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The much anticipated wedding was the biggest celebration to hit California all year.

Miller Bradley wore Gucci. Claire Ryan in Versace. Both stood barefoot on the white sands of the Pacific, contented smiles decorating their faces. Everyone who was anyone was there. The Jolie-Pitts, the Beckhams, the Wests. Styles with his date, Bieber and his entourage.

The happy couple stood at the makeshift alter, comfortably situated on the beach behind their Malibu home. It was a beautiful day to get married, not even one cloud visible in the smog-less, blue sky.

"Do you, Miller, take Claire to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?" the wedding officiant asked, as the mid-afternoon sun danced across the nearly two hundred guests in attendance. "Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her? For better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"

Miller turned to Claire, deep love and respect evident in his eyes. "I do." The smile on his face stretched even wider.

"And do you, Claire, take Miller to be your wedded husband, to live together --" A tiny gasp escaped from Claire's ruby-red lips and her brown eyes widened with alarm.

"Claire," Miller began, immediately concerned. "Are you alright?"

Her slender hands flew to her swollen stomach, and a thin layer of sweat beaded her perfectly shaped brows. "It's -the - baby, Miller," she whispered. "I think my water just broke."

An excited murmur made its way throughout the crowd as everyone turned to study the bride, watching anxiously to see what would happen next.

The preacher spoke rapidly, a grin spreading across his face. "Then, we'd better make this quick. We've got a baby on the way!" He finished their vows at record speed. "Do you promise to love him, honor him, and forsake all others? For richer, poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?"

Miller's arm wrapped tightly around Claire's waist, while his other hand landed on her midsection, allowing her to rest against him. "I . . . do," she breathed, looking as lovely as ever. Miller began to guide her down the long isle as the preacher followed closely behind.

"Then with the power vested in me, on this most joyous of days, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Miller, you may kiss your bride - very quickly, I might add!" He laughed, his rotund belly shaking with delight.

Miller leaned down and gave Claire a peck on the lips, his shoulders tight with anticipation. "Sorry," he announced with a nervous smile. "I know we need to hurry, but I have to make this official." Nothing could have prepared him for how excited and scared he would feel at the birth of their first child.

Claire looked up into his eyes, a blissful expression adorning her features. "Then kiss me like you mean it," she said, smiling back.

"But . . . the baby . . ." he questioned, confused.

"I'm not leaving here until you kiss me properly. I've been waiting a long time to become your wife, Miller Bradley. We're doing this right."

Miller broke out into a wide grin and positioned himself in front of her, as closely as her condition would allow. She was right. This marriage had been a long time coming. No way was he cutting corners.

After several months of diligence, they had just recently broken ground on a brand new shelter situated in downtown L.A., catering to the many teenage runaways that lived on the streets. It would be called Marie's House, Claire's suggestion. All their hard work was finally about to pay off, and they were in need of a little rest and relaxation before the shelter officially opened its doors. And since Miller had decided to produce Runaway independently, who knew when the chaos would end? But he loved every minute of it. There was already talk of his screenplay taking over the Sundance Film Festival next year, and he knew he owed it all to Marie.

Claire reached her arms up and wrapped them tightly around Miller's neck as their lips met for their first embrace as husband and wife. They were only vaguely aware of the applause that exploded around them.

"Okay," she said suddenly, pulling away. "Now . . . we need to go." Claire's hands instinctively flew to her stomach, protectively snuggling the little one that waited inside. "This is it," she breathed happily. "We're going to become parents."

"What a way to celebrate our wedding vows, huh?" Miller asked. Bewildered covered his handsome face. It was hard to believe that only five months ago, the lives of both Claire and the baby hung precariously in the balance. Not knowing if they were going to survive the car accident had felt like torture to him, and as surprised as he had been by the news of the pregnancy, never once had he been unsure about wanting the baby. This little life was created through the love he shared with the most amazing woman he had ever known, and he couldn't imagine his life without either one of them in it.

"I can't think of a more appropriate way," Claire answered. Her gaze locked on his. "I love you, Miller. You're going to make a wonderful husband and father."

