Chapter 28: On the Fly

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Chapter 28: On the Fly

"After our little heart-to-heart, that you vowed wouldn't happen, I feel a lot closer to you. I'm starting to see you as an actual human being again," I tell Grey in earnest.

I caught up with him before he could leave without me – in other words, I jumped on his back and refused to let go until he let me in his car.

"I regret it already," he replies, taking his sights off the road to spare me a quick glance.

"Psh, your glass is always half-empty," I shrug, taking zero offense.

"No," he counters, "it's always completely empty."

I pout and pat his shoulder, careful not to disturb him from his driving. "That's sad."

"About everything I told you, only JT knows," he informs me. "Please keep it under wraps," he asks nicely.

I nod, feeling sympathetic toward his situation. "Of course."

I'm not surprised he confided in Jay, and I'm also not surprised that Jay didn't mention a word of it to me. If you need to speak to someone about something sensitive, my husband-thing is perfect for the job. You can bet that whatever you tell him won't go anywhere else.

"You're gonna be fine though," I add when a silence settles over us. "There's room for growth in your life. Everything will work out as it should."

"Your glass is always spilling over."

"That's not true," I protest. "That's just the way people perceive me. Sometimes, I feel empty too."

I watch him as the hard expression leaves his face and becomes replaced with a look of sorrow, as if actually sympathizing with me.

"But still," I lighten the mood before we get stuck on what I said, "it wouldn't hurt for you to try and be a little bit more like me and a little less like you."

He scoffs. "I beg to differ; it definitely will hurt me and everyone around me. Humanity, in general, will be hurt."

I react with pettiness. "It's daytime right now. How are you tolerating direct sunlight on your skin? I figured you'd be in a ball of flames."

He takes one hand off the wheel to flip me off.

Leaning back in my seat, I run my fingers through my hair and laugh. "So mean," I tell him while putting my hair up into a messy ponytail.

He turns his head and notices my action. "Your hair looks longer. Do you ever cut it?" he implores.

"I don't." I shake my head. "Should I?"

"No," he answers firmly, sure of himself.

I nod. "I like my long hair too..." I begin rambling on about keeping my hair long and healthy when he switches the radio on and turns it up as if to wash me out. "Am I boring you?" I shoot him a fierce look.

He nods. "Yeah, kinda. You were going on and on about hair stuff and it just wasn't entertaining me."

"Bonehead," I mutter just as he pulls to a stop in front of Greg's place.

To my utter astoundment – I'm using big words because I'm that shocked – Grey walks with me to the front door.

I smile, moved by the gesture. "You don't have to walk me to the door, Grey."

He rolls his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself. I just wanted to see if Greg's around."

Yeah, that makes more sense...much more sense...

Grey raises his fist to knock when the front door flings open, nearly taking our heads off in the process.

"Fam!" Laik throws his arms open for me.

I walk straight past him. "'Sup, interloper. Forgot you're around. It was a real blessing."

He merely grins, unfazed. Nothing can hurt his feelings because he doesn't have any, truly. And no amount of rejection can bruise his ego because it's ginormous.

He throws his hands up to the sky as if channeling might and strength. "Keep insulting me, Law! I can feel my power levels increasing by the second!" he jokes in a dramatic fashion.

I stare at him blankly for a second before grinning widely. "You're so out of touch with reality; it's as scary as it is awesome."

I know...I'm the one to talk.

"Where's your sweet gran?" he asks me. "I need her to style my hair again and make it 'more spiky'," he says, referencing the past when he acted as a Super Saiyan in her crazy play.

I laugh at the ridiculous memory. "Okay, now you're just being a troll."

He immediately frowns. "Not happy about that comment, not happy about that comment at all."

I shrug. "It's not my job to keep you happy; it's my job to ruin your happiness."

I don't know how many times I have to explain that to him...

Grey follows me in and glances around. "Greg home yet?"

"Haven't seen him," Laik answers before reprimanding Grey on his manners. "Hello and nice to see you again, by the way."

"You've had one too many hits to the skull if you think we're buds," Grey remarks bluntly. "You made my friend's life a living hell for years. I didn't think I had to ever verbally express it to you but I don't have time for superficial people who think they're better than others."

