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Date: 5 may
Time: 7 10 pm

The huge light blue sky was covered in a smokey violet shade with a tinge of gold in it as the sun was about to sink towards the west. The rays of sunlight peeked mischievously through the clouds, It made the whole sky shine like a diamond. Those tiny rays of sunlight managed to bounce on her black as charcol hair as she was swinging on a cozy arm chair with her head dug deep into the paperback of the book 'The study of criminology'.

Fingers of her right hand were tightly clasping the book and while fingers of her left hand were interlaced with a few locks of her hair. She turned over the page, her eyes widened tremendously as if she had read something unreal or specifically shocking.
She was taken back to the reality with the vibration of her phone.

She reluctantly closed the book and grabbed her phone which was placed on the table, in front of her. It was a reminder she had put for herself!
'Got to catch a flight at 9 pm.'

She let out a small laugh. She had to admit that she had a really bad memory so she would put up reminders for everything like literally everything!

Soon she got up from her comfortable arm chair and lazily made her way to a big black suitcase lying on top of the comfy bed. She picked out a dress after enough consideration and headed straight towards the bathroom.

After almost a whole hour, she turned towards the spotless floor mirror surrounded by a shiny wooden frame.
She positioned her gaze towards the reflection of herself in that mirror.

She wore a pair of dark blue jeans, a thigh length sea green top with an ivory scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. Lastly she was wore her favourite funky denim sneakers. Her hair were still wet from the shower making it look extremely curly. She had a round shaped face with bronze complextion and dark brown eyes. This was her signature look for everyday.
This was her, 'Farah Malik'.

She gazed at herself in the mirror while organising her scarf and her hair until she was satisfied with her look. She then picked up her white handbag and  suitcase from the bed as she managed to zip it and immediately checked out of her suite.

"Bags on the scale maam." One of the airport staff members told her as she approached the airline counter.
"Here." She replied as she put her black suitcase on the baggage belt.
"Here is your boarding pass, proceed to gate number 3." She handed her the boarding pass.

She picked up her handbag and marched towards gate no 3. On her way she engaged herself in observing the crowd around her which consisted of people from different cultures rushing around the place. Each of them were busy in their own lives with each of their faces narrating an individually unique story.

Finally she reached her destination for the day, the aircraft.

She managed to point out her seat on the plane. It was an aisle seat next to a guy. He was busy playing some game on his phone with 100% of his concentration. She didn't bothered to notice him even a little more. She took her seat and soon the flight took off. After tiring two hours it arrived at Islamabad airport.

Farah pov
I was walking with fast steps towards the baggage belt to pickup my suitcase when someone screamed out or to be more precise, called out my name.

"Farah Malik." I guess the same guy who was seated next to me on flight called out to me.
I stopped, wondering what could be the issue but he spoke before I could say anything.
"You dropped it." He said showing me my Id card which was probably misplaced by me.

"Oh thankyou." I said embarrassly doghing my gaze.
Instead of answering me he was constantly staring at me. Awkard!

As he noticed my expression he uncooked his gaze from me and said "you were in district college, weren't you?"

Ahmer pov
I was just about to reach the next level on candy crush but I lost it because some thing caught my eye and my concentration bidded good bye to me!

It was the nail color of my fellow passenger who was sleeping peacefully beside me. It has been about an hour, I was seated next to her but I just noticed her presence. It reminded me of a girl in my college. She was one of the students from the psychology department while I belonged to the accounts department.
That fellow passenger reminded me of her, she used to apply weird color nail paints neon green, silver, yellow with unnatural images.

As I saw her nails, I smiled nostalgically. And recalling about her I fell asleep.

After the flight landed, I was busy talking to Farhan, my best friend when I saw that a lady, who just picked up her suitcase from the baggage belt just dropped her Id card while reaching for her stuff in her purse. I immediately ran to fetch it and grabbed it before it would have been crushed under those huge baggage trolleys strolling around.

I was kind of surprised when I read the name on that card, Farah Malik. A coincidence indeed, it's same as that girl in my college.

"Farah Malik." I called out and she turned to me.
It was really her!
Same brown eyes, same round face, same long eyelashes, same voice and same kind of jeans, she used to wear back then and surprisingly same denim shoes. She didn't changed even a bit except her hair color which used to be brown but now was deep black.

"You were in district college, weren't you?" I asked her.
"Yes." She replied.
"I am Ahmer Murtaza we used to be in same class of maths." I introduced myself embarrassingly as I had been staring her for a while.
"Yes. I do remember you. You have changed a lot." She replied with euthusiam.
"Same for you." I said.
"So? What's up?" She asked me.
"I am doing CA. What about you?" I replied.
"Interesting, I am doing my postgraduate in criminology. Hopefully I'll start my job next year." She told me.
"Well what about others? Hammad, Munib, Alia etc?" She asked me.
"I met Hammad last year but lost contact with all others." I replied.
"Same here. Everyone's so busy." She said.
"I am really glad we met, Ahmer. I'll have to leave now. See you soon." She added.
"Me too. See you. Take care." I replied with a warm smile.

Farah was travelling back to home. She had gone to Karachi for a psychology research which was part of her internship. As she reached her place, she was welcomed wholeheartedly by her mother and her sister. She and her sister, Seher were less like sisters and more like friends. They were identical twins.

"Did you finish the book?" Seher asked Farah pointing towards the book in her hand.
"No yet but I'll finish it by this week." Farah replied and Seher growled.
"By the way, I met someone today." Farah started it.
"Who?" Seher asked excitedly.

'Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not.
We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence'

Hi everyone, thanks for reading. Please do drop in your suggestions.

Cover  by: @ABrunetteGirl

I just got the news that some people are trying to steal stories from wattpad. So I just wanna inform my readers that I have only posted my story on wattpad and Instagram and THIS IS THE ORIGINAL STORY. Kindly report if you find this story on any other website.

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