other plans. He answered, "Ooh, actually, you can't wash my car right now. I'm waiting for a call."

Tony suggested, "So wait for it while I wash."

Mitch replied, "But I might have to leave."

Tony said, "Well then I better get started!"

Mitch shouted, "Just do it later!"

"I don't want to do it later!" Tony yelled as he knocked off Mitch's lunch.

"Aw man, my tacos." Mitch complained.

Tony called his friend, "Frostee."

Frostee replied, "On it."

Tony started distracting Mitch, long enough for Frostee to swipe his phone.

Tony used his wet towel and tried to distract Mitch while Frostee started cloning the code in Tony's phone from Mitch's phone.

Suddenly Mitch's phone went off, "Hey, where's my phone?"

Frostee signaled for Tony to stall.

"Oh, that? I think that's, uh, the taco alarm so, you know, we better get over-- Hey!" Tony pointed to his left and splashed Mitch's soda all over his shirt and vest.

With Mitch being distracted by Tony trying to clean him up Frostee finished the download and put Mitch's phone back into his pocket without him noticing.

"You know what, I can see your busy and in need of mouthwash. So, I'll be on my way." Tony said and walked off with Frostee in tow.

Mitch replied. "Tony? Hey! You still owe me tacos! Toretto, I want my tacos!"

Back in the agency's hideout, the spies were celebrating.

Tony asked Ms. Nowhere. "Hey, pretty slick how we got that phone, right?"

Ms. Nowhere ignored his question and was focused on finding the race, "Hmm, looks like the race will be right here. Downtown."

"Then that's where we're going to race." Tony stated as his friends agreed, but Ms. Nowhere had other ideas in mind.

Ms. Nowhere told them, "No you're not. This op is over."

The Spies exclaimed in unison, "WHAT?!"

Echo questioned in concern, "Any reason why?"

"Because the race is tonight." Ms. Nowhere answered quickly.

Tony stood up to her and said, "No problem. I'm ready to throw down."

"Me too." Jack replied and stood up with Tony by his side.

"Look, according to this encrypted data, drivers need two forms of ID verification to enter. A retinal scan and a code that's embedded in their cars." Ms. Nowhere explained.

Frostee suggested to her, "So, you must have some spy gear to get pass security. Right?

"I have the gear, but you don't have the expertise to use it. I expected to have weeks to train you kids while we chase down leads." Ms. Nowhere explained.

Echo questioned her motives again, "We found the race in two hours. Now that's a problem?!"

Tony asked the boss lady, "So what you're saying is that we're too good?"

Ms. Nowhere answered, "Mediocre at best. Anyway, I can't risk you going into this op. Layla Gray can have you killed. More importantly, your cousin and dad can have me killed. We're going Plan Bravo everybody! Launch the surveillance drones!"

"Look. Just put me in the car. I can win that race. I know it." Tony suggested, feeling desperate.

Jack replied back to Tony, "Not if I win first."

Ms. Nowhere told him, "Tony, it would take us 48 hours just to build your car with the implanted codes. The whole plan was a long shot anyway. Gary, get Tony and his crew out."

Gary kicked Tony, Jack and their crew out of Ms. Nowhere's temporary base of operations and Tony's crew were frustrated after that.

Frostee growled, "I can't believe they're kicking us out of the mission."

"Oh we're doing this mission." Tony ordered, feeling pumped and ready to get into the mission.

Cisco wondered, "Wait? What are you talking about?"

Jack remembered what his dad & uncle Dom said to him and Tony and told them, "I'm not just following orders. I'm following my gut and my heart. We can do this."

"I don't know J. Getting past that security would be tough. It would help if we have some of that spy stuff." Frostee reminded his friends until someone outside of their group spoke up.

"You mean this?" Echo said and showed them Ms. Nowhere's purse. "I borrowed Ms. Nowhere's purse. She was showing me all the cool gadgets it has."

Cisco asked, "You 'borrowed' it?"

"I was going to give it back. Maybe." Echo smirked.

Cisco asked, "Okay. But where are we going to get a car?"

"Easy, we'll borrow one," Tony winked, "Wink."

Tony foreshadowed his plan, "Here's the plan. Frostee, and I will bust into the race complex and he'll hack the retinal scan computers."

Up on the roof of a building, Frostee, and Tony were all standing on the edge of it. Tony held Ms. Nowhere's purse and Frostee was being scared as always.

"Um, I don't think this is a good idea, T." Frostee suggested, feeling scared already.

Tony calmed his friend down and told him, "Come on, zip-lines are like the safest way to travel."

Frostee rebuffed, "What? No. No! We are definitely not."

"So I think we just hit this button and--" Tony pressed the button and he ducked his head from the incoming zip-line cord shot from the purse. As Tony and Frostee rode across.

Frostee screamed, "HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!"

Down in the streets, Cisco drove his truck with Echo sat in the passenger seat.

Tony contacted his friends, "Cisco and Echo, use that mirror to shut down Mitch's car and then tow it away."

Cisco felt nervous and asked, "Okay, you you ready?"

Echo told Cisco she were ready, but Cisco remained nervous.