Laik's face drops in guilt. "Jay and Aqueela have already forgiven me for that."

"No surprise there," Grey responds, looking my way. "But I'm not as forgiving as them."

I nudge my grumpy friend in the side and smile up at him. "You've got to learn to let things go."

"I will not," he replies like a hard-headed mule. "Not when Edwards and his stupid friend added to what Jay was already going through. He was just a kid and dealing with too much but that didn't stop dumb footballers from piling more onto him. You didn't see him with his head in his hands, defeated and ready to give up."

My chest tightens and I feel my heart squeeze painfully. I wish I was there for Jay back then. I wish I entered his high-school life a lot sooner.

"It was Greg and me who had to keep pulling him back from oblivion. It's difficult to forgive the people who contributed to that dark state of mind," Grey continues, putting everything into perspective for not only Laiken but for me too.

Jay and I truly have forgiven Laiken and Mason for everything but maybe it's a good thing for Laiken to hear exactly how his actions affected a seemingly steady guy like Jay.

Feeling for him, I reach out and touch Grey's wrist for a moment. "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry that he had to see his friend severely depressed and I'm sorry that he had to continuously pick Jay up from the ground despite the hard times he was facing within his own life.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Grey Ferrot is the best friend that anyone could ask for. Anyone who has the rare privilege and honor of calling him 'friend', as overrated as it may be, is super blessed and beyond lucky. I know his worth and I know his value, and I don't plan on ever underestimating what he means to me.

Laiken sighs to himself, battling to look Grey in the eye. "I don't know what to say. He never told me any of that."

He wouldn't. Jay's not the type to share about his vulnerable moments in his past unless he really trusts you or has a point to prove.

"You can see that this venal weasel is completely sorry. There's not an ounce of his ratty being that isn't sorry. He looks totally remorseful," I gesture over to Laiken, hoping Grey's rational side, his only side, will see reason. "Everyone makes mistakes and he's gone to task trying to fix his. If we don't forgive, we can't ever expect to be forgiven for our own mistakes."

Grey's ash eyes drill into mine with an intensity that scares me. He knows that I'm talking about his own mistakes with Leila. If he wants forgiveness from her, he needs to be fair and forgive those who have wronged him. It's the only way for harmony to ever exist in an ugly world like this.

He eventually tears his gaze off me before facing Laiken. "Look, I can see you regret it, and I can respect that. If two of the people I trust most in life can let it go, I guess I can try too."

Laiken begins to grin despite himself. "Does this mean—"

"No, we're still not friends," Grey clarifies.

Laik chuckles. "Fair enough."

Thrilled, I throw my arms around Grey and force him into another one of my hugs – I've hugged him about a million times today, and I'm far from being done. "I'm so proud of you. I know that wasn't easy for you."

He lifts his arms above us, refusing to hug me back but letting me have my time with him. "I despise that I'm getting used to this now."

I sigh in content against his chest. "I just really like hugging you. Ironically, I find it peaceful."

I feel Laiken throw his arms around both of us, inviting himself into our one-sided embrace. "This is great. This feels great, you guys."

"Enough! I'm a second away from inverting both of your rib cages!" Grey finally snaps, infuriated with our 'lack of boundaries'.

Laik immediately releases us, not needing to be told twice. I'm assuming he likes his rib cage the way it is. I, however, am always up for change:

"I don't mind my rib cage being inverted," I mumble happily, staying wrapped around him.

With a deep scowl set in place, Grey forcefully removes me from him, limb-by-limb. "I'm laying down new rules...actually, I'm enforcing old rules that you seem to have purposely forgotten. No more hugging me. Ever."

I ignore him and go to hug him again, but he places a hand against my forehead and pushes me back. I fold my arms over my chest and sulk. "I think you should strive to be more like us," I motion to Laik and myself, "and actually embrace people, literally and figuratively."

Laik nods, backing me. "We're class acts. Fact."

"We're awesome people. Fact," I agree with him.

"We're also hot people. Fact."

"We're practically perfect people. Fact."

"Obvi. We're also—"

"Morons," Grey finishes for Laiken. "Fact."