Miller planted a kiss on top of her head as he quickly guided her toward the waiting limo. "I love you, too. And I can't wait to get you and our baby home so we can begin our lives together."

They arrived at Los Angeles County Memorial at 3:37 pm with their wedding party in tow.

The parents of the bride sat on the edge of their seats, waiting patiently on the birth of their first grandchild. The divorced parents of the groom waited with their respective spouses in a similar fashion, excitement making its way throughout the crowded room.

Ashton and Juliana took turns pacing. Every once in awhile, if one were looking closely enough, they would catch a shared look between the two girls, or a comforting rub on the back. They regarded each other with the warmth only shared by two people in love. Juliana had been shot in the chest, less than an inch away from her heart. After she awoke from a medically-induced coma, she was shocked to find not only Ashton, but Vivian Landsbury as well, waiting anxiously by her bedside. Both women took on the role of mothering her until her family arrived from Columbia, and during that time, the unlikely pair had formed an alliance. They put their differences aside and tended to the one person they both cared deeply for. Ashton, realizing just how profound her feelings for Juliana were, and Vivian admitting to loving her as well, as a mother would love a daughter. But not having a child of her own - and lacking those necessary maternal skills - wasn't the best at showing her emotions. She'd taken care of Juliana over the years as best she knew how, with a firm hand. The three formed a tight bond during the weeks working toward Juliana's recovery, and continued to meet up regularly for lunch at Spago.

Once feelings were finally confirmed, Ashton and Juliana committed to each other immediately, and now shared the joy of owning a home together, guarded with the best security system money could buy. They happily gave up their former lifestyles, now content with the high that being in a loving relationship provided. Both took some time off from their careers to settle into their new lives, making them two of the most sought after starlets in the entertainment industry.

Martin Berkovich was the first to drop by with a housewarming gift, his new girlfriend by his side. The two couples grew very close in the months following the tragedy, and now made it a point to meet regularly for food, friendship and fun.

When Ashton was not with Juliana, she spent much of her free time getting to know her father. Learning that Oliver McGee was indeed family, a blood test proving her mother's story to be true, brought about a much needed feeling of closure. Ashton had always wondered who her father was, and now that she knew she was determined to make the most of it. Oliver, as it turned out, was unexpectedly receptive to the idea. Perhaps he believed he'd failed one child and wanted to do right by Ashton. He went out of his way to foster their new relationship and that of his two eldest daughters. The family ties grew stronger during the trying weeks after the shooting, especially as Oliver needed around-the-clock care. The bullet lodged deep into his spine, and doctors felt it was safest to leave it right where it was. The injury had left Oliver a paraplegic and he lost the mobility of his legs. He relied on a wheelchair to take him where he needed to go. But after much inner turmoil, he eventually came to terms with his predicament, secretly believing it was his punishment for not having been the father Natalie had so desperately deserved. With each passing day, he grew stronger, the love and encouragement of his new-found daughter slowly easing his pain.

When Marilyn Montgomery heard the news of the shooting, initial details had been sketchy. At first, she'd been told it was Ashton who had been shot, and she rushed to the hospital in a panic, silently cursing herself for the years she had wasted acting so petty. Ashton was her only child, but she had treated her more like an enemy. She needed to right the many wrongs she had committed, and vowed to mend the relationship she'd damaged so long ago. Things between mother and daughter were still somewhat strained, but everyday Marilyn felt they were slowly making progress. It was her hope that one day Ashton would be able to forgive her for the unhappy years of her childhood, and for keeping her father a secret for so long.

And she had an unexpected ally taking her side. After Juliana was released from the hospital, she'd contacted Marilyn and gave her a piece of her mind. She tore into her about the years spent making Ashton feel unworthy, and it was at that moment Marilyn realized that what her daughter shared with Juliana was the real thing. As uncomfortable as it made her feel at first, she learned to except their relationship, and slowly the three formed a friendship. It was all Marilyn could ask for.

