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Narrator's P.O.V

Jackson was waiting outside the room with no other signs from Irene, and it was starting to worry him.

She had been quiet for a while and he knew that she needed time but it felt too long even though it actually hadn't been as long as he believed, but he always liked to exaggerate things when he was feeling anxious, resulting to him causing many problems on himself.

After a while thinking, he decided to knock, to see if she was still in there or if she had ran away from him through the window. Even in her condition, he would actually expect that to happen after what he had done and if he did have the chance he would've been the one to do it.

He stood in front of the door with his trembling knuckles on the wood, waiting for his courage to come back to him. The hesitation he felt in that moment could not be compared to the one he had felt the first time he was going to jump in a pool by himself. It's simply scary. 'will I drown and then die?' In this occasion, 'will she be angry and then leave me?'

He could not imagine the rest of his life without Irene, it was basically impossible he would live without her.

But he couldn't stay there forever. It wouldn't work anyway. Mr. Bae could've came at anytime, well worst... J.S could've came anytime. He was the one that would be impossible to explain things to and if Irene wasn't the one to kick him out of their relationship, J.S would be the one to do it.

So he gathered the little courage he had collected and finally decided to knock on the door, followed by a shot of despair that had his knees weak.

"bab...-- Irene? are you feeling better?" he asked without any more moves, not wanting to go in without her permission but there simply was no response "Irene" he knocked again but still no response "Irene!" worry filled him up as he knocked harder with uneven breathing, the escape he had imagined just a while ago becoming more of a possibility.

With widened eyes, his hand went directly on the doorknob and pushed it down as his mind got invaded by horrible thoughts, but another force on the other side did the same, making him back away when he saw his precious girlfriend standing in front of him with a pout on her lips and wrapped up in a blanket.

"why are you so loud?" she held her protection camp with one hand and rubbed her eyes with the other as Jackson mentally awed at the cutie standing before him.

All because he wasn't in the position to jump on her, otherwise he would've been filling her face with kisses already.

"because you didn't answer and I got worried"

"of what? me jumping out the window?" she said sarcastically. Jackson was so impressed by how well she knew him that he backed with his hands up "what? don't tell me you actually thought I would do that" she looked at him with with narrowed eyes and then shook her head in disbelief when his gaze avoided meeting with hers "you're unbelievable" she moved along the corridor, past his stoned figure and made her way to throw herself on the sofa as she curled to resemble a worm.

"I- I never thought about that" Jackson quietly followed and sat by her.

"yeah sure" she rolled her eyes and looked the other way. Jackson could just look at her, he couldn't bring himself to talk "why are you looking at me like that?"

"Irene..." Jackson looked at her sadly "I'm very sorry" she closed her eyes and sighed as she sat down..

"it's okay, I know you didn't do it on purpose-" she opened her eyes but got taken aback as she genuinely worried "are you crying?" Jackson looked at her confused and slowly moved a finger under his eye to feel it wet, making him realise he was actually crying.

"I thought you would hate me" more tears started going out without control.

"no, I don't hate you" Irene quickly reached out to him and hugged him, leaving the blanket behind. Jackson took a grasp on her shirt from behind and let the tears out.

This guy was madly whipped.

Irene came to think of the many moments the same thing had happened but in opposite positions. The times when Jackson comforted her with a hug as she cried her eyes out on his chest. Now it was the other way around.

"stop crying..." she started regretting asking him to leave the room.

Slowly, his sobs started to disappear and he pulled away from the hug, wiping his eyes.

"I was very wrong to do that. I- I don't even know what happened to me but I'm really really really sorry. Baby I promise it won't ever happen again" Irene was surprised to see how cute he looked at that moment. He really was a kid sometimes.

"I told you that it's fine" she ruffled his hair "but the kisses were very unexpected" she then raised her eyebrow at him.

"you liked it though" he suddenly smirked.

"wh-wh-what are you saying?!" it looked like some hair on her head raised and her whole face blushed as she felt a lump on her throat "how can you change like that so quickly" she cleared her voice and asked, more like stated as she fixed her hair and sat nearly a meter away from him, going back into her cave.