I place a hand over my heart. "Hurtful."

Grey shrugs. "But true."

I roll my eyes at him before directing a curious glance at my good-looking friend again. "So, what did you end up doing all day, Lai?"

He beams from ear to ear at the memory. "It was an eventful day. I first went to go see my mom and then I went around to see Lucy, Rita and my dad. I took Lucy to Dylan's to get an ice-cream—"

"Without me?!" I lose my temper instantaneously.

Taken aback, he raises a dark brow at me, amused.

I grin sheepishly. "Excuse me. Excuse my passion. It's uncontrollable. My apologies. Continue."

"If you want to go out with me so badly, just ask," he teases. "My answer will always be 'what took you so damn long' followed by 'did Jay die?'"

I shake my head and chuckle. At least, he knows where he stands. Jay will always, always be my number one choice.

"Anyway, after the ice-cream, the strangest thing happened to us. We were—"

"Taken?! Kidnapped?!" I cut him off, startled by the devastating news.

Grey flicks me on the side of my head. "Do you have ADHD? Quit interrupting him! The sooner he finishes, the sooner I can dismiss everything he's said."

This whole convo is clearly testing him. He's finding it taxing.

"Sorry, Lai," I mope, taking half of Mr. Grumpy's words on board.

"It's chill, Law. I appreciate your wild's just a pity that it's never used for the right purposes though," he winks suggestively at me.

I pull a face. "Ew."

"So, as I was saying," Laiken carries on with his news, unoffended by my reaction, "we were stopped. These people from a model agency come up to us, specifically me, in absolute awe. They were mystified by my appearance – and who can blame them? I've looked in the mirror all my life, even as a baby, and I still do a double take when I see how striking my features are. Seriously, they had grazes under their chins from all the jaw-dropping. "

Alright, now I'm finding this conversation taxing too.  

"You're hot, we get it," I yawn, bored. "It's no secret."

"They want to recruit me for some shoots," he informs us. "Who knows? Maybe I become a supermodel?"

"If you're serious about pursuing this, talk to Jezel," Grey speaks up, actually contributing to the conversation – I didn't even think he was listening.

I nod. "He's right. Jezel will have tips for you and put you in contact with the right people."

If Laiken approaches Jezel for modelling advice, Troy's going to take offense, 100%. In his head, he's the model in that relationship.

Laik grins devilishly. "Way ahead of you guys. Any excuse to talk to Jezel Sutton. She'"

He's not wrong. Jezel is wow. In a perfect world, she and Laiken would have beautiful babies together. They're both aesthetically appealing and genetically blessed. It would just make sense. The thing about Jezel though is that despite her good looks, she has depth – Lai prefers surface-level relationships.

I furrow my brows. "Hold on. I thought you said that the model agency stopped you and Luce."

"Over my dead body will Luce ever model. I forbid her. No way will she ever pose topless or naked or something. I won't allow it and that's that," he protests, working himself up into a spin. "She's been forbade!"

"I'm not sure that wording make sense," I joke, attempting to calm him down.

"Whatever," he mumbles, unhappy.

"How's she taking it?" I prod.

"She threw this massive, typical teenager tantrum. She even threw things at my head. I was dodging and weaving so much, Law. I'll tell you what, seeing that was all the birth control I've ever needed. Currently, kids are a massive 'no' for me," he tells me.

I instantly regret asking that when I notice Grey's expression change.

"But you're going to consider it though?" I question, hoping to get back to the topic of modelling instead of birth control and kids.

"There's really no considering anything if I get to pose with topless women," he answers in ease. "I'm always down for that. What sane guy wouldn't be?"

I blink up at him, dumbfounded. "You make it really hard to like you, pretend to like you, or to be friends with you."

"I second that," Grey sides with me for once.

"All I heard is that we're friends, dude," Laik says in all smugness. "Or, at least, pretend friends."

Grey shakes his head and shows him the middle finger.

This is a friendship that's bound to never happen...

"Poor Lucy," I comment. "Don't you feel the slightest bit bad for her?"

