Fatal Love

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"You will always be mine even when I'm not yours."


Love has no boundaries. It can happen anytime anywhere with the person you least expected. But sometimes Love becomes the cause of pain when you lose that person. It's strange that two people belonging to different religion can be brothers, sisters or friends but they cannot be lovers or a couple.

A story of two individuals who loved each other passionately but weren't destined to be together.

Mayank Joshi- Loving, caring, handsome guy who respects everyone. He befriended girls but never had relationships. He never wanted to have girlfriend until the day he met Mahia. The girl whose innocence and simplicity trapped his heart.

Mahia Abdul- Innocent bubbly girl with a loving and caring personality. She hated relationships but unknowingly fall for Mayank..


The classroom was bustling with students who were busy in their own world. Some of them busy in gossiping, some enjoying with their friends while some playing pranks on others. They just wanted to enjoy their last year in college.

Mayank entered the classroom and was looking for his friends. He moved towards them not paying attention to the girls who were shamelessly checking him out. On his way, he heard some girls talking about the new student of exchange program. He went near his friends and did a man hug. They were discussing about the football league and players.

Everyone was busy in their own bubble when someone entered the classroom. All gazes moved towards the door and there stood Mahia dressed in a black top and white jeggings. Her hair tied in a simple side braid placed on left shoulder. She was fair in complexion with grey eyes, pointed nose and pink lips. She had beautiful lashes which were coated with mascara. She became conscious with the stares and lowered her gaze; her lashes kissing her cheeks.

Mayank was mesmerized with the beauty in front of him. He forgot to blink as if spellbound with her charm. His heart was hammering in his chest and he felt all jittery. He could sense her nervousness but he was feeling helpless. His heart and mind refusing to take eyes off her. He was keenly observing her every feature and move. The way she put her fringe behind the ear, her shivering eyes, biting lips everything.

Few minutes later, the professor entered the room to see a very nervous Mahia. He took her towards the centre and introduced her.

"Boys and girls, she is Mahia Abdul, exchange program student. And Mahia these are your new classmates." Professor said.

Mahia looked at her classmates and smiled at them which showed off her dimple. Some students waved at her while some gave a nod. After the short intro session, Mahia settled beside a girl in the third row. She did a handshake with the girl next to her whose name was Vaani. Vaani introduced herself and informed her about the current class.

The professor began to discuss about the importance of literature. Mahia focused on the lecture unaware about the person who was gazing her without blinking. On the other hand, Mayank was restless to have a clear look of her whose back was towards him. He continued to gaze her not bothering about his surroundings.

The sound of the bell brought him out of the trance. He looked at his left where his friends were eyeing him with a mischievous smirk. He knew that nothing good came from those smirks. He was praying to God to save him from his prankster friends. As soon as the professor left, his friends called Mahia. Mayank's heartbeat increased as if he had ran a marathon. His gaze moved towards her who was already looking at them.

Mahia was confused when they called her but nevertheless she moved towards them. They introduced themselves and started to converse with her. Mahia looked at Mayank who was all silent. He didn't speak a word neither did he introduced himself. Mahia being the ever so friendly took the initiative.

"Hey! I'm Mahia."

Mayank looked at Mahia who forwarded her hand for handshake. He smiled at her gesture and shook hands with her.

"Hi. I'm Mayank."

Mahia have a different aura which always attract people towards her. It's hardly been an hour and she already made friends. She was at ease with them as if they have known each other since years.

'Their friendship was the beginning of a beautifully fatal love story.'


As days passed, Mahia became a part of the gang which had 4 boys and 4 girl's including Vaani. They always hang out during the free hour's.

Mahia learnt more about Mayank in these days. His character, his friendliness, his cool nature, everything about him attracted her towards him. On the other hand Mayank's feelings were growing deeper and deeper.

Everything was going smooth until the day of Mayank's grandmother's demise. She was Mayank's biggest support. She was not only his grandmother but also his friend, companion, his teacher who introduced him to the world of music. She taught him to sing and also play instruments.

But her sudden death had a huge impact on Mayank. He isolated himself from everyone and hardly spoke. Mahia knew it was difficult for him but his behaviour was affecting her. She was missing his friendly gestures, the warmth of his eye's, the way he looked at her as if she is the most beautiful girl.

Unable to withstand his behaviour, Mahia decided to confront him. During recess, she forcefully took him to have lunch with her. He tried to deny but her angry glare was enough to shut him up. She took him in one corner of the canteen where no one can disturb them. He was eating in silence which was disturbing Mahia. So she decided to break the ice.