"I'm just joking" he finally showed a nice smile and she unconsciously smiled back.

"but Jackson, you shouldn't skip uni. It's going to have a bad impact on your grades... I know by experience" her brown eyes looked directly at his with concern.

"one day won't hurt, besides I have to be with my baby when she's ill" he quickly moved closer and pinched her cheeks, leaving a kiss on her forehead "I love you" he grinned and from the embarrassment Irene pushed him to fall with his back flat on the sofa, but Jackson was fast enough to wrap his arms around the blanket and pulled her to fall on him.

"Jack!!" she squealed as Jackson laughed. He took the opportunity to give her a long hug just a hug though, he didn't want to repeat the same mistake "Jackson... let me go" she said softly hoping it would work better than shouting, but he just shook his head "you've been doing everything you want today..." she gave up and let her head fall on his chest.

Irene had to be honest and say that it was quite comfortable to be like that, Jackson also smelled nice and even if his muscles were hard like rocks they seemed to soften when she touched them.

"what do you want to do then?" Irene looked up letting their faces be a few inches away.

"eat, I'm hungry"

"okay, but your medicine comes first" he sat while Irene was still on top and she changed to be on his lap then swiftly placed arms under her legs and head and picked her up with ease as he walked with her on his arms towards the kitchen

"what are you doing now?"

"taking you to eat" he sat her on the dinning table chair and went somewhere without saying anything else.

After some time he finally came.

"what took you so long?" she rose from the chair and walked to the kitchen where he had went in to.

"here" he handed her a box and a glass filled with water "I'm gonna come now, okay?" he ruffled her hair as she patiently waited for him to comeback with her pills.

Just as she finished drinking it, Jackson came holding a white bag with what seemed to be boxes.

"what is that?" she asked with curiosity.

"uncle's wife made it for us" he placed the bag on the table and then sat on the seat next to hers.

"open it!" she threw the blanket on the floor with full expectancy, looking at Jackson's hands opening the lunch boxes as she literally drooled over it.

"you look excited" Jackson chuckled and Irene quickly nodded, wiping her mouth.

"that's because aunt's food is the best" she took the chopsticks as fast as she could and dug into the food "mmmm, so good!" she said, holding her cheeks.

"what about your mom's food?" he chuckled carelessly. He was surprised to see Irene stop eating after hearing that and played with the chopsticks instead.

"mom hasn't had the opportunity to cook for us very much so..." Jackson regretted asking that now. He felt stupid for not thinking before asking and now he felt the need to make her feel better again.

"let's ask her to cook someday when she's out. I want to try her food, if yours is already good, I can't imagine how delicious hers is" he tried to cheer her up but she just gave him a little.

"probably..." she simply said and went back to eating "this is seriously good" she mumbled under her breath.

Jackson just couldn't take his gaze away from her, she looked very cute while struggling with a piece of chicken and he could only chuckle at it.

"are you not eating?" she asked before Jackson focused his eyes to find Irene holding a piece of chicken for him.

"I am" he ate it and quickly picked up some more to eat "we can go see Mrs. Bae when you get better" her eyes widened and her head nodded many times as her filled up cheeks moved up and down. Jackson couldn't help it but jump to her like a puppy and hug her tightly.

"Jacksoooonnnn" Irene whined with a full mouth as he swung her from left to right.

"you're too cute!!!" her hair got messed up from trying to escape. At the end she got pissed off and couldn't hold it anymore.

"Jackson! sit!" she shouted and he surprisingly did. Irene stood up and held her sides "we are eating now" she scoffed at him and Jackson pouted.

"sorry" he looked up feeling sorry.

His sad face made her think of what had Jackson done for her all this time, but she couldn't think of something special she had done for him. He always thought of her first and so she did the other way around too but it wasn't like she was able to do much.

There was only one thing she could do.

With Jackson still pouting and looking away from her, she took the chance to quickly peck his lips and let a blush form on her cheeks.

Jackson's eyes widened and he slowly covered his mouth shocked. He would've never imagined Irene doing that and not running away or hiding somewhere, even last time she had closed the door at his face when she kissed him.