"Next light, we're doing this." Cisco nervously said.

Don't be scared." Cisco said.

"Okay?" Echo said.

Echo answered, "I'm not."

Cisco continued being nervous and remembered what Tony instructed him to do. He grabbed a small gadget in front of him and said, "All right, yeah, because, uh, there's no reason to be nervous. I know how this works. Shake the mirror twice, then the little red activation comes on."

Then, the light of the mirror started beeping and flashing red.

Cisco saw it and said, "Oh, there's the light."

"Cisco, no!" Echo warned him, but it was too late and Cisco's truck lost power and slowly stopped in the middle of the road. Not only that, the cars behind them stopped and the drivers started honking their cars horns, telling them to move their truck aside.

Cisco sheepishly said, "So, that means..."

"It activates the EMP and shuts down the engine." Echo answered for him.

One of the angry drivers shouted, "Move your truck, moron!"

"Well, at least we know it works." Cisco said.

Getting an idea Echo kicked the door open and jumped out of the truck. "Hey, what are you doing?" Cisco asked.

"Improvising." Echo said, walking over to Mitch's car.

"Hey, Mitch." Echo greeted.

Mitch turned his head to the left and saw Echo standing outside his car. "Oh! Hey, Echo. W-What are you doing here?" He stuttered.

"Chasing you." She said.

Mitch laughed with a nervous grin on his face. "Well, ya caught me. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Get out of the car." She ordered.

"I'm sorry, what?" Mitch asked confused.

"Get. Out." She demanded.

"Uh, okay." Mitch got out of his car and Echo climbed in the drivers said. "Hey!" Mitch shouted.

"Thanks!" Echo said as she drove Mitch's car away with Cisco in tow.

Meanwhile, the two boys quietly entered the race complex and peeked at the server room. There was only one worker in there, watching over surveillance from the computer.

Tony informed Frostee, "Ok, once we knock that guy out, you have 10 minutes to hack the retinal scanner.."

Frostee nodded, "No sweat, T."

Tony sneaked up behind the guy while pulling something out of Ms. Nowhere's purse and it was a can of perfume spray.

The worker turned to see Tony and interrogated him, "Hey, what are you doing here? Is that a purse?"

"Night night." Tony said before he accidentally sprayed himself with the perfume spray, but it wasn't just any normal perfume spray. It was a knockout spray developed as a spy gadget. Tony became sidetracked and panicked, "Aw, lug nuts, my eyes! Aw, dang it!" Tony sighed and fell asleep.

Frostee facepalmed, knowing that Tony used the knockout spray the wrong way.

The worker looked at the unconscious Tony and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Frostee entered the room and picked up the can of knockout spray. He told him, "Sorry, man. It's our first time doing this."

"Wait, what? Who are you?" The worker asked until Frostee sprayed him with the spray and the worker fell asleep.

Frostee posed and answered, "We're Spy Racers." He sniffed the scent of the spray, "Mmm! Sandalwood."

Meanwhile, Ms. Nowhere and Gary used the computer to watch the surveillance from the agency's drone while the rest of the Ninjas were bored.

Gary informed his boss, "Drones are up. We have eyes on the racer."

Ms. Nowhere realized that something was off, "Gary... Who's driving that car? And where's my tactical purse? Track my purse!"

Minutes later, Tony woke up and slowly got up after getting himself knocked out by accident while Frostee was working on the computers.

Tony groaned, "Okay, I'm fine. You good? All good. I'm good."

Frostee said, "I'm working on it."

"Okay, I'm heading down the street. Don't let us get caught." Tony ordered them.

"I'm working on it." Frostee answered feeling annoyed.

Then, Frostee's phone rang as Tony left. Frostee picked it up and greeted Ms. Nowhere, "Hey, girl."

Ms. Nowhere ordered him, "Frostee, I want you to get out of there right now."

Frostee rejected her request and answered, "Uh, I'd love to, but I'm too young to drive, and my ride just left, so..."

Ms. Nowhere got serious and said, "Frostee, this is no joke."

Frostee answered too, "Yeah, I know."

"You're in serious danger. If Layla Gray catches you guys, I can't guarantee your safety." Ms. Nowhere informed the tech genius while he continued to work.

Frostee was annoyed by Ms. Nowhere and replied, "I know."

Ms. Nowhere started venting like a drama queen, "And it's not just your safety. There's also my career to think about. I just made it up to Nowhere, "She started shouting, "And I will not get bumped back to Ms. Nothing. I was a Nothing for too long!" The bossy lady calmed down and said, "Plus, SH1FT3R gets their hands on the nuclear codes or whatever."

"Relax, Bossy Lady. I got it covered." Frostee informed her. "Can I work now? Bye." Frostee hung up his phone and went back to work.

Ms. Nowhere panicked, "Dom and Brian are going to kill us. We gotta get out of here, Gary. Are our clean identities ready?"

Gary spoke in German and saluted to her, "Jawohl, Fräulein Nirgends."