"You know Mayank, people come in our life with a purpose. And once the purpose is accomplished they leave us. While some people stay with us throughout our life. But everyone's time is destined. One or the other day, everyone has to go. We cannot change the destiny; we should just go with the flow."

Mahia looked at Mayank who already had his gaze fixed on her. She could see different emotions reflecting in his eye's. He was broken and she wanted to heal him.

"It's fated Mayank. Today I'm here with you but who knows tomorrow I might ........."

Mayank didn't let her complete her sentence. He hit his hand on the table with such force that it scared Mahia. She looked at him whose eye's were now filled with rage.

"Never ever speak such nonsense Mahia. You befriended me and now you have to be with me throughout our life." Mayank spoke through gritted teeth.

"Mayank I didn't mean it that way. I was just ...." Mahia tried to speak but he didn't let her.

" I don't care what you meant. Get this thing straight in your mind that we will be together always."

Mahia's heart skipped it's beat upon hearing that. Unknown to her, a different feeling took birth in her. She couldn't name it but she knew Mayank is the most important person in her life.

"Okay I'm sorry for speaking such words. But I can't see you like this. I want my old friend back who was so caring and loving." Mahia said looking straight in his eye's. Mayank's face broke into a big smile listening to her words. It was the first time he smiled after his grandmother passed away.

"I promise." That's all he said looking at her whose face lit up with a beautiful smile showing off her dimple.

'Her care was a step ahead towards a beautiful feeling called Love.'


Three months passed away and both of them have grown more close to each other. Mayank became protective for her while Mahia took extra care of him. They both have fallen for each other but couldn't bring themselves to confess their feelings.

Mahia always remind herself that they can never be together. Even though his every gesture touches her but she kept defying it. Her heart speeds up every time, whenever he called her Mahi instead of Mahia.

She felt her heart being stabbed whenever she saw Mayank with Pia. Pia was their classmate who was extremely beautiful and charming. Not only her class boys, even other department boys were behind her. However, Pia was interested in Mayank who never paid attention to her.

The college organized a singing competition for students and faculty. Pia asked Mayank to help her in learning music. Mayank agreed to her request and started helping her in the free hours because of which he didn't had enough time for Mahia.

Seeing Mayank and Pia together, everyone started gossiping about them being in a relationship. Even though it hurts Mahia but she acted all strong and showed as if it isn't a big deal. She was fighting a battle which she had lost long back. She realized that she loves Mayank but was trying her best to resist it.

'Little did she know that none can resist this feeling.'

Finally the day of competition arrived. On one hand Mahia was acting all strong while on the other side Mayank decided to confess his feelings for her through the song. Mayank's song was kept at the last on his request.

Pia joined her friends once she was done with her performance. She sat behind Mahia and started telling her friends about the time she and Mayank had spent. She was doing it on a purpose to hurt Mahia. And her next words were like an arrow which did hit the target. She told her friends that Mayank is dedicating his performance to her.

Soon Mayank came on the dais and started singing looking at Mahia. But Mahia thought that he is looking at Pia since she said he was dedicating the song for her.

Hum tere bin ab reh nahi sakte. Tere bina kyaa vajood meraa

(I can't live without you now. What's my existence without you..)

Tujh se judaa gar ho jaayenge. To khud se hi ho jaayenge judaa

(If I get separated from you, I'll be separated from my own self..)

Kyonki tum hi ho
Ab tum hi ho
Zindagi, ab tum hi ho
Chain bhi, meraa dard bhi
Meri aashiqui ab tum hi ho

(Because you alone are,
Now you only are,
life. You're my life.
My peace, and my pain,
you alone are my love..)

Teraa meraa rishtaa hai kaisaa
Ik pal door gawaaraa nahi
Tere liye har roz hain jeete
Tujh ko diyaa meraa waqt sabhi
Koi lamhaa meraa naa ho tere binaa
Har saans pe naam teraa

(How's this relationship of ours,
I don't like distance of even a moment
Every day, I live for you
All my time is for you..
There shouldn't be a moment of mine without you,
There is your name on every breath..)

Mahia couldn't take it anymore, so she left the auditorium and went to the restroom. The tears which she was controlling began to flow continuously. She was trying to console herself but failing miserably. 

"It's okay Mahi you are strong."

But Mayank has so much effect on her that even she started calling herself as Mahi. After few minutes she washed her face and corrected her appearance. She didn't want to go back to auditorium so she made her way towards the classroom which was empty. She removed her books and tried to concentrate but Pia's words were continuously ringing in her ears.