"what is this for?" he finally looked at her and when their eyes met, Irene quickly looked away with her hands behind her back, squeezing each other because of nervousness.

"just a present" it was clear in her voice that she was trying very hard not to stutter.

"oh really?" he raised his eyebrow and smirked "what for?" Irene slowly locked her gaze with his.

"I just felt like it" she said and scratched her arm laughing "it's not much-" suddenly Jackson pulled her down to sit on his lap.

"yh... it's not much" he dropped his head on her shoulder and held her tightly around her small waist "baby..." his deep voice brought chills around her body "you know you're mine, right?" now his stare was dark and dangerous but it wasn't scary, it was more caring and full of love.

"yes I do... but you know you are mine too" somehow those words came out of her mouth. She was surprised herself but she guessed that that was how she truly felt. Seeing him with all those girls following him around, she started to develop some kind of jealousy when he talked and smiled to them the same way he did to her.

"yes, that's true, of course" he chuckled, now wrapping his hands around her back and burying his face on her pale neck to fill his nose with the scent he missed the most every time.

Irene seemed to be getting better at his contact as she didn't try to move away when he drew circles with his thumb on her waist. The tingles were there, but she found it rather pleasing.

She took a deep breath while hugging him back thinking of what to do next as she didn't find the 'present' before enough.

"Jack" she finally called him after getting mentally ready and as soon as he faced her, she plastered her lips with his.

At first it was a bit messy but it ended up being very gentle and soft.

"you don't have to do this-" she covered his lips with a finger.

"I want to" and she quickly cut the space again.

Irene never knew how to kiss, it was just something from the movies for her, but since Jackson always kissed her without warning or when she didn't want to, it was never completely nice.

Now the thing was different and she chose to, so it was a complete new feeling and Jackson liked it.

As they both enjoyed the flavours of their recent meal, Irene could feel Jackson's will to not let go as every time she tried to take some air he pushed his lips on hers again.

"-wait" she managed to stop him by cupping his face and as soon as she breathed what she needed, she took control and gave him one last but longer kiss.

When they both pulled away Jackson immediately held his chest as Irene avoided eye contact.

"what has gotten into you?" he leaned back on the chair panting with a small smile.

"another present" she tapped his nose and quickly tried to remove herself from his lap but he pulled her back.

"wait...I have a present too" he said reaching for his back pocket.

Irene really wanted to run away at that moment and hide in a hole as she felt embarrassed for what she did but she couldn't let him down now.

He signalled her to close her eyes so she did after hesitating a bit and waited for whatever she couldn't expect but nothing happened.

Right before she tried to peek at what he was doing, she felt something cold moving against her neck which made her quickly hold it, only to make Jackson laugh.

"relax... it's just a necklace" Irene slowly opened her eyes to be greeted by a silver and shiny necklace with a same coloured heart hanging from it.

"it's beautiful..." she felt deeply touched by Jackson's present. She had never owned a necklace and the first person to give it to her was the love of her life. It wasn't the most expensive necklace (even though it was quite costy) and it didn't have the most extraordinary design either but in Irene's eyes it was simply perfect.

"do you like it?" Irene quickly responded with a tight hug.

"I love it" and he hugged her back satisfied.

"I was going to give it to you yesterday, but I didn't find the chance to do so" he scratched his cheek.

"you didn't have to..." she said looking at the heart and while doing so she saw something written on the side. Her eyes opened wide after reading.

"J loves I" they said at the same time and naturally looked at each other.

"I wanted to give you something so that you remember I'm always with you" he cupped her face and left a kiss on her forehead "and I have it too" he said pulling down his collar to show his necklace with the same heart but in a shorter chain. Her hand reached out to it and held it slightly up for her to see.

"it looks really good on you" she giggled as he asked her to pull her hair up so he could put on her too.

"it looks better on you" he said with a smug smile making her giggle some more.

"thank you" she said and held his hands "but I don't have anything to give you"

"you did a few minutes ago"

"I was just joking"

"that's enough. Giving me that from time to time is enough" they held hands tightly as their gazes didn't separate from each other "let's be like this forever" he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.


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