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Irene's P.O.V

Monday had finally come and I was NERVOUS. It was going to be the first time I went out with someone else apart from Minjoo. I didn't know how I was supposed to act or to talk...I mean it wasn't going to be that hard, right? Me and Jackson have been friends for some time now and I feel really comfortable around him but I couldn't stop myself from getting nervous. That's the only things my head could think about for the past 2 days. Yesterday, Sunday, I spent the day with Mom, Dad and J.S but I couldn't concentrate at all.

After a while, I finally decided to get ready for uni. When I finished, I went to the kitchen to eat something fast as there wasn't much time left for the bus to come.

"going somewhere?" someone said behind me, making me get startled. I turned around and saw J.S.

"uni, where else am I supposed to go?" I sighed and continued spreading butter on my toast.

"what about after uni?" he raised his eyebrows and put a slice of bread in the toaster.

"I'mmm...going somewhere, yeah" I said trying not to sound nervous.

"where? With who?" he frowned.

"none of your business Conan" I flicked his forehead, quickly took my toast and ran to the door "I need to go now, bye" I slid my feet in my shoes and opened the door.

"wait don't go-" I closed the door before he could finish 

"that was close..." I sighed, put on my shoes correctly and sped walked to the bus stop.

The bus was approaching Jackson's bus stop and my heart wouldn't calm down, I really don't know why but lately every time I talk to him, see him or even just think about him my heart starts beating really fast and there's nothing to make it stop.

When the bus reached the stop, I peeked through the window to see him but...he wasn't there, so I looked past the bus stop but he wasn't there either "maybe he's late" I held my chest and sighed relieved since I didn't have to worry about him making my heart go crazy.

- (in class)

I walked to my seat feeling all eyes on me, it's so funny how they don't even try to do it discreetly any more... but something that I learned from Jackson is to just ignore them, well I used to already but he gave me more confidence.
I sat on my place and took out a book to read while waiting for the teacher to come but I got bored as soon as I finished reading one page, I sighed and put my hand under my chin and just stared outside. At that moment I realised how used I got to talking to Jackson in this moments, I miss him...

"good morning class!" the teacher came in the class making everyone finish their conversations and turn to the front. She stood at the front holding her books and looked around the room smiling when her eyes landed on me "Irene, can I talk to you" she said, I pointed at myself, confused "please" I nodded and stood up from my seat "the rest just do something else" as soon as she said that they all started talking again.

"what did you do, Ghost" said one of the guys sitting at the back and his friends started laughing, I stopped walking and sighed.

"I'm busy right now, can I ignore you another time?" I smiled and opened the door, he jumped off his seat and followed me.

"how dare you-" I closed the door in his face and sighed once again.

"well done" I turned to the voice and saw Miss clapping "I thought you would never talk back" she laughed. I smiled shyly and walked towards her.

"what did you want to talk about?" I asked her.

"oh right! about that... I want you to help some new transferee students" I quickly looked away.

"I don't think I'll be able to-"

"pleaseee" she closed her eyes and put her hands together "I was going to ask you and Jackson but he's not here... so pleaseeeeee" I couldn't say no after that.

"okay..." she smiled widely and I looked away embarrassed.

"thank you so much!" she said holding my hands.

"well, I guess I had no choice anyway" I smiled and then her expression changed, I knew what it meant, so it made me nervous "we should go back inside" I tried to move my hands away but she clutched them back.

"I'm seeing that you're getting along with Jackson" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"yh...I guess" I looked away nervously.

"I'm happy for you" I waited for a bit because I thought she would say something more but she didn't, I looked at her surprised.

"is that all?" I asked and she nodded "no more questions?" she nodded again and I sighed relived.

"he's a good person" she said, smiling.

"yes, he is" I smiled, thinking about everything he has done for me "he really is" I started dozing off.

"you like him, don't you?" I never realised I had nodded my head "I see..." she smiled evilly and I snapped back.

"sorry Miss, did you say something?" I asked and she shook her head.

''anyway, the student will be at the library when classes start, you just have to introduce yourself and show him around the university, especially the classes he will be attending, the canteen, the toilets and blah blah blah'' she explained but I could only focus on one thing she said.

''he?'' I asked and she nodded her head.

