Chapter 24: Swing and a Miss

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Chapter 24: Swing and a Miss

"Not particularly, no," I answer him, still convinced that he's just an illusion. "You can't really be here."

He grins that dazzling and manipulative grin of his. "Sweet Law, I can be wherever the hell I want to be." He sees the expression of my face and broadens his smile. "Don't tell me that you weren't expecting me."

I stare at him, willing this figment of my mind to disappear.

The figment begins piling his heavy baggage on me like it's nothing. I almost collapse under the weight. "While you process, I might as well put you to use," he murmurs while adding another bag to my back.

This confirms it. Nobody else would test my patience like this, nobody but Laiken the kraken.

I manage to find my voice again. "What are you doing here?" I ask him and then proceed to drop all of his bags onto the floor.

"She speaks!" he pokes fun at me. "You're a bad slave," he adds, bending down to pick up all his stuff. "And to answer your question, I thought it's time I leave my awesome penthouse to visit the refugees in the slums for a bit."

I kick him lightly in his side, hoping that he'll fall over and injure himself in a minor way. "Let's try this again, Laik."

"Jeez. Why are you kicking me?" he grumbles under his breath before straightening up again. "Maybe I'm a fool but I was expecting like a loving embrace or a passionate kiss or something..."

"You are a fool," I affirm reality for him.

"Should we bring it in, anyway?" he asks and steps toward me with open arms, deliberately provoking me – he knows what he's doing.

My irritation doesn't last because something suddenly occurs to me. I glance around frantically, in search of him. "Where is he, Lai?" I ask while spinning around, attempting to locate him. "It's his turn to sneak up on me and surprise me, right? That how you guys are playing it?"

Laik blinks at me, a blank look on his face, before realizing who I'm trying to find. "Mase couldn't come," he notifies me, dropping his arms back to his side.

I pause for a second and then scoff. "Suuure he couldn't." I'll play along.

"He really couldn't," he clarifies before repeating himself, "he's not here."

"Riiight," I drawl out, still scanning the area.

"Aqueela," Laiken clicks his fingers, snapping me out of it, "I'm not joking. He's swamped with work. This isn't like last time."

I shake my head, not falling for it. "I know you two. You guys are always in cahoots. Where is he?"

"He's in New York, far away from this this trash heap of a town you call home," he retorts.

I pout. "No cahooting?"

"No cahoo—stop making me say weird words!" he replies gruffly. "I don't know why you have that look on your face. It's hurtful. You have me. I'm the better version of Mason."

"More like the low-resolution version," I huff.

He cups a hand to his ear. "What was that?" When I say it again, more clearly this time, his expression freezes over with irked rictus. "You're being really mean to a guy that came all this way to see you."

I laugh humorlessly. "I don't buy that for a second, not from the guy who didn't even say goodbye to me the last time I saw him." 

If I know Laiken, and I'd say that I do, I know that he doesn't do anything that isn't purely self-motivated – he's selfish like that.

"Seriously?!" he throws his hands up to the air in exasperation. "That was months ago. Are you still on about that?"

"Yes! I'm still on about that! You just upped and left!" I sulk.

"Whether you believe me or not—"

"Not! I not! I mean, I don't," I interrupt.

He glares at me before finishing his sentence, "I'm only here for my Aqueela fix. It's been a while since my last dosage. I'm having withdrawal symptoms."

I hold his gaze with a steely look in my eyes, upset that Mase has left me with this...mess of a human. "I must be in hell," I complain loudly. "I must have died and gone straight to hell."

"I'd say the same, but I know for a fact that I'm already there," he replies with a crooked grin. "For one, you were late, lest you forgot, and waiting for you was agonizing."

Maybe I wouldn't have been late if I actually knew he was coming...or maybe I just wouldn't have pitched at all.

"Newsflash, Laik, I don't exist to wait on you hand and foot," I take the liberty to refresh his memory. "You've clearly been living the high life with all your butlers for too long. You're turning into a pretentious snob. You were born in these 'slums' too, lest you forget!"

His dark eyes burn with amusement. "That's true but nowadays, I'm a high roller." He haughtily juts his thumb out at himself, "And this high roller loves rolling around in his endless supply of cash."