"No, I don't care. Her feelings are irrelevant when it comes to stuff like this," he argues with me, feeling very strongly about this. "What if I'm I reading a steamy magazine, ten years from now, and I open onto a page of my baby sister looking provocative in skin-tight clothes or something? Hell no! No way. I know why guys buy those kinds of magazines. It's only for one thing, to—"

I stand on my tippy-toes and slap a hand over his mouth. "Stop talking, pervert!"

I'm no expert here but how do you 'read' a steamy magazine? Maybe it's the only 'reading' that he's capable of.

"I'm not a pervert," he angrily disputes.

I angle my head to the side in wonder, dropping my hand. "Pervert say what?"

He frowns. "What?"

I burst out laughing.

It dawns on him. "I hate you. You're actually the worst."

"Maybe we can be friends after all," Grey says, acting in typical 'Grey fashion' – loving everybody who despises me.

Luce huffs at her brother. "You're so stupid."

"She's right, you are stupid," I agree with her before it hits me. "Luce?!" I turn her way in surprise.

"Hi," she waves at me and then at Grey.

My mouth falls agape. "Have you been here the entire time?!"

She nods. "Right next door. I've heard everything my dumb brother has had to say about me."

I whack Laiken on the arm – hard. "You knew she was in the room next door and you didn't tell me?!"

"The more pressing issue here should be how he openly discussed certain topics knowing that his little sister is within hearing distance," Grey sets me straight.

Good point...

I hit Laiken a second time. "And for what he said!"

He flinches. "Ow. Alright. Damn. Lesson somewhat learnt."

I run over to Lucy and embrace her tightly. She's like my own little sister. I adore her and I'd do pretty much anything for her.

"I've missed your beautiful face!" I exclaim, elated to have her here with us.

She giggles. "I've missed your face too, 'Queels."

I pull back and smile at her. "How have you been?"

"Not that great. Don't get me wrong, I love my big brother but he's been horrible today. He totally embarrassed me in front of my guy friends. He told them that I'm on my period and that I'm a bloody mess just to scare them away," she remarks, visibly upset.

I place my hands on my hips and glower up at Lai.

"That power pose is doing things to me. It's a turn-on," he whistles.

"Seriously?" I interrogate him. "You don't do that to a thirteen-year-old."

He drops the antics and shrugs. "What? They shouldn't have all been around her like that. Puberty can be a b*tch."

"Apparently so can you," I reply, unimpressed.

"The self-indulgent ass has also forbade me from a modelling career," she mocks him.

"Lu, what did I say about using the word 'ass'?" her brother asks her pointedly, missing the big picture.

She rolls her eyes at him. "That I must only use it on Blubber."

He crosses his arms over his chest like an alpha male and nods firmly. "That's right."

I shake my head at him. "You're such a great role model."

So glad that it's Grey with the kid...

"Thanks, Law." He pinches my cheek. "You're cute when you're supportive of me."

"And you're unbelievable," I scoff and slap his hand away.

He nudges me playfully, "Full of compliments today, aren't we? I'm flattered."

I really wish I had his groundless confidence sometimes...

"Did you even tell them that you're getting married?" Luce asks her brother, throwing him under the bus in an act of revenge.

"Peace out," Laik flashes us the peace sign before trying to leave the room.

Going just on Luce's body language, this isn't a joke.

I grab Laik's hand and yank him back to me. "Are you really getting married? Like...for real? Like...for real, for real?"

"Disappointed?" he kids. "You waited too long; you've finally lost your shot at me."

"Can you not?" I plead, worried for him.

I don't want to see his apparent marriage fail. I don't want him to get hurt...or hurt someone else. I want him to succeed in whatever crazy relationship he's in but I'm not sure if he's emotionally ready for a life commitment.

"Ask me again," he insists, his way of making things right.

"Are you getting married?" I repeat.

"Yes, I am."

"To who?" Grey takes the words right out of my mouth.

"To anyone and everyone who will have me," he quips.

He always seems to be hiding his true self behind his ego. I can't imagine how exhausting that must get.

"He's going on the reality show, Married At First Sight," Luce straightens it out for us. "He's going to marry a complete stranger."

I scrunch up my face, bewildered. "What would possess you to do something that insane? And this is coming from me so that's saying a lot."

