Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to:


Before starting the chapter, I would like to thank you all for the constant support in the form of comments and votes. Because of all your constant support the book is ranked #1 under #Anushkashetty tag

Sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Also thanks to all the silent readers too. Without you guys this couldn't be possible.


Lakshmi ran towards Parvati and gave her a bone crushing hug.

Parvati had tears in her eyes.

Bhaskar had a relief. He was really stressed with everything happening around.

"Where were you dear. You know how much stressed we were. You shouldn't have left" Bhaskar said giving her a hug.

Parvati was overwhelmed. She felt like her father is hugging her. She hugged him back tightly. Bhaskar understood her emotions and kissed her forehead.

"Never ever think that you are alone. You have your father with you" he said.

Parvati turned towards her brother.

"Oh my dear brother. Can you tell when is my birth date/ time" She asked.

Rajesh put his head down and didn't answer her.

"You don't know right. Oh! You always say my star is bad. Can you name the star atleast" she said very calmly.


"What happened to your non-stop tongue now. ANSWER MY QUESTIONS" Parvati yelled.

Parvati was burning with anger. All the pent up anger, her helplessness when people taunting her were threatening to burst today.

"What are you talking Parvati. I am your brother. I was the one who brought you up. So I know you" Rajesh tried to answer without actually giving the birthdate.

"Yes you are my brother. You know everything about me. So now will you give my birth chart or birth date or birth time" she said in anger.

Rama was ready to show stars to Rajesh. Munna too was ready incase Rajesh tried something.

"You answer now buffalo. We don't have the entire day to listen to your jalebis. Answer her questions to the point" Bhaskar said.

Rajesh didn't have any other option than to spill the beans.

"What should I say. I don't even know when she was born. What time she was born. Then how will I know about her stars. All the stories were created by me"

Everyone present over there were shocked.

"I never wanted to work hard. I wanted an easy money. So I created all these stories. I wanted to sit and eat with the money she earns. If she gets married then also the money flow will stop that's why I created a story saying the person who will marry her will die within a day"

Parvati was about to fall listening to her brothers confession. Rama held her close to him in his embrace.

"This is the society we live in. A brother who is supposed to protect his sister from the evil society turned into a villain in his own sisters life". Bhaskar had seen many such cases in his entire career.

"You heard it Janaki. He doesn't know her star. You always blamed her for everything by just listening to this fellow. This is what you teach in school?" Bhaskar wanted Janaki to realise her mistake.

"Amma, I never wanted to harm you or anyone in this family. I just want happiness for everyone" Parvati wanted to say many things but she couldn't.

Janaki was swimming in guilt. She now understood never to believe in superstitions.

"I am sorry Parvati. I am really very sorry. Being the one who bestows knowledge and the one who transforms life of many students behaved like a illiterate. I sold my brain to superstition. I hurt you a lot. Please forgive me if you can" Janaki said folding her hands and was about to fall on her feet.

"No amma. Please don't.You are elder to me and a respectable teacher. Don't embrass me by falling on my feet. Just a request please don't hurt people because of some stupid superstitious beliefs." Parvati said.

She turned towards Dhanraj.

"Mr.Dhanraj, you are still standing here without any shame. Oh! So you still feel what you did is right isn't it?. Just leave from here to US in the first available flight. You won't get your bride from here anyways" Parvati said.

Dhanraj and Satish left from there.

"My dear, where had you been. We were so worried. Rama, Dhogra and Munna went in search of you but they couldn't find you" Bhaskar enquired.

*Flashback starts*

Rama went out in search of her and he came near the village pond. Parvati was sitting on a rock and crying by burying her head in her knees.

Rama went and took a seat next to her.

"How could you leave me Parvati. You didn't even bother to inform me. Did you think I would have taken Amma's side" Rama asked.

"No Rama. You were fighting with amma because of me. I didn't want that. She is just like your mother. She literally brought you up. I couldn't see you both arguing with each other. I am sure amma would have asked you to choose them or me. So I left" Parvati said in between hiccups.

"The argument was not between amma and me. It was between right and wrong. I always fight for what is right. I definitely would have chosen you if such situation would have arrived because it's the right thing to do" Rama said cupping her face.