''yes he, you know the pronoun 'he', used for males'' I just stared at her in disbelieve and she laughed ''you should read more books'' she wrote something on a paper ''here, I wrote down his name'' she handed me the paper but I didn't take it.

''I think I don't want to do it any more'' I smiled awkwardly and tried to walk away but she gripped the hanging strap from my bag and pulled me back.

''too late'' she gave me a scary smile and I shrank my shoulders.

''it's already hard for me to talk to a stranger, so why does it have to be a guy???'' I whined, being a 100% honest, she let go of my bag and put her hands on her side and sighed.

''where's the professional looking Irene who was always full of confidence and seriousness I used to know?'' she said looking around me.

''that Irene never existed...'' I held my bag straps and looking at the floor. Miss looked at me and chuckled.

''okay, okay...'' I quickly looked at her with hope in my eyes ''I'll make sure it's a girl next time'' I frowned ''now off you go'' she turned me around and pushed me ''be a good representative!'' I looked back and she was waving at me, I stuck my tongue out and proceeded walking.


The bell signalling classes had started already went off sometime by then but there was no sign of the student in the library. I got tired of waiting standing, so I sat down on a chair facing the window and looked at the paper with the name Miss gave me.

''I should think about what to say...'' I mumbled to myself and thought about what phrases were better to use ''Hi my name is Irene *bow* and I'm here to show you around the university, or, good morning *bow* my name is Irene and I'll be showing you around the university'' I tilted my thinking about it-

''aren't they the same?'' my heart stopped for a second and my whole body jumped off the chair, making  all of my stuff fall on the floor ''sorry I didn't mean to scare you'' the guy ducked down and gathered my things from the floor ''here'' he handed me the things and smiled.

''thank you...'' I said nearly whispering.

''sorry what? I didn't hear you'' he leaned closer, I blushed and moved back

''I said thank you'' I said nearly shouting out of embarrassment, making the librarian shush me ''sorry'' I bowed at her and heard the guy laughing.

''you're cute'' he said in between his laughs making me become even more red, he looked at me and cleared his throat ''sorry, I didn't present myself...'' he stood straight and put his hands in front of him, I recomposed myself and did the same ''I'm Kang Hoon Nam and I moved to Korea from America a few weeks ago to study in this university, I lack a bit in Korean and I might be a bit reserved some times but I hope we can be good friends, please take care of me!'' he made a 90 degree bow and smiled at me. I wasn't sure if he could really be reserved from what I had seen but he did look like a nice person.

''my name is Irene and I'm going to be helping you until you get used to the university'' I bowed and smiled. We just stood there for some time without saying anything, he just kept smiling and it was making me feel a bit awkward ''I could start by showing you around, if it's okay with you'' I said politely.

''I would love that!'' I was a bit startled at his loud voice, I nodded and then started walking with him.


''this is the canteen'' I said showing him around the place. I think I got a bit used to his personality and I find him quite funny and kind, he reminds me of Jackson... 

''this place is huge!'' he exclaimed surprised.

''should we sit for a bit?'' I asked, I was hoping he would say yes because I was tired myself.

''yeah sure'' we sat at a table, I fixed my skirt and when I looked up I found him looking at me with a huge smile stuck on his lips ''I'm happy a pretty girl like you can help me'' I felt my cheeks get warmer.

''th-thank you'' I stuttered and tried my best to smile, there was a sudden silence and it was making me nervous, I kept thinking about things to talk about, but nothing came up in my mind.

''what do you study?'' I felt relieved he asked something, because I was loosing my mind.

''I'm studying commercial song writing'' his eyes widened and he became excited.

''me too!!'' my eyes widened as well and I smiled ''what a coincidence!!'' I chuckled.

''then I hope we can see each other around more often'' he smiled and nodded ''there's going to be a break in a bit, so we can go anywhere you would like to see'' I said and we stood up.

''hhmmm...'' he tilted his head thinking ''OH!'' I got startled ''what about the piano room?'' I smiled and then nodded.

''sure'' we tucked in the chairs and stated walking. Soon after that the bell rung and the corridors started getting filled up with students.

As we were walking I saw a familiar figure near the lockers.

''Jackson!'' I tapped his shoulder and he turned around hiding something behind his back.