I look him over, trying to decipher if he's still redeemable. He's wearing a silver watch and he has expensive sunglasses hanging from his white button-up shirt. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up to his elbows and the first few buttons are undone. He's wearing black chinos and loafers to finish off the fancy look.

Not even Xave or Mase dress like him. He's putting both to shame with his swag.

"You reek of richness," I state in a somber fashion.

"And you just reek," he insults me.

I sniff the air. "You even smell like money."

"Hey!" he raises his voice. "Now you're drawing lines in the sand. You might not know this because you're impoverished and stink of poverty but what you just said is very, incredibly much offensive to rich people," he tells me as if he's completely innocent himself. "Money smells like pee. Everyone knows that."

I roll my eyes and watch him finally use that empty skull of his. He fetches a baggage cart and starts packing the cart full.

"Why do you have so many bags?" I question. His suitcases are unending. He's worse than a girl going on a three-day vacation.

"I thought we just established this. It's because I'm filthy rich and I sleep in silk sheets made of money," he answers me with a boastful gleam in his eyes.

I thought silk sheets are made out of silk?!

I stare at him blankly, confused, before launching an attack of questions. "How did you get like this? When did you get like this? Why did you get like this? Who did you get like this? What did you get like this?"

"I didn't return to this cesspool of a town just to get interrogated by you," he replies, choosing not to answer any of my questions. "Now, if I toss money at your face, will you stop asking me things?"

Before I can answer him, he takes out a wad of cash from his pocket and begins 'making it rain' on my face. I watch the notes flutter in the air before gracefully landing on the filthy floor of the airport. Infuriated at the disrespect, I snap my head in Laik's direction and narrow my gaze, ready to strike a blow of death.

Laik, sensing danger, instinctively takes a step back and raises his hands in surrender. "Alright, that was a swing and a miss. I see that now." He takes another step back, putting distance between us. "Let's focus on something else. Did I mention how hot you're looking? You know...other than that disgusting, bruised bump covering half your face."

I clutch my hands into fists and give him a seething look before speaking plainly and quietly to him, "I hope you've made peace with your gods, Edwards, because I'm out for blood, and I'm not above beating the ostentatious, gaudy, rich-boy sass out of you."

Fear instantly spreads across his face. "I love that sundress on you! Class!" he rasps out, doing his best to distract me with his usual magnetism. "It's your color, and it really brings out your..." he trails off as his eyes rove over me, stopping at my chest.

"My what?" I ask darkly, a grim expression in place. "Spit it out," I command, daring him to put one foot wrong.

He recovers quickly and gestures to my face. "Your eyes. It really brings out your beautiful eyes."

Before he can anticipate it, I leap forward and swing back my fist before landing a lethal blow to his gut. "I don't have yellow eyes!"

He hunches over in pain and holds his stomach. "There's the psychotic nutcase I know from high-school," he heaves out. "Only you can shake my confidence like this."

"Keep it up and I'll make your entire earth quake," I threaten him. 

He lifts his head and raises a suggestive eyebrow. "In other words, you'd rock my world?"

I shake my head at his audacity. "You're still as bold as brass."

He grins smugly. "I was wondering when you were going to build me up like I did you. You're laying down the groundwork to get to me, aren't you? I can see it in your yellow eyes, you want me." He stands up straight and flexes his arm. "It's because of my health grind, isn't it? You noticed that I'm making gains."

"Hi-yah!" I let out a high-pitch shout before I karate chop him in the throat.

"What. The. Hell?" he slowly wheezes out each word before keeling over.

"This is where I toe the line," I turn my back on him. "I know this is a tall order for you but call me when you're ready to re-learn, or learn for the first time, how to be a civil human being to us indigent folk."


"You can stay for one night only. Tomorrow, you get a hotel room or something. I'm sure you have more than enough money," I say the last part sarcastically, sparing him a glance and then shifting my attention back to the road.

I didn't plan on bringing this foundling home but when he followed me all the way to Ryan's car, apologizing and pleading for us to start over, I decided to give him a fifteenth shot. If we can iron out all his wrinkles, and there are many, I may find something to work with under all the muck.

