Chapter 6

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Embers P.O.V

I woke up 30 minutes early and decided to get changed into school clothes and wake the girls up. I grabbed a whistle from my bag and blew it

"Good morning team RWBY!"

Ruby: ughhhh That's MY Line!

The girls got up and changed and checked the clock.

W: You Dunce it's 25 minutes early!

"………Blake explain please."

Blake rushed up next to me with a suit case

Blake: We still need to unpack. And decorate. * the suitcase she holds open spilling it's contents onto the floor.* And clean.

I leave to go to class as they do their stuff because i had no items with me.

"First class... Glynda Goodwitch. Fine by me."

I walk into Goodwitch's classroom and realized it was for fighting other classmates.

"Hey Glynda"

GG: Ember? Your 20 Minutes early.

"Yeah I know. But I just find classes to be so interesting."

GG: Hmm. Fine. Tell me what you can about dust.

"Oh!  Dust has 4 main Elements but being mixed can create over 16 more Different types.

GG: Very good.

You kept telling Goodwitch about dust and until more students arrive. Suddenly 8 student burst through the door Team RWBY and JNPR. Blake sat to my left and ruby sat to my right with Yang next to Ruby and Weiss next to Blake.

2 hours later

I was going to go eat lunch when I noticed someone bullying a bunny faunus.

???: Oww that hurts!

"Hey freak! Stop!" I said as I put my tray on the table

I go over to the bully and Twist his wrist making him let go of the girls ear.

I spoke with Juane earlier and he told me about this kid. His name is Cardin.

Cardin:  Hey kid wanna fight


I grabbed his collar and chucked him into the wall.  I grabbed his shirt collar again and told him this-

"If I see you bullying anyone again I will not hesitate to beat your a**"

Little did I know Glynda was behind me.

GG: That's Enough!

She grabbed the back of my shirt collar and threw me a little too far. (By little I mean WAY TO FAR) And got hurled through the roof of the building and landed on my face. Team Rwby ran after me and Blake was making sure I was okay, Yang was helping me up and Ruby was checking if I was hurt anywhere.

I left to my next class a bit injured from the fall.

4 hours later

I went back to the dorm and rested for  about an hour.  I then decided to go to the library to see if they have a certain book I was looking for. On my way there I saw Blake.

"Hey Blake!"

Blake: I know you were following me.

"Actually I wasn't. I was on my way to the library."

Blake: So am i.

"Oh alright then we can go together."

We entered the library and I followed her to see what kind of books she read. Turned out she Reads all kinds of books. She started showing me her favourite ones and ones I would like.

"Woah calm down"

Blake: Sorry I'm just a little excited that someone else appreciates literature like I do.

"Meh I mean what's not to like?"

I started to enjoy my time with Blake and after a while she got a few books and I got 7.  3 about history 2 of the books Blake wanted me to read and 2 books about Dust. She asked me why I got books about things like that I told her that lots of people find stuff like that boring but I think it's fascinating. We went back to the dorm and realised it was late. We went to sleep after putting the books we got away.

"Goodnight Blake"

Blake: Ember. Would you like to do that again sometime?


Sorry for lack of updates. A bigger chapter should make up for that.

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