Chapter 4

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Embers P.O.V

I went into the locker room with my sisters and grabbed my gauntlets(pretty much a combination of myratenyser? [Sorry I dunno how to spell it] and Ember Ceiciela. it's also a flame thrower.) Which where like Yang's except for they are able to use dust to change the type of shot and they come off into a flame thrower.

"Let's go" I motioned for ruby and yang to come after they grabbed their weapons from their lockers.

Ozpin (Over Speaker): Will all first year students report to beacon cliff for initiation.

                   5 mins later

Juane was asking questions to ozpin but you where too busy thinking about your landing strategy.

"Oh crap." You said as you realised  their where 12 students plus you and you where last to be sprung out to the forest.

"Damn! Whoever is last gets kicked out of beacon....and this might not go good if I'm far behind."

You got sprung and flew far behind the others. You then used your weapon to slow your fall and then land perfectly. You saw ruby crash into a bird on her Landing.

"Ouch. Poor bird."

You then proceeded to walk through the forest and you saw three huge Ursa appear right in front of you.


You switched your weapon to ice mode shot the 3 Ursa until they were frozen solid then you transformed your gauntlets into flamethrower mode and burnt the Ursa until they where dead. This took quote a while seeing as they where frozen. You walked off and put your flamethrower into gauntlet mode and started to head towards the temple thing. You made it there just in time to see ruby get launched onto the side of the mountain and cut off the head of a nevermore.

"Jeez sis"

You said this as she got down from the mountain. She followed you and you gasped.

Ruby: what's wrong.

"There..... Is no pieces left."

Ruby: So? What's the problem.

I then pulled out my scroll and showed her a rule from the "Beacon Academy Rules"page. It stated "All Students who make it back to beacon cliff without a Relic will be kicked out immediately"

Ruby: w- that's no fair! W-What are you gonna do?

"Go home. I failed myself as huntsman in training so there is no need to stay."

Ruby: but.... I-i.... I will try to do something okay?


               15 minutes later

In Ozpin's office

Ozpin: Do you know what happens when a student has no partner?


Ozpin: Are you ready for what's about to happen?


Ozpin: I don't believe you are.


Ozpin: You see, you are a powerful individual, with strength beyond most I have seen.

I nod

Ozpin: You have a choice. You may join a team of you choice, making it five member so when the Vytal festival come one member must sit out. Or. You may leave beacon.

"I will stay."

A/N almost five hundred words. YAYYYYY

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