chp 21

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Ahmad swiped a few images but stopped shockingly on a photograph. They all began to glare eachother in confusion.

It was a photograph of Farah, a close up. She was dressed in her casuals, her hair were tied in a messy bun while she was laughing carelessly.

Alia them swiped the screen again out of curiosity and another photograph of Farah appeared on the screen. It was from a book reading, and Farah was peeking childishly through the book rack completely unaware of the photograph, another one was of Farah sleeping on car passenger seat.

They abruptly swiped the screen again and to their amazement appeared photographs of Farah and Ahmer together. They were cooking in Ahmer's London apartment.

Then there were photographs from Farah's birthday, them cutting the cake and eating it. Another photograph was a random one of Farah and Ahmer, they were shouting and laughing.

Saira smiled mysteriously to Ahmad and gazed Hammad similarly.
"What the hell is going on?" Alia whispered to them.
"Shhshh" Hammad cut her while Saira hit her with her elbow.
"We'll talk about it later." Ahmad told Alia.
"Now let's spread and act normal, like nothing happened." Hammad warned everyone as they all took their respective seats.

"What were you guys doing there?" Farah asked them.
"Nothing, just scrolling facebook newsfeed." Saira answered her.
"Nevermind, look what we did." Farah said excitedly and Ahmer showed them the picture in the phone in his hand.

"We photoshoped Ahmad's picture." Ahmer said and started to laugh while others also pretended to laugh.
"Where is my phone?" Ahmer said and started to look for his phone around him.
"I haven't seen it in a while." Saira said and pretended to look for it.

"It might be below the cushion." Hammad suggested to Ahmer who turned to pick the cushion.
"Here it is," Alia announced.
"I found it below the table." she sighed.
"Thank God." Ahmer sighed.

Time: 2 am

WhatsApp group convo
(Spying after Ahmer and Farah)
"What do you guys think about it?" Saira.
"I think something is fishy." Ahmad.
"I am curious." Alia.
"Did Ahmer ever talked about Farah's birthday celebration in London?" Hammad.
"No." Alia.
"Nope." Saira.
"Farah also never said anything about it too." Saira.

"And they spent the day together." Alia.
"So this means, they r together??" Saira.
"Maybe." Ahmad.
"There is one more thing clicking my mind." Hammad.
"WHAT???" Ahmad.
"Last night when we were planning Ahmer's birthday surprise, Farah out of nowhere proposed on taking the cake." Hammad.

"Yeah even I noticed it." Saira.
"And then she started to sing the song." Alia.
"It wasn't even part of the plan." Hammad.
"And did you noticed Ahmer, he was kind off staring her, like alot." Ahmad.
"Yessss." Alia.
"Especially when she handed him the cake." Saira.
"Sooooo?" Ahmad.
"What sooo? :P" Saira.

"What does it mean? :P" Ahmad.
"It's clear, they are dating." Hammad.
"Maybe both of them don't even realize it but they do like eachother." Alia.
"Wow, never expected them to be together." Hammad.
"And the worst not telling anyone." Saira.

"So what's next?" Ahmad.
"Spy after them." Alia.
"????? :P" Saira.
"Like seriously, let's just look out for few days, observe them closely ..." Alia.
"Cool." Hammad.
"Let's do it then." Ahmad.
"Mission Farah and Ahmer." Saira.
"Though they look good together." Alia.
"They suit eachother." Ahmad.
"Yup true." Hammad.

Date: 15th june
Time: 11 pm

(Honking of the horn).
Murtaza woke up to the sound of an unusual car horn as he could even recognize in his sleep Ahmer's car horn.

He was previously sleeping in sitting postion, seated on a couch with his legs resting on the foot rest, and his hands clutching the tv remote controller loosly. He was sleeping while the tv was still on with moderate volume.

As he heard the unknown car horn, he immediately put down his legs off the foot rest in front of him and reduced the tv volume. He stood up, walked to the huge window and curiously started to peek through the window wondering who is it at this hour of night.

Just then he sighed in relief when he saw Ahmer getting off the passenger seat of the car. Ahmer was still dressed in his grey and white formals though his black tie was hanging loose around his neck and his grey coat was laying roughly on his left arm just above his bag.

He got off the car and waved the person driving the car goodbye as a very different yet sweet smile emerged his face. Murtaza turned his gaze towards the driver of the car and unexpectedly noticed that it was a woman.

Her face was not clearly visible from that far. Murtaza was only able to see hands, wearing some nail paint and few rings. Her cuffs appeared to be covered in pink sleeves while Murtaza saw her smiling and waving back at him.

A mysterious smile appeared on Murtaza's tired and pale face as he rolled his eyes while returning to the couch. He sat on the couch, just then Ahmer entered the house with the spare key.

Ahmer was still smiling as previously but turned neutral as he saw his father. It looked like he didn't expected him to be awake at this hour.

"Baba, you are still awake?" He began the conversation to kill the awkard silence between them.
"Yes just watching tv." Murtaza replied trying to hide his expressions. He took the remote controller and switched off the tv.

"Where were you by now?" Murtaza casually asked Ahmer.
"I was with my friends." he replied still standing at the door, scared as if he was being interrogated at the moment.
"You had fun, right?" He again threw another double meaning question at Ahmer who was by now started to sweat minorly.

"Yes." he replied and Murtaza turned to him and stared at him confusingly noticing his facial expressions.
"Are you okay?" Murtaza asked him sarcastically.
"Yes, just a little tired." he replied normally.
"Sure, go take rest." Murtaza guided him and he nodded while moving inside towards his room.

"You had your dinner?" Murtaza asked him while going to his room.
"Yes." he stopped and replied.
"Good. Go sleep." he wished him ,waited there until he left and smiled at him while he also moved towards his room, turning off the room lights.

'Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game..!'

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