"I don't want to go back there Rama. That Dhanraj will come today to know Akka's decision and akka is adamant" Parvati said.

"Whatever it is we will face it. Running away from the problem is not a solution" Rama said.

"I don't want to be a burden and a problem for that family. I don't think it's written in my fate to lead a happy life" she said.

"No one knows what is written in fate Parvati. You want to know why you were leading such a life. Your brother"

"What! My brother" Parvati was confused.

"Me and Munna had our doubts on that jobless rat. So Munna had a friend who is a private investigator. We hired him to find out more about that donkey." Rama asked.

"And what did you find out about him" Parvati asked.

"Many things but I want you to know about those from his confession and not through me" Rama wanted her to return home.

"Why will he confess if he had done something wrong. He will lie ofcourse".

"I know a way to make him confess. Just ask him about your birth date" Rama said smiling.

"As if he will tell the truth as soon as I ask him"

"Don't worry. I saw him in bar today. He will definitely not be in complete sense to manipulate the situation" Rama said grinning.

"You don't know him. His devil mind works more when he drinks" Parvati said

"So no excuses. Come let's go home" Rama said.

They both left to home and as they neared home they overheard Rajesh planning with Sadananda about extracting huge amount from Bhaskar.

"Parvati, you hide yourself near house. When this buffalo starts his drama, you enter. You remember right what you have to ask him" Rama said.

Parvati nodded and she hid behind the tree near the gate.

*Flashback ends*

"And I entered when this useless fellow was threatening you".

"I am sorry Parvati. I am truly very sorry. I was selfish and always thought about my necessities. Never ever thought what you would be going through. I am such a bad brother" Rajesh cried.

"No you are not a bad brother. You are a bad person. Stop your crocodile tears" Rama said.

"From today I don't have a brother. You please leave from here" Parvati said turning away from him.

"No Parvati please don't say like that. I don't have anyone else other than you" Rajesh pleaded.

"You have Sadananda who is your partner in everything. Go with him.He will bury you with wealth" Parvati remarked.

"I will bury him with money only if you marry me" Sadananda said without any shame.

"Ohoho why do you think I am going to marry you. Do you think yourself as Shahrukh Khan. You bloody stinker" Parvati said.

"I might not be handsome. I know I am a ugly guy. But look at other things. I have money. Even if I spend my entire life without working it will still be enough for my four generations to enjoy. Ah! Are you by any chance planning to marry this servant Rama" he laughed sarcastically.

"Yes. I am going to marry Rama. Only him and no one else. You just have money. Go and enjoy your wealth for yourself because your heart is black and greediness runs in your blood. If you won't leave this moment you won't be alive to see your present generation itself. Shoo, shoo" Parvati said.

Rajesh begged Parvati not to cut relations with him but Parvati didn't budge. With a dejected face Rajesh left with Sadananda from that place.

Rama and Parvati held each other hands and went towards Bhaskar and Janaki.

"Aiya, we have a request. I love Parvati from the day I saw her. We both want to marry. We need your blessings. Please don't ask us to leave from this place. We both don't have anyone else other than you and Amma" he said with tears in his eyes.

"Shut up you idiot. Who asked you to leave. Even if you leave. I will follow you and bring you back" Janaki said holding Rama's ears.

"Ouch ouch..Amma please it's hurting"

"Oh my god. There is so much of work to do. I haven't yet booked hall or informed the caterers. Munna, come we have lots of arrangements" Bhaskar said.

"Aiya, give me also some responsibility. Btw why are you planning this all. You got another proposal for Lakshmi akka" Rama asked.🤦

"These arrangements are for my son's wedding not Lakshmi's" Bhaskar said.

"Munna, you traitor. I share every single thing with you and you didn't even inform me about your marriage. Who is the girl.Do I know her" Rama asked.

"Yeah yeah. I forgot to inform  you. You stupid , it's not my wedding appa is talking about you moron. Appa is talking about your wedding" Munna said.

Rama fell on Bhaskar feet to take his blessings with tears in his eyes.

Bhaskar and Rama hugged each other.


Phew! Such a long chapter. Just didn't know where to stop 😂😂.

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