"I'm a wing it kinda guy and I enjoy making choices on the fly," is his lame response.

"Laiken..." I drawl, concerned. "You can't just keep breezing through life like this, with unshakable self-assurance...especially when you're doing the wrong thing."

He sighs before revealing a crack in his surface. "I'm lonely, okay? I've never been in a real relationship. I have no idea what it's like. Everyone around me is busy falling in love and getting married but I'm still in the same position that I was in five years ago. I just want someone too. I want something like what you and Jay have or at least what Max and Bell have."

I had no idea that he, the player of all players, felt this way.

"Aww, Lai-Lai," I cover his hand with both of my hands, "you'll find her. I promise you. You will."

"You think?" There's a vulnerability in his eyes.

I nod profusely. "You're going to find the sweetest girl ever!"

"Not too sweet though."

I smile before gently breaking the news to him. "She will have to be the sweetest, Lai, because she's going to be putting up with you forever."


I reach up and poke the corner of his mouth. "So, chin up and cheer up; she's probably just running a little late."

At that, he returns my smile. "What do you think is keeping her?"

"She's becoming her best self-first," I assure him, confident of what I'm saying. "She's going through life, through experiences, through growth, things that will shape her and prepare her for you. Life's still preparing you for her too, and you require a lot of preparation."

"You have a beautiful way of seeing things, Law," Lai chuckles, the tension leaving him. "You honestly blow me away, sometimes."

Luce agrees with him, "My goal is still to be just like you."

A faint, barely-there smile taints Grey's lips as his eyes find mine.

"Don't get me emotional, guys," I say quietly, uncomfortable. I hate compliments.

Laiken, sensing my unease, changes topics. "Let's circle back to the fact that I'm getting married, guys! I'm stoked!"

"Yay!" I applaud, lifting the energy in the room. I'm only choosing to support him in this because I can see that he really wants to make it work.

"Whoo!" Lai cheers before breaking out into some complex shuffling steps, amazing me – he's still so good at it.

In high school, he was always known as the lean footballer with the quick feet. It was tradition that whenever the football team won or scored a touchdown, he'd lead the team into shuffling. It was funny because none of them could ever keep up with him. His renown spread to other high schools. The opposing schools would film him on their phones.

He was and probably still is the king of shuffling. I've never seen quicker feet.

"Nice! I missed seeing this!" I keep clapping for him, remembering how the crowds would do this for him at parties. He's in his element when he's shuffling.

"For old times' sake?" Lai holds out a hand to me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

A huge smile emerges across my lips as I think back to how we'd shuffle across Mase's place together just to annoy him. We'd even shuffle across the kitchen counters in our socks.

I take his hand and hop in without a second thought, humming a tune. I can shuffle a little bit but I'm not that great and I'm not nearly as fast as Lai.

"Aqueela Lawson, a jack of all trades," Lai chuckles, purposely shuffling into me.

"Laiken Edwards, a jack of all trades but a master of none," I tease him right back before purposely tripping him.

He takes it like a good sport and laughs.

This, this right here, is the Laiken I came to know and love in New York. We used to have the best of times together. Our moments were always fun, light and breezy. It was...easy.

I've really been missing the real him.

"Is this the norm for you guys? Is this something that you guys just do? Literally break out into song and dance? Am I on the Trolls movie or something?" Grey asks me, standing back to watch – nothing new.

I beckon him over. "Join us!"

"I think I'll stick to racing cars," he blatantly rejects my invite.

"At least give us a beat," I chide.

He crosses his arms over his chest. "No."

I don't have time to mull in disappointment; Luce jumps in and starts shuffling beside us, elevating our energy levels. She falls into it so naturally with moves of her own. She's just as good as her brother and definitely better than me. He's taught her well.

Maybe I'm wrong and the era for quicker feet is here.

The awesome moment is savagely pummeled to death when Grey deliberately throws a spanner in the works:

"What if you find the girl unattractive?"

Laiken falters with the shuffling before powering down like a robot, a grimace now on his face as if he didn't even consider that before. "Well...I'm not entirely opposed to divorce."

Grey nods, clearly against Laiken's core beliefs. "Thought as much."

Yeah...they're never going to be friends...