''oh! Irene...! what are you doing here, I thought you were still in lessons'' his eyes were trembling and he looked nervous.

''I'm helping a new transferee student'' I smiled and moved to a side and Hoon Nam stood next to me.

''I'm Kang Hoon Nam, I'll be studying in this university from now on'' both of them bowed at each other.

''hello, I'm Jackson, Irene's Friend'' they shook hands but they weren't letting go, so I looked at Jackson and his eyes were a bit different from the usual, they looked the same to when he becomes competitive or when he's angry, I couldn't tell, I then looked at Hoon Nam but he was just smiling.

''what are you hiding?'' I asked peeking behind his back and he quickly moved back.

''NOTHING!'' he laughed nervously and I raised my eyebrow at him.

''liar'' I pouted and he ruffled my hair.

''I have to go now, see you later'' he waved his hand and ran to Bambam who was waiting for him, he saw me and waved at me, I smiled and waved back.

''your friends are really nice'' said Hoon Nam and I smiled.

''you think so?'' I said joking.

''yeah'' we both laughed.

''should we go?'' I asked and he nodded, so we continued walking to the piano room.

- Jackson's P.O.V

''she was about to see it!'' I fell on my knees holding the bouquet of flowers. If she saw it, it would ruin the surprise.

''that was close'' Bambam helped me stand up and patted my back, making me confused ''you better hurry or someone else might make a move'' he pointed at that Kang guy and I laughed.

''she's just helping him'' I said not feeling worried, fixing the flowers.

''so what? anyone could fall for her'' he had a point but it still didn't worry me.

''look, that guy might be handsome or whatever but I'm sure Irene is just doing what she was told and will comeback to us in a few days, besides... I'm going to tell her my feelings today so there's nothing to worry about'' I said still fixing the flowers and Bambam laughed.

''what if she says no'' I chuckled.

''then I shall make her say yes'' I put the flowers up high ''I planned everything'' I said looking at the flowers and then winked at him.

''better not make her cry'' my expression turned to a serious one.

''I will never'' I smiled determined, he looked at me for sometime and then sighed.

''let's go to class'' he said and we made our way to the music block.

--- (after uni)

Me and Bambam walked to the gates and I bid goodbye to him.

''see you tomorrow'' I smiled and he patted my back.

''good luck'' he gave me a thumbs up and went to his car.

I waited behind the gates, I felt my heart pounding faster every time I saw someone walking through the gates thinking it would be her, as time passed less people started to come out. 30 minuted had passed and there was still no sign of her but I still hadn't gave up, I started making up excuses for her; like how she might of just be talking to the teachers or maybe she was still with the transferee guy and that's why she was late. I sat on the floor looking at the flowers, not realising someone approached me.

''Jackson-oppa!'' I got excited because I thought it was Irene but- wait... oppa? I looked up and found Sohyun smiling at me, which made me sigh straight away ''are you not happy to see me?'' she asked even if she knew the answer.

''I'm waiting for someone else'' I said expressionless fixing to flowers.

''Irene perhaps?'' she said.

''have you seen her?!'' I asked with my hopes still high and she looked away nervous.

''I... think I saw her... walking away as soon as the bell rang! yh... she already left'' I stood up not believing my ears.

''are you sure?'' I asked and she nodded, my heart sank to my feet.

''why? was she supposed to meet you?'' she asked and I nodded ''I'm sorry...she has always been like this when it comes to meeting with people'' I wasn't bothered to talk back, I just felt like my heart was punched by 100 sumo players ''you should just go home'' I started walking away but I suddenly had a flashback of when Irene told me not to trust Sohyun. I stopped walking and looked at the flowers.

''oppa, why did you stop?'' she asked and I walked back to her.

''me and Irene are going to have a date, so I would like to ask you to leave now?'' I tried not to sound rude, she was taken aback at first.

''but Irene already left!'' she said and I laughed.

''you expect me to believe you'' I looked confident outside but in the inside I was hating myself for believing, 'how could I think Irene would just leave without saying anything?!!' I really am the worst.

''why-why would I-I lie?'' she crossed her arms nervously.

''just leave'' I told her once again. 

''ughh, FINE! BYE!'' she said and left without looking back, I leaned my back on the wall and fixed the flowers again.

'I'm sorry for doubting you'

to be continued...

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