Mayank saw Mahia leaving in between. He wanted to go after her but he couldn't leave his performance in between. After his performance he went near Vaani and asked about Mahia. He then moved towards classroom looking for her.

She was trying to focus but she felt as if she was being watched. She looked up from her book and saw Mayank standing at the door observing her every move. She became conscious and immediately looked away. Mayank moved forward and stood in front of her. Mahia knew she would break down if she looked at him, so she kept her gaze lowered.

Mayank caught her hand and in a swift motion pulled her towards him. Mahia was shocked with his act and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why did you leave in between Mahi?" Mayank asked but Mahia kept mum not wanting to fall weak in front of him.

He pulled her more towards him and said, "Answer me Mahi."

Mahia controlled herself from sounding feeble. She looked at him and said, "I wasn't feeling well, so I came here."

"You didn't even wait for my performance to end and left in between. Why?" Mayank countered Mahia.

"I told you I was not feeling well so I left. And my presence doesn't matter." She said trying to create distance between them but failing miserably.

"How can you say your presence doesn't matter haan?" Mayank said in a slightly irritated tone.

Mahia was trying hard to move away from him but he wasn't letting her go. Her heart was hammering in her chest with their proximity. She lost her temper when he failed all her attempts to create distance between them and yelled at him.

"It doesn't matter Mayank. Why are you even here? Go to your girlfriend who is waiting for you and leave me alone." Mayank smiled at her outburst. He was happy seeing her jealous.

"Are you jealous Mahi?" He asked her and she looked at him with anger in her eye's.

"No I'm not. Just leave me and go from here." She said wiggling in his arms. The more she pushed him, the more he came closer to her.

"I'm not going anywhere Mahi. Get this thing in your mind. And your presence matters the most in my life." He said looking in her eyes.

"Why?" That's all she could say since her voice began to break. She was falling weak in his arms.

"Because I Love You Mahi. I love you so very much." Mayank confessed in a soft tone looking in her eyes. 

The tears which she was holding found their way out. No matter how much she try she can never resist him. Don't know when and how but he rules her heart now.

"I Love You too." She whispered not trusting her voice. A tear slipped from his eye on hearing her confession and his lips twitched up in a beautiful smile. They hugged each other passionately not wanting to leave even an inch gap between them.

'Her jealousy marked the beginning of their journey of love.'


Only a day had passed since they confessed and Mahia was ignoring Mayank. He called her so many times last night but she didn't answer his calls. Nor did she reply to any of his messages. Mayank was restless when she didn't respond. He wanted to go and check on her but stopped himself.

Mahia was simply sitting in her room staring at nothing in particular. She have seen all the calls and messages but didn't respond. She kept on reminding herself that they can never be together. They belong to different religions and no one will accept their relationship. That night she cried herself to sleep.

Next day she woke up late with swollen eyes. Her face had dried tear marks and was red due to crying. She got ready and was in a hurry as she was late. She was 15 minutes late to class. The lecturer warned her and let her in. She went and settled beside Vaani not even glancing once at him.

Mayank was hurt when she didn't even spare a glance at him. He observed her whose eyes were swollen, as if she cried. He was looking at her hoping she would turn but Mahia kept herself busy in her books. Vaani placed her hand on Mahia's hand as she knew what she was going through.

"Okay class. You have to write about 3 authors of different genre. Select your partners for the assignment. I will be back in few minutes." Saying so the lecturer moved out of the class.

"Mayank lets be partners. I'm sure we will make a good pair." Pia suggested. Mahia was hurt with her words but didn't lift her head. She was trying her best to avoid any eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry Pia. But I already make best pair with someone else. I can't be you partner." Mayank replied looking at his Mahi who still didn't look at him.

The lecturer came and said them to submit the assignment by next week. Saying so she dismissed the class and left.

Mayank didn't waste a second and took Mahia with him towards the auditorium. He knew no one will be there in the auditorium.

"What's wrong with you Mahi? Why didn't you answer my calls or messages? Even now you are ignoring me as if I don't exist. Speak up." He said shaking her by shoulder.

The tears she was controlling began to flow on their own accord. Mayank panicked seeing her in tears. He cupped her face to look in her eyes. She removed his hands and spoke, "We should end all this Mayank. We can never be together."

Mayank was staring at her blankly trying to understand what she was blabbering. He again caught hold of her pulling her to himself and said, "What are you saying Mahi? What happened in a day that you want to end everything?"

"It's not about a day but lifetime. We loved each other forgetting the fact that we belong to different religions. You are a Hindu and I'm Muslim. People from different religion can be friends but not lovers. Lets end this before it's too late." Mahia spoke trying her best to make him understand.