Grey looks my way. "On that note, I'm out of here. Thanks for another one of the worst days of my life that will undoubtedly scar into my brain for eternity."

I blow him a kiss goodbye. "You're so welcome, my ferrot! You can expect more soon!"

He flips me off and nods respectfully at Lucy before leaving.

"He did that on purpose," I announce after his departure.

"He wanted to ruin the moment," Lucy agrees before smacking her brother's arm. "If you're going to give up just because she's ugly, then you're not ready for that show. You can't be picky. You have to accept what you get."

I fold my arms over my chest and take a stand. "The thirteen-year-old makes a good point. You can't judge a person by their outer appearance. That's horrible...but you are generally horrible, so it doesn't really shock me."

"Look, to put it simply, I just want a pretty girl to shuffle through life with me," is his defense.

Before I can attack his weak defense, the door rattles. We hear voices before Boss Man barrels in with Jay following close behind.

I don't know what it is but when my eyes meet those electric blue ones, my heart speeds up and skips a beat before kicking wildly against my chest. He smiles at me, and I feel my entire being light up. It's cheesy but it's how I know that he's the one. That feeling never leaves and I've never felt it for anyone else.

He hands Greg everything that he's carrying. Greg follows his friend's gaze and then rolls his eyes when he realizes where Jay's head is at. He takes everything from Jay and sets it all down on the kitchen counter.

My eyes follow Jay as he walks up to me. The first thing he does is reach for me and bring me into one of his warm hugs. I love his hugs more than life itself sometimes. It's familiar. He makes me feel like I have a home in him, and that's all I really want.

His heart beats calmly against my chest, a comfort I'll never take for granted ever again – I learned that the hard way in New York. He rests his head atop mine and I swear, I fall deeper in love whenever he's near me.

"I missed you," I hear myself saying the words before I even process it myself.

He pulls back from me and smiles again, leaning down to kiss me. "Same."

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. Jay has the kindest eyes I've ever seen. I don't know how to explain it, but he does. He always radiates this relentless kindness that never seems to tire or waver for anyone.

"See. This is what I want," Laiken's voice cuts through our sweet moment. "They only see each other. They become lost in their own world. The rest of us are invisible to them."

Jay snaps out of it and turns to acknowledge the other people in the room. He fist-bumps Lucy. "Hey, Luce. Nice to see you again."

Luce smiles up at him. She's always been a fan of his since he started tag-teaming with her against Max. "Likewise."

"Happy to see your brother?" he asks her, unknowingly stomping all over treacherous grounds.

Lucy huffs. "Meh."

Puzzled, my husband-thing turns to face Laiken. "What did you do?"

Laik shrugs in response. "Be the best brother in the world, I guess."

Luce glares at him. "You are such a liar."

"I know you don't understand this right now but I'm honestly just trying to protect you, Lu. You're my sister and I don't want you to go down the same path as me. You're better than me," Lai tries to explain his point of view to her. "I know I went about it the wrong way but my motives here are pure. I'm not actively trying to make you hate me."

Luce shakes her head at him, not taking his words as graciously as he would've hoped. "Hey, Jay," she glances over at him, "did you know that my brother is getting married?"

Not this again...

Laiken opens his mouth to explain but Jay beats him to it:

"I don't want to know; I don't want to know," he opts out from hearing it.

I hide my smile. He already knows that there's a crazy story behind it and he's not ready, not after a long day on his end. He hates the drama.

"Fair enough," Lai drops it, glad to not have to tell him about the bizarre social experiment that he's chosen to partake in.

"What I really want to know, man, is did you get drafted by the NFL?" Jay asks Laik, a huge grin on his face. "You never let us know."

I slap my forehead. I cannot believe I forgot to ask Laiken that. I've been so preoccupied on trying to 'fix' him, as in transform him from sleazeball to gentleman, that I haven't really asked about how he's doing in life.

"Dude!" Laik shares his grin, his mood lifting as he brings Jay in for a bro-hug. "You don't even know! I'm so stoked! I got in."

"The one thing about you that I'm actually proud of," Luce chirps, high-fiving her bro.

Jay hits Lai on the back, genuinely happy for him. "I had faith. I knew you would. You've had great talent since high school days. You should've been scouted a long time ago."