"Let's just hope Greg doesn't...act up...when he sees you," I murmur, the thought of his enraged expression flashing through my mind. Jay and I have really tested our limits with him. We need to hurry up in our quest to find a home because I'm pretty sure we don't have much time left.

"Why does this suddenly feel like I'm being led to a slaughter?" he asks, and I can feel him looking at me.

I feign a laugh. "You're definitely no innocent lamb, Laiken." I bite my bottom lip as my thoughts begin to lead me adrift again. There's one thing that I can't stop thinking about it. "Are you ever going to tell me why you're really here?"

Laik immediately twists in his seat and looks out of the window, not ready to discuss it. "You know why I'm here."

I let it go for the time being. We drive in silence the rest of the way home. It's been a long day, so I don't really mind having some peace and quiet to gather what's left of my wits. 

I yawn as I finally pull into the driveway. My yawn is followed by a breath of relief when I spot the red Gallardo. Everything always seems more manageable and easier when Jay is nearby. Without him, I'd be drowning.

I turn off the engine and move my gaze onto Laiken. I suck in a deep breath before speaking, "I hope you're not here to defend him, Lai."

I don't give him a chance to reply. I get out of Ry's car and slam the door shut after me. As soon as I walk through the front door, I make a beeline for Jay. He's sitting in the lounge, chatting to Boss Man. I don't hesitate to launch myself into his arms and take a seat on his lap. 

He's startled for a second before I feel him chuckle against me. "Long day, beautiful?" he asks, instinctively wrapping me up in a warm hug.

Content, I rest my head against his chest. I lift my eyes to his and nod. "Too long, Jay."

He leans down to kiss me and I practically melt into a puddle. He pulls away and sends me a reassuring smile that magically puts me at total peace. "I missed you," he tells me before dropping another soft kiss on my lips.

I hug him close to me, not wanting to leave his arms. "Today, I just realized I could do anything and go anywhere but I'm happiest when you're right here, in my reach," I confess, feeling sheepish. "I love knowing that when I get home after a long day, I'll get to see you and you'll make everything better."

Jay looks taken aback for a second before a carefree smile takes over his expression. "You're gold, Aqueela. An angel." He shakes his head, his electric gaze of blue paralyzing me in place. "You don't even know...I love you so much."

We start kissing again, forgetting about everything else, but Boss Man decides to interrupt our sweet moment:

"Hi, Greg. Nice to see you too. How are you? How was your day? Sorry for intruding on your conversation with Jay and sorry for sucking face right in front of you."

I reluctantly move off Jay's lap and snuggle up beside him instead, leaning on his arm. "Hi, Greg," I greet him with a shamefaced look. I was so excited to see my fiancé that I didn't really take note of him.

Greg nods in approval. "Better, and now explain him," he orders, gesturing over to Laiken standing awkwardly in the doorway with all his many bags and suitcases.

Oh, yeah...

"That toadstool from high-school needs a place to stay for the night. You won't even notice him. Just pretend you don't exist, I do it all the time, and everything will be fine," I answer, assuring him.

The money factory lifts a hand in greeting, clearly feeling uncomfortable under the weight of Jay and Greg's piercing stares.

"So, you want me to pretend like I don't exist in the hopes that I don't notice Laiken even though I've already noticed him?" Greg asks with an appraising look, his brows creasing. "That's your dumb solution to your latest screw-up?"

I plaster a smile on my face and nod. "That plan will work. Thanks. Thanks for being so understanding about this."

"He's not staying here," Boss Man chides back in determination, attempting to put his foot down with me. "We don't have space."

I study Lai-Lai for a second before deciding that this wealthy yet homeless cause is worth pursuing, no matter how irritating he may be.

"Greg," I drawl out his name and glance back at him, "I know what the problem is. Lai just has to re-enter your house but announced," I shoot Laiken a look for not waiting for my signal, "this time 'round."

"You were never going to announce me. Admit it, Law, you forgot. You would have left me out there the whole night," Laik admonishes.


"Shut your filthy mouth, Edwards, and let me work!" I shut him up so that I can talk some more nonsense into Greg's head. 

"Fine!" he retaliates with sass.

"You don't like uninvited guests, Greg," I continue. "If Lai leaves the house for a minute and you call him back in yourself, you're going to be on board with this. Trust me, I just know it."