"Is it easy for you to forget everything. Don't you love me?" Mayank said with tears in his eyes. Mahia was about to speak but he didn't let her. 

"Do you trust me Mahi? Mayank asked to which she nodded. "Then don't think of all this. We will be together no matter what. Just trust me please." She hugged him and broke down in his arms. He held her tightly rubbing her back to calm her.

"Come lets go. I want to take you somewhere." He said holding her hands. "But Mayank we have classes." Mahia said. "Sshhh.. No more attending classes. Lets go." Mayank pulled her along not allowing her to speak further.

He brought her to his favourite place. He comes there whenever he is happy or sad. "Why did you bring me at highway?" Mahia asked.

"God Mahi you ask a lot of questions. Come here." He said turning her around. Whole city was visible from there. Mahia smiled looking at the view in front of her.

"You know Mahi, I love this place. It's my dream to be a singer and rule people's heart. And this place is so special to me. I brought you here because you are the most special person in my life." Saying so he went on his knees.

"I love you so much Mahi. No matter what I want you beside me in this journey of love. I promise to keep you happy always. And this place marks the beginning of our love story." Mayank said. Mahia blushed at his words and reciprocated his feelings.

'That place witnessed the journey of two lovers who were hopelessly in love.'


Both were happy in their own bubble not bothering about the future. They loved and cherished every moment they spent together. Mayank would dedicate songs for her and also play guitar just for her for his Mahi. 

On Mahia's birthday, Mayank dedicated her the song which he wrote for her. Mahia was very happy with her life. Mayank made every moment of her life lovable.

But all days aren't the same. Their college was coming to end. And maybe their love as well. Mahia was sitting and devouring snacks with her mother.

"Mahia I want to tell you something." Mahia's mother spoke getting all serious. She looked at her mother and blinked her eyes signalling her to continue.

"In two months your college will end. And we decided to get you married." Her mom's word left her in shock. Few minutes before she was content with her life and now it feels that everything is falling apart.

"What? I don't want to get married anytime soon Maa." Mahia said with fear building in her. The mere thought of being away from Mayank was killing her. She always feared this moment.

"Stop acting childish. You are 20 years and its the correct time for marriage. We have already seen a match for you and we feel that the boy is perfect." Her mother's words were like someone stabbing her heart. She started feeling suffocated. She wanted to run away from this harsh reality. She decided to confront her parents and tell them about Mayank in a hope that they will support her.

When she told her parents about Mayank, they were shocked and hurt. She couldn't stand the fact that she was betraying them from so long. The hurt in her father's eye broke her heart into pieces. He always pampered Mahia with everything. He always consider her soft and sensitive like a feather. Her father didn't hit or scold her. He just asked her to select anyone of them.

She was divided into two halves. One half wanted to be with her Mayank and other half want to be with her parents. She didn't knew what to do. She need to tell Mayank everything including her decision. Again a night where Mahia cried herself to sleep.

It was the beginning of the time where everything seems to fall apart.


Next day Mahia went to college only to end everything. Yes she decided to end her relation with him. No doubt that she loved him more than herself but not more than her parents. She was waiting for her classes to end soon.

After the class, Mahia took Mayank to the auditorium and told him everything about the past day. Mayank was shocked and hurt. He never thought about it and now even thinking of leaving Mahia was enough to kill him. And when she told him about her decision, Mayank felt as if he would die.

"No Mahi. We will find a way out of this. How can you think of leaving me like that?" Mayank said not believing that she wanted to end everything.

"I'm sorry Mayank. I love you and will continue to do so but I can't leave my parents." Mahia said in a broken voice and tears wetting her cheeks.

Mahia didn't wait for his response and left the place. She was angry on herself. Only if she would have listened to her mind instead of her heart, they wouldn't have been in this situation. She was right from the beginning that they can never be together. And the fact that she had hurt her parents and Mayank made her hate herself.

Only two months were left for exams. Mahia decided to stay at home and prepare for exams. Going to college everyday and face him was difficult for her. She wasn't that strong to hold back herself from going near him. Mayank tried to contact her but she have blocked him.

Though her parents were hurt but were relieved and happy with her decision. They were worried about their prestige rather than their daughter whose heart was now brutally broken and shattered.

On the other hand, Mayank was broken too. He hardly spoke to anyone and mostly locked himself in his room. He started spending his entire time on the highway where he proposed Mahia and promised to be with her. Every memory of her was making him die thousands of death. He was more like a living corpse without her. And for the first time he tasted alcohol thinking it would help him forget her. He started smoking and participating in illegal bike racing.

