chp 27

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"Aoa." Ahmer greeted everyone as he stepped foot inside the room. He was pretty aware of the fact that Farah had been eyeing him since he entered the room but still he was perfectly doghing her gaze which followed him like it's been ages her seeing him.

He started communicating with Seher and Mahreen as if he hadn't noticed Farah's presence. And Farah's face took variations between dull and pale as he continued to ignore her.

"Ahmer can you stay here with Farah for a while in case she needs anything because me and mama need to see the doctor." Seher announced to Ahmer while Mahreen already left the room followed by Seher who laughed naughtyly towards Ahmer.

Ahmer turned towards Farah who was still glazing him calmly, and started sluggishly walking towards him. He took a nearby chair and sat beside her while her innocent gaze followed him.

"How are you?" He asked her plainly.
She rolled her puffy eyes out of annoyance as now his behaviour was annoying her. She literally gave him a minor death glare and he laughed embarassingly to it.

"What?" Ahmer asked her pretending to be unaware of the situation, smirking under his plain expression.
"You know what, you better go to hell!" She cursed him while frustratingly stepping up from the bed in one go but came to a halt shriek with pain.
"Ah ahh.."

Ahmer instantly got hold of her at that moment as the drips started to twist while still into her skin, that caused her immense amount of stinging pain which was visible from her wet eyes and smirking face.

Ahmer pov
"Farahh... stop." I rushed from my chair and held her by her shoulders though she still fought with my grip.
"Leave me Ahmer, I don't want to talk to you." She replied rudely still not facing me but moving straight towards the table.

I kind of jerked her arm because I could see the needles attached to her changing positions which could cause enough harm.
But as I expected she jerked back my grip roughly, pulling her arm from mine, still intact but loosened grip.
"Ah..ah.." she shrieked when she felt sharp pain in her hand.

I tightened my hold on her arm in order to restrict her childish movement. This time she remained stationary and turned herself towards the bed.

"Ouch." she cried as she saw those bloodied needles.

"Calm down otherwise you will hurt yourself." I suggested her softly. I escorted her back to her bed. She sat on the bed while I got few tissues and placed them on her hand carefully covering up the wound while blowing over it to sooth her.

"Trust me, you are not in position to cat fight right now." I pointed out sarcastically and she gave me an annoyed look.
"I hate you so much." She replied hiding a sweet smile under her plain face.

I was almost done with her wound when I managed to sneak a glance of her through the corner of my eye. She looked adorable!

Her untidy braided hair were almost untied with most of the strands protruding out. Her face was purely yellowish in color and she looked weak with her cheekbones minorly swollen. She looked at the bed sheet with tightly closed eyes with anxious smirks on her broad forehead, to avoid the sensation of pain.

It took only 60 to 80 secs to help her with her wound but it felt as if I had been staring her from days, months or my whole life, an infinite period!

It's been a while I was looking at her when she suddenly opened her eyes and caught me red handed. Shoot!

"I saw you." She said with a naughty smirk when I immediately diverted my gaze from her face.

"Why do you always have to do this?" I asked her as I couldn't bare to beat around the bush anymore
"What?" She asked naively and I glared her frustratingly to which she smiled.

"Risk your life." I said while taking seat beside her.
"How does it matters? Life and death are predefined." She replied casually looking into my eyes.
"It matters to me," I replied trying hard to control my tears that were already started to flood in my eyes.

She kept looking at me plainly as if she was aware of my emotions.
"Ahmer..." she said but as I turned my face up she stopped.
"Farah, I love you. I can't bare to lose you." I confessed.
"Ahmer I know but life and death is not in control of any human." She added.

"Yes but why in this world you have bring it up early?" I asked her loudly.
"Ahmer, everyone has to die one day. What if I die before you?" She asked me sarcastically.

"I won't let that happen, as long as I can." I answered while placing my hand on her hand which was resting on the bed. She tightened back her warm grip on my hand with her fragile fingers interlaced around mine and mine interlaced around hers into a tight knot with a lovely smile appearing on our faces.

I could see her eye balls sparkling as I stared her, completely drowned in her deep, plan and comforting eyes.

It had been a course of about fifteen minutes since both of them stayed in the same positions as if they were mannequins not humans.

Both of them were totally engrossed into eachother that they were simply unaware of the rest of the world.

Just then the metallic door knob twisted and the jingling sound echoed in their minds, shrill enough to make them realize their surroundings.

Ahmer jumped back, abrubtly pushing the chair placed at his back to fall in a thud as he was leaning onto Farah while still standing and Farah hurridly moved back messing up with the stuff on the bedside table, and displacing the glasses from the table to the marble floor producing a loud and sharp glass breaking sound as she was previously kneeling towards Ahmer while still seated on the bed.

These immediate movements generated an ear splitting kind of noice including crashing of the glasses and thud of the falling chair along with that, their nervous and sweaty faces were a clear proof of their anxiety.

The door opened and in entered Seher and Mahreen, quite baffled to notice such a bizarre situation.
"What happened?" Mahreen asked out of worry.
"Umm nothing I.. just slipped off my chair." Ahmer managed to produced a not so lame excuse.
"Which surprised me and I dropped the glass." Farah pulled out a complementary statement to his excuse.

"I hope you are not hurt." Seher moved ahead, looking for any glass shreds near Farah.
"Nope, I am not." She replied with peeking a confirmatory glance of Ahmer.

"You people are literally immature like children," Mahreen sarcastically cursed as she moved to the door.
Seher giggled at it while Ahmer and Farah also giggled nervously at her conclusion.
"I'll get the cleaning staff to clean this mess." She announced as she stepped out.

Ahmer and Farah peeked at eachother in relief as Mahreen left and Seher snapped fingers at them as she noticed them.

"What the hell was that?" She asked them.
"An accident." Ahmer replied and Seher and Farah stared him in confusion.
"Ahmer.," Farah said and both of them broke into laughing.

"Thank God mama didn't see us otherwise it could have been a hell of awkard." Farah thanked in relief leaving Seher rolling in laughter.

"Stop laughing, that's mean." Ahmer jokingly said while Farah embarassingly glared her.
"I guess I should leave." Ahmer announced trying to stray away from the current topic of discussion.
"Yeah please." Seher replied and Farah playfully hit her on her arm.
"See you." He greeted Farah while his gaze directed towards her and she replied "see you." While Seher childishly said " Bub bye.".

"Better ignore her, she's retarded." Farah mocked her and Ahmer left the room while greeting Seher good bye.

Farah's phone beeped slowly, she turned to it, causally checking it out and after typing something she knocked it off, placing it back.

"Thats so mean of you." Seher complained as Ahmer left.
"Yes I am proudly the meanest sis ever." Farah replied smirking.

'You intoxicate my soul with your eyes.'

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