"Thanks, bro," Laik replies in earnest.

You can't wipe that smile off his face even if you tried. I might try...

"You're still going to be playing your usual position then?" Jay asks him.

He nods. "Running back. Yeah."

"Nice, Laiken. That's so cool," Greg shakes his hand. "You and Jay are going places."

Laik backtracks. "What do you mean?"

"I have one foot back in F1," Jay fills him in. "Nothing big though. Just a reserve driver."

Laik shakes his head in awe. "That is big, dude. You're even more impressive in person."

"You've only ever known me in person," Jay contends, confused.

"Whatever, you know what I mean. Congrats, dude," Lai brings him back in for another bro-hug, proud of him – bromance at its finest.

"Alright guys, break it up and dig in; Jay bought pizza!" Boss Man announces, seemingly forgetting that Laiken was only supposed to be here for one night.

Many people in his home is his new normal...

"Pizza?" I question excitedly. It's not often we get takeout food because Jay stubbornly insists on following a healthy lifestyle.

Jay shrugs. "I figured we could stray today."

Satisfied, I grab a slice of pizza and then scoot closer to Lai. When he least expects it, I give him a quick side-hug. "Well done," I congratulate him. "I'm sorry if I've been hard on you lately. I just...I don't know...I miss the real you."

"Yeah," he laughs, taking my apology well, "you haven't really thrown me a bone since I got here but I know I haven't been the best version of myself. I'm...yeah, I'm facing a lot right now. Thanks though, Law, and I'm sorry for disappointing you and not being the guy that you remember."

I pat his arm. "Try your best to stop being a trash bag. Also, does this mean you're staying in New York? Isn't the NFL headquarters located somewhere there?"

He nods. "Yeah."

I pout playfully. "And here I thought that you might be considering relocating back here."

He chuckles. "No, I wish though. I miss being close to my family."

"Aww, that's surprisingly sweet of you," I reply, a little stunned. "I guess it's convenient to stay in New York though 'cause Mase and the company are there?"

It appears as if he wants to say something more on the topic but instead settles for, "Right."

He's hiding something but I decide not to push the subject...for now. I'll bide my time and press for answers when the moment calls for it.

Jay walks over to us and places something in my hand. "This is yours."

I look down and see the key in my hand. My name is ingrained onto it. "You're going to have to elaborate."

"It's pretty self-explanatory. That's your key to our new place. We start packing tonight because we're moving in tomorrow," he updates me, an easy grin on his lips.

"Awesome! Finally! Farewell! I'm so happy! Best news ever!" Boss Man celebrates before I can get a word in. He's more overjoyed by the news than I am.

"Wow," I comment, shooting him a look, "tell us how you really feel."

Unfazed by my glare, he shoves Laiken into us. "This is yours! Don't forget to take it with you guys. Like any object, if its left behind, I throw it away."

I take Lucy by the hand and draw her to me. "Wouldn't want to leave this object behind either."

Boss Man directs a deadly look my way. "What's the matter with you? She's a human being, Aqueela!"

I read this wrong...


Hey, guys :)

I hope you enjoyed the full chapter.

1. Did you think Grey would leave her to walk home?

2. Surprised by Grey's dislike for Laiken? 

3. Do you feel for Laiken at all or does he deserve it? 

4. Would you like a Grey in your life or is he too mean? 

5. Can Grey and Laiken ever be friends? Why or why not? 

6. Favourite part of this chapter? Why?

7. Favourite one-liner from this chapter?

8. Thoughts on Laiken becoming a model? Yay or nay? 

9. Is Laiken being unfair to Lucy? Why or why not? 

10. Thoughts on Lucy's relationship with her brother? 

11. Thoughts on Lucy's relationship with Aqueela? 

12. How is Luce handling her teen years?

13. Thoughts on Laiken's decision to get married? 

14. Thoughts on Aqueela's old memories with Laiken? 

15. Thoughts on Laiken making the NFL? 

16. Where do you predict Jay and Laiken will be in five years? 

17. Thoughts on Greg's reaction to them moving out? Valid or not?

Take care :)

~ CJ

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