His parents were worried about him. They wanted to know the reason behind his distinct behaviour but all they got in return was silence. Not getting any response from him, his parents contacted his friends. When his father learnt the truth behind his gloomy nature, he was angry at him. His father was a man of principles. He confronted Mayank and lashed at him for loving a Muslim girl. He warned him to stay away from her. He was already broken and his fathers word were like a salt on his wounds.

With every puff of cigarette.. He is drowning himself in regret..

A glass of beer.. Helps him to control tears..

He loves to go on long rides.. Which helps his pain to subside..

A mere memory of his past.. Makes his heart beat fast..

No amount of alcohol can heal his heart.. Cause it's his soul which is ripped apart..

Once again pride won over love.


After the exams, college has organized a farewell party for the students. Mahia refused to attend the party but Vaani forced her to come. She entered the college premises and all the memories flooded over her senses. Her first day at college, befriending Mayank, her care towards him, her jealousy, their confession and finally the part when they broke up. Tears started welling up in her eyes and she decided to leave but stopped looking at Mayank who stood behind her.

"Please stay. For the last time. Please." Mayank begged her. She couldn't control her tears looking at him. He wasn't the Mayank she knew. His eyes lost its shine, dark circles under the eyes, dull face. Her heart pained to see him like that and what stabbed her heart was that she is the reason behind it.

They all moved to the auditorium where the party was held. Mayank and Mahia sat together in one corner for the last time. Everyone was enjoying the party but they were lost. The host asked Mayank to sing a song as its his last day in college. He looked at Mahia and went towards the stage. Yet again he dedicated the song for her.

 Paas aaye dooriyan phir bhi kam naa hui
(we came close yet distance didn't get reduced between us)

Ek adhuri si hamari kahani rahi
(our story remained incomplete)

Aasman ko zameen Yeh jaruri nahi Jaa mile Jaa mile
(its not necessary that earth always approaches or goes to meet sky)

Ishq sachcha wahi jisko milti nahi Manzelien manzelein
(true love is the one which never finds its destination) 

Rang thay, noor tha
(there were colors atmosphere was beautiful and shining)

Jab kareeb tu tha
(when you were close near to me)

Ek jannat sa thaa, yeh jahaan
(this world was like a heaven) 

Waqt ki rait pe
(on the sand of time) 

Kuch mere naam sa Likh ke chhod gaya tu kahan
(wrote something like my name, where have you left) 

Hamari adhoori kahani
(our incomplete story)

Hamari adhoori kahani.

Hamari adhoori kahani

Tears were flowing from both the pair of eyes. Even their friends had tears in eyes. They knew what their friends were going through but couldn't help them in anyway.

Mahia couldn't control herself and left the party. Mayank followed her and found her going towards the classroom. When he entered the classroom, he saw Mahia sitting on the floor and crying. He went near her and both hugged each other as if their life depend on it.

"I'm sorry Mayank. Sorry for everything you went through because of me. We were not meant to be but my heart will love you and only you till its last beat." Mahia said in quivering voice. Mayank tightened his hold on her not wanting to let her go.

"I love you Mahi. I know you can never be mine but I will be content knowing you are happy in your life. I wished it was me who would keep you happy always but destiny had other plans for us." Mayank said in a broken tone. They stayed in each other's embrace for a longer time and for the last time as well.

It was late night and sleep was far from both the eyes. Mahia was unable to accept the fact that she belongs to someone else. The mere thought of not spending her life with Mayank wanted her to kill herself and that's what she did.

She couldn't hurt the person who gave her life and cannot live without the person who is her life. Hence she chose death over such a life. That day not only a relationship came to end but also a life which was dangling between honour and love.

When Mayank came to know that his Mahi isn't in this world anymore, his world trashed. He thought that he would live his life with the fact that his Mahi is safe and happy in her life. He came to the same place where their journey of love began. His promises, his dreams, their confession everything was playing like a movie on his mind. He looked at the city which was calm unaware of the havoc in his life. The place where once he thought to rule over the people marked the end of him.

Maybe that's why its called 'Circle of the life'. The place which marked the beginning of the love story is now the end of it. A life where two families chose pride over love and two lovers chose death over life.

A story of two lovers who were irrevocably in love with each other but sadly couldn't be together.

            "Love is a beautiful feeling but sometimes its fatal too."


Assalamualaikum wa rehmatullah.

Well I have written this story for a competition. But I wanted to publish it so here it is.

Do lemme know your views.


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