Boss Man stares at me blankly before peering over at Jay. "She's serious, isn't she?"

Jay nods, even keeled like always – nothing seems to rattle him. "That spark in her eyes is a dead giveaway. Am I the only one who sees it?"

Greg shrugs. "I only see evil in those hazel-green eyes of hers."

"Should I just go?" Laik clears his throat.

I nod. "Stand outside for a minute or so until we summon you."

Laik frowns, bewildered by my request. "What? Why?"

I point to the door. "Out, vermin! Don't make me speak twice."

He drops his head and slinks out the door. "Fine. But only because I want to."

"Why did you bring him here?" Greg questions once Lai is out of earshot.

I pick at my nails, ready for the lecture. "I don't have to explain myself to you."

"You brought him to my house. He is literally standing outside my door," Boss Man argues, making a somewhat valid point.

"Who is this 'him' and 'he' that you're referring to?" I ask.

He gives me a weird look, probably wondering where he lost me. "Laiken."

"You heard the man, Lai! He's calling you! Come on in!" I shout toward the open door, ignoring Boss Man's glares of fury.

Laik's faint voice is heard from outside. "Are you sure, Law?" he muses. "I don't think—"

"Shut up, loser!" I cut him off.

"Don't be mean," Jay reprimands me.

 "Taylor, drum-roll, please!" I instruct him next.

Jay arches an eyebrow at me. When I refuse to let up, he sighs and pretends to hit invisible drums with invisible drumsticks.

"Introducing..." I start dramatically, "the walking slime! Laiken Edwards, everybody!" I clap my hands. 

Lai steps back into the house with a scowl on his face, impressed by my introduction.

I nudge Jay and motion to him to applaud Laiken's entrance too, hoping that our united front will sway Greg's harsh decision. Jay eventually complies with a wan grin, extremely excited to be able to participate in this.

"Aqueela," Greg readies himself to admit defeat, his resolve wavering, "your craziness must be infectious or something because I somehow do feel much better. What is wrong with me? Something has been happening to me since you've been nesting here, and I don't like it."

Oh, well...

Jay notices Laik struggling and jumps to his feet to help. "Here, bud," he offers, relieving Lai of some of his many suitcases. "Been a while. How are you doing, man?" he asks, attempting to make light conversation.

Lai isn't hearing it. "Anyone ever tell you that you're too nice?"

We've all been thinking it. I'm glad it's out in the open now. Someone had to tell him.

"Is that an insult?" Jay questions, carrying Laik's bags over to where Greg and I are sitting.

Lai nods. "Most definitely."

"Okay," Jay replies, unfazed. "Sorry for being too nice or whatever you're unnecessarily whining about."

Laiken follows Jay and immediately helps himself to a seat beside me, stealing Jay's spot. "You shouldn't be so nice. I was flirting with your wife earlier and she was very receptive of my advances. She was very into it."

He's looking for a reaction from Jay and I'm not quite sure why.

Jay bites back a grin, clearly amused. "She rejected you, huh?"

"Uh...but only because I'm too rich and successful for her," Lai sulks like a petulant child.

I roll my eyes. "Totally. He's a big deal now."

"What were the ramifications? Slap to the face? Hit on the nose? Punch to the gut? Roundhouse kick to your everything?" Jay asks him knowingly.

Lai pauses for a second before glancing away in shame. "Karate chop to the throat," he mumbles under his breath.

Jay chuckles. "I should have guessed."

"But I handled it like a real champ," he insists, trying to save some of his dignity.

"I'm sure you did," Jay patronizes him, slapping him on the back.

Lai nods and then turns his attention to Greg. "Thanks for letting me stay here in this mediocre house of yours for a night or two."

"One night," I clarify sternly and shoot him a look. We already spoke about this.

Boss Man shakes his head. "Anyone ever tell you that you're a grade-A jackass? If they haven't, I'll tell you right now, you're a grade-A jackass."

Laik smiles, pleased. "Thank you, dude."

He sighs loudly. "Aqueela, is everyone you keep in contact with a downright lunatic?"

I nod happily. "Yep."