Brooks and Anna sat side by side in the waiting room, holding hands and staring into each others eyes, seemingly oblivious to the crowd around them. Their conversation was quiet, meant only for the two of them to hear.

Anna resided for weeks at Brooks' bedside in the hospital, holding his hand as he struggled to breath and as he awoke from nightmares the shooting had left him with. The bullet had grazed his lung, causing it to collapse. The chest tube the doctors had inserted to help drain the extra fluid and air from around his lung had been uncomfortable, and even though Brooks never admitted it, fear was etched deeply across his face. His vulnerability broke Anna's heart, and she could no longer deny the feelings she was developing for him. In a surge of bravery, she finally admitted how she felt, and he confided to feeling the same way. As unlikely a couple as the two were, they both believed they were meant to be together.

Brooks confessed to her about Brianna Walters and the baby, and Anna promised to stay by his side should the child turn out to be his. Brooks didn't know what he had done to deserve an angel like Anna, but he promised himself he would spend every day of his life making sure she knew how much he loved her. On the day he was released from the hospital, he asked Anna to marry him. She, of course, said yes. They decided to take it slow and opted for a longer engagement, just to make sure they didn't rush into something as serious as marriage too quickly. But they both knew what they had would last forever . . . they were just meant to be.

After Brooks was released from the hospital, Jonathon Walters eventually made an appearance at his new Malibu beach house, and demanded if Brianna's baby was his he do right by his daughter and marry her instead. Brooks made a promise that he would always take care of the baby, but he was in love with someone else. He would be marrying Anna, and that was that. Jonathon threw a fit, and promised Brooks he hadn't heard the last of him. But once Brianna was far enough along in her pregnancy, an amniocentesis was performed, and a small sample of the placenta was obtained for a paternity test. Brooks was notified by Brianna herself that he was not the father of her baby. It was his good friend Avi, who was only too happy to oblige to Jonathon Walters' rules. He knew a free ride when he saw it, and Avi was never one to pass up such an opportunity.

Brianna and Avi were married one week after her high school graduation, in a small, quiet ceremony held at the home of Jonathon and Tiffany Walters. Jonathon bought his only daughter and her new husband a house just down the street from his, where he would be close enough to keep an eye on his headstrong offspring. Brianna couldn't have been happier. She'd landed the man of her dreams and was about to give birth to little Avriel Junior. And Avi felt as if he'd finally hit the jackpot. It was a match made in Hollywood Heaven.

But no one was happier than Brooks and Anna. They'd sent the happy couple a box of condoms as a wedding gift. Anonymously, of course.

At precisely 5:23 pm on their wedding day, Miller and Claire welcomed into the world a six pound two ounce bouncing baby girl. As the birthing team cleaned the tiny infant, the sound of their daughter's first cries could be heard.

The new parents exchanged a tender kiss as the soft pink bundle was placed into their arms.

"Welcome to the world my precious Louisa Marie," the baby's mother announced proudly. "I'm your mommy and this is your daddy." Claire smiled, her whole face lighting up. She glanced up at Miller, his eyes bright with tears, then down again at the tiny figure cuddled warm in her arms. And for the first time in a long time, Claire felt truly complete.


Hello, and thank you for reading the final chapter of Fast Lane, I hope you're happy with the ending! This story originally started out as my project for the 50,000 word #JustWriteIt Challenge, and as it sits right now (in it's first draft state) it is approximately 85,000 words. If you liked this chapter I ask that you kindly leave a vote/comment - I love hearing from you!

Thank you so much for reading my story until the very end. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of you!

As many of you know, my story Strawberry Wine was chosen as the winner of The Write Affair writing contest and will be published in both print and eBook February 2017! I couldn't have done this without you, but I need your support now more than ever.

Check out my website DarlyJamison.com and sign up for my email list to be notified of giveaways and sneak peeks and look me up on Twitter or Facebook, too! It's also up for preorder on Amazon! YAY! https://www.amazon.com/Strawberry-Wine-Darly-Jamison/dp/1420141643

(Fast Lane Epilogue approx. 2,196 words for a total of approximately 85,215 words - I did it!!!)

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