The elevator doors opened and Tony exited the elevator as he looked around to check if anyone tried to sneak up on him. Tony ran towards the edge of the rooftop and he stopped on the edge. He looked down and gulped, feeling nervous. He fought his fear and screamed as he used the zip-line from the purse to safely jump off from the building. The zip-line stopped and Tony safely landed on the ground.

"Yes! Sweet! Phew!" Tony celebrated and walked naturally like a cool person with a purse in his hand.

Tony walked passed by a big dude who was standing around with his arms crossed and he commented, "Nice purse."

"I know." Tony answered as Echo arrived and parked next to Tony,

"Your car... Mitch." Echo teased him.

Tony replied as he entered the car, "Thanks."

Cisco exited the car and saw the smoke coming from the rocket engine. He said, "C'mon Mitch, this hose is about to pop right out of the rocket engine. When that happens..." Cisco imitated the explosion sound, "Nothing a little bubblegum can't fix."

He took a piece of bubblegum out of his mouth and placed it on the hose of the rocket engine.

Back at HQ, Jack finished suiting up into his racing gear, which consisted of a red, black and white hooded motorcycle jacket and a pair of black fingerless knuckle gloves.

Jack grabbed the keys to his Lamborghini, climbed inside and drove off to the race.

Jack pulled up as the bodyguard signaled him to stop to get his retinal scan and the code embedded on his car.

The guard took a retinal scan on Jack and checked the code beneath his car. After that, he said, "Alright, head on in."

"Thank you." Jack replied as he drove through the entrance to the SH1FT3R race as Tony and their friends looked on.

"Where we at on that retinal scan, Frostee?" Tony asked the tech genius.

Frostee replied on phone, "Almost there."

"So are we." Tony replied back via phone, "Hack faster."

Frostee growled and asked the unconscious worker, "I mean, do people treat you like this? 'Hack faster'? They have no idea what we do!"

Tony and his crew rolled up to the guard and greeted him, "Hey, I'm Mitch. And this is my crew."

Cisco got nervous again and said, "Yeah, just guys, you know... Have fun... Crew up."

The guard ignored Cisco's comment and moved on to check on the car.

Tony told Cisco, "Maybe you should just keep quiet."

"Uh, yeah. Good idea, T." Cisco nodded.

The guard took Tony's retinal scan as Frostee went to work in the security room. Just as they were about to be busted, Frostee changed the retinal to match Tony's.

Frostee sighed in relief, "Phew! Got it. High-five!" Frostee moved back in his spinning chair to tell the worker,  Frosted remembered that he's still unconscious with duct tape around his mouth and he apologized, "Oh, sorry."

The guard allowed Tony to head inside as he and Echo nodded to each other.

Back in the agency's hideout, Ms. Nowhere informed everyone, "My bag is packed. Let's burn this place to the ground!"

Gary stopped his boss and told her, "Hold on a second, they made into the race."

"See, I told you they'd make it." Ms. Nowhere said and everyone else in the room rolled their eyes.

As Tony rolled into the entrance, Echo and Cisco exited the car.

Tony sighed in relief, "Phew!"

Echo told her friend, "Good luck, T."

"Yeah, do something, uh, drive, you go, man! Uh, I'm sorry, I'll sit down." Cisco calmed himself down and went with his friends to find some seats.

After that, Tony was being taken down to where the other racers are as the platform went down like an elevator.

The rest of Tony's crew entered the arena where the crowd cheered as Layla appeared on screen.

Layla asked onscreen to the crowd, "Y'all ready for some racing?"

The crowd cheered hard as Tony and Jack's crew looked around as Frostee showed up.

Frostee excitedly jumped up and down and celebrated, "Whoo! It's Layla Gray! Haha! She's really here! Ms. Nowhere said she's gonna be here, but oh my gosh she's really here!"

"Think you got what it takes to roll with SH1FT3R?" Layla asked onscreen while the crowd cheered as the engines of the racers' cars revved.

Layla answered onscreen, "Yeah, well, we're about to find out."

Jack and Tony rolled up to the starting line, leading the racers to an underground passageway.

Jack greeted Tony, "Sup, T. It's about time you showed up."

"Hope you enjoy seeing my tail lights later on." Tony replied.

Jack scoffed, "You wish. This will be a walk in the park."

Tony fired back, "Not if I get there first."

Jack felt pumped up after hearing his cousin's words, "Oh, it's on now!"

Layla Gray explained to the racers about the race onscreen, "Now only one of you can make it in. The rest of you? Well, I hope you're insured. I know most of y'all have been street racing and doing all kinds of bad things to make it into this molly, little crew. But one of you is a bit of a mystery man. So, as a special treat, I'm gonna hop into our race today and find out what he's all about."

After hearing her announcement, Layla drove up and stopped between Jack and Tony.

Layla greeted Tony who's pretending to be Mitch, "Hello, 'Mitch'."

In Jack's mind, he got nervous and reacted, "Uh-oh."

As the race was near commencement, that moment indicated that Layla knew Tony wasn't really Mitch and Tony gulped as the countdown to the race was about to begin.

There you have it Chapter 1 of Fast and Furious Spy Racers (Book 1)

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