Laiken leans back in his seat and throws an arm around my shoulder. "In my defense, Greg, you're too normal. I can't talk to you. Ever since hanging out with Law's crew, I have trouble conversing with people who aren't completely insane."

He clearly hasn't seen Greg, a grown man, cry over a naked statue before...

"Right!" I chirp in and fist-bump Lai. "It's so difficult talking to sane people. And, unfortunately, get this, most of the world is sane."

"The stats are unbelievable," he adds with a shake of his head, disappointed. "It's crazy that more people aren't crazy."

"You hear them, right?" Boss Man asks Jay in disbelief. "I can't be imagining this dialogue. My head can't make up stuff like this."

My husband-thing shrugs, unmoved by any of it. "Like water of a duck's back, my man. That's how you survive. I've told you this before."

"I'd rather die than acclimatize to insanity," Bossy Man Pants argues.

Jay leaves him be and sits down across from us. "So, really, Edwards, how are things going?"


"How's the company been doing?"


"What brings you back here?"


"Alright, I've been patient enough. Forget the duck, I'm absorbing water now," my fiancé surprisingly folds under his frustrations – he's also had a long day. "Fix your attitude, Edwards, or you can shiver in the cold, you ungrateful, block-headed palooka."

I elbow Laiken in his ribs for good measure. He deserves it.

Lai groans in pain and then nods apologetically at Jay. "Yea. That sounds fair."

Jay stares at him quizzically. "What's your problem, man? You're directing a lot of anger my way. Talk."

"It's nothing. I'm overthinking again," he brushes it off, stubbornly refusing to cooperate.

"Yeah..." I reply teasingly, "that's never been a problem for you, Lai."

"Shut up, Aqueela," he complains, removing his arm from my shoulders. When he uses my full name, I know he's serious.

"I'm going out on a limb here but is this about the past?" Jay questions, skeptical. "'Cause I can't think of any other reason."

Laiken hesitates for a moment before spitting it out, "Like Greg said, I was a grade-A jerk to you in high school, a spineless, mouthy coward, a bull-headed loser with sh*t for brains, an empty-headed fool with his head stuck so far up—"

"Jeez, I didn't say all of that!" Boss Man interjects. "That's all you, bro."

"Let him go on," I protest. "It's all true anyway." I lazily fling my hand out at Lai, "You may proceed, disgusting vermin."

Laik scowls my way for a full second before returning his focus to Jay. "I don't get it. Why are you so...gracious...or me? After everything I did? I knew you had it rough but I still tormented you anyway. I was always ready to pick a fight with you."

Jay acknowledges his words with a gentle grin. "You still are, man. You were just trying to pick a fight now. Why?"

He ponders over it. "I honestly don't know. I guess I just want to know what makes a guy like you tick. How do you just welcome your high-school enemy into your home with arms wide open?"

"My home," Greg quips before Laik can get ahead of himself.

Petty as always...

"How do you do that, Taylor? And why? Why would you be 'nice'," he air-quotes the word, "to a jag-weed like me?"

"Bud," Jay smiles a lopsided, regaled smile, "I never once considered you an enemy. You were never that important to me to even consider you anything – no offense – so you can let that one go. High-school was high-school. We were still growing up. We're still growing up now. I don't hold anything against you anymore."

Laiken stares on with wide eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah, man. Why would I?" Jay responds. "I was in a dark place back then and yeah, I'll admit, you and Mason didn't make it any easier on me, but I bet you two had your own stuff going on. I'm not that same guy anymore and I know you're not either. I know you looked out for Aqueela in New York, and that makes up for everything. I'm happy now." He pauses, looks over at me, and winks, "I'm finally happy."

"Because you finally have Law and order in your life?" Lai jokes.

"The law part is what's important here," I answer for my husband-thing.

Jay deliberately puts on a neutral expression. "Meh. More like Law and no order."

"Don't worry, Law, I saw the way he pined over you in high-school. It was bad, and also kind of sad," Lai kindly updates me with valuable information. "The word 'meh' doesn't exist in his vocabulary when it comes to you. In fact, he's the reason why I might decide to fall prey to something as stupid as love someday. I never thought I'd see him so laid-back and happy-go-lucky like this -- no way, not the guy that never smiled. This Jay Taylor that you have now didn't exist six years ago."

