Act 1: The Soul Thief | Scene 3

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Scene 3: Past Apprentice

[Curtains open.]

[Enter Burne, Cecil, and Drenum, into Riided forest.]

Burne: It started with my apprenticeship along with a once great friend of mine, Drenum the Defender. Our master was a noble paladin named Cecil Valen. I couldn't have had a better trainer in the entire world. I would never trade him for the world. I was even younger and more inexperienced than now. Back then though, my hair was black, and my armor was white, but now it is in reverse. But before you ask why, Illuim. Know that you will find such answers through my words. Speaking of such, I will begin my exact words, for I never forget.

Cecil: You lads ready to hunt?

Burne: ...yes.

Drenum: Ready as ever, master!

Cecil: Good. Than look to this tree.

Drenum: It is white, master. Why is such things?

Cecil: These trees are actually white because they were born at the same time as Paige. They were given such, to bring mark to new life.

Drenum: I see. Thank you, master.

Burne: You do not always need to call Cecil by title.

Drenum: It is a sign of respect, you should try it sometime.

Burne: Your words sound rivalrus? Do you wish to face me?! Draw your blade if you wish, for it will be the last time you do so!

Drenum: Very well! May your death be swift!

[Action: Both Burne and Drenum begin to clash blades, Burne surpassing with ease.]

Burne: A small fight began then. I being his former made the fight shameful, for there was no challenge for me against the fresh and new. Luckily, it was stopped before I slayed unto him. For at that time, I knew no restraint.

[Action: Burne brings Drenum to the ground, going into a pose to stab him in the chest.]

Cecil: Burne, how dare you! To attack your weaker like this! Have you no honor?!

[Action: Burne goes to stab, but stops barely hitting his breastplate. Burne shuts his eyes and winces.]

Burne: I am sorry... master Cecil.

Drenum: Huh, huh, huh...

Cecil: It is not entirely your fault. Drenum! Your enactment of rage was the flare that lit the fire! Burne does not tolerate hostility from others. He never has and I already warned you of such. You knew better. When both of you return to Steelwater castle when trainings over you will both be extras on nightwatch! Same sector!

Drenum: Yes sir!

Burne: Damn it...

Cecil: But yet, we are not done here. Again, you see this tree?

Drenum: Yes, but now that I draw closer, I see a mark carved into its surface.

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