"He just needed a lil' bit of Aqueelie in his life," I say with a bright smile before blowing Jay a kiss.

"A lot of Aqueela in his life," Jay corrects me before getting back on track. "From my side, Laiken, we're good."

Lai lets out a breath of relief. "That's good to hear. I wish I was more man enough to talk to you about this years ago. All of it has been weighing on me for a long time. I have never said it before but I'm sorry, dude."

"Don't sweat it, man. I'm pretty good at forgetting what needs to be forgotten," Jay replies, easily burying the hatchet.

Laik nods appreciatively and moves his gaze from Jay to me. "And you know I'm sorry too, Law. You and Mills didn't deserve all the torture I put you through."

I punch his arm playfully. "Lucky for you, I'm bad at grudges."

"I'm sorry about today too," he goes on, now on a roll. "I didn't mean to disrespect you. You need to know that I have a lot of respect for you. I didn't show it today but you're the last woman that I'd ever want to disrespect in any way."

His mom and sister, but whatevs, I'm not complaining...

"You shouldn't want to disrespect any woman, Laiken," I point out but hug his arm to my chest anyway, forgiving him for everything.

"You know what I mean. I shouldn't have thrown money at your face or—"

"You threw money at my fiancée's face?" Jay talks straight over him, his calm composure instantly vanishing. "Do I even want to know what comes after the or in your sentence?"


Laik holds his hands up in surrender. "Hey now. You're good at forgetting, remember? You just said that."

"Maybe I forgot that I just said that, and maybe in return, I'll throw a fist at your face," Jay replies in an icy tone. Fortunately, he lets it go when I give him a pleading look – I've been hard enough on Laiken as is.

"I hope you took his money, Aqueela," Boss Man gives his input. "Always take the money. It's rule number one."

"Anyway," Laik announces, "I want to thank all of you because since being in this incredibly, humbling abode with you simple folk, I've come to remember my roots."

"You've only been in this house for like a total of ten minutes," I remind him.

He nods. "That's how quaint and humbling it is here."

"Someone has gone and learnt some new, fancy words," I nudge him teasingly. 

What makes this worse is that the dummy doesn't seem to be registering that he's offending all of us. In his thick head, he's simply showing gratitude.

Boss Man glances at Jay and me in despair. "Is it too late to change my mind and kick him out? Or at least kick him until he passes out? Is that an option? And if not, can we make it an option?"


After entertaining Edwards for a few more of his stupid conversations, Boss Man decided that it's bedtime for all of us. Laik, bless his damned, dirty soul, got the couch and I sincerely hope that the humble couch will bring him back down to reality. 

I sit down on the edge of the bed and yawn. 

Man, it's been a long day. 

I turn my head and glance over at Jay – he's currently shirtless and lying across the bed on his stomach, playing with Slobs. "How was your night out with your friends?" I ask him.

There's a moment of silence from his end before he sighs and sits up, his entire demeanor changing. He runs a hand through his hair and looks down for a second before meeting my gaze. "I have three big things to drop on you...and I'm kind of nervous about all three."

Great. Just great. 

I move to face him, thinking the worst. "Whatever the three things are, I'll try to understand. I'll approach it with an open mind. I'm in your corner. Always."

He leans back against the headboard and folds his arms behind his head, his muscles rippling with the action. He sucks in a deep breath and holds it for a moment. "Ava tried to kiss me tonight," he confesses, avoiding eye-contact.

That vixen!

My heart drops straight into my stomach. It takes me a minute to process. "" I fumble for words, unsure how I feel about this. "I mean, not how, obviously. It was with her lips, I assume. But what? What exactly happened?"

"We were talking about the three years we spent together in Africa, but we weren't alone or anything, Kyle and Leb were there. I think the discussion brought up memories or feelings of hers or something," he answers, guilt evident on his face. "Ave was so wasted that she just went in for the kill without even thinking. I'm pretty sure she won't remember it by morning."

I rack my head for answers. "So, let me get this straight, you guys didn't actually kiss?"

"No," he shakes his head, "I managed to dodge her."

I furrow my brows in thought. "Then why do you seem like you're guilty of something?"

"Because I am," he openly admits. "I'm guilty of wanting to keep this to myself. I didn't want to tell you."

I can't help but feel a little pang of hurt. "Why?" I ask softly.

"Because I was afraid of how you'd react," he tells me, finally gracing me with his gaze of blue.

I purse my lips, trying to make sense of it all. "Then why did you decide to tell me anyway?" 

"Because I'm so in love with you that it's stupid," he answers in ease. "And because I don't want there to be any secrets between us. I don't want to ever jeopardize what we have. I respect you, more than anyone else on this entire planet, and you deserve the truth, always. I never want to lose you again."

"And because I'm a total catch, right?" I bat my lashes innocently, adding an element of humor to this bleak chat.

He grins wryly, jumping aboard and allowing me to take the lead. "Obviously. When I met you, I won the life lottery. And now, I'm ready to win the wife lottery. That's why I'm locking you down permanently. Aqueela for the win, right?"

"Right, but you don't need to build my ego, it's in top shape," I joke and lie down flat on my back in the opposite direction of him.

I stare up at the ceiling. In all honesty, I'm feeling a little insecure right now – thanks a lot, Ava!

"Oh, so you don't want to hear how beautiful and gorgeous you are? Or how adorable and smoking hot you are?" Jay playfully grabs my ankle and pulls me up toward him, further up the bed, somehow knowing what I need. "Or how talented and gifted I know you are? Or how kind and pure you are? Or how compassionate you are? Or how funny you are? Or how you're the only one who can make me smile? Or how much you inspire and motivate me every day? Or how—"

I suddenly don't feel so insecure anymore. Suck it, Ava!

I reach up and silence him with a deep kiss. I smile against him and pull away after a long while, leaving him totally breathless and with his eyes still closed.

"Thank you, Jay. Your words always hold water to me, and I want you to know that I trust you indefinitely. You're the most important person to me in the entire universe. I'm not worried about Ava because you're right, it really is pathetic, and stupid, and dumb how much you love me -- Grey already vouches for that."

He opens his eyes and scoffs. "Don't I know it."

"On the upside, you show great promise at being husband material," I add, cuddling up to him while forcefully wrapping his arms around me. "You just need to find a way to hide all that charisma because the ladies be coming at ya."

"I am a ladies' man," he says in a sing-song voice.

"Totally," I patronize him. "And while you're at it, hide your cut abs and your million-dollar smile too."

He winces humorously. "I mean, I can try, 'Queels, but treasure doesn't stay hidden and buried for very long. Somebody always eventually finds it. X marks the spot."

I roll my eyes but giggle anyway. "Okay, Mr. Vain, enough of that. It's time for you to shut up and shut eye."

"Yes, ma'am," he replies before tossing and twisting, trying to get comfortable for the night.

I elbow him until he stops moving. Eventually, he does.

It's only a few minutes later when something occurs to me.

"Jay?" I whisper into the night, hearing his hushed breathing. "Jay?" I whisper again when he doesn't respond. "What were the other two things?"

His slow heartbeat is a dead giveaway that he's already lights out. 

Hello, insomnia, my name's Aqueela, and we're about to be well-acquainted.


Hey guys :)

I hope you all had a good Christmas. It's been a while.

If you can get through all these questions, I'll be seriously impressed xD

1. Are you happy to see Laiken? Why or why not? 

2. Why do you think he's back? 

3. Thoughts on his new 'attitude'? 

4. Can he be fixed? If so, how? 

5. Is Aqueela's reaction to him valid or too harsh?

6. Is Laiken's apology enough? Would you forgive him? 

7. Thoughts on Jay and Aqueela's responses to Lai's apology?

8. What were you initially expecting when Jay said that he had three things to drop on Aqueela?

 9. Would you say that Ava is a threat? 

10. Thoughts on how Jay handled the situation? 

11. Thoughts on how Aqueela handled the situation? 

12. How would you feel if you were in Aqueela's position? 

13. Would you say that Jay's a ladies' man? Why or why not? 

14. Do you think Jay shows promise at husband material? 

15. What were the other two things? And do you think they are as bad as the Ava bombshell?

16. Favourite part of this chapter?

17. Favourite one-liner of this chapter?

Thanks for the support